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Wii Fit U | OT | Don't Forget to Breathe!


Is there a way to install the "simple test channel" or something like it on this one? I looked around a bit, but didn't see it.
I think that functionality has been replaced with the eShop download… 😕

There's a lot of U that screams "rewrite" to me. I miss a few things from Plus.
I think that functionality has been replaced with the eShop download… 😕

There's a lot of U that screams "rewrite" to me. I miss a few things from Plus.

Damn, I knew I should've gone digital download. I'm really not going to want to switch out the disc constantly down the line when I'm all into some other game.


Damn, I knew I should've gone digital download. I'm really not going to want to switch out the disc constantly down the line when I'm all into some other game.

Found this:

Wii Fit U Quick Check – free
To launch Wii Fit U Quick Check, you must already have Wii Fit U save data. You do not need to download Wii Fit U Quick Check if you have the paid download version of Wii Fit U. If you have the retail version of Wii Fit U, Wii Fit U Quick Check lets you easily transfer Fit Meter data, do the Body Test, and check your graphs without using the Wii Fit U disc.

You must download Wii Fit Quick Check


Neo Member
I downloaded the free trial but the thirty days are up. Can I still register a Fit Meter and get the game for free (not counting that I have to pay for the Fit Meter)?


I downloaded the free trial but the thirty days are up. Can I still register a Fit Meter and get the game for free (not counting that I have to pay for the Fit Meter)?

Yes. If you haven't ran it once you will need a balance board on your first boot though.


I don't know exactly when this update was pushed, but I just came here to say that the new update that allows you to transfer Fit Meter data on bootup seems like a good idea, except it really hurts the convenience of the quick test, since now you sync your meter and then you have to actually back out of your profile back to the plaza if you want to access the quick test.

It's worth noting that it says you can switch it back to the old functionality.
Has anyone else noticed their step count WAY higher since the update hit? I didn't think the update would change anything on the fit meter, but my step count the last week has been about double what averaged before the update.

Nothing in my normal routine has changed and I certainly have not been taking twice as many steps...

Anyone else notice anything like that?


Hadn't really paid much attention, but I did just get 4800 steps on a trip that would normally be around 3500, so maybe they did change something. I honestly thought they were underestimating the length of my steps previously so that my distances were always too small, so if they've upped the step count that would help, but then I don't understand why they wouldn't have just increased the length of the steps to make the distances correct rather than fudging the step count, which should be a much more precise measurement.


Does anyone know how I can join a gym in wii fit u and not have it spam my Miiverse with every single thing I do?

join the gaf-gym

from the OP:
Wii Fit U allows users to create Communities, similar to those seen in Mario Kart 7. As soon as the game is live, a NeoGAF Community will be created and anyone who feels like joining is welcome to. Let's get fit together! Click the Miiverse logo above to go to our super secret Wii Fit U community. Note that you'll have to join ingame first using the top secret code to see any posts.

Communities are live! Quote this post to see the secret codes either below or at the very top of this post. Note that there are seperate ones for America and Europe, because Nintendo smell.
Great! I just joined the Gaf group :)

I'm still concerned about it spamming my Miiverse however, I take it for some reason this won't happen anymore?

Also, is my version of Wii Fit U destined to always say (free) beside it? I unlocked the trial download with pedometer back in January....


I'm still concerned about it spamming my Miiverse however, I take it for some reason this won't happen anymore?

When you join a community you should be asked if you want to automatically post to it (if I remember correctly), so you just select that you don't.

To turn off the automatic posting for your activity feed, go to your Miiverse profile, Miiverse settings, and switching the "Do you want posts that were created automatically by games to show up in your activity feed?" to NO. For me, it wouldn't spam the NeoGAF community, but it would spam my activity feed every single damn time something would happen in the game. I don't think everyone who can see my activity feed needs to know the score of the high jump game.

My fitmeter went through the wash, so I haven't touched WiiFitU in quite some time.


Great! I just joined the Gaf group :)

I'm still concerned about it spamming my Miiverse however, I take it for some reason this won't happen anymore?

Also, is my version of Wii Fit U destined to always say (free) beside it? I unlocked the trial download with pedometer back in January....

"(promo)" ? Yes believe so. It's a special version that of WiiFit U. The DRM of this version is the wii fit meter


Hello all...considering buying the bundle. Best buy is having a sale Sunday for $64.. $52 if you are a gamers club unlock

I am 5'7 and 135...don't really need to lose weight, but wanted to use wii fit u mainly for strength training (not looking to get ripped, just a little more tones) and yoga (stretching really)

Wanted a fun program to keep the consistency up...how would you reccomend those 2 areas?


Hello all...considering buying the bundle. Best buy is having a sale Sunday for $64.. $52 if you are a gamers club unlock

I am 5'7 and 135...don't really need to lose weight, but wanted to use wii fit u mainly for strength training (not looking to get ripped, just a little more tones) and yoga (stretching really)

Wanted a fun program to keep the consistency up...how would you reccomend those 2 areas?

I'd say it's good for both.


Ordered from the Amazon deal and cancelling my gym membership (mostly because I work 12 hours and don't have time for the gym).

Any tips on how I can get the most out of this?


Damn, seems I missed the $55 Walmart and Amazon deal. Next best is $65 from Best Buy...?

Really I'm considering holding out and hoping they bring back a digital deal since this is the sort of game I want to pop in and out of quickly without changing the disc.

edit: nevermind, I see the Amazon price now, just says it won't ship for a few weeks. If only there were a way to switch out the disc copy with a digital copy...


Sorry for the bump, but i have a few questions

My wife wants to buy a fit meter for herself.
But she wants the green or red, since mine is black.
Can i buy any fit meter from any region, and it will work?
Also... can i buy any game from any region, and it will work on my wiiU?
Where is the best place to buy a green or red fit meter?

- I dont know exactly whats the region of my WiiU. I got it at the airport in Panama, and never needed to check regions. Yes, i have the box at hand.
- But my eshop was set to Canada.
- My fit meter is from canada. Works on my wiiu
- I have some canadian disk games, and they all work.
- I have one game i bought in Brasil, and it works. Cover in english, but came with a sleeve in portuguese


Ordered from the Amazon deal and cancelling my gym membership (mostly because I work 12 hours and don't have time for the gym).

Any tips on how I can get the most out of this?

use it..

start slow and slowly build up a few different routines so you do not get in a rut

what do you need it for, mostly weight lost or "get in shape"?

for weight loss do a more cardio than strength- but again have ~3-4 routines that you do for 30 minutes to an hr. the yoga helps you warm up.

i tend to do A ~15 minutes of yoga and a few strength exercises to warm up. then do another 20 minutes of everything when i have time.

i have also incorporated a set of dumbells into my exercise routine, with a weight chair/bench..and in the morning try to do 10 minutes of that (5-6 exercises for upper body/chest 2 sets of 15 each exercise)


Hey GAF, got a Wii Fit Meter yesterday and was finally able to activate my promo download of Wii Fit U. It's really great, but I already knew that since I had fun in the 31 day trial.

Anyway, I've seen it asked previously but none of the answers have worked for me...is there any way to join a community and not spam your Miiverse with exercise postings? I like seeing other people and it does actually motivate me to an extent, so I'd rather use the feature. But I can only "hide" automatic posting from games in Miiverse...not stop Wii Fit from posting them. If just don't like the amount it posts, and I'd rather not be constantly updating my friends on my poor yoga attempts.

To be certain, is anyone a member of a gym community who is absolutely certain they aren't sending posts to their profile? I don't know if it's even possible.
Hey GAF, got a Wii Fit Meter yesterday and was finally able to activate my promo download of Wii Fit U. It's really great, but I already knew that since I had fun in the 31 day trial.

Anyway, I've seen it asked previously but none of the answers have worked for me...is there any way to join a community and not spam your Miiverse with exercise postings? I like seeing other people and it does actually motivate me to an extent, so I'd rather use the feature. But I can only "hide" automatic posting from games in Miiverse...not stop Wii Fit from posting them. If just don't like the amount it posts, and I'd rather not be constantly updating my friends on my poor yoga attempts.

To be certain, is anyone a member of a gym community who is absolutely certain they aren't sending posts to their profile? I don't know if it's even possible.

As I recall when you join a community Wii Fit U asks if you give permission to let it spam miiverse when you do stuff. But you gotta tell it no. Then it'll actually ask if you want to share stuff like Fit Meter challenges or a good workout session.

Coming in here just with a small update, after starting at nearer Size 20 in clothing last summer, Wii Fit Plus + moving onto Wii Fit U has allowed me to slim to Size 14. and near to 12 stone. My dad is 12.5 stone himself (mind we have changed diets, been a bit more active too, but we Wii Fit daily)


Couple of questions about the fit meter:
- can you use it for the fist time without syncing it? We're going for a walk shortly and my wife wants to use it, but we haven't set up the WiiU and balance board etc. can we do that later and it'll still count steps?
- does the meter count steps if it is in a handbag/backpack? I can probably put it in a pocket, but if my wife is wearing a dress she doesn't have anywhere to clip it, so she wants to put it in her bag.


anyone got stories to share about their experience with WiiFit? like how it got them to start on a lifestyle of keeping fit etc?


Couple of questions about the fit meter:
- can you use it for the fist time without syncing it? We're going for a walk shortly and my wife wants to use it, but we haven't set up the WiiU and balance board etc. can we do that later and it'll still count steps?
- does the meter count steps if it is in a handbag/backpack? I can probably put it in a pocket, but if my wife is wearing a dress she doesn't have anywhere to clip it, so she wants to put it in her bag.

You have to sync it first.

It works in a bag, and is less likely to get lost that way. I wouldn't just clip it on to your waist without using a wrist strap to secure it to a belt loop or something, because it's very easy to nudge it off with your elbow or something and not even notice that you've lost it.


I've really been slacking on the Wii Fit front lately. I need to get back into it. At least I've been going for walks with my wife now that it's nicer out.


I have 27,380 steps and my WiiU fit meter no longer is counting steps. Did I beat it?? haha

Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else. I would like it to keep counting. Is their a limit to how many steps it will count in a day?
I really wish that Nintendo would allow us to change our measurements. For some reason in Canada it forces us to use kg, but I want to use lbs! I've had this problem since Wii Fit Plus.

come on Nintendo, hit us up with that patch


GAF parliamentarian
Have a few questions:

Is there any way to tell the game which accessories I own so I stop having to back out of a shuffled routine when they ask for two Wii Remote Pluses?
Can I delete the imported Wii players? How?


I wound up making my own routines, because I got so annoyed with just doing random ones and then suddenly needing different things or the TV screen that I don't usually use for this game.


Just went to check my steps for the day on the meter (18000!), and I noticed what looks like a little flashing battery indicator in the top right, so I guess it's telling me it's time to replace it. Anyone else have to replace their battery yet, and does it mess up your data or anything? Had my meter since November, and I've had the sound off to save battery life and rarely turn on the display, but that's not too bad if it's lasted over 9 months I guess.


is it true that if you import wii fit/plus data into wii fit u it only brings over the last 12 months worth of data?

I read someone say that but they also mentioned that some of their weights were off after the transfer so im not sure if they had some sort of error or not.

if its true that kinda sucks, ive been weighing in weekly for over two years.


Just booted this up for the first time in 3 months...feeling guilty. I've lost a stone since last time, but I'm not overweight, so it's actually just pushed me close to the "underweight" category, because I've been eating poorly. Trying to fix all of that though and now I'm in a new house with a ton of space in my room I'm feeling good about doing this daily.

Tried everything and it looks like you can't turn off the Miiverse spam, which is a shame. I might rejoin the gaf gym once I'm doing exercises I'm more proud of. Right now I'm unlocking higher difficulties and still doing stuff for the first time, which I don't really want Miiverse posting about. I'll only rejoin once I feel like my stats can be an inspiration to others.

Is anyone else still going with this?


GAF parliamentarian
Wii Fit is on sale this week during the Smash Bros sale.

So glad. I can finally take the disc out of my Wii U.


Sigh. 257 days. Of course the Wii Fit U Board forgot my name. ;__;

I don't know how the heck it got to be so long. I checked my weight what I thought was just a few months ago and I was still at 155 so I thought I was ok despite having slacked big time on exercise. Well...with our move to ATL I haven't been cooking as much as I used to...been eating out too much. Up to 176ish. Feels friggin' terrible. I've been walking some in the ATL humidity but I guess not really nearly enough.

So I did my first 30 min workout in a while and I'm sitting here absolutely drenched in sweat. Which is good. Here's me right now--just to hold myself accountable. Warning, not pretty:


So. The puzzle squash, hula hoop and rowing, et al., are only half the battle. While I'm doing Wii Fit U I need to be on myself to not do the "easy" exercises that don't get you sweating. Outside of the game I need to be eating better. No more oreos. No more ice cream. The way I've been tricking myself I think is that I eat plenty of healthy food but also lately (a) don't cook enough and food out is almost always worse for you and (b) eat plenty of not so good for you foods, too. Ok, being honest with myself: plenty of junk. Ice cream is not my friend. Korean baked goods might appear fanciful but are probably terrible for me. I don't eat a lot of red meat but I could stand to eat even less. :/

Blegh. Okay. Feeling a bit bummed about this but...onward and upward. Thanks to any who read this, I appreciate you taking the time.
Sigh. 257 days. Of course the Wii Fit U Board forgot my name. ;__;

I don't know how the heck it got to be so long. I checked my weight what I thought was just a few months ago and I was still at 155 so I thought I was ok despite having slacked big time on exercise. Well...with our move to ATL I haven't been cooking as much as I used to...been eating out too much. Up to 176ish. Feels friggin' terrible. I've been walking some in the ATL humidity but I guess not really nearly enough.

So I did my first 30 min workout in a while and I'm sitting here absolutely drenched in sweat. Which is good. Here's me right now--just to hold myself accountable. Warning, not pretty:


So. The puzzle squash, hula hoop and rowing, et al., are only half the battle. While I'm doing Wii Fit U I need to be on myself to not do the "easy" exercises that don't get you sweating. Outside of the game I need to be eating better. No more oreos. No more ice cream. The way I've been tricking myself I think is that I eat plenty of healthy food but also lately (a) don't cook enough and food out is almost always worse for you and (b) eat plenty of not so good for you foods, too. Ok, being honest with myself: plenty of junk. Ice cream is not my friend. Korean baked goods might appear fanciful but are probably terrible for me. I don't eat a lot of red meat but I could stand to eat even less. :/

Blegh. Okay. Feeling a bit bummed about this but...onward and upward. Thanks to any who read this, I appreciate you taking the time.

It's been a while since I've done anything with the board, but I wear my Fit Meter every day. I just finished Machu Picchu for the elevation. I've finished everything lower than it as well and about half-way through Italy for the distance too.

Edit: Also, clicked the photo. Why the warning?
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