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Phil Spencer "I honestly don't goal the team on how many units Sony sells"

It would make a change for Phil to say something of real substance rather than these fluff PR pieces that gain media column inches for the brand without actually saying anything.

Rated C-
Must try harder Phil.

Ray Down

He should change his name to Movey McGoalposts



What matters is how you attempt to achieve that goal.

True. We've seen how far MS is willing to go. Taking hits on margins and subsidizing sales. Not unprecedented in this industry mind you. It's a usual fallback. Sony did it too during the PS3 era - arguably much worse when it comes to Sony's bottomline.


I love the hell out of my PS4 (my favorite console, controller, and UI/dash/whatever this gen), but I really like what MS has been doing and saying lately. Hope both sides keep bringing it, we all win.
Not banned
HOLY SHIT GUYS! This damned guy sounds so salty. This is seriously embarrassing... I mean fucking LOL on the delusion factor here. Like OP said, he wants to win but as though he ever could! He set himself up to be revealed as a fraud the instance he made that statement a year ago. MS was never honest about wanting second place and are trying to deceive people into thinking they could ever be first and now he's pulling another Xbox 180 all over again... and I'm like "What year is this?" You would never hear honest companies ever state they wanted to take first place when there's a clear deficit between them and the market leader. You always hear companies trying to dodge their real feelings saying things like "Its a marathon, not a sprint"... bullshit salty asses! So you don't want first place now Phil? You think you can beat Sony? Sure... go ahead and tell your team to make a game that can sell infinity and see if that will get you any closer to the king. You can't sell greatness Phil... you missed that boat now STFU and stop spreading fud! Fucking LOL!
Microsoft's Phil Spencer's words create Sony fanboy circle-jerk on GAF. More on this at 10.

Whatever they are doing there I hope they keep doing whether they are trying to beat Sony or not.

Ok, Ok, brand loyalty aside; anyone else think this is a tad fucked up?
I own all three so I'd like to see each console do well and not fling shit at one platform and thier community or the other


Not banned


Ok, Ok, brand loyalty aside; anyone else think this is a tad fucked up?
I own all three so I'd like to see each console do well and not fling shit at one platform and thier community or the other

One of these posts is obviously satire.

Ray Down

Not banned


Ok, Ok, brand loyalty aside; anyone else think this is a tad fucked up?
I own all three so I'd like to see each console do well and not fling shit at one platform and thier community or the other

One is clearly a joke post(not a good on mind you) so thats most likely why.
I don't buy it. I'm sure he wants to beat Sony in the US, he just knows worldwide is a lost cause.

Im sure he does want to beat them, in fact he's said about wanting to win in the past (regardless of how likely/unlikely) but that doesn't mean he motivates his teams with that goal in mind. In fact, that seems like a fairly awful target to set your teams.

"Build me something that will beat PS4 sales"


"Xbox customers we have across 360, Xbox One and Windows"

They should simply count all Windows users as Xbox customers. Bam, generation won, no more need for China's 1%.


this is a good post, i dont know Phi's exact job description so I don't know how accurate it is, but the theme is right on point.

Also highest "number" is variable and depends on goals, but as someone earlier posted, most money comes from subs and software, so market share does matter in this industry.

More console sales means more console owners to sell subs/games to.
It's amazing how many of us haven't grown up. Back in the 16-bit days we were stupid kids. It made sense, especially when you didn't have your own money and were immature thinking you had to justify what you picked. The fact that so many adults give a crap and take to the internet to argue is mind-boggling to me.

I have the Xbone. I love Titanfall more than most and Dead Rising 3 was a great launch game. I've played other stuff here and there and had a good time. The controller is outstanding.

I want a PS4 just because I want to play the best version of all these games, and because games like Guilty Gear Xrd not coming to Xbone pisses me off to not end. That said, I'll live. I have plenty of games to play across many systems. I'll eventually get a PS4 when I feel it's worth having both. I'd be find with either though.


Cool Story Bro
Good post and I agree. People jump all over what either side says and it's more disturbing than anything that so many adults on this site are so immature. This is still the best site for gaming discussion but it seems like there's really no escaping the fanboyism no matter where you go.

Oh and I agree about titanfall. Bloody brilliant game and my game of the generation so far.


Im sure he does want to beat them, in fact he's said about wanting to win in the past (regardless of how likely/unlikely) but that doesn't mean he motivates his teams with that goal in mind. In fact, that seems like a fairly awful target to set your teams.

"Build me something that will beat PS4 sales"


Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Sure, you were just underselling the complete mess it was is all. I have heard pretty good things about the game state currently (besides the LAN/internet required issues).

What? Every time the game is mentioned it's necessary to say that matchmaking is broken (even though it's problems with matchmaking are long behind it)? That doesn't make sense.

Saying the game is broken in August 2015 is wrong, that's all I was commenting on. Not trying to excuse it's launch state.


Basically any company or any business wants to be the first or leader of its industry , we as console consumers measure it as how many consoles Nintendo , Sony and MS sell. But they as business measure it as profit not sells.

As far as I know MS has been selling xbone with little profit or at loss due to the price drop so even if they sell more units thant Sony it does not means its great for them now.

Phil knows very well Xbones weaknesses and obviously will dodge the units sold bullet. That is what does most of companies when things do not go as they want.


This thread is starting to get that smell

In the wonderful words of Eddie Murphy: "I see'nt it"... way back on page 4.

Call me Dionne Warwick if you like, but I can read the waves of the juniors fraughty migration; unfortunately some, in their righteous passion, will always sacrifice themselves for larger, more important causes.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Xb1 and ms are trying. They show effort while sony sits on their pile of success and do nothing. No great announcements, only 3rds who were bought for timed exclusivity.
Xb1 has better games or at least games i would love to play in the future, games which will be available only on that platform. No mans sky is not enough me in the future.
I hope ms will do fine in this gen....
On the other hand they completely lost the japanese market. WP isnt doing well over there... Its more 50percent for apple over there....



This has been a dope ass thread thanks to you savages in the pit. Spencer threads are fun in general but this one is exceptional. Special mention to Killer, who made the permanent sacrifice. Say hi to Hindle for us.

On the topic itself, I like delivery of the xbox as a software platform message. The "XBox Unifying with windows" pr line is awesome in its power. Its time for the xbox business to wind down, and they are successfully selling the story that it's about to be bigger than ever. I couldn't imagine a more graceful exit.


Mods of GAF, unban Hindle, as this thread needs more Xbox counterbalance. No Xbox thread or Phil Spencer thread isn't complete without a Hindle post.


Im sure he does want to beat them, in fact he's said about wanting to win in the past (regardless of how likely/unlikely) but that doesn't mean he motivates his teams with that goal in mind. In fact, that seems like a fairly awful target to set your teams.

"Build me something that will beat PS4 sales"

Well when you word it like that it sounds kind of dumb. How about

"Listen up team, the PS4 is leading us in the US for now but it's still a close race. What strategies or ideas do you propose that'll help us get an edge over our close rival Sony in the US market?"

or something like that.


to be accurate: the best thing to everyone who bought the Kinectless Xbox.

the early adopters still got _somewhat_ ripped off. (except for those who really enjoy and use their Kinect, of course)

lol I got my xb1 on day one and I still feel ripped off over that Kinect. I couldn't believe they had that price drop so fast. I am still salty to this day and it definitely made me rethink supporting MS at launch again.
That philosophy isn't by choice. ;)
indeed. if they were winning or were closer to the sales of Ps4, he'd probably still be saying he wants to win.
The PS3 wasn't getting beaten, it just had been released a year later. I'm even pretty sure that it outsold the 360 every year since it was out everywhere except for the US and the UK.
But it took a looooong time for Ps3 to match the 360 in worldwide sales. So that has to mean, that the 360's popularity was REALLY strong in the U.S/uk


It's funny watching grown ass adults on the world stage basically pull the "I could do that but i don't want to" kind of shit lol

Yea, Phil. It's cool.. no ones counting ;)

"Sure, I could beat you if I really wanted to ... but I have a life, you try-hard." - Every online game, ever.
Well when you word it like that it sounds kind of dumb. How about

"Listen up team, the PS4 is leading us in the US for now but it's still a close race. What strategies or ideas do you propose that'll help us get an edge over our close rival Sony in the US market?"

or something like that.

You can mix up the words all you like, its not really any different. Im not quite sure that sounds any better either to be quite frank.

He sets the strategy out to their teams of what they want to focus on (first party development and investment) and those teams are tasked with making the best games, features or anything else they can.


Very unprofessional, I agree.

Well... there's that, and the fact that his division doesn't have some sort of unlimited access to the coffers of the larger corporate entity because they making a killing elsewhere.

So bringing that up in that context would've been ridiculous.


You can mix up the words all you like, its not really any different. Im not quite sure that sounds any better either to be quite frank.

He sets the strategy out to their teams of what they want to focus on (first party development and investment) and those teams are tasked with making the best games, features or anything else they can.

You take issue with the weirdest things on this forum. Like nothing I said was insulting or even negative about Xbox. When Phil holds meetings with people like Penello or Greenberg do you not think they discuss how to be competitive with Sony? Do you not think that competition with their market rival is always at the forefront of their discussions?


by 'goal the team' does he mean 'set targets for the team'? Horrible use of language. We have enough verbs, stop making new ones.

is this really a thing for native english speakers to just make up random words? Even beeing in the position as a high level manager?

those guys shouldn't smurf the smurfs just for smurfing new smurfs
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