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Rooster Teeth berate Jeff Gerstmann/Giant Bomb's Fallout 4 review while...

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Wild Card

Yeah, maybe not the best thing Ryan could have said. As a big RT fan, I recognize that these guys are not critics and any criticisms they may have are subjective and come from their impressions. They spoken about it in the past how they are not a review sight and as such don't assigns scores and just talk about their experiences. As someone who listens to their podcasts, it's all very casual. With Jeff's review I doubt Ryan actually saw anything about the review, just heard it was much lower than most sites and used that to make his comment about sites getting clicks. As much loved and respected as Jeff is, not everyone is going to know him, I only found out who he was about a year ago through the Endurance Run. So it wouldn't really suprise me if you don't follow game reviews.

Also I wish people would stop bringing up their report on the MS Silent Hills deal, they also leaked out the Dark Souls III info as well.

I like Jeff a lot too and GB in general, but yeah Jeff's cyncism can really rub me the wrong way. Like how down he was on the FFVII Remake, I was just kinda thrown for a loop how it could be such a negative. Or Fallout being to much like Fallout.

But that just my perspective on the whole situation.


I respect Jeff G a hella lot but his tastes clearly don't match up with mine and he is clearly jaded. Still one of the best voices in gaming media by a far margin though.

This is pretty much how i feel, I love the guy, very entertaining and he's not going to bullshit you, but in terms of somethings I like he seems to roll his eyes at.

Which is fine, I'll still listen to that podcast because a difference in opinion shouldn't define how I feel about a person.


I like Jeff a lot too and GB in general, but yeah Jeff's cyncism can really rub me the wrong way. Like how down he was on the FFVII Remake, I was just kinda thrown for a loop how it could be such a negative.

But that just my perspective on the whole situation.

I think that's just them being realistic about the whole situation. I've always liked Giant Bomb because of that. While you've got the Gametrailers crew in literal tears at the announcement of Shenmue 3 and FF7R, these guys have been around long enough to actually parse through what that means in the grand scheme of things instead letting hype overwhelm them.


Oh give me a break. If she can open her mouth and say a well respected journalist and gaming personality rated a game a certain way "for them clicks", people can question how she got to where she did today. And that fame was modeling in her underwear and dating Kevin Pereira. That I am confifent, helped pad that resume. Not saying it is the sole reason, but it would be disingenuous to diamiss it entirely. Unless you are privy to information other than what people see in the public arena, then people are allowed to speculate on those very facts presented. Especially with asinine and juvenile comments being made.

If she has any integrity/knowledge in gaming and gaming journalism, she would know how Jeff works, and would know his name alone gets clicks and he need not fish for them.

This in no way is an attack cause "she is a girl tho". Just shows people will say and do things for them dollar signs.

I'm not saying it should be dismissed entirely. Her model turned games commenter path might be relevant under the right circumstances, but considering what is being said here it's probably not because of the platform it is being said from (a site famous for a webseries more than a decade ago) and the nature of their content, which is more promotional in nature than the rest of the gaming sites. Let alone that as far as "controversies" go, this is rather groan worthy and we've probably said more about it than it really warrants.

I don't know, but I doubt she even considers herself a journalist in the first place, more like a presenter/vlogger, so from that point details like how she got a job are almost moot imo.

My ultimate point was that making it about her underwear pictures could make the conversation turn to a nasty place we don't want to go to, judging by how many topics in the forums have gone there whenever there's a conversation involving something like that. If you think you can keep it centered and on topic even with that wildcard, please be my guest. I'm not here to stop anyone from doing so.

That's the last I'm saying about this topic anyway. I think both of them at RT have no credibility and giving them any more attention is a waste of everyone's time. Cheers.
Yeah, maybe not the best thing Ryan could have said. As a big RT fan, I recognize that these guys are not critics and any criticisms they may have are subjective and come from their impressions. They spoken about it in the past how they are not a review sight and as such don't assigns scores and just talk about their experiences. As someone who listens to their podcasts, it's all very casual. With Jeff's review I doubt Ryan actually saw anything about the review, just heard it was much lower than most sites and used that to make his comment about sites getting clicks. As much loved and respected as Jeff is, not everyone is going to know him, I only found out who he was about a year ago through the Endurance Run. So it wouldn't really suprise me if you don't follow game reviews.

Also I wish people would stop bringing up their report on the MS Silent Hills deal, they also leaked out the Dark Souls III info as well.

I like Jeff a lot too and GB in general, but yeah Jeff's cyncism can really rub me the wrong way. Like how down he was on the FFVII Remake, I was just kinda thrown for a loop how it could be such a negative. Or Fallout being to much like Fallout.

But that just my perspective on the whole situation.

As I've gotten older, I have realized that a lot of people seem to conflate cynicism with experience. For example, Here is a FF7 Remake thought experiment: Think of the last 5 or so complete game remakes that have come out. How many of them lived up to expectation?

This industry works in cycles and Jeff is on his 3rd or 4th time on the merry-go-round. He has a perspective on things that few others can have.

His criticism of Fallout 4 being too much like Fallout 3 was really useful for me personally, because I couldn't bring myself to finish that game. He explained his position well so people could feel confident either agreeing or rejecting it.


I did not know that RT did anything beyond Halo and Achievement Hunter videos. I love Fallout 4 so far, but it is still obviously a Bethesda game. The frame rate drops to single digits every time I am on an elevator.


Gerstmann never struck me as being cynical, just taken too seriously in some contexts and fairly immune to the nonsensical hype train antics the hobby has doubled down on in the past few years.

Not liking what you like doesn't make someone cynical and neither does a reasonable and warranted sense of skepticism. The Final Fantasy VII remake example people keep parroting is a good example of a reasonable time to be skeptical. As someone who grew up a huge Final Fantasy nerd and used my meager allowance money to fucking buy Tobal solely for the demo og VII *I'm* skeptical of a full blown remake after Advent Children and Crisis Core, I currently don't think the remaining staff have it in them to do it justice but we'll see.
Right, didn't mean to come off as if you were doing something wrong or blaming you for it. I just wanted to point out that modeling in her underwear specifically has probably nothing to do with her podcast job and less so with her opinions now.

I just didn't want the conversation to take that turn. Sorry about that.

It's all good! Glad to have the little discussion. :)


RoosterTeeth have been known to shill for companies. As if their Halo videos and years of promotion with Microsoft wasnt enough of a hint.


Its almost as bad as this.

didn't stop their most known personality from shitting on the xbox one.

Man, and I thought Gerstmann was being too gentle on Fallout 4. I'm shocked they didn't realize their own conflict of interest of what they're saying, or if this is the expected norm now of the corporate "hype" machine. Feels so fucking gross all around.


Jeff never really came off as a cynic but more so as a guy who has "been around the block" for enough time/years that when something launches or is announced he waits for the other shoe to basically drop.At first I was taken back on it because I didn't know the crew well but after listening to them for awhile I can see how being in any industry for over a decade or so, and see all sorts of walks of life, that he isn't easily moved.Some stuff I see eye to eye with him. Others I don't. At the end of the day he's still one of my favorites out there along with the rest of the crew.

When it comes to RT, I remember then back in the Red v Blue days. They were funny but never exactly a neutral "party" (if there are any today in the industry). Which is fine, because back then I didn't go to them for indepth coverage of games. When they complain about shit like this I don't even really listen, because they aren't exactly the internet's best coverage/review site to visit.


Meg Turney: "Ok, so I have a bone to pick. And it's people who review shit low. Because I feel like people do that to be 'eh we're different'. Everybody gave Fallout 4 90s and up. 70. You're not different or special because you review a game low!"

Because reviewing something differently than the collective groupthink means the outlying opinion is somehow invalid, corrupt, or written with an alternative motive. Thanks for that lovely bit of insight, RT. I'll happily go back to ignoring you now.
I honestly dont bother with this company anymore, I loved them when red vs blue first started but they and Machinima are the biggest schills on youtube, and thats saying something


It just strikes me how first world problems this is. People of Paris are reeling and these clowns are throwing a temper tantrum about how one Jeff Gerstmann gave a popular video game a 3/5.

Who the fuck cares.
I love Jeff. But we all know he is a cranky old hipster.

Also Fallout was awesome. Can't wait for it to be runner up in GBs GoTY voting. Despite Jeffs opinions. MGS is going to win obviously.

Also one thing that I think is baffling about Jeff is how high he is on Trackmania all the time... Even compared to Fallout 4 that game is really janky and rough around the edges and it is up to the community to make the best of it. But it doesn't get his ire like Fallout 4 does.
It just strikes me how first world problems this is. People of Paris are reeling and these clowns are throwing a temper tantrum about how one Jeff Gerstmann gave a popular video game a 3/5.

Who the fuck cares.

Any and all video game discussion would pale in comparison to the struggles of those people so.......I guess we can just shut the forum down, ya?


I'm not familiar with Rooster Teeth.

I definitely don't want to become familiar with those people now. What a bunch of shameless shills. Seems like they have no self-awareness whatsoever.


Any and all video game discussion would pale in comparison to the struggles of those people so.......I guess we can just shut the forum down, ya?
That wasn't my point, I realize video games are a form of escapism. But to complain over something so petty, especially as a so called professional in the same profession where your job is to be a critic, is utterly mind blogging to me. I just couldnt even describe how silly this sounds. I just hope they play this back and watch this video and feel embarrassed.
It just strikes me how first world problems this is. People of Paris are reeling and these clowns are throwing a temper tantrum about how one Jeff Gerstmann gave a popular video game a 3/5.

Who the fuck cares.

I think they're pretty dumb for this whole debacle but come on now. You posted this on a video game forum and they said it on their video game podcast.



"you misinterpreted me, I wasn't talking about jeff when I made the cheese and wine quip"

maybe you weren't, but you said it when the conversation was about jeff, specifically about his fallout 4 review and his views, and then someone said a quip about mixlr - about jeff's mixlr, specifically, from context - and you didn't bother refuting it

of course, we all misinterpreted



"you misinterpreted me, I wasn't talking about jeff when I made the cheese and wine quip"

maybe you weren't, but you said it when the conversation was about jeff, specifically about his fallout 4 review and his views, and then someone said a quip about mixlr - about jeff's mixlr, specifically, from context - and you didn't bother refuting it

of course, we all misinterpreted
They saw the amount of dislikes on their YouTube page so they had to go the 'misinterpret' route.

Wild Card

I see what people are saying about Jeff's experience, I suppose I was mostly just looking at what he says from my own perspective (surprise!) the tone of what he's saying don't really match up with my own reactions. I enjoyed FO3 and FNV and my own excitement for the remake clash with how he comes off when talking about them. As for remakes I suppose I never really paid to much attention to those releases for the last gen, and the scale for this remake would be something we haven't really seen before. So I get that.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
It just strikes me how first world problems this is. People of Paris are reeling and these clowns are throwing a temper tantrum about how one Jeff Gerstmann gave a popular video game a 3/5.

Who the fuck cares.
It just strikes me how first world problem this is. People of Paris are reeling and these clowns are making posts whining about Rooster Teeth's temper tantrums about some reviewer they disagreed with. Who the fuck cares!


They won't, and even if they did, they are too dug-in now to admit it.
The lack of self awareness is the funniest part to me though, the guy is openly mocking Jeff as he has the pip boy collectors edition toy piece wrapped around his arm.

It's like an Onion spoof or something.

It just strikes me how first world problem this is. People of Paris are reeling and these clowns are making posts whining about Rooster Teeth's temper tantrums about some reviewer they disagreed with. Who the fuck cares!
Probably a poor choice of words, I couldn't adequately describe how befuddled I was at the pettiness of the whole situation.
I didnt really know who she was, so I googled her. Literally right on top of the page on google are only pictures of her in underwear. The term used is "internet personality" I guess.

Hah! Same here.
No wonder those two other guys totally fell in line with her thinking.
Also no wonder my 15 yo son likes her... I'm going to give him a funny look next time he watches RT.


Unconfirmed Member
It just strikes me how first world problems this is. People of Paris are reeling and these clowns are throwing a temper tantrum about how one Jeff Gerstmann gave a popular video game a 3/5.

Who the fuck cares.

welp, gg gaf. we had a nice run. shut it down.
I am amazed of how big rooster teeth has gotten recently, I watched some of there stuff everyone once any awhile. It seems they are too big for there own good now. I don't know how people follow everyone thing that they do.
Hah! Same here.
No wonder those two other guys totally fell in line with her thinking.
Also no wonder my 15 yo son likes her... I'm going to give him a funny look next time he watches RT.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
I assume these rooster teeth guys are a new generation of GAME JOURNALISTS that cater to today's young GAMERS , while Jeff Gerstmann, Brad Shoemaker , et al have been doing this for a long time and know how things work, or should work.
Always respect Jeff Gertsman. Never got into giantbomb though, but honestly all this talk of him being a huge cynic has me...intrigued. Where does one start with Giantbomb?


It just strikes me how first world problems this is. People of Paris are reeling and these clowns are throwing a temper tantrum about how one Jeff Gerstmann gave a popular video game a 3/5.

Who the fuck cares.

You did, evidently


Youtube personalities shitting on a Reviewer for not falling in line and giving the game a 9+? Christ I defiantly don't agree with everything Jeff says but a 4/5 (A 7 with their score?) falls pretty much in line with what I would give Fallout 4, this is pretty embarrassing I occasionally watch their Let's Plays but I might give that a rest too.
It is interesting to see two different sides of the game industry with this though.

First you've got RT. They're a company that feeds into the gaming hype machine. They have everything you'd expect from that type of channel on YouTube - a catchy clickbait title and thumbnail, hyping up the current big release/popular topic and taking plenty of sponsorships from game companies.

Then you've got Jeff Gerstmann and by extension GiantBomb. Jeff has been in working in the game industry professionally since Gamespot in the 90s. He doesn't feed into any gaming hype nonsense which has gotten him and the site some flack like from their reactions to announcements like FFVII:R this year. He's one of the only major reviewers to really dig into Fallout 4 and it's technical issues resulting in a 3/5 for consoles (4/5 for pc)

The result is a group who are surrounded in this bubble of positivity and hype who can't deal with a dissenting opinion and have to pass it off as "trying to be different."

I don't know what RT expected to happen. Though to be fair they were probably just ignorant to the fact they basically bashed a guy for not giving a game a high review while they shilled out the ass for that very game. I enjoy some of RT's content like Red vs Blue and RWBY but to pretend their other content like this can be take seriously is laughable.


I love Jeff. But we all know he is a cranky old hipster.

Also Fallout was awesome. Can't wait for it to be runner up in GBs GoTY voting. Despite Jeffs opinions. MGS is going to win obviously.

Also one thing that I think is baffling about Jeff is how high he is on Trackmania all the time... Even compared to Fallout 4 that game is really janky and rough around the edges and it is up to the community to make the best of it. But it doesn't get his ire like Fallout 4 does.
Doesn't get as much ire? Have you read or listened to him talk about Fallout he doesn't hate it? And Fallout on PC got a 4/5, about what he would give Trackmania if not a 3/5.

People act like because he criticized the console version for its fps loss and bugs that he hates the game. I feel like if this was a game from any other company people wouldn't give a shit but Bethesda forever get a pass it seems.
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