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Just Cause 3 - early impressions thread


Gold Member
In what is the biggest breach of street date I've seen in quite a while, many retailers started selling Just Cause 3 two days ago for no apparant reason. I only got wind of this yesterday, so I went out and picked up a PS4 copy earlier this morning.

Some tidbits: it requires 37 gb of hard-disk space, the day-1 patch is 2 gb. I let the game fully install before I played, so I'm not sure if you can play while the game is installing.

Anyway, a random selection of impressions after about 2 - 3 hours of playtime:

- The narrative is a joke. The game makes no attempt to set up anything or anyone. From the first moment it's literally "I'm gonna liberate my country!";
- Rico has a different voice actor. He sounds like a try-hard Ezio from Assassin's Creed II now. In fact, everyone sounds like an ACII voice actor reject, and not in the charming "BOOLOOO SANTOOOSI" kind of way;
- first sequences are heavily structured to the point of complete annoyance. It's 30 seconds of gameplay - loading - 10 second cutscene - loading - 30 seconds gameplay - loading.. Rinse and repeat;
- Loading times are crazy long at times, especially when booting up the game;
- You "unlock" the tether and wingsuit witin 15 minutes;
- You can't speed up the parachute anymore to move around quickly like you can in Just Cause 2;
- Wingsuit is surprisingly difficult to control so far. There's zero tutorial on how to use it;
- No aim down sights at the moment [apparantly that's an unlock];
- Gunplay is pretty mediocre. It's arcade-y as hell just as Just Cause 2, nothing really stands out. Also no ducking means it's harder to take cover. The game really wants you to run around;
- No more health packs, Rico now has regenerative health and thank god for that because some bases have huge amounts of enemy soldiers;
- Game is super lenient with ammo and gun racks scattered all over the place. I've never ran out of ammo, whereas I had this challenge multiple times in JC2;
- Square Enix servers are down, but everytime I open the map or menu it tries to connect to the servers for at least 30 seconds, pausing the game. Then I get a "disconnected" message for another 30 seconds. This happens literally everytime I open the map and there's no way to disable it. Bizarre stuff;
- Performance is okay. Moving around is just fine, but framerate takes a pretty hefty hit once bigger explosions with lots of particles start happening, it even makes Rico less responsive;
- Visually the game looks very nice though. Very colorful and crisp;
- Cars handle terribly. Haven't tried many different types yet, but so far there's [once again] little reason to ever drive somewhere if you don't have to;
- The wanted-mechanic is kinda weird, not sure how it works yet. You often get a star without anyone around, but other times you're perfectly okay. There's some all-seeing A.I. that only occasionally seems to notice stuff. It's hard to explain;
- Ambient music is REALLY nice;
- Liberating my first village turned into a crazy 5-star fight that seemingly went on forever. Turns out I had to push a button on some console, game is pretty bad with explaining what it wants you to do;
- The map is HUUUUUGE. When I first opened the map menu I zoomed out until I saw the whole island and I was like "that's pretty big". Then I zoomed out some more and it turns out this "pretty big" island was like 10% of the entire map. It's crazy;
- Had one fatal error so far where the game just quit and I got booted back to the PS4 menu. Not really sure what happened either;
- Some destoyed structures seem to "respawn" after a while, like bridges, guard towers and other little [non-libartion related] stuff;
- One of the first things I did was grab a helicopter and go straight up. I reached the 3km mark [took forever] until the chopper wouldn't go any higher, but there were mountain tops in the distance that were way higher so the helicopter's engines probably weren't strong enough to get more altitude;
- Rico doesn't do his awesome backflip anymore if you go from parachuting into a freefall :(
- The supply drop mechanic is genius. You basically compile a shopping list of weapons and vehicles and it gets dropped in a big container. Infinitely better than the way they handled it in JC2 and probably the biggest improvement I've seen so far.

Which also brings me to my point I guess. Just Cause 3 is basically Just Cause 2 with a new coat of paint. What you see is what you get, simple as that. So far it's pretty okay, but the constant attempts to connect to the server are horrendous, and it annoys me to no end that I can't seem to figure out the wingsuit.

If you're on the fence about this game, feel free to ask away!
- Explosions Look Good


*end of impressions*


Thanks for the impressions really looking forward to it gonna play it on PC. My guess on the servers that is only will be used for in-game statistics when you beat a player at for example longest in the air with wing suit will go fully operational on launch day since the game isn't officially released.


The shooting and vehicles are still as bad as JC2? :( That's disappointing to hear.
It sounds like mindless fun, but JC2 got old pretty fast and it sounds like this will too. As a podcast game it might do the trick.


- Cars handle terribly. Haven't tried many different types yet, but so far there's [once again] little reason to ever drive somewhere if you don't have to;


I know this is only one early impression of the game so far, but the one thing I was hoping for was better vehicle controls. I wanted to have long high speed chases and not have to worry about my car slipping and sliding all over the place like it was part of a Disney on Ice Show.

edit: grammar

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
JC2 was delightful, this sounds more delightful. I'm all in baby.

Car handling is what really kept me from enjoying the previous games.

If you used a vehicle, you weren't operating at your full potential by a long shot. Vehicles never!


Thanks for the impressions. I am one of those on the fence, but what you have written is not makiny me lean towards buying.
Your points make me think this is a 50% off purchase.

Will definitely keep reading this thread, review embargo lifts 7pm ET on Monday and those will be a definite decision - 80+ metacritic is my target.

Do you think according to what you've seen that this game has a chance for a 8/10 average?


He touched the black heart of a mod
- Cars handle terribly. Haven't tried many different types yet, but so far there's [once again] little reason to ever drive somewhere if you don't have to;


I know this is only one early impression of the game so far, but the one thing I was hoping for was better vehicle controls. I wanted to have long high speed chases and not have to worry about my car slipping and sliding all over the place like it was part of a Disney on Ice Show.

Dang, I thought they had some former burnout people to help with making cars feel good.


Already playing the game! Unfortunately it's behind NDA, so no impressions for now. I think you wont be disappointed though!!! xD
- Cars handle terribly. Haven't tried many different types yet, but so far there's [once again] little reason to ever drive somewhere if you don't have to;


I know this is only one early impression of the game so far, but the one thing I was hoping for was better vehicle controls. I wanted to have long high speed chases and not have to worry about my car slipping and sliding all over the place like it was part of a Disney on Ice Show.

edit: grammar

Other early impressions have said the opposite.


I've watched a few streams - OP i think quite a few of your concerns will drain away as you progress and unlock more stuff. Several are literally in the game, just as unlocks.

Also there's no minimap in this game. Huge selling point for me.

Edit: also didn't Criterion devs help woth the driving to make it handle better/be more fun?

OP's impressions seem far more negative than what i've heard from 4-5 other disparate people (who have differing tastes). Sounded v positive ao far.


Already playing the game! Unfortunately it's behind NDA, so no impressions for now. I think you wont be disappointed though!!! xD

LOL thats an impression.

Graphics aren't mind blowing to me, but the game does look very pretty and has some nice large open environments with what looks like a good frame rate (on PC). I like what I see.

Ya agreed. The PC is the way to go for sure here.
This has to be one of the biggest leaks I have seen so far for a console title. We had 11 stores selling it and like 6 others having no clue it was even in their boxes until they opened them this morning. Super odd handling of the title.


I'm hoping the military aren't as mental in JC 3. I know you get a reputation with them but killing commanders and taking down communication posts didn't seem to reduce it.


Ya agreed. The PC is the way to go for sure here.
This has to be one of the biggest leaks I have seen so far for a console title. We had 11 stores selling it and like 6 others having no clue it was even in their boxes until they opened them this morning. Super odd handling of the title.

I am under the impression that they want the exposure, which is as it should be.
Cross posting from another thread

For the most part it's a solid 30 FPS unless there is a really fucking big explosion involved with physics stuff. PC will be significantly better in that department, I can already imagine the insanity with stable 60FPS, it's going to be glorious to look at. Here is my 1.5 hour impressions from playing the game on Xbox One.

I couldn't play more because I had shit to do however from what I played I can confirm that the game is a shit ton of fun and feels much tighter than JC2. Also, something that surprised me is the sound mixing in this game is insane especially the gun sounds. It just feels real satisfying to shoot now compared to JC2.

Starting the game I was greeted with trying to log in online but I don't know what the online features are as of yet but it probably is recording what you do to your SE account as well as the leaderboards? could be but you can play offline so that's good. After that, I got into a 40-50 second loading screen as soon as you press start game which is bad but after that, any death or failure resulted in a 15-20 second loading screen. I don't know if that is better on PS4 or if you install it on an SSD because I'm using a regular ass 1TB WD HDD.

The game starts off pretty strong and pretty much throws you right in the mess of things while teaching you some of the mechanics. Literally within the first 10 or so minutes you'll get the wingsuit and tethering objects. I could only make 2 tethers and the maximum is
FUCKING TETHERS. Of course, that's only possible by upgrading it thanks to your gear mods menu option, you do challenges to unlock crazy upgrades that concerns pretty much everything you use. Weapons, grenades, hook.etc

The game has great draw distances on consoles and it seems to be a really massive place to wreck havoc in. So far this just seems to be a crazier, bigger and better JC2. There are
daredevil jumps,
ancient tombs and a bunch of other collectibles.

I took short videos(30 second and lower/pics) with my phone just to give you a general idea of how everything looks like since I can't use the console DVR because of the clips not saving. The reason being is that the game isn't out yet and who knows there might be a day 1 patch that irons out the issues I have not yet stumbled on. I don't have an Elegato or the like so yeah.

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

Some gear mod spoilers concerning the menus for those that don't want to see.

Hopefully this helps anyone out in their decision to get or not get this game.

I'm waiting for the day 1 patch to go live on Xbox One.

Other early impressions have said the opposite.

I think it depends on the type of cars but I haven't played enough to know for sure.


Servers are down because the game isn't released yet.
The servers are actually up but are incredibly flakey and keep disconnecting which pauses your game while it tries to reconnect with no option to cancel.

The only purpose for the connection as far as I can see is the incredibly terrible leaderboard system. Its like the one in Sleeping Dogs but applied to everything and covering a portion of your screen constantly with no way to turn it off
LOL thats an impression.

Ya agreed. The PC is the way to go for sure here.

I am watching more of the GB quick play... the explosions and wanton destruction are selling me on the game. I am not huge on open world games, but the fast paced, no-nonsense gameplay has me sold.


Dang, I thought they had some former burnout people to help with making cars feel good.

Gif is amazing. Oo

Anyway, I have a question about the feeling of planes : Do the pad rumble when you're at full speed "driving" (dont know the best word in english) a plane ? It was a huge problem for me in JC2 : no sensation when driving a place at full speed it was just tame.


I am watching more of the GB quick play... the explosions and wanton destruction are selling me on the game. I am not huge on open world games, but the fast paced, no-nonsense gameplay has me sold.

I think for many its JC2 in some new clothing. The real hampering to me is the FPS in the console versions which do suffer some big hits to small hits depending on the explosion size. Sadly thats what your doing half the time lol.


Quick Question: Can anyone here tell me if the PC retail version is on a disk or a download?

I picked up Battlefront on PC the other day and had no idea they were selling it as a download only. WTF is up with that!? Battlefield 4 was the last PC game I bought at retail and it came on dvds so I was expecting Battlefront to be the same. I dont think my ISP can handle another 30 gig download this month. This will help me decide which version to buy at launch.
I think for many its JC2 in some new clothing. The real hampering to me is the FPS in the console versions which do suffer some big hits to small hits depending on the explosion size.

I never played JC1 or 2... which is odd since I own JC2 for the PC but it has been in my backlog for ages.


I can also confirm the driving sucks. Its better than JC2s though.

Ya its pretty damn horrendous lol

What are the retailers breaking street date for this game? Mom N Pops only?

Bigger ones as well. Go in person if you want. Over the phone you won't get shit usually. In person some, not all will sell it. In fact one major store says they are already trying to contact the company and just start selling it. Since so many are.

I never played JC1 or 2... which is odd since I own JC2 for the PC but it has been in my backlog for ages.
LOl that happens man. I have a couple games I have never touched.

Can anyone here tell me if the PC retail version is on a disk or a download? .

I asked PR back awhile ago and they told me digital only. Not sure if that has changed because it was a good dal of time ago.
Ya its pretty damn horrendous lol

Bigger ones as well. Go in person if you want. Over the phone you won't get shit usually. In person some, not all will sell it. In fact one major store says they are already trying to contact the company and just start selling it. Since so many are.

LOl that happens man. I have a couple games I have never touched.

In the US right? Cause I know Europe does this stuff but can I do this in the US of A?


Dont think you meant to respond to me?

Yes. I am merely saying that I think that they are handling the game so loosely because they actually want people to get footage out there. It's refreshing for a change over seeing publishers clamp down on what is essentially free advertising.


Yes. I am merely saying that I think that they are handling the game so loosely because they actually want people to get footage out there. It's refreshing for a change over seeing publishers clamp down on what is essentially free advertising.

No. Its for sure not that. Unless its the worst handling known to man lol. They are still crushing accounts that are posting in various places when they can(didn't during turkey day) and discussing it with them it wasn't planned nor are they happy about it.
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