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NPD Sales Results for November 2015 [Up3: Combined Hardware For PS4 + XB1 + Wii U]

Same. I don't see how they can ride out another year on this hardware. This has to be the smallest combined hardware for Nintendo in years and years
You can see it in the software too. Two of the biggest titles (Zelda and Star) for 2016 are only there because of delays. Had they come this year as planned, 2016 would be looking really barren. Even than, we can see that big titles are not notably moving hardware anyway.

The system is dead and waiting until 2017 (late 2017 for holiday launch?) just seems completely unlikely to me.
TombRaider's going to bomb on the PS4 next November, Uncharted 4 GOTY edition with DLC will be released at the same time.

Sony didn't release their games with GOTY version on disk (except Bloodborne but it's very limited in EU and not in US). Previous ND games didn't have GOTY version either


Unconfirmed Member
Why would they close CD? They are a technically accomplished studio that's been around for a while. Most of their games are well received and, outside of maybe TR 2013 (which had a long development), they seem to come out on time with minimal delays or other bad press hanging over them.They are pretty much rock solid and dependable.

If for whatever reason they don't want to continue with the TR series as-is then there are plenty of other IPs that SE would probably be happy to toss their way.

I was being facetious because useally when a game fails publishers just slash and burn. I know that won't happen here. I'm sure whatever the TR deal was it worked out fine in that sense.
Not many Japanese games do well on Xbox platforms. The fact that it's a Platinum game too just makes me worry for its sales potential.

I doubt Xbox expects Scalebound to sell a lot. It's more of a prestige project. I'm glad they are supporting a game like that, but holiday is an awful time to release it though.


I wonder.

Hardware is great. Heck, software is great to.

... But where is the extended audience for these consoles? I see the same demographic pretty much across the top ten except for one title... on the Wii. And this isn't a new thing, either, these consoles have been reliably poor for family/extended audience oriented titles, regularly outsold by the 360.

That's how console cycles go. As they get cheaper in price they become more popular with the demographics you've mentioned, which is exactly why you see the 360 leading in those areas.
I wonder.

Hardware is great. Heck, software is great to.

... But where is the extended audience for these consoles? I see the same demographic pretty much across the top ten except for one title... on the Wii. And this isn't a new thing, either, these consoles have been reliably poor for family/extended audience oriented titles, regularly outsold by the 360.
Can you elaborate on "extended audience"? How much would an extended audience really change things up considering how massive this demographic is?
That's the big problem with how Microsoft has constructed their studios, and one reason I was quite disappointed when they decided to go with Gears of War 4 instead of a new IP.

Effectively, Microsoft's core studios are nothing more than franchise sweatshops. They're not like Naughty Dog, Guerrilla Games, or Sony Santa Monica where Sony trusts these large studios to develop new IP if they desire and take on more risks (even if it fails in the case of SSM, or succeeds in the case of TLOU).

Microsoft treats this studios strictly as business rather than an art form, and I feel that that franchise fatigue is a real and serious issue they are facing now. Forza has never been too popular, Halo is on a steep decline, and there's no doubt in my mind Gears 4 will probably follow the same trend.

It's why I'm not particularly itching to go out and buy an Xbox One. There's no real excitement or innovation into a lot of their new IP. There's nothing like "Horizon" that they could show off and get people extremely excited about something new. It's always more of the same, by and large... there are exceptions, but generally this is a problem with their first party studios and a major reason why Bungie left, which is a huge mistake in hindsight given how immensely popular Destiny has become. Imagine if Destiny was an Xbox exclusive?

Yeah. Sony is an entertainment company, and they take entertainment seriously. Microsoft is a software company, and they view entertainment as a means to an end - and that strategy has been absolutely catastrophic for them this gen. They took their eye off the ball and fucked up the hardware, and there's no way they'll be able to pull a PS3 and bounce back with the sort of IP they've got in the pipeline.
Not many Japanese games do well on Xbox platforms. The fact that it's a Platinum game too just makes me worry for its sales potential.

Is like a recipe for disaster. Japanese game, Exclusive to Xbox One, Platinum Game, the only way it could be worse is if Square Enix was planning the release date and the marketing.
Nintendo is in such a rough spot next year even though. I mean PS4 is going to be firing on all cylinders in terms of software.

Nintendo's future will no longer be wholly tied to video games. They won't be able to survive otherwise. They seem to have some good plans in place, so hopefully it works out. I can't wait to see what they have in store next year and beyond. Nintendo's future is that of an entertainment brand.
Platinum track records aren't good in term of sales though. All we can hope MS will promote it like Halo 5 or Fallout 4 level

And they don't release it in the middle of a bloated holiday season... seriously a game like that in mid febuary with nothing else to compete with has a chance to be successful but put it out in the middle of November and your sending it to die as it gets eaten up by CoD sales.

Look at games like evolve and BF:H heck even a Bloodbourne. Those games would have bombed if they released in November but instead they sell a ton.


Junior Member
So do we really believe the Wii U can survive another year on the market by itself? Or the 3DS for that matter?

Wii U software sales were up 40 percent year-over-year, and are up 20 percent when comparing the first ten months of 2015 with the same period during 2014.

Through the first nine months of 2015, sales of Nintendo 3DS hardware have increased by nearly 25 percent over the same time frame in 2014.

Both systems are in a better position than they were last year so if they survived this year then they can survive next year. If Nintendo did some price cutting they could make then survive for even longer.


3DS can still and will limp on to something respectable. Next year should be better for software at least. I really think a lot of people forget how bad its release lineup was this year. It was atrocious really. In terms of big games it was much worse than Wii U. It just coasted by on evergreens, spin-offs, and niche titles. Wii U I'm sure was given up on a long time ago, so any sales there are considered fine.

That being said, I'm sure NX is being planned for a 2016 release. Doesn't mean it'll happen, but that's surely the plan. Until we see what it is there's no point in guessing how well it will sell. What matters is if it's something attractive that people want. We won't know that for awhile.
What a boring top ten



my hard graphic balls
That's some dumb shit.

I didn't particularly care for The Order, but not once did I hope it sold portly, nor did I ever feel the need to laugh at it.

My god that's sad.

Inefficiency in going out of one's way to spend mind and time on something they dislike.

The mind boggles.


Platinum track records aren't good in term of sales though. All we can hope MS will promote it like Halo 5 or Fallout 4 level

I don't think Microsoft is funding Scalebound because they are expecting it to sell well. They are funding it to establish that they are home to more than Halo/Gears/Forza. There has been a concentrated re-branding initiative over the past two years, and this is almost certainly part of it.
Both systems are in a better position than they were last year so if they survived this year then they can survive next year. If Nintendo did some price cutting they could make then survive for even longer.

No one is saying they wouldn't survive in 2016 without new hardware. Survival isn't enough though. Blackberry is currently "surviving".


Nintendo's future will no longer be wholly tied to video games. They won't be able to survive otherwise. They seem to have some good plans in place, so hopefully it works out. I can't wait to see what they have in store next year and beyond.

Yup, they'll have to leverage their IPs like they've been doing.

So their consoles won't light up the charts but they'll have income from apps, the theme park, amiibos, movie deals, etc.

Seems like the best way to go I think. Making a system that can directly compete with the ps4/xb1 isn't the best idea.


Both systems are in a better position than they were last year so if they survived this year then they can survive next year. If Nintendo did some price cutting they could make then survive for even longer.

3DS looks good until you remember that the n3DS launched this year. Outside of that launch, I'm pretty sure the 3DS has been generally down over 2014.
Nintendo's future will no longer be wholly tied to video games. They won't be able to survive otherwise. They seem to have some good plans in place, so hopefully it works out. I can't wait to see what they have in store next year and beyond. Nintendo's future is that of an entertainment brand.

Making a killing on these amiibos, right? Hell, I had to order a mega yarn yoshi for my wife from Amazon.de just to avoid scalpers since it was sold out here or on sale for 70-90 bucks on eBay.
Making a killing on these amiibos, right? Hell, I had to order a mega yarn yoshi for my wife from Amazon.de just to avoid scalpers since it was sold out here or on sale for 70-90 bucks on eBay.

Amiibo is just the first step. They need to go much further than that and it looks like they're going to.


Ah, mystery solved. Yeah they will hold this hostage as long as the contract states.

Unless there's a performance clause that allows SE to release on competing platforms earlier than planned if the game tanks on X1. I'm not sure how often contacts are drawn up with such clauses in this industry though.


thought so lol.

It already bombed and ppl are taking 40k away from it still. Brutal
IMO when you consider everything 240k isn't bad.

Considering Splatoon and Mario Maker only noteworthy releases in last 6 months.

Rumors of the new console as early as next year.

To stay Flat YOY is actually good IMO
I hope Scalebound does well. It has dragons for Christ sake! Dragons. I don't even care for or particularly like Platinum, but Scalebound is the XB1 game I'm most interested in. And did I mention dragons?
I don't think Microsoft is funding Scalebound because they are expecting it to sell well. They are funding it to establish that they are home to more than Halo/Gears/Forza. There has been a concentrated re-branding initiative over the past two years, and this is almost certainly part of it.

Depend of what budget for Scalebound, Activision-Platinum games like Transformer could be ignored about bad sales since it's budget game anyway. When I look at Scalebound (big world/dragons/generic main character aim to Western audience/action-RPG), I don't think it's small project or something that MS want to sell just "well"

Mory Dunz

IMO when you consider everything 240k isn't bad.

Considering Splatoon and Mario Maker only noteworthy releases in last 6 months.

Rumors of the new console as early as next year.

To stay Flat YOY is actually good IMO

eh, it's still bad.

being flat YOY is nice....except when you remember that the previous year was also bad.

I wonder, what was the last time PS2 was a leading SKU for a charting game?
That'd be interesting.
Wii has one 9 years after release. Wonder if the PS2 pulled something similar. Or DS.


Nintendo is in such a rough spot next year even though. I mean PS4 is going to be firing on all cylinders in terms of software.

Seriously. NX will have its best chance in Japan, and 2016 will be the year in which japanese software really shines on PS4. Good luck I guess.
I feel super sorry for crystal dynamics.

A great game screwed over by a console maker needed to tick a box to compete against a game that didn't even come out this year.

Crystal Dynamics wanted to be exclusive, if that's the result, they just have to live with it.

SE will probably relaunch it next year on other platforms.
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