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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens - It's True. All of it.

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Adam Driver is a worse actor than Haden Christensen.


I am okay with telling you that you are objectively wrong about this.
Again, Luke just abandons a small child in the desert?

There's a lot of things about Luke's behavior that this movie calls into question. Mindwiping a 5 year old and leaving her with a junk dealer would be a big one, yeah. Completely abandoning the entire galaxy after Kylo Ren betrays him and kills all of his students is another big one.

The only problem with Rey being obiwan's daughter is time.

It's not Rey being Obi-Wan's daughter. It's being a relation.

And I don't think it's as good a theory as being Luke's kid because it seems narratively cleaner to make her Luke's daughter.
I wrote up my gigantic spoiler filled thoughts on the movie, here we go. Written on a phone, sorry for any typos.

Wowowowowowowowow what a movie. Right from the start, Luke Skywalker is missing, we already have a big mystery. What happened in those 30 years. Where did this first order come from? The start is electric, I was convinced Poe would steal the movie, the humor and the energy from the originals was back. Kylo shows off some insane force power, stopping a laser blast in mid air, wtf? Such a cool scene.

First thing we learn is that troopers are basically brainwashed, interesting. Finn has no name, he is just a trooper who fought the brainwash, or is he? The entire escape is just amazing in every way, music, visuals, dialogue "I can fly anything" so good.

then you have BB-8 stealing the show, man that robot will become a kid favorite for years. So much personality for a rolling ball thing, more personality than many characters in most summer movies. Then you meet Rey who commands the screen any time she is on. This girl can be really special, I hope Ridley doesn't get trapped in the Star Wars curse.

The millennium Falcon reveal was so good, that camera turn! The falcon action sequence was ridiculous, the turret getting stuck and that turn, great stuff. Rey and Finn are so good together, great chemistry and they fit each other well. He is basically a child, this is the first time he is free in the galaxy and she has been tied to that planet for her whole life and now they are flying in space. Omg the BB-8 lighter!!! The theater erupted in laughter.

Then Han showed up, what a moment. Ford steps into Han like a glove, it's absolutely Han. This isn't old fart Indiana jones, this is Han, totally Han. And Chewie, let's not forget him cause he is fantastic in this movie too. I love that they made them vulnerable, Chewie gets shot early on, these heroes aren't going to be invincible. Han has perfect chemistry with Rey and Finn, this is the best Ford has been in years.

I love to see him actually smuggling, he talks about it but we never really got to see him and Chewie in action. The whole giant monster thing was kind of weird, it's the only thing in the movie to me that didn't feel all that Star Wars. The monsters were all CG, it was just an odd sequence but it was exciting at least. What a waste of the cast of the raid though, just to have them be pirates that die quickly.

We get some backstory finally, we learn Kylo is Han's son, I figured that would be the case, leads to all kinds of drama. But then we learn that Luke did have a Jedi academy! It was Kylo who turned due to Snoke and he murdered the other members. This basically made Luke snap as he probably couldn't handle failing his nephew and best friend. So now we have this terrible tragedy that occurred, damn I want that movie! The backstory has so much potential, that one event leads to the break up of Han and Leia, starts the first order and leads Luke to exile. And what is with this Snoke guy, he has terrorized our heroes for years it seems.

Maz Kaneda, ok I get it we need the wise old character to guide our hero but she sort of just pops out of nowhere and has Luke's light saber. That's my biggest issue with the movie, too much was crammed into one movie so some stuff just pops in out of nowhere, certain plot points don't feel earned. That said a lot of Star Wars is like this, so it sort of fits with tradition. Rey's flash forward flash back scene feels like the key to everything, I need to rewatch it.

our heroes breaking up and having those moments of doubt was great, nice character building there before the shit storm hit and Kylo Ren shows up again. I love everything with light sabers, I especially love how raw the fighting is, no one is properly trained here so they fight like two people who don't know what they are doing and it works. It's savage in a way.

Starkiller base is super impressive but not given enough time to feel all that scary. There goes a solar system run by the republic, you got to see two seconds of it ok let's move on. At Least alderaan served as a sort of hub for all our characters to intersect, this movie blew up planets for no reason at all. I liked Hux, I good traditional imperial shithead. There seemed to be plenty of animosity and backstory between he and Kylo that really needed to be explored more and I am sure it will. The purpose of the first order and why they exist is still fuzzy.

Han meeting Leia was of course an emotional moment but I wonder how much they could do with Leia since fisher seems limited. C3PO has the best introduction of the movie. Hey Poe is back randomly! Oh that tracking shot of him blowing up everything in the xwing was ridiculous, JJ really outdid himself.

the entire final act was damn near perfect. You had the space battle which was obviously a nod to ANH. The Rey escape and rescue is basically them escaping the Death Star. That is where the similarities end, the Han and Kylo moment is one of the most gut wrenching things I have seen. Han pleading with his son, Ben! It wasn't a shocker, anyone can tell Kylo was stalling for time and was going to attack his father, still the brutality of the moment was shocking. What happens in this little shits life to make him hate his father that much. At that moment I lost it, I was crying, I yelled out in anger to kill the son of an awesome princess. The whole light saber battle was epic. That moment when Rey takes the saber, woooo!!!

So good. Almost a perfect movie. Except for the cramming and random things happening. Like R2 turning on for no reason at all, hey now we can get Luke, uh ok. Hey why didn't Chewie hug Leia, they are the two closest to Han. Rey becoming the falcon pilot is perfect, in fact Rey is basically the ultimate character. She is a great pilot, a string force user, smart, powerful, she is every hero rolled into one. But why is she so strong, there has to be Skywalker blood in her. The final shot is so hype inducing, Luke looked perfect! Also a bit crazy, but still perfect!!! I can't wait for the next one!!!!


The prequels are a goddamn embarrassment next to this superb film. Star Wars is back, and all it took was for George Lucas to step out of the way and let a team of creative people do their great work.


There has to be shit on the cutting room floor. This movie felt too short. Leia didn't even talk to Chewie after Han died.
There's a ton of stuff in the trailers not in the final movie, like Maz giving Leia Luke's lightsabre and Leia telling Rey "The Force is calling to you, let it in."


Regarding how Rey somehow knew how to do the Jedi mind trick, I thought it was weird for half a second then remembered something from a bit earlier. When discussing Luke Skywalker, Rey says that she thought he was a myth. Now picture the local areas around Jakku. Very likely you'd overhear something along the lines of, "I hear Luke Skywalker can make anyone do whatever he wants just by waving his hand." Cue to Rey being desperate and knowing she is force sensitive, might as well give it a try. She didn't get it right at first.

It was just cheap that she was not only being able to teach herself how to use the force but that she completely dominated someone that was trained by Luke Skywalker, a guy that spent two whole movies training.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I know Kylo got shot, but I didn't like how he didn't win vs people that had no training. It was still a good scene though.
How do you figure no training? Finn was a Stormtrooper and Rey had obviously been taking care of herself for 14 years. Clearly she could fight.

Also why is it assumed that force users are all expert swordsman? We're never given any indication that Kylo is overtly masterful in any area of combat.
I know Kylo got shot, but I didn't like how he didn't win vs people that had no training. It was still a good scene though.

I really wanted to see Luke take out some people.
Who said they had no training? We've seen that Stormtroopers get trained with a melee staff, and we've seen earlier that Rey is quite efficient with her own staff. Seems like skills that should transfer over to a lightsaber. It's not like they were deflecting blaster shots level of skilled.

Regarding Kylo's skills, remember his first teacher was Luke. Luke was taught by an old Kenobi and Yoda who both put much more emphasis on the force. Switch to Kylo who has a strong mastery of the force never seen before (stopping blaster shots, immobilizing enemies, reading minds)



I am okay with telling you that you are objectively wrong about this.

Let him be.

Adam Driver (or anybody) wouldn't be any better with the "sand" line, for instance.

What you see on screen is what a director wants. Actor direction is a thing.

It's not like they turn on the camera and are like "ok do you thing" "cut" .
I know Kylo got shot, but I didn't like how he didn't win vs people that had no training. It was still a good scene though.

I really wanted to see Luke take out some people.

I just like to think Kylo is shit at sword fighting. Who says he has to be a master? His training is unfinished, and yes he's super powerful at force freezing and reading minds, but maybe his fencing needs refinement.
And I don't think it's as good a theory as being Luke's kid because it seems narratively cleaner to make her Luke's daughter.
I think making Luke the father works better because, regardless of who is the dad, people will be interested in finding out who her mom is. And it's way more interesting to learn more about someone Luke loved than someone Obi-Wan loved, at least in a saga film.


Here are some of my comments/concerns.

- They never explained how 3P0 got the red arm.

- It seems like Han's death didn't affect the characters you would think all that much. Leia didn't shed a tear. Chewie let out one scream and moved on. Aside from the one scene where you see him feeling down. Then boom everything is okay.

- Kylo is not very good if Finn who I'm assuming is not force sensitive put up a good fight. And Rey, who hasn't trained a day put him in his place (Even though he's been trained by Luke and Snoke). I mean he was shot by Chewie, I know. But, still.

+ Great acting all around.

+ Sets up great for the trilogy.

+ Makes me want a lot more. Like I need to know what went down between Luke and Kylo Ren. And whats up with Han and Leia's relationship? Broke up cause of their son's fate? What happened? MOAAARRRR
Overall, I'd honestly rank it dead last. It was just missing the charm of the old movies, something even the prequels got right. Might change with a second viewing, but that's how I feel.

Can i see this prequel movies that have all the charm, fun and lovely characters that TFA has?

This has to be trolling or something..


The only problem with Rey being obiwan's daughter is time. obiwan died in A new hope, and there was a 30 year gap between RotJ and TFA. If Rey is about 20, then how could Obiwan have fathered her after RotJ if he died in a New hope?

She doesn't have to be his daughter or even granddaughter. She could be a distant relation and the "poetry" would still work.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I actually loved that scene. Finn to me is like a really awkward home-schooled kid who's interacting with people for the first time. Socially, he's like a ten-year-old, which makes him talking like that endearing.
I think that's fair- the notion that the awkwardness in the dialogue is character work, rather than a problem with the script. I mention it only as something that stood out to me versus the first time around, and as highlighting how much better the movie was written than the prequels overall.
Same with him yelling "That's one hell of a pilot!" If someone else had done it, would have felt weird, but Finn has an infectious childlike excitement.
That sequence, minutes later when all hell has broken loose, is exquisite. Many kudos to J.J. Abrams' DP for making it such a creative and exciting shot, and Boyega did sell it.


There's a lot of things about Luke's behavior that this movie calls into question. Mindwiping a 5 year old and leaving her with a junk dealer would be a big one, yeah. Completely abandoning the entire galaxy after Kylo Ren betrays him and kills all of his students is another big one.

It's not Rey being Obi-Wan's daughter. It's being a relation.

And I don't think it's as good a theory as being Luke's kid because it seems narratively cleaner to make her Luke's daughter.

Do you think they have all this crap fully mapped out or that JJ pulled an asshole move on Rian Johnson and just dumped this mess on his lap?
There's a lot of things about Luke's behavior that this movie calls into question. Mindwiping a 5 year old and leaving her with a junk dealer would be a big one, yeah. Completely abandoning the entire galaxy after Kylo Ren betrays him and kills all of his students is another big one.


That's the only question I had. Why let the galaxy fall into darkness/chaos why you become a hermit!?

That's not inline with a good Jedi training. Even Finn wouldn't do that and he doesn't even know better.
Tell me if I'm crazy or this sounds pretentious.

There's an interesting parralel in Ren chasing Vader's legacy and the film being a tribute to Star Wars original trilogy' legacy. The Force Awakens is a movie about legacies. Han and his grandson. The legacy of Luke and Anankin's lightsaber. Ren's obsession with replicating Vader's legacy. The Death Star. Ren's legacy to follow in Luke and Anakin's footsteps. Some legacies perish and are doomed to fail. Others are worth pursuing.

The more I think about this film the more I like it. A lot of people are going to chalk up the Star Wars story retreads as just retreads but I see them as narrative devices to compliment the film's largest theme.

Being that the movie is riding on the legacy of an off maligned prequel trilogy, it even factors into the creation of the movie itself.
To be absolutely fair to Kylo, he wasn't just shot. He was shot by the same weapon that was shown knocking motherfuckers five feet in the air earlier in the movie.

jett said:
Do you think they have all this crap fully mapped out or that JJ pulled an asshole move on Rian Johnson and just dumped this mess on his lap?

I don't really see it as a mess that Johnson has to clean up. More like an open ended question that RJ can take mulitple attacks to answering. I would prefer to have the added creative freedom of being able to address these things on his terms instead of having everything neatly constrained by the previous movie.


I feel like the only person who thought it was clear that Luke isn't her father.

When Maz is talking about her waiting for her parents and she says, "You know the truth, the people who left you aren't coming back for you. But there is one who might."
Nope, you're not. That line's clearly in there to make it explicit that Luke's not her father, but people keep missing it.

The Kenobi theory makes way more thematic sense, especially w/ her accent.
True but wasn't Luke the last living jedi? Would the code/rules still apply in that case? I always figured it was something set in place while the jedi council was active. Like something they enforced and taught. Without that and without other jedi, maybe his view would change over time. I doubt it though.
Your parents don't have to be force wielders for the children to be. It's just how attuned people are. Some more than others.
Starting a new Jedi Academy =/= starting a Jedi Academy just like the old ones

Unless stated otherwise we can only assume he's following the Jedi's teachings or else he wouldn't be seeking out temples.
I think that's fair- the notion that the awkwardness in the dialogue is character work, rather than a problem with the script. I mention it only as something that stood out to me versus the first time around, as as highlighting how much better the movie was written than the prequels overall.

That sequence, minutes later when all hell has broken loose, is exquisite. Many kudos to J.J. Abrams' DP for making it such a creative and exciting shot, and Boyega did sell it.
I gotcha. It definitely stood out for me, as the movie had been moving so damn fast up until that point, but I dug it and actually wish they had slowed down more often.

And yes! That shot was one of the best.
I kinda wonder if the whole "The Force is calling to you. Just let it in" thing being cut didn't hurt that scene on the ledge.

Like, if Maz says that, and tells Rey to take the saber, and THEN she's like "Fuck this, I'm out," when she's got her eyes closed on the ledge - I could see her HEARING Maz saying those lines again (shades of "Use the Force, Luke! Let go, Luke!) making that moment play a little more powerfully than just silently watching her power-up.

Could also explain why Driver is so confused looking - maybe he can hear it too? The outer edges of it?

I think at some point a few months ago, right around when Kasdan was talking about how they were trying to streamline this thing to hell and back, they might have started making decisions that were actually hurting the impact of the film. There are some obvious edits that soften the film emotionally.


I want to pretend that the prequels are some kind of a bad "epic tale" within that universe than real events.

That's the only way I can feel their importance.


Super Member
It was just cheap that she was not only being able to teach herself how to use the force but that she completely dominated someone that was trained by Luke Skywalker, a guy that spent two whole movies training.
Agreed. I really liked when Finn had the saber, at least we knew he was out of his league
Do you think they have all this crap fully mapped out or that JJ pulled an asshole move on Rian Johnson and just dumped this mess on his lap?

Kasdan and Abrams have both said, I believe, that Johnson has pretty close to free reign to take the story where he wants, although they both were filling him in on where they were going with Force Awakens.
It's OK. Somewhere between Act 2/3 the movie took a nosedive for me.
They just stuck too close to the original formular. Felt like unnecessary rehashing.

They should habe been more ballsy with the ending.

Opening was insanely strong in my opinion, even though it rehashes the lost droid crap.
Just a few things before I say how good it was...
The Star Killer/ DS 3 how come when it shows its power, it is witnessed on different planets that just happen to be in the right sector/area of the Galaxy? At the same time, or what seems to be the same time. Also the same hemisphere on each planet it can be seen as well, the right section of sky. Not to take in the fact the science in which it takes light to travel, I mean we on Earth see planets, stars, systems that are trillions light years away and supposedly the light takes years to reach our retinas.

Annoyed that when Chewie got off the Falcon after returning from Hans death he didn't have a touching moment with Leia, would have been a great moment on film to see him console and embrace Leia upon his return.

Movie was amazing, a different vibe from its own prequels, it's vastness and scope in cinematography sets and gives it a feel of its own.

Starts slow and you can already tell it's setting groundwork for the next episodes.


I kinda wonder if cutting the whole "The Force is calling to you. Just let it in" thing being cut didn't hurt that scene on the ledge.

Like, if Maz says that, and tells Rey to take the saber, and THEN she's like "Fuck this, I'm out," when she's got her eyes closed on the ledge - I could see her HEARING Maz saying those lines again (shades of "Use the Force, Luke! Let go, Luke!) making that moment play a little more powerfully than just silently watching her power-up.

Could also explain why Driver is so confused looking - maybe he can hear it too? The outer edges of it?

I think at some point a few months ago, right around when Kasdan was talking about how they were trying to streamline this thing to hell and back, they might have started making decisions that were actually hurting the impact of the film. There are some obvious edits in the final film that soften the film emotionally.
Fascinating speculation... to the point where I think you're very much on to something. I certainly agree that moment between Ren and Rey could've used an "Use the Force, Luke!"-esque voiceover.


Kasdan and Abrams have both said, I believe, that Abrams has pretty close to free reign to take the story where he wants, although they both were filling him in on where they were going with Force Awakens.

I assume you mean Johnson has free reign, and if so, that's super sketchy. They don't have the story mapped out through episode 9?
Heard that too on IGN's spoiler-cast of the film. Didn't
notice it in the film but wow, yeah that is fucking weird.

I find it odd that they didn't have a funeral or memorial for Han. But the no Leia/Chewie thing at the end didn't bother me mainly because I really loved their moment when they reunite early on.
Definitely find myself agreeing with the people who said the soundtrack gets better when removed from the movie.

Still nowhere near Williams' best work, but it certainly has a few moments of sheer brilliance. The obvious standout is Rey's Theme and I could see that getting repeated and expanded upon in the next two movies.

Still working through the soundtrack but does anyone else get individual themes other than Rey and Snokes?

I know Kylo got shot, but I didn't like how he didn't win vs people that had no training. It was still a good scene though.

I really wanted to see Luke take out some people.

There's a lot of things about Luke's behavior that this movie calls into question. Mindwiping a 5 year old and leaving her with a junk dealer would be a big one, yeah. Completely abandoning the entire galaxy after Kylo Ren betrays him and kills all of his students is another big one.

I think there is a world of difference between the two. In the latter he feels like a failure and goes into exile. Not noble but I can buy it (and I suspect in Episode 8 we will find out he was up to something else in the meantime).

But abandoning a child in that state? There better be a damn good answer because I don't buy that he would not do the same bare minimum that Obi Wan did for Luke and Leia. Especially when the galaxy wasn't in an active state of war.

I'm sure Rey's lineage will be important but I think it will be from a vector we don't know of or haven't considered.
I don't think it's necessarily cheap that she beat Ren just because he was trained by Luke. I somehow have a feeling she is Luke's daughter and was trained at a young age but forgot how to tap into the force until forced to.


I think making Luke the father works better because, regardless of who is the dad, people will be interested in finding out who her mom is. And it's way more interesting to learn more about someone Luke loved than someone Obi-Wan loved, at least in a saga film.

It also means Rey would be related to Kylo Ren.
I assume you mean Johnson has free reign, and if so, that's super sketchy. They don't have the story mapped out through episode 9?

I meant Johnson, you're right. I'll go edit (not that anyone will remember that page existed in 2 minutes)

The OT wasn't really mapped out either. Worked out fine.

You can set up sequels without having the sequels planned.

But abandoning a child in that state?.

It's not really "abandonment" - he would have left her (in either hypothetical) with a guardian. Just turns out the guardian is a bit of a shitheel.

Which could also explain why he looks so pained and fucked up when he sees her holding the lightsaber out to him.

Luke isn't going to be an all-around good guy with everything all there, I don't think.


Just a few things before I say how good it was...
The Star Killer/ DS 3 how come when it shows its power, it is witnessed on different planets that just happen to be in the right sector/area of the Galaxy? At the same time, or what seems to be the same time. Also the same hemisphere on each planet it can be seen as well, the right section of sky. Not to take in the fact the science in which it takes light to travel, I mean we on Earth see planets, stars, systems that are trillions light years away and supposedly the light takes years to reach our retinas.

Yep. The movie's sense of spacial relativaty is totally incoherent.
If I'm going to be honest I could have done with no Luke at the end.

Just have them find the map. She gets in the Falcon. It blasts off into space. Roll credits.

I mean, it still was fine but I feel like they included it for the sake of putting Luke in it.

El Topo

Nope, you're not. That line's clearly in there to make it explicit that Luke's not her father, but people keep missing it.

The Kenobi theory makes way more thematic sense, especially w/ her accent.

I'm not sure if it was meant to imply that Luke was not her father, or just that her parents would not come back, but you admittedly point out maybe the most reasonable interpretation.
The Kenobi theory is too convoluted for me.


Kasdan and Abrams have both said, I believe, that Abrams has pretty close to free reign to take the story where he wants, although they both were filling him in on where they were going with Force Awakens.

I assume you mean Johnson has free reign, and if so, that's super sketchy. They don't have the story mapped out through episode 9?

Hmm yeah kinda weird to give Johnson free reign.

I guess they really didn't have a plan here.

Nope, you're not. That line's clearly in there to make it explicit that Luke's not her father, but people keep missing it.

The Kenobi theory makes way more thematic sense, especially w/ her accent.

Maybe I'm imagining it but I think spotted a British accent from the people she was left with during her flashback. I don't think Maz's line invalidates Luke being her father at all. And man the more the I think about Maz the more I'm annoyed. How convenient that she knows everything, but doesn't actually say anything. Damn it, Abrams.


I meant Johnson, you're right. I'll go edit (not that anyone will remember that page existed in 2 minutes)

The OT wasn't really mapped out either. Worked out fine.

You can set up sequels without having the sequels planned.

Yeah, I suppose. We shall see. Still makes me nervous. Kathleen Kennedy knows what she's doing though.


I kinda wonder if the whole "The Force is calling to you. Just let it in" thing being cut didn't hurt that scene on the ledge.

Like, if Maz says that, and tells Rey to take the saber, and THEN she's like "Fuck this, I'm out," when she's got her eyes closed on the ledge - I could see her HEARING Maz saying those lines again (shades of "Use the Force, Luke! Let go, Luke!) making that moment play a little more powerfully than just silently watching her power-up.

Could also explain why Driver is so confused looking - maybe he can hear it too? The outer edges of it?

I think at some point a few months ago, right around when Kasdan was talking about how they were trying to streamline this thing to hell and back, they might have started making decisions that were actually hurting the impact of the film. There are some obvious edits that soften the film emotionally.
The back half's been chopped up pretty bad, you can feel it,
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