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Black Video Game Characters Are Still Often Voiced by White Actors- Motherboard


It's an issue because

1. The "voice who suits the vision of the character" is very often white, because the most popular and well-known VAs are usually white

2. White roles usually get white actors, whereas non-white rules fairly often get white actors. Non-white actors get a bum rap in video game voice acting.

We don't have any statistics (do we?) but this certainly feels a lot better for PoC actors and characters because, unlike film and television, we often get characters that are white voiced by non-white actors and characters that are PoC but voiced by white actors. That obviously doesn't happen in live action mediums. I think the problem with voice acting in gaming is that there's a short list of like 5 actors who are in everything and they're all white.
We're not talking about people of color have been treated in history. We're talking about voice acting.

I agree. We should talk about the fact that the video game industry has a problem with race in many jobs, including development, writing, and to be on-topic, voice acting. While non-white actors get jobs voicing characters of all races, white actors are very often the default for a role, even if the role is of a different ethnicity.


I'll tell you something: I think that giving black roles to black voice actors is just going to serve as an excuse for this industry. Some would basically say "Well, we would love to give more work to black actors but... eh ! There's not many black characters :p"

You're taking the problem in the wrong way imo. In fact, I believe that the fact voice acting involve talent and not physic, and by that, not linking a voice actor skin color to the skin color of the character he/she's dubbing should be an argument to open this industry to more diversity, because you don't need to be white to voice a white character or black to voice a black character.

My thinking. Having only black actors voice black characters and white actors voice white characters is ultimately counterproductive when tackling this issue.


Are there any major characters in Uncharted that are played by non-white actors? Honest question.

There's a prominent (unrevealed) white character played by a black actor.

Which you would know, if the article didn't (probably intentionally) omit it to avoid completely dismantling their own fallacious argument.
Are there any major characters in Uncharted that are played by non-white actors? Honest question.

James Sie (East Asian) was Eddy Raja in the first game. Guy who voiced Tenzin. That's all I can think of from the top of my head.

We don't have any statistics (do we?) but this certainly feels a lot better for PoC actors and characters because, unlike film and television, we often get characters that are white voiced by non-white actors and characters that are PoC but voiced by white actors. That obviously doesn't happen in live action mediums. I think the problem with voice acting in gaming is that there's a short list of like 5 actors who are in everything and they're all white.

See, this is part of the problem too. By just sticking with who they're familiar with, the stagnancy continues.

People bring up examples like Samurai Jack all the time but those are the exception rather than the norm, too.
You're taking the problem in the wrong way imo. In fact, I believe that the fact voice acting involve talent and not physic, and by that, not linking a voice actor skin color to the skin color of the character he/she's dubbing should be an argument to open this industry to more diversity, because you don't need to be white to voice a white character or black to voice a black character.
In an ideal world, that would certainly be true. Gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or race should not determine what roles you should be limited to, nor would it indicate how skilled one is. The issue is just the context of everything leading up to the hiring itself (since that absolutely deals with real people with physical characteristics).


Then I'm confused as to how that's going to happen without doing things like that. These industries aren't going naturally do this.
Well, one thing that would help is if everyone could just do all kinds of roles. Don't solve this by forcing black VAs for black roles (especially given that there are so few black characters still), but start giving black VAs all kinds of roles more, just like white people can do anything & everything.

Of course games should also diversify what kind of characters they put into games as a solution to their lack of diversity altogether, no matter who are given the job to voice act them.


i dont care.

as long there are white/black/yellow characters in the game, it doesnt matter to me, if they are also voiced by such a person (with same skincolour)
In an ideal world, that would certainly be true. Gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or race should not determine what roles you should be limited to, nor would it indicate how skilled one is. The issue is just the context of everything leading up to the hiring itself (since that absolutely deals with real people with physical characteristics).

Well, it's true to an extent. But the problem comes before that as you said, with the hiring itself.


Yeah. White people voice Asian characters all the time, and the only complain I hear of that is "The dub is shit." And that's not even about racism. Why should it be different from White-Black

Dub culture is a bit different. For TV shows it's for the comprehension of the children viewers. These shows aren't playing with race at all. So when they move it over, they just hire people that can voice act, regardless of race.

A lot of Anime VAs and VAs for other Japanese games overlap. Racial representation in the VA industry roughly equates to western demographics. It's just people that can act out characters voices. There is no reason to bring in racial quotas. Even more so, the shows or games are being localized to have references and jokes that will work for western audiences. At some point these characters may even change from being more eastern in nature to more western. Which in itself is a cultural consideration for the differences between peoples.
My thinking. Having only black actors voice black characters and white actors voice white characters is ultimately counterproductive when tackling this issue.

It doesn't have to be "only". But you look at Katara and Korra, both characters are among the most well-known non-white characters in animation these days, and both characters are voiced by white women

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I was hesitant about listing Eileen for that reason, but I couldn't resist. I'm glad we both had her in mind. :) They are two of my favorite VAs in the series.
Eileen probably has my favourite female VA of the series too.

A hoonter must hoont! <3

I'm not really ok with this. Why can't they have gotten a black actor to do this? It's frustrating that black people are so widely underrepresented in entertainment. How many black VAs would have been better suited to this character then someone like Laura Bailey? We don't know but, i'm sure theres quite a few and it's a shame we'll never know.
Nadine's design was finalized after they hired Laura Bailey. They decided to make Nadine black. Should they have really fired Bailey for that? That's not exactly fair.


Just from some cursory research on who does the English voice acting in gaming, it seems like if overnight the industry forced every character be voiced by an actor of the same race two things would happen:

1) There would be a hell of a lot more Asian voice actors voicing videogame characters. Like an insane amount more.

2) Black men would get less work.

White people would get less work, too, but there's so many white characters they'd probably be fine.
Should they have really fired Bailey for that? That's not exactly fair.

Not saying she'd deserve it or anything, but the crucial thing is, looking at how many games she's in, I feel like a black VA would stand to lose way more than Laura Bailey would by not getting the role. She's so well-off in the industry that it wouldn't matter too much in the long run. I can't think of many black female VAs who have that luxury. Which is part of the problem.

I'm still upset about Aliens not being voiced from real Aliens.


Comparing black people to aliens. Nice one.
Nadine's design was finalized after they hired Laura Bailey. They decided to make Nadine black. Should they have really fired Bailey for that? That's not exactly fair.

In this respect I agree

Though on a completely different level, I'd argue that they hired Laura Bailey (whom I think is fantastic) in some part because she's famous

I'm still upset about Aliens not being voiced from real Aliens.


But seriously why does the skin tone of a voice actor matter when you never see them.

Because white actors don't have similar problems with respect to voicing white roles. They get roles as both white and non-white roles alike. Thus, it results in an industry where white voice actors get way more opportunities on top of already being privileged in the industry for other reasons.


Honestly, if I were a voice actor and received a role "because I look the part," I'd be kind of offended. It'd trivialize my merit as an actor.

I'd rather be chosen based on the merits of the vocal performance that will appear in-game.


Gold Member
You do know that there is a very distinct difference people of color have been treated to white people in history. Along with the fact that most characters in fiction are white. So no its not really ok.

You do know that all races, creeds, and cultures have been treated in all the same ways, regardless of skin color at one point in history. The issue is greater than the color of your skin. It is a class issue. Nobility versus pesantry is still alive today.

They were lynching Irish folk for being Irish at one time in the late 1800's. Irish is as lily white as it gets. Or maybe it was because they were 'too white'. ;)

Equal representation for the sake of, is not equality. Everyone being awarded the same opportunity and the best candidate chosen after based on that person's talent is equality.

So provide information that there is or is not equal opportunity which should be the basis of discussion. Not based on who had a harder history. You can find hardships and messed up shit to anyone, anywhere in the world, at any given point in time.


On a side note:

I am Native American. You wanna talk some shit, why do I never see discussions around this? It is like we do not even exist. Where were these articles when Delsin was voiced by a white actor, Troy Baker? Why do whites and blacks go back and forth like they are the only races that matter and are worth discussing in topics like this politcally?

Short Answer: Both still hold the highest class within this country on average. Thus the platform.

- J - D -

I understand and appreciate the sentiment that it shouldn't matter what your skin color is or what your racial or cultural background is when you're up for a voice gig. It shouldn't matter, but it does because that background can potentially impact your chances of landing that role, especially when that fight takes place in such an insular industry. That's why I'm ready for the article that does a deep dive into the hiring practices inside the voice acting industry.
I'm not sure how anyone can untwine things in this case to make it seem simple. Is Bailey playing a black character, or is Bailey's performance a key part of the inception of the character being black? i.e. take away Bailey, and the character reverts to a state of flux, of no particular race and awaiting a voice actor to give the designers some direction. In which case, it could just as easily morph into a black actor steering the designers towards a non-black character.

Underrepresentation is one problem, but I can't help but think that making voice acting jobs only applicable to people who fit the face is kind of defeating the point, ties the hands of designers and would only end up restricting opportunities.
One thing I missed the first time I read Laura Bailey's response was her statement, "Nadine was the same woman. She had the same background [...]" She seems to think that skin color is the only thing that changed about Nadine, and doesn't seem to recognize that the skin color of someone from South Africa might give them a vastly different background than if they were white. A background that would change her outlook and life experiences in small ways and big ways. It's not just about the color of the skin.


Why not?
Honest question.

do you listen to skin colours?

i want to SEE black/white/indian/southamerican characters and their acting in games, a voice actor should do a good job, that shouldnt be based on his/her skin colour.

i know there is characteristic black voice acting, but actually that does not represent every black person. i dont think everyone is talking the ghetto way... the same goes to "russian/east european" catering those stereotypes makes me sick.

i simply want to get a representation of everyone in games, a voice actor should be able to lend his/her voice to the character to match the vision of the game creators.
do you listen to skin colours?

i want to SEE black/white/indian/southamerican characters and their acting in games, a voice actor should do a good job, that shouldnt be based on his/her skin colour.

i know there is characteristic black voice acting, but actually that does not represent every black person. i dont think everyone is talking the ghetto way... the same goes to "russian/east european" catering those stereotypes makes me sick.

i simply want to get a representation of everyone in games, a voice actor should be able to lend his/her voice to the character to match the vision of the game creators.

Firstly, to many authenticity is important.

Secondly, it's not just about the value it provides to the listener.


do you listen to skin colours?

i want to SEE black/white/indian/southamerican characters and their acting in games, a voice actor should do a good job, that shouldnt be based on his/her skin colour.

i know there is characteristic black voice acting, but actually that does not represent every black person. i dont think everyone is talking the ghetto way... the same goes to "russian/east european" catering those stereotypes makes me sick.

i simply want to get a representation of everyone in games, a voice actor should be able to lend his/her voice to the character to match the vision of the game creators.

Do you believe black voice actors get the same opportunities white voice actors get for roles?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I disagree here. Yes, black people (or different colors) MUST be more represented in entertainement. But I disagree with the thinking to say that VA should be tied to physic characteristics. What it means is that more black VA should voice black/white/male/female/old/young characters.

The solution isn't to make black VAs voice black characters, it's to make black VAs voice more characters period, regardless of the characters's races.

It wouldn't be a problem if black voice actors got cast as white people as much as white people get cast as black people (because there are sure as hell some really talented black voice actors), relative to the number of black voice actors that are available of course, but IF the situation is skewed in a way that white actors take the majority of white roles AS WELL AS black (& other ethnicities') roles, then THAT is a bit of a problem and a pretty clear sign of some systematic issues still lingering in how the actors are chosen for roles. The whole "white people are just generally so much better that they get all the roles" argument is a horrible one, since it's fairly certain that black people aren't somehow just shittier actors on average and white actors reign supreme. At that point there is certainly something there blocking black actors from getting work. Maybe black people just don't get into auditions because there's some bias against them even before they get to that point. Whatever the reason, to try to argue that it's normal & there's no problem with, for example, 90% of black characters (a number I ripped straight from my ass, just to use as an example) being voice acted by white people is kinda ludicrous. At that point the whole "they just chose the BEST OF THE BEST actors" argument crumbles down completely, especially given that a lot of games don't have anywhere near Pixar level voice acting, so there's a lot of room for improvement.
Good post.


I'm still upset about Aliens not being voiced from real Aliens.


But seriously why does the skin tone of a voice actor matter when you never see them.
Imagine a situation where white voice actors get 99% of white roles and 85% of all non-white roles (that can be almost non-existant in a lot of games the first place). You don't see a problem with that? You don't think that there are maybe some systematic issues behind the scenes that actively block non-white voice actors ever being given the chance to give voices to game characters? The world still has a lot of issues with systematic bias against non-white people. Even if it doesn't necessarily affect the quality of work, these are social issues that we can't just ignore because it doesn't matter to willfully ignorant people like you.
Honestly, if I were a voice actor and received a role "because I look the part," I'd be kind of offended. It'd trivialize my merit as an actor.

I'd rather be chosen based on the merits of the vocal performance that will appear in-game.

If I got the chance to voice a black character I would be honoured. Being in a game would be one thing but being a character who's like me, which I don't see too often in comparison, would be a big-time perk for me. It may not be required, but it would be a nice bonus and make me feel really good. I'm sure there are plenty others like me out there.

Equal representation for the sake of is not equality. Everyone being awarded the same opportunity and the best candidate chosen after based on that person's talent is equality.

So provide information that there is or is not equal opportunity which should be the basis of discussion. Not based on who had a harder history. You can find hardships and messed up shit to anyone, anywhere in the world, at any given point in time.

That's not what's happening and that's why there's a problem. Name all the well-known white female game voice actresses off the top of your head (e.g. those who have been in numerous big titles). Now name all the well-known black female game voice actresses.

For the former I can think of Tara Strong, Jennifer Hale, Laura Bailey, Kari Wahlgren, Kate Higgins, Grey DeLisle, Claudia Black, Ali Hillis, the list goes on... For the latter I can only think of Kimberly Brooks and Amanda C. Miller from the top of my head (I almost named Cree Summer and GK Bowes but I believe the former's First Nations and the latter is Polynesian + Middle Eastern). Now do you see why not everyone has the same opportunities after all? They are all talented people, but if things were truly equal, there would be a lot more... well, equality, in this list of names.

I did no such thing. But feel free to read it what ever way you want.

This is a thread where some people are disappointed that a black woman is not actually portrayed by a black woman. You said

I'm still upset about Aliens not being voiced from real Aliens. Lol.

You are using an outlandish statement to ridicule and diminish how others feel about the issue. By making a joke like this you're essentially writing off the concerns of others. I can't interpret it any other way.


Firstly, to many authenticity is important.

Secondly, it's not just about the value it provides to the listener.

How do you feel about straight actors playing gay characters in films. In that case outward appearance definitely doesn't matter, but it could be argued that it is not an authentic performance unless portrayed by someone who understands what it is like being gay. Tom Hanks in Philadelphia for example, were you able to enjoy that performance?


Gold Member
Do you believe black voice actors get the same opportunities white voice actors get for roles?

There is absolutely no evidence that anyone has brought to the table for anyone in here to formulate an opinion on either side in regards to this question.

We do not even have % of voice talent on either side. Numbers that audition, how many auditioned for said role, etc etc.

The opinion would be based with zero evidence to support it.
because it's 2016, come on

Dub culture is a bit different. For TV shows it's for the comprehension of the children viewers. These shows aren't playing with race at all. So when they move it over, they just hire people that can voice act, regardless of race.

A lot of Anime VAs and VAs for other Japanese games overlap. Racial representation in the VA industry roughly equates to western demographics. It's just people that can act out characters voices. There is no reason to bring in racial quotas. Even more so, the shows or games are being localized to have references and jokes that will work for western audiences. At some point these characters may even change from being more eastern in nature to more western. Which in itself is a cultural consideration for the differences between peoples.

Now don't get me wrong, I would love more diversity in the game industry

My last post was just me making a shitty analogy to describe why I think the whole Laura Bailey situation is kinda exaggerated.

I guess a better shitty analogy would be that Melissa Hutchinson is white and voices Clementine from the Walking Dead and no one complained about that.

I guess because it's Naughty Dog and they're a bigger studio and easier for people to shit on because they're big.


I think it's cool and kind of poetic when people of one race/culture play characters of another race/culture. White playing black, black playing white — whatever. Helps break down barriers in its own way, one side walking in the shoes of the other. Plus, they should always hire the best actor or actress who auditions. Sometimes, that person may not look like the character they're playing, especially in the world of VA and mocap.

Sure, but...

1. What about the lack of jobs for non-White actors in the games industry?
2. What about the fact that a diverse workforce and voice talent result in better and more creative experiences?
3. The video games industry is in dire need of non-White, non-cisdude talent at all levels of development and voice acting
You might want to check yourself given that you defaulted Tom Servo to being white. :p

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