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Fans are sending pictures of money to SEGA Europe


Are you being serious?

Very, never have cash at home. Even your kindest chimneysweeper will get curious. Also vacations, leaving the house etc etc.

Not every european country is a part of Scandinavia, most central Europeans don't care for digital payment methods for the most part.

I can't remember a single time where cash was a must the last 5-7 years except some fast food cart. Mostly in Western Europe though.
Yepp might be blind to some spots but still.
Very, never have cash at home. Even your kindest chimneysweeper will get curious. Also vacations, leaving the house etc etc.

I can't remember a single time where cash was a must the last 5-7 years except some fast food cart. Mostly in Western Europe though.
Yepp might be blind to some spots but still.

I have a bolted safe, soooooo I am not too concerned

tbh you sound a little paranoid


Don't see how this is pathetic. It's literally no different than the #PS4NoDRM hashtag. They aren't being nasty or disrespectful with this. Sure it may not amount to anything, but there isn't anything pathetic about what they are doing.
Don't see how this is pathetic. It's literally no different than the #PS4NoDRM hashtag. They aren't being nasty or disrespectful with this. Sure it may not amount to anything, but there isn't anything pathetic about what they are doing.

I know right, by some posters logic you might as well deem peacful protest as pathetic. If I may play devils advocate


Very, never have cash at home. Even your kindest chimneysweeper will get curious. Also vacations, leaving the house etc etc.

Can't say I've ever had those concerns, nor a reason to. Where are you from?

Not every european country is a part of Scandinavia, most central Europeans don't care for digital payment methods for the most part.

Scandinavians usually don't have to worry about random people stealing money from their home, though.


I have a bolted safe, soooooo I am not too concerned

tbh you sound a little paranoid

After multiple breakins and having a bolted safe weighing over 300 pounds stolen, twice!! You get this way. So bank safe all the way.

Man I miss the days when the only breakins I dealt with was the drunkards amongst the relatives stealing your booze.

Can't say I've ever had those concerns, nor a reason to. Where are you from?

Scandinavians usually don't have to worry about random people stealing money from their home, though.

Live in Sweden. House up in dalarna have been broken in to twice, cabins up in Härjedalen...every damn year. Mostly booze stolen though. Work apartment never but at my home apartment. Now I have some dumbass heavy doors that are "impossible" to drill through. According to the board.

Edit: I'm not rich just the only grandson that apparently cared for our grandparents here in Sweden.


Unconfirmed Member
Being a big fan of Japanese games, I can only imagine the suffering of never getting Arc System Works, Atlus, or most Japanese games ever.
I'm not gonna judge.

If there was a meme going for this over Yakuza for PS4/PC I would be all over that shit. Post all my benjis!
You said begging, I think it is hardly that. They are showing there support on what they want. A idea has been born, and people are falling suit in order to be heard. Hardly begging imo.

There's nothing wrong with showing there support, I understand that and I'm not against the idea. Just the form which comes across as desperate to me.

We're doing this to show that if they'd localise the games, we'd buy them.

Yeah I know, I'm not criticizing what you guys are trying to do, just the form.
It's a clear message delivered in an amusing and attention-grabbing way in response to frankly self-destructive behaviour.

I like it.
They need this guy.





Being a big fan of Japanese games, I can only imagine the suffering of never getting Arc System Works, Atlus, or most Japanese games ever.

Think Pqube is sorting out the ArcSys problem.
Atlus is...I don't know. Apparently NIS in Europe is "only" helping them with the Efigs release here in Europe for Odin's Sphere HD, instead of publishing it?? If that includes Badlands usual Spanish work I don't know tbh.
Btw Badland is on a roll! See many European "exclusives" on their release schedule.. Well I think they are European exclusives since they aren't being talked about elsewhere.


Because I don't want to be an afterthought to publishers who only feel it necessary to release games here because of arbitrary figures.

Europe was pissed about enough in the 90s with this sort of stuff, it needs to stop.

Arbitrary figures? Like, the money they need to turn a profit to avoid going out of business?


Dot Hacked
Hope they're successful in getting Sega Europes attention and consideration! After the massive downsizing of Sega West in recent years its good ta see the american branch turning things around little by little, an it'd be great if the european one wasn't to far behind!
They are in a head to head battle with SE.

A couple years ago I could see but SE have been doing pretty well lately. I mean, FFVII remake? Nier 2 (by PlatinumGames no less), new Star Ocean, a throwback RPG in Setsuna? Isn't that all stuff people have wanted? Plus they've got worldwide launches generally on point. At least NA and PAL are almost always simultaneous even if there's lag behind Japan.

Capcom is a better example. They seriously seem to have no idea what they're doing anymore.

Anyway, I hope this pays off. It's just sad to see European players STILL have to put up with crazy stuff like this.
They are in a head to head battle with SE.

...What? Square-Enix is pumping out games people actually give a fuck about by the barrel-load from both its Western and Japanese ends.

SEGA has Warhammer and Total War and Miku, and a fat middle finger if you want anything else.


Hope they're successful in getting Sega Europes attention and consideration! After the massive downsizing of Sega West in recent years its good ta see the american branch turning things around little by little, an it'd be great if the european one wasn't to far behind!

You're not looking at the PC releases :)
Me I'm not so secretly hoping that they have expanded their efforts to do multiple ports of all their games so they aren't exclusive. As long as they have the quality of VC it'll be swell for all of us.


that puzzling face
...What? Square-Enix is pumping out games people actually give a fuck about by the barrel-load from both its Western and Japanese ends.

SEGA has Warhammer and Total War and Miku, and a fat middle finger if you want anything else.

SEGA has Big's Big Fishing Adventure 3.


Kind of. The difference is that I think big companies would likely get shit for using Kickstarter for localization due to the fact that they're in a way screwing over the people that are paying more than the standard price for the game for it that ultimately just goes into profit. As in since this would likely be a very low key sort of thing, there wouldn't really be an organized campaign with multiple tiers. Here the only option would be the standard price, though I suppose people could buy more copies of the game.

I agree the nuances are slightly different... A pre order website would be better... Posts like in op don't show much, what there's a few thousand people who want this, few million, what? A few hundred posts or twitter or whatever shows very little


Being a big fan of Japanese games, I can only imagine the suffering of never getting Arc System Works, Atlus, or most Japanese games ever.

Imagine being a fan of Arc System Works AND Atlus.

I'm glad for everyone who didn't have to go through the masses of disappointments leading up to Persona 4 Arena's release almost a year after it's North American release.

The spoiler dodging, the promises it'll be out a week after the NA release, then saying it'll be out before the end of the year with dead silence before and after it didn't, god it was disheartening only to be worsened by the fact that the game was region locked on PS3 and Xbox 360 so not even importing was an option.
Good for them, but I'm tired of seeing enthusiasts have to beg for stuff that should just be happening. I'm probably just jaded after years of trying to hype and share everything on social media.


I know the feels. I remember when Nintendo America passed on three great JRPGs for the Wii. What were they again? Pandora's Tower? The Last Story?

I think eventually we got them.
I know the feels. I remember when Nintendo America passed on three great JRPGs for the Wii. What were they again? Pandora's Tower? The Last Story?

I think eventually we got them.

Those two and Xenoblade and yeah, we did get them, though Xseed published Last Story and Pandora.
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