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NV Democrats file complaint against Sanders campaign to DNC

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Fucking piece of shit

Sanders is a piece of shit. It's black and white that he's in it for his own gain, the exact same thing the establishment is in it for.

Nelo Ice

Well I was a Bernie supporter but god damn he has gone completely off rails and has been for awhile now. That and the fact he's doing nothing to quell his insane overzealous base caused me to vote for Hillary in my primary next month. Even though I know for presidency it doesn't really matter at that point but damn the cult of Bernie is nuts. Anyway gladly voting Hillary and doing what I can to get people to vote and so far my system is if I see Republican on the ballot I'm voting for the dem lol.

Also read this yesterday and it seems relevant.
Worst part is come 2020 when Bernie 2.0: not the Socialist Hero but just another Anti-Establishment blowhard with no concrete realistic policies, comes along, the same exact people are gonna fall for his BS all over again.


"I'd like to punch him in the face."
"I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals"

Trump also said that he doesn't condone violence. Bernie's sad single sentence means jack shit.

The media is going to destroy him over this.

One can only hope. I like some of his convictions, but anything worth admiring has been lost in his train wreck of a campaign. Bern him.
If you enjoy watching self-proclaimed liberals go on anti-SJW rants you'll enjoy the Sanders subreddit page.


Morbid curiosity almost warrants reading that


However it's probably like fast food... my brain says yes... and then nothing but regret follows

Fucking piece of shit

What a vile response.

I can't believe he's going off the deep end like this. Does he genuinely believe this'll help him get the nomination? Defeat Trump? Accelerate a bottom-up revolution? At this point he's just continuing his campaign out of pure spite and pride. That he refuses to take responsibility or really do anything at all regarding the sect of insane supporters who are blatant sexists is just deplorable. What the fuck is he doing?


This article is very relevant for people on GAF who support Bernie

People on GAF who support Bernie maybe get their feelings hurt from reading pro-Hillary/anti-Bernie forum posts. The fact that you think that's anywhere near the same as what's described in this article is hilariously absurd.
White House: Political disputes 'never' justify violence


The White House on Tuesday denounced an outbreak of violence at Nevada’s state Democratic Party convention that many in the party blamed on supporters of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

“The president on a number of occasions has spoken out against violence and has certainly said a political dispute like this can never be used to justify violence or a threat of violence,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters.

Earnest said disputes like the one in Nevada should be resolved peacefully and that the “expectation the president has is that there will be a strong commitment to that principle of nonviolence.”
This article is very relevant for people on GAF who support Bernie

If you don't want to find yourself debated, I'm sure you don't have to look to hard to find an echo chamber. I've been insulted by people I thought were friends because I dared to suggest that it was looking very unlikely Sanders was going to win.

You want people to look more kindly on his supporters? Police yourselves. Distance yourselves from the assholes.

I've seen some of my friends who prefer Sanders trying to do just that. You could direct your energies in the same way to help improve the face of the campaign. At some point, if you don't, I'm going to start holding you culpable for how many of your fellow supporters are behaving.


Sorry but these vague non-statements from Bernie Sanders should be expected at this point. He's been using these deflectionary tactics from the very beginning and now that he's desperate and has lost the campaign, there is little reason for him to change.

It became clear to me a few months ago that Bernie Sanders isn't running for anyone else other than Bernie Sanders, and his character is too base to be any decent president. He is not a decent human being who has intentions of being a benefactor to the people, he thinks he is correct in all things and anyone who opposes him is not only ideologically impure, but also actively working against him.

Before this campaign I had a respect for Sanders, that respect has completely melted away at this point. His presidency would be a disaster and I'm very glad we dodge this madman's bullet.
He's bound and determined to burn any currency he gained within the Democratic party. This is not how you take your movement into the mainstream.


No Scrubs
And he's gone off the deep end.

If I were Clinton I would just cancel my appearance at the Cali debate, no reason to engage in this shit.

You know what, Clinton should do that last debate. She should do that last debate and just drop everything her team has been holding back on him all at once, scorched earth. No survivors.

Everyone's treated him with kid gloves this entire campaign and this is where we are. Show him what an actual campaign looks like; and when he's flat on his back after the first round, wondering what the hell just happened, she should do a victory lap and then drop the fucking leg.

I'm tired of this cycle. Just finish it.
What did you expect him to say? "My supporters are awful! Seriously! Look at them!"

He condemned violence of all kinds and listed some reasons they might be mad at the way Nevada Democratic Party handled things.

And the response here is 'fucking piece of shit' and 'fucking asshat'

This is NeoGAF, it's par for the course.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
What did you expect him to say? "My supporters are awful! Seriously! Look at them!"

He condemned violence of all kinds and listed some reasons they might be mad at the way Nevada Democratic Party handled things.

And the response here is 'fucking piece of shit' and 'fucking asshat'

He could say something like "I know some people engage in violence and harassment in the name of my campaign. To those people I want to say: please do not support me, or act as though you represent me"

That's so incredibly basic


You know what, Clinton should do that last debate. She should do that last debate and just drop everything her team has been holding back on him all at once, scorched earth. No survivors.

Everyone's treated him with kid gloves this entire campaign and this is where we are. Show him what an actual campaign looks like; and when he's flat on his back after the first round, wondering what the hell just happened, she should do a victory lap and then drop the fucking leg.

I'm tired of this cycle. Just finish it.
More on this from AP -

The allegation is the latest fallout from a divisive Nevada Democratic convention that had to be shut down because security at the Paris Las Vegas hotel could no longer ensure order on Saturday night. The gathering closed with some Sanders supporters throwing chairs; later, some made death threats against state party chairwoman Roberta Lange.

Sanders' backers had been protesting convention rules that ultimately led to Hillary Clinton winning more pledged delegates. Clinton won the state's caucuses in February, 53-47, but Sanders backers hoped to pick up extra delegates by packing county and state party gatherings.

On Saturday, Sanders backers shouted down the keynote speaker, Sen. Barbara Boxer, and others they thought were tilting the rules in Clinton's favor. Protesters shouted obscenities and rushed the dais to protest rulings. The letter by the state party's general counsel, Bradley S. Schrager, warns that similarly chaotic scenes could unfold in Philadelphia, site of the Democratic National Committee's July convention.

"We believe, unfortunately, that the tactics and behavior on display here in Nevada are harbingers of things to come as Democrats gather in Philadelphia in July for our National Convention," Schrager wrote. "We write to alert you to what we perceive as the Sanders campaign's penchant for extra-parliamentary behavior — indeed, actual violence — in place of democratic conduct in a convention setting, and furthermore what we can only describe as their encouragement of, and complicity in, a very dangerous atmosphere that ended in chaos and physical threats to fellow Democrats."

State party offices remained closed Monday for security reasons after Sanders supporters posted Lange's home and business addresses, email and cell phone number online. Copies of angry and threatening texts to Lange were included with the letter.

Lange said she'd been receiving hundreds of profanity-laced calls and texts from inside and outside of the U.S., threatening her life and her family. Lange said the restaurant where she works has received so many calls it had to unplug the phone.

"It is endless, and the longer it goes the worse it gets," Lange said in an interview. "I feel threatened everywhere I go."

Source - http://elections.ap.org/content/nevada-democrats-sanders-campaign-has-violent-streak


"My sympathies go out to the committee members of the Nevada Democratic Party and their families for the vile and deplorable harassment they are experiencing, and for the unfortunate and lamentable escalation of the convention on Saturday."

Seriously, would that have been so hard?
He could say something like "I know some people engage in violence and harassment in the name of my campaign. To those people I want to say: please do not support me, or act as though you represent me"

That's so incredibly basic

He shouldn't have to pander to people who think he should say things. Any idiot with a pea for a brain understands this, so what if he doesn't say it explicitly. They can be outraged just like every other person these days. Sanders did not personally do this, has stated many many times he doesn't condone violence.


He shouldn't have to pander to people who think he should say things. Any idiot with a pea for a brain understands this, so what if he doesn't say it explicitly. They can be outraged just like every other person these days. Sanders did not personally do this, has stated many many times he doesn't condone violence.

"I don't have to make a sympathetic statement to you. I can see that. You are just too smart!"

Sounds like Sanders alright.


He shouldn't have to pander to people who think he should say things.

He doesn't have to. He can instead implicitly condone the violence and threats being carried out in the name of his campaign while still allowing people to claim he condemned it, just as he did with this statement. But then I think you pretty much have to expect that people will hold him responsible for that choice.
He shouldn't have to pander to people who think he should say things. Any idiot with a pea for a brain understands this, so what if he doesn't say it explicitly. They can be outraged just like every other person these days. Sanders did not personally do this, has stated many many times he doesn't condone violence.

Ah yes, blame everyone else for being stupid and/or easily outraged. Jesus H. Sanders can do no wrong!
"I don't have to make a sympathetic statement to you. I can see that. You are just too smart!"

Sounds like Sanders alright.

I'd love this "logic" applied to casual conversations.

"Any idiot with a pea brain can tell my apology is implied. I'm not gonna pander to you!!!"

Sounds like the ramblings of a psychotic person.


Here I sit, waiting for Adam Baldwin to come out and support Sanders' response.

Listen, I don't even know why you brought this up, this isn't about Adam Baldwin! And people shouldn't have to condemn the actions of some other people.


This is about ethics in the Nevada State Delegate Voting Process.



So glad more people, the press included is getting a better idea about this guy. I sort of smelled it from the start with the way he said things and the tone his rhetoric took, especially after the hack.
Barack Obama will be the one in the end to bring sanity, calm, peace and serenity to all this on the day after the final primary in DC.

Obama is almost half Sanders' age but Bams has twice the wisdom


I am seriously getting a lot of Gamergate vibes around here from some Bernie supporters. The language being used is extremely similar.

...but he really didn't do anything wrong.

Oh please. The man has been pushing the whole "woe is me, the establishment is corrupt and oppressing me and my voters" rhetoric since February, and it gets worse and worse every week. He and his campaign attracted this vile shit, so they are partially responsible for this happening.
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