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Politifact: Allegations of fraud and misconduct at NV convention unfounded

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Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said Nevada Democratic Party leaders "hijacked the process on the floor" of the state convention "ignoring the regular procedure and ramming through what they wanted to do."

Caucuses and delegate math can be incredibly confusing, and the arcane party structures don’t reflect how most people assume presidential selection works.

But the howls of unfairness and corruption by the Sanders campaign during Nevada’s state Democratic Convention can’t change the simple fact that Clinton’s supporters simply turned out in larger numbers and helped her solidify her delegate lead in Nevada.

There’s no clear evidence the state party "hijacked" the process or ignored "regular procedure."

We rate this claim False.

And thus he did not go gently into that good night.

Supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders are furious over the results of Nevada’s state Democratic Party convention in Las Vegas.

Sanders supporters loudly protested both during and after the convention, which saw Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton officially claim a 20-15 delegate advantage over Sanders.

Nevada’s delegate allocation process is complex, but Sanders supporters have accused the state Democratic Party of various crimes including ignoring attempts to change the rules, rigging the process in favor of Clinton and disqualifying several dozen delegates that supported Sanders.

Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver reiterated those concerns during a May 18 interview on CNN with John Vause.

"There was a horrendous breakdown, where the leadership there in Nevada hijacked the process on the floor, created a tremendous amount of angst among people who were there attending the convention, who were supporters of Sen. Sanders, by ignoring the regular procedure and ramming through what they wanted to do," he said.

There’s little disagreement that the convention was chaotic. PolitiFact Nevada was at the convention and saw it firsthand. But does the Sanders campaign’s complaints have merit?

It's a huge article, so it's a little hard to pick out key quotes, but it goes through every major accusation of the NV convention that Bernie Sanders' campaign has put forth.
It's a conspiracy, and Politifact cannot be trusted now!

But it is nice to see the investigation done on this so we can hopefully put this bullshit to bed and move on. I am glad that they got this out so quickly.
Politifact is a well know member of the political fact checking establishment. I'll go on Facebook and listen to what the real truth is.

In all seriousness I can't believe a small conference in NV that wouldn't have changed anything is the hill some people want to die on.


remember me
They're going too soft on him. He deserves a
Politifact is a well know member of the political fact checking establishment. I'll go on Facebook and listen to what the real truth is.

In all seriousness I can't believe a small conference in NV that wouldn't have changed anything is the hill some people want to die on.

They don't. They want it to be the spark that catches fire. It riled up all of my facebook-Bernie friends quite a bit.

The endgame is Convention Chaos, if a win is not possible. I'm convinced.

Anyway before the throngs of what remains of Bernie supporters flock here to poke at the "lol hillGAF (of which I am not a member btdubs)" stick.

If Hillary had fostered the same thing, don't think you wouldn't want it on the front page of every news outlet in the world. Bernie is running on a platform of ideological and social purity. When it's becoming more apparent by the day that this was all a charade (for what I have no idea), that level of hypocrite needs to be shown and shamed.
They don't. They want it to be the spark that catches fire. It riled up all of my facebook-Bernie friends quite a bit.

The endgame is Convention Chaos
, if a win is not possible. I'm convinced.

Once again, proving my theory that these people don't actually give a shit about the country, they just want to be contrarian because they can.

Because this is how you get President Trump, and worse, 30+ years of a hyper conservative USSC.

Anyway before the throngs of what remains of Bernie supporters flock here to poke at the "lol hillGAF (of which I am not a member btdubs)" stick.

If Hillary had fostered the same thing, don't think you wouldn't want it on the front page of every news outlet in the world. Bernie is running on a platform of ideological and social purity. When it's becoming more apparent by the day that this was all a charade (for what I have no idea), that level of hypocrite needs to be shown and shamed.

I don't think hes a hypocrite just your average emotional (very old) human that doesn't run on pure transcendent thoughts. The truth is he's just another politician human, maybe more liberal and less tied to any industry but still a human which comes with anger, pride, and all those fun things.


Trump kept whining and whining and whining about Colorado (where Cruz had a ground organization and Trump didn't) and apparently it worked.

And LOL at thinking Trump would nominate a "hyper-conservative supreme court justice". We'd be more likely to see Judge Judy. I mean, seriously, a lot Republicans think they should take Obama's guy, sine he'd be better than anything Trump would nominate
Trump kept whining and whining and whining about Colorado (where Cruz had a ground organization and Trump didn't) and apparently it worked.

And LOL at thinking Trump would nominate a "hyper-conservative supreme court justice". We'd be more likely to see Judge Judy. I mean, seriously, a lot Republicans think they should take Obama's guy, sine he'd be better than anything Trump would nominate

He already put out a list of 11 people. Feel free to judge how conservative they are.


You guys...


Make this thread about Huelen not even 25 posts in, are you kidding me.

This is a serious, well-researched article that addresses all of the points and allegations that were brought up here, around the web, and by the Sanders campaign itself. It's crucial to understand what exactly happened in Nevada, and how the process played out.
Trump kept whining and whining and whining about Colorado (where Cruz had a ground organization and Trump didn't) and apparently it worked.

And LOL at thinking Trump would nominate a "hyper-conservative supreme court justice". We'd be more likely to see Judge Judy. I mean, seriously, a lot Republicans think they should take Obama's guy, sine he'd be better than anything Trump would nominate

So I take it you missed his list of presumptive noms today then?

The establishment will rally behind him. They have too, they know they have too, or they risk complete collapse.
Trump kept whining and whining and whining about Colorado (where Cruz had a ground organization and Trump didn't) and apparently it worked.

And LOL at thinking Trump would nominate a "hyper-conservative supreme court justice". We'd be more likely to see Judge Judy. I mean, seriously, a lot Republicans think they should take Obama's guy, sine he'd be better than anything Trump would nominate

At least Judge Judy was an actual Judge before her Tv show. I'm half expecting Chief Justice Kanye
His campaign is a mess. Sad.

Sounds like my paranoid uncle.


Anyone who dares disagree is a just a dirty establishment fraud democratic whore who is not a true progressive.

Obviously there are good Sanders supporters but the bad ones scream and dank meme over them.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Stop gloating please. This is serious. There were lots of nebulous accusations of "shady shit" happening on the board today. Everyone interested should read this and understand what happened. Caucuses must go.


Basically Bernie and his campaign are bullshitters. I used to think he had integrity, but that's been completely washed away now.
Stop gloating please. This is serious. There were lots of nebulous accusations of "shady shit" happening on the board today. Everyone interested should read this and understand what happened. Caucuses must go.
Are there really accusations of shady shit on the board, or are you joking? I would believe it either way.
Stop gloating please. This is serious. There were lots of nebulous accusations of "shady shit" happening on the board today. Everyone interested should read this and understand what happened. Caucuses must go.

Kev's right.

Caucuses need to GTFO. They disenfranchise so many people.

Every state should follow oregon's model
Once again, proving my theory that these people don't actually give a shit about the country, they just want to be contrarian because they can.

Because this is how you get President Trump, and worse, 30+ years of a hyper conservative USSC.

Yep. Sanders is just being petulant at this point. He can't win. If he actually cares about the country he'd end this farce and endorse Hillary so she can focus on dismantling Trump.


I hope this helps put away all the yells of fraud and voter suppression in Nevada. It just wasn't the case. Good on Polifact for doing a full write up on it, they also had people on the floor that day: "There’s little disagreement that the convention was chaotic. PolitiFact Nevada was at the convention and saw it firsthand. "

And yes, get rid of caucuses, my god.
Eight Bernie delegates were actually present that were challenged and four were eventually seated.

The other 56 delegates that were challenged chose to disenfranchise themselves by not showing up.

How many people complaining about Nevada actually realize this? Less than 10%, that's for sure.


I hope this helps puts away all the yells of fraud and voter suppression in Nevada. It just wasn't the case. Good on Polifact for doing a full write up on it, they also had people on the floor that day: "There’s little disagreement that the convention was chaotic. PolitiFact Nevada was at the convention and saw it firsthand. "

It won't. The threads about Politifact's findings on /r/politics and /r/s4p are all downvoted and full of comments asserting that Politifact is bought and paid for by the Clintons.

The Bernie Bros have their conspiracy and the campaign is affirming their misconceptions.
Stop gloating please. This is serious. There were lots of nebulous accusations of "shady shit" happening on the board today. Everyone interested should read this and understand what happened. Caucuses must go.

Pretty much. This just dispels the notion that there was any foul play involved. Caucuses have served their purpose but the next Dem primary in 8 years needs to just be proportionate popular vote.
Eight Bernie delegates were actually present that were challenged and four were eventually seated.

The other 56 delegates that were challenged chose to disenfranchise themselves by not showing up.

How many people complaining about Nevada actually realize this? Less than 10%, that's for sure.

The fact that so many of them didn't even show was a surprise to me.


I'm really starting to wonder if this Sanders' goal at this point.

Rile up his supporters into a frenzy seeing fraud and injustice around every corner, drive up Hillary's negatives as high as possible so that it looks more and more like she could lose to Trump, sew seeds of mistrust in the DNC itself, drown out the reality of Hillary's delegate/popular vote advantage in the media with this insanity, then come convention time present himself as the only one who can make it all stop.

It likely wouldn't work, it's farfetched as hell. But, well, nothing is too farfetched this primary.

Still, this is the kind of behavior I never wanted to see from the left, and it's a shame that it has come at a time when our current President and Democratic leadership has put us more firmly on the path to real progressive change than we've ever been. And all because of a hopeless ideologue who cares less about his principles than he does about being the one to lead the revolution.


It won't. The threads about Politifact's findings on /r/politics and /r/s4p are all downvoted and full of comments asserting that Politifact is bought and paid for by the Clintons.

The Bernie Bros have their conspiracy and the campaign is affirming their misconceptions.

i just looked at r/politics. holy fuck is that place weird
Yep. Sanders is just being petulant at this point. He can't win. If he actually cares about the country he'd end this farce and endorse Hillary so she can focus on dismantling Trump.

Bernie and BernieGAF I love you but you need to know when enough Ls have been taken

It's over. Fight another day

I can't speak for every Sanders supporter, but I know he's not going to win. The way I see it, he's staying in because he said he was going to stay in until the last vote is cast. He's going to spread his message as much as he possibly can and hope it makes for a better future even if that future doesn't include him being president.

It's not petulance or stubbornness. It's convictions imo. I'm sure he (and I) believes he's doing what is best and what is right. Which is what he's done consistently throughout his life.


It's time for people to sit back and make honest self-assessments.

An overt fascist echoing Mussolini and calling for blatantly racist policies as the core of his platform is a candidate for President of the United States.

He is the candidate with a united party behind him.

Meanwhile the opposition, a group that ranges from modest progressives to extreme progressives, is the one having a wedge driven between it in the lead up to the general election because of ideological purity.

Hell of a time to be alive.


It won't. The threads about Politifact's findings on /r/politics and /r/s4p are all downvoted and full of comments asserting that Politifact is bought and paid for by the Clintons.

The Bernie Bros have their conspiracy and the campaign is affirming their misconceptions.

That's really too bad. Speaking of reddit, there's an interesting post from a Hillary delegate at that convention, seems to corroborate Polifact's findings and talks about how an anti-voter suppression platform was voted down because of a disagreement with the phrase "super delegates." Very sad:

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