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Horizon Zero Dawn - Aloy's Journey Trailer, delayed to February 28th, 2017

PSY・S;205857017 said:
So because the majority doesn't see it as a problem the minority isn't allowed to speak on it?

Are dissenting opinions and discussion not allowed?
You can say it. No one's stopping you. Doesn't mean people have to agree or reply

Ran rp

Once again, you're allowed to say it. Nobody has said you're not allowed to say it. Are people not allowed to disagree with you?

There's a difference between disagreeing and belittling.

More_Badass is disagreeing with me. Others are saying my points are nothing.


I don't think the trailer VA will be in the game. That doesn't seem like a conversation. Just something for a trailer.

Aloy herself seems to be fine tuned with her VA as well from last year.


PSY・S;205857661 said:
There's a difference between disagreeing and belittling.

More_Badass is disagreeing with me. Others are saying my points are nothing.

What do you really want from us?
One thing I'm a little concerned about is weapon variety/upgradability. So far it kinda looks like, for the most part, it will just be a variety of different arrow heads like fire, electric, explosive ect. I hope the melee is pretty indepth.
PSY・S;205857661 said:
There's a difference between disagreeing and belittling.

More_Badass is disagreeing with me. Others are saying my points are nothing.
Well, yeah, the goal here is discussion

Btw, the first was a classic sci-fi novel called Uplift, but the idea has been used in many other sci-fi works since (us uplifting other species, or aliens uplifting us) while the latter was Planet of the Apes.

But there are other silly examples. A towering radioactive monster emerges from the ocean and razes Japan. It's silly, but they treated Gojira with a seriousness befitting its Hiroshima/Nagasaki inspirations, treated it as a unstoppable force of nature, and gave the movie a dark disturbing pathos that still resonates today

So I just think it rests more on the execution rather than the idea. And we really don't know how they're going to execut the narrative idea of Horizon yet


I'd be in the dick
One thing I'm a little concerned about is weapon variety/upgradability. So far it kinda looks like, for the most part, it will just be a variety of different arrow heads like fire, electric, explosive ect. I hope the melee is pretty indepth.
I think there's going to be a number of traps and stuff too. That line launcher from the gameplay reveal seems to have a lot of potential uses.


Lost interest halfway through, but that's just the nature of my relationship with cinematic trailers. Hoping to see some gameplay at E3.

lol, I reacted pretty much the same way. It looks pretty, but man are cinematic trailers boring as heck.

Ugh the writing, seems absolutely terrible. The game and world both look totally worth exploring so the cliche crap won't stop me from buying it but I'll tell you, as games keep getting better and better looking it's just becoming so much harder to dismiss bad writing. It's not THAT hard to just tell a simple, effective story with decently likeable characters, I don't know why games are still struggling so hard with this.

This too. It reminded me of Mirror's Edge Catalyst trailers, ugh. It feels so forced and takes itself so seriously, it just becomes cringeworthy instead of actually interesting.


Ugh the writing, seems absolutely terrible. The game and world both look totally worth exploring so the cliche crap won't stop me from buying it but I'll tell you, as games keep getting better and better looking it's just becoming so much harder to dismiss bad writing. It's not THAT hard to just tell a simple, effective story with decently likeable characters, I don't know why games are still struggling so hard with this.


PSY・S;205857661 said:
There's a difference between disagreeing and belittling.

More_Badass is disagreeing with me. Others are saying my points are nothing.

I actually have many of the same questions you have. However we also have zero information on the how and why of robo dinos so it's simply not something to worry about until we know the background. Plus, and I think this is the disconnect, robo dinos are so cool that I'll probably be okay with a far weaker explanation than the one you might like.

Say mad scientist who loves robots and dinosaurs builds automated factory, hence it turns out robots with the parts other robots can gather. This explains the robots built to the same-ish specs, the lack of armour (perhaps scientist didn't think of programming mining robots?), and whatever other quirks are covered by rich mad genius personal issues.


Ugh the writing, seems absolutely terrible. The game and world both look totally worth exploring so the cliche crap won't stop me from buying it but I'll tell you, as games keep getting better and better looking it's just becoming so much harder to dismiss bad writing. It's not THAT hard to just tell a simple, effective story with decently likeable characters, I don't know why games are still struggling so hard with this.

Dont play Uncharted 4 then, because you will never be able to play anything narrative driven after it. It is just so much better than the vast majority of the games on writing, story telling, voice acting, narrative pacing, etc.


I still don't get it, is it an open world game? Or is it linear?
The gigantic, verdant landscape you see in the demo isn't just for show - as in Skyrim, every distant mountaintop, far-off forest, or apartment-complex-turned-waterfall is an actual area you can visit as you trek through the virtual wilderness. Better yet, Horizon: Zero Dawn does away with any load times, so your journey will be entirely seamless.

Each cyber-species can roam freely throughout the environment, with the capacity to react to each other even if Aloy's not directly involved. Guerilla Games has stated that the goal is to design the robotic wildlife in such a way that leads to memorable moments without the need for scripted vignettes. To help the player understand how these creatures are interacting with one another, the bright lights that function as their eyes are color-coded. Blue means they're just going about their instinctual business, yellow indicates that something has startled them, and red means they're either fleeing in fear or aggressively charging at their prey.
Sup, Crispin Freeman! The game looks gorgeous, can't wait. The narration was quite narmy, but it did do a good job setting up the plot for us, at least. Aloy is still fab, and that collector's statue is a bit tempting...


I'm more and more leaning towards normal boxarts these days. I might trade in my Limited Edition UC4 for a normal boxart.


I'm not normally one to complain about VA, but my goodness that was awful.

This has so much potential but Guerilla's track record is shaky at best. Please don't fuck this up.
Ugh the writing, seems absolutely terrible. The game and world both look totally worth exploring so the cliche crap won't stop me from buying it but I'll tell you, as games keep getting better and better looking it's just becoming so much harder to dismiss bad writing. It's not THAT hard to just tell a simple, effective story with decently likeable characters, I don't know why games are still struggling so hard with this.
Sure, if your game is going to be simple. Look at Oxenfree or even a more open but constrained game like Dishonored

But here, you need to write a narrative that encompasses a big high-concept sci-fi idea, a sprawling multi-region world, a reason to why you need to explore that world, enemies and missions to populate the world, and so on

Simple and effective storytelling doesn't really dovetail with sprawling far future open world
Ok, so before I say anything else, this game looks fucking amazing, period. Its easily my most hyped game at this point.

But 2 things:

1) As much as I dont want to, I have to doubt that this is representative of the final product. I dont have any reason to say this other than it looks way too good for an open world game. I realize ND and GG are wizards and all that but this footage seems kind of impossible, so until people are actually playing it I wont believe it.

2) The dialogue. What the hell happened here? "Am I an outcast?"
Are you kidding me? Cheesy writing like this has no place in such a creative game. I hope this was just a trailer thing. Otherwise Im worried.
Ugh the writing, seems absolutely terrible. The game and world both look totally worth exploring so the cliche crap won't stop me from buying it but I'll tell you, as games keep getting better and better looking it's just becoming so much harder to dismiss bad writing. It's not THAT hard to just tell a simple, effective story with decently likeable characters, I don't know why games are still struggling so hard with this.

Probably because they make a game first and put a story in it afterwards.


Day one, but what's with Delay station 4? I thought it was easier to develop for? And now we have PlayStation 4.5 coming, I don't this gen has satisfied me yet...


I still don't get it, is it an open world game? Or is it linear?
If we had a slider," he said, "... you would say that open-world games kind of fit along a slider between super action open-world games — maybe you'd look at a GTA or maybe you'd take a look at an Assassin's Creed on that side — and then the really RPG-ish open-world games. Maybe you'd put a Skyrim on that side, or maybe a Fallout. We think we actually kind of fit somewhere in the middle. We haven't seen a lot of those RPG elements yet, but there are a lot in there and we look forward to showing quite a few of them down the road


edit: beaten.
I still don't get it, is it an open world game? Or is it linear?

Guerrilla has said open-world from the start.

Day one, but what's with Delay station 4? I thought it was easier to develop for? And now we have PlayStation 4.5 coming, I don't this gen has satisfied me yet...

Not speaking from experience, but I would think game development is a lot more complicated than how easy it is program. And games are getting more complex.

Omg that is a sexy boxart.

Still have this on pre-order deals from last year's E3 actually lmao ^^
Looks amazing and I don't see anything that can be considered terribly wrong with the voice acting or writing. It's pretty standard stuff, I'm not expecting miracles from GG in that department. If people are expecting something at the same level of Witcher 3 they will most likely be disappointed.

Cautiously optimistic.


Looks amazing and I don't see anything that can be considered terribly wrong with the voice acting or writing. It's pretty standard stuff, I'm not expecting miracles from GG in that department. If people are expecting something at the same level of Witcher 3 they will most likely be disappointed.

Cautiously optimistic.

Incidentally, I thought that early Witcher 3 trailers had really bad writing.

It is very clear that that voice over was for the trailer, but I would have hoped that dialogues would have been better.


Looks fantastic, but yeah, the writing is off. It confuses me why companies like Blizzard and Guerrilla struggle to match the quality of their writing to the quality of... well, everything else.
Looks amazing and I don't see anything that can be considered terribly wrong with the voice acting or writing. It's pretty standard stuff, I'm not expecting miracles from GG in that department. If people are expecting something at the same level of Witcher 3 they will most likely be disappointed.

Cautiously optimistic.

They did hire a bunch of talent away from CD Project Red that worked on Witcher 3 though. Part of the Bloody Baron quest's designer is at GG now for instance.
I don't think the trailer VA will be in the game. That doesn't seem like a conversation. Just something for a trailer.

Aloy herself seems to be fine tuned with her VA as well from last year.

Yeah, most of that didn't seem like dialogue that'll actually be in the game to me and instead seemed like mostly trailer-only world setup or perhaps lines taken from various places plus narration, outside of a few more urgent lines. I thought it was fine and don't get the complaints.

Aloy's voice seems great last year and here in her couple of lines and I think her father's voice (If that's his actual voice narrating) seems perfect. Also heard the awesome Crispin Freeman as that deep voiced guy in the mask at the very end.

Them showing you'll be riding robo-dinos too is so fucking awesome.


I'd be in the dick
Looks fantastic, but yeah, the writing is off. It confuses me why companies like Blizzard and Guerrilla struggle to match the quality of their writing to the quality of... well, everything else.
This trailer's VO seems like it was mostly cobbled together from different conversations. I expect it to be better in context if it isn't just for the trailer

We still don't know about the relationship between tribes, if there's some other kind of threat out there, or how the game will handle dialogue options and consequences. That will be where the more interesting writing comes into play.

If we had a slider," he said, "... you would say that open-world games kind of fit along a slider between super action open-world games — maybe you'd look at a GTA or maybe you'd take a look at an Assassin's Creed on that side — and then the really RPG-ish open-world games. Maybe you'd put a Skyrim on that side, or maybe a Fallout. We think we actually kind of fit somewhere in the middle. We haven't seen a lot of those RPG elements yet, but there are a lot in there and we look forward to showing quite a few of them down the road

edit: beaten.



Dont play Uncharted 4 then, because you will never be able to play anything narrative driven after it. It is just so much better than the vast majority of the games on writing, story telling, voice acting, narrative pacing, etc.

I did play it, I thought it was great. I also think it's a bit of a shame that it's looked to as the absolute ideal of game writing because, on its own, it's good but not really anything THAT amazing. Animation and actin quality are indeed superb but the actual characters and story are simply good. I don't think we'll ever live in a world where Uncharted quality is average, but I do think it's kind of sad that it's THAT much better than most other games because it really isn't doing anything that new.

Sure, if your game is going to be simple. Look at Oxenfree or even a more open but constrained game like Dishonored

But here, you need to write a narrative that encompasses a big high-concept sci-fi idea, a sprawling multi-region world, a reason to why you need to explore that world, enemies and missions to populate the world, and so on

Simple and effective storytelling doesn't really dovetail with sprawling far future open world

I don't really agree. I think most good sci-fi just focuses on cleanly defined characters and conflict, and then the story of the world follows naturally. My platonic ideal of a good pop sci-fi story is something like the original Star Wars trilogy. Great cast of characters who you sort of "get the gist of" as soon you encounter, and a nicely paced story that provides the perfect excuse to explore the intriguing world. Don't get me wrong it's not like I think SW trilogy is the greatest tale ever told or anything, but do I think a lot of AAA games whose main objective is ostensibly "fun" would do well by adopting some of the tools that stories like Star Wars employ.

But really I think I've just stomached one too many faux-urgency / identity crisis laden video games to keep my mouth shut about it.... haha
I think there's going to be a number of traps and stuff too. That line launcher from the gameplay reveal seems to have a lot of potential uses.
Oh yeah, that line launcher was cool for sure. I wonder if you can rope swing or climb cliff faces with that thing.

I really hope they do take advantage of a cool idea for a weapon like that and its only purpose isn't securing a dino in place. I remember the trip bomb now too. So yeah, if they have cool ideas for setting up traps and stuff that would definitely make up for a lack of gun-like weapons.

I like the idea that its not just a shoot-bang with fancy guns kinda game. I just fear the combat getting stale after a bit.

Buuuut thats just me trying to find some kind of criticism/concern... I'm insanely hyped for this game and think it looks incredible.
Ok, so before I say anything else, this game looks fucking amazing, period. Its easily my most hyped game at this point.

But 2 things:

1) As much as I dont want to, I have to doubt that this is representative of the final product. I dont have any reason to say this other than it looks way too good for an open world game. I realize ND and GG are wizards and all that but this footage seems kind of impossible, so until people are actually playing it I wont believe it.

2) The dialogue. What the hell happened here? "Am I an outcast?"
Are you kidding me? Cheesy writing like this has no place in such a creative game. I hope this was just a trailer thing. Otherwise Im worried.

It is from Guerrilla Games, the guys who made Killzone. I don't expect Uncharted level detailed story or script from them. I would not personally call them creative in that sense, since they only have done Killzone games since 2004, which are almost the definition of uncreative (I recall Killzone was named the Halo-killer back when first announced by some magazine, good times). I have a great deal of trust in Guerrilla since I really love the Killzone games, and this game look original in a scene (robo-dinos=win), but I have yet to see how the gameplay evolves past anything we have seen in the past from a third person shooter with maybe some Far Cry elements, which is were I think this might go (and I don't want item gathering-crap quests ala Far Cry). I do have similar concerns as you and have a tough time believing the open world rpg concept until some play it extensively and preview it.
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