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PR: COLECO to release Chameleon, console that focuses on new cartridge games


Honestly, I feel for Mike. He seems like a guy who loves gaming but doesn't really understand the tech behind it. I don't believe he even I tended to trick people, but he didn't have the understanding of what it would take to create a new platform.

Then why did he launch a $2m indiegogo campaign in his own name falsely claiming to already have a prototype?
Then why did he launch a $2m indiegogo campaign in his own name falsely claiming to already have a prototype?
He didn't, the whole reason he went with IndieGoGo was because he didn't have a prototype. The IndieGoGo campaign didn't claim to have a prototype.

Here's my take: I *would* think it would be trusting too much and ignorance, he seems to be that kinda guy, but let's not forget, this guy ran a website about classic game collectibles and auctions. How does someone with this expertise not recognize a SNES JR back, even if covered in tape?


He didn't, the whole reason he went with IndieGoGo was because he didn't have a prototype.

My mistake.

He did say this though:

We have spec'ed out all electronics and parts and are proud to say we are using only the best parts available in RETRO VGS. Finally, we have established a relationship with one of the largest PCBA contract manufacturers in the area. All the pieces are in place to create a working prototype soon after it appears our funding goal will be met.

Which seems pretty misleading, given subsequent developments.


I am Korean.
He did say this though:
Which seems pretty misleading, given subsequent developments.

Really it sounds more like he didn't have the funds to pay someone to develop a prototype for him and he was hoping that investors and crowdfunding would make that possible.

Seems more reasonable that he viewed a working prototype as a catch-22 and was just trying to get the funds to make that possible by any means necessary.


And that's exactly how he hoped to fund his campaign.

The funniest part (and most damning) is that his whole mind revolves around scamming.

He said:
But at the same time, I wonder who he might have to take advantage of to get the money to pay me back.

What? So Mike hired a guy who scams 24/7?? How does that guy make a living? Does he twirl his evil mustache all day?!

Mike's mind operates like this now: need money? Then it's time to scam.

He's now projecting his own thought process onto his "engineer." His sob story is all bullshit but amusing as hell.

You've never heard of "rob Peter to pay Paul"?

If it's true that Mike was a fool who got taken for $10,000 (I got taken for $200 once, feels bad man), and if it's true that he looked online and found that the guy he trusted was previously charged for 7 counts of Felony Grand-Theft, then yeah, he's going to want his $10,000 back, and yeah, he might feel a little concerned that the con artist is more likely going to find that money by scamming somebody's elderly grandmother than he is to put in a thousand hours of overtime to work off the debt.

Mike (allegedly) got taken for $10,000 by a criminal, and you find it suspicious that he expects the worst from that criminal?
Mike (allegedly) got taken for $10,000 by a criminal, and you find it suspicious that he expects the worst from that criminal?

I find it suspicious when a con-man like Mike claims he's the victim.

I'm calling it right now- it's all bullshit. Mike is a liar and he will do anything to absolve himself of guilt, short of taking responsibility for what he's done. If you want to bet against me go ahead, but so far I've had a near spotless record with my predictions. In fact, the only time I've been wrong is when I thought too much of him and imagined he'd actually have a prototype at the NY Toy Fair.

As long as we're talking about what I find to be suspicious, allow me to ask you something: do you think it's suspicious AT ALL when a guy who chose to abandon ship for over a month while his friends and colleagues took the heat for his console's failure finally reappears with a fantastical high stakes story about getting conned? Does that arouse any suspicion in you at all?? Do you think he was sulking and driven into madness that whole month? (spoiler:
he wasn't and I have the pics to prove it

He's playing you just like he did at the Toy Fair, that's how he operates. But go ahead and believe him, I mean, I'm sure no one is going to come out of the wood work and prove he's full of shit. Yep, that's never gonna happen.


This story keeps on delivering

Yeah, until I see some proof of legal proceedings, that Mike Kennedy is suing this person, I won't believe it.


I find it suspicious when a con-man like Mike claims he's the victim.

I'm calling it right now- it's all bullshit. Mike is a liar and he will do anything to absolve himself of guilt, short of taking responsibility for what he's done. If you want to bet against me go ahead, but so far I've had a near spotless record with my predictions. In fact, the only time I've been wrong is when I thought too much of him and imagined he'd actually have a prototype at the NY Toy Fair.

As long as we're talking about what I find to be suspicious, allow me to ask you something: do you think it's suspicious AT ALL when a guy who chose to abandon ship for over a month while his friends and colleagues took the heat for his console's failure finally reappears with a fantastical high stakes story about getting conned? Does that arouse any suspicion in you at all?? Do you think he was sulking and driven into madness that whole month? (spoiler:
he wasn't and I have the pics to prove it

He's playing you just like he did at the Toy Fair, that's how he operates. But go ahead and believe him, I mean, I'm sure no one is going to come out of the wood work and prove he's full of shit. Yep, that's never gonna happen.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt when people were laughing about the ToyFair prototype being an SNES Mini, because sometimes you have to fudge things to make a live presentation work. I thought the SNES Mini was funny, not damning. Then I saw what people (you included) said about his conflicting statements, and I raised my eyebrow a little. It's good to be a little suspicious. Around this time, I actually warned a real-life friend away from getting too interested in the Chameleon, since red flags were being raised, and there were questions that needed to be answered.

When people figured out the capture card in a Jag shell, I thought that was it for Mike. He was finished. I thought he cashed in whatever retro community credibility he had built up in exchange for a grab at a couple million dollars. Your suspicion was proven right.

Now that he claims he was scammed by his hardware designer, I'm willing to let down my pitchfork arm. He could still be lying, but I'm willing to consider that maybe he's a victim.

As for your question, no, I don't consider it suspicious that he would hide under a rock for a month. Shit got real for me once, and I pulled the battery out of my phone for two weeks. And the Coleco Chameleon is a much bigger disaster than anything I've experienced. If you assume he's innocent, then it's not weird for him to hide under a rock. If you assume he's innocent, then it's not weird for him to expect bad things from his con-artist. I get that you don't believe that he's innocent, but you need to look at things from both angles before you use them as proof of guilty behavior.

If you've got pictures that prove a flaw in his story, that's another matter entirely.
My mistake.

He did say this though:

Which seems pretty misleading, given subsequent developments.
I don't think so, I've always believed they had a PCB specced out for the first-gen Retro-VGS, and from what John Carlson has said on his recent tell-all, it sounds like they did. It was just way too frickin' expensive. The first Retro-VGS wasn't a scam, it was more a bunch of mistakes, including a horrible amount of feature-creep and Mike Kennedy listening to nobody, burning bridges and throwing people under the bus.


Yeah we're supposed to believe that someone with MK's experience didn't join the dots when he saw a Nintendo multi-out connector and SNES controllers and that a SD2SNES cart fit in the cart connector and booted without problems that what was in front of him was a SNES Mini inside a Jaguar shell. Also that he didn't look inside to see what he had spent thousands of dollars on and that the requests to hide the back were totally above board.

I'm sure the deleted Facebook comments weren't him either.
What a garbage dump---so many deflecting words and yet I guess he just plumb ran out of characters to apologize to kevtris?

Zero confidence that this is at all as "rosy" as his framing well after the fact---especially considering all that actually went on with the FB page, statements, the works. This timeline is so convoluted and damning at any sense of understanding tech, money, PR, people, it boggles the mind.

Gotta grind for that Tragic Hero angle when Hapless(Villainous more likely~) Villain sets in moreso.


At least Kennedy can fucking give up the Jaguar molds now.

He already did, according to him

You will all be glad to hear that I am officially tabling the console venture for good. I have negotiated with Albert (AtariAge) to take over the Jaguar tooling so we can all be assured it’s in good hands and won’t get destroyed or lost to time. And I am sure Albert will do some very cool things with the console and cartridge shells.

I have nothing but good things to say about the AtariAge shop. I'm sure good things will come out of it, at the very least production of Jaguar homebrew in carts, potentially stuff like Jaguar console recreations (not emulation), like we have seen for multiple consoles and computers already.


Yeah we're supposed to believe that someone with MK's experience didn't join the dots when he saw a Nintendo multi-out connector and SNES controllers and that a SD2SNES cart fit in the cart connector and booted without problems that what was in front of him was a SNES Mini inside a Jaguar shell. Also that he didn't look inside to see what he had spent thousands of dollars on and that the requests to hide the back were totally above board.

I'm sure the deleted Facebook comments weren't him either.

I love the part where he openly says he decided not to open the shells back in his hotel room. That's an admission of wanting to keep some plausible deniability for himself. Which he is using in full force now.


I love the part where he openly says he decided not to open the shells back in his hotel room. That's an admission of wanting to keep some plausible deniability for himself. Which he is using in full force now.

It's the gift that keeps on giving.

We're also supposed to believe him that he bought the "SNES parts" line and wrote another cheque for $3000 shortly after the toy show, like he is some naive innocent child being milked by a genius grifter, as though MK had never seen a SNES before in his life.

Some serious Name Dropping here.

I don't believe any of it. He's trying to end this (yay) and would rather come across as a bumbling idiot than a scammer.

Which, predictably, is leading to those people coming forward to share their experiences with Mike.

Clay Cowgill just arrived on the AtariAge forum:
I've been content to take a "not my circus, not my monkeys" stance with this whole brouhaha, but since Mike decided to name drop me...

* Mike seems to have some facts jumbled up a bit at the beginning of the project. For the record, Sean (whom I had met a couple times before) contacted me directly in early November 2014 to see if I was interested in speaking to Mike about a retro-style hardware game device. I've done that kind of development work commercially for years now, so I agreed to at least explore the possibility and agreed to let Sean give Mike my contact information. Mike and I then spoke directly by phone on Nov. 17th, 2014. Sean was already working with Mike well in advance of my involvement and my understanding during the call with Mike was that he and Sean were actually friends and had known each other for quite some time.

* The project was not what I as a hardware designer would consider 'defined'. Mike wanted 'hardware' as quickly as possible, but there was nothing that I would consider a bare minimum to start designing from-- no product requirements documents, no hardware specification, no consideration of the product ecosystem. I provided some example architectures on 12/1/2014 of 'things that could be made to work in a short period of time' based on designs I'd done earlier, but there was still a pretty glaring lack of direction.

* By 12/19/2014 I pushed back on putting any additional time in on the hardware until we A) knew what the programmers needed/wanted for features and performance and B) knew the performance of available platforms relative to their costs. That was falling outside of what I was comfortable putting time and effort in on (all my involvement was done without compensation as spec work in return for per unit royalties should the product eventually come to market), so Sean stepped up and did a bunch of work with available generic hardware platforms and existing emulators to evaluate possible candidates. The outcome of that was that the AM3354 (based on the performance of a BeagleBone Black devboard) would probably be sufficient given the back-of-napkin type wish-list we had for features.

Over the next couple months there wasn't a lot of progress on nailing down specifications (I don't know if there *ever* was an official requirements document/engineering spec generated)-- even basics like what type of video modes and outputs the device was supposed to have were still up in the air at the end of February. However, there *was* talking up the system in public when it didn't even exist on paper yet-- I took that as an excellent sign that it was time to officially part company at the end of February and "pursue other opportunities".



Well, looks this Sean person is real and he's a huge pathological liar and career scammer. y-bot's big post a few posts after Clay's gives a long list of Sean's known scams.


The full read is actually pretty crazy as I've personally never encountered a person like this. I wonder what influenced this guy to turn out such a huge asshole and what motivates him to continue behaving this way.

This begins to paint Mike as someone who indeed got suckered big time and, being too embarrassed or naive to admit, kept up a long charade that everything was going well. In that regard, I think he's still partially culpable for not doing research on this guy before getting involved in a big business venture, not being forthcoming to everyone about what was happening, and blindly continuing to financially support the scammer. He made his share of shitty decisions and can't place the full blame on this Sean character.


I would feel bad for Mike except he ripped me off with the Retro magazine kickstarter by only sending me one issue despite multiple assurances the others would be sent. The Golden Rule comes to mind.


On second thought, I'm leaning on Mike being fully aware of Sean's reputation and being involved together on a sort of long con where they hoped to pull in talent like Clay, Kevtris, John Carlsen, Piko, Gamester and the Jag Bar video producer to do all the work and not pay them, reap all the rewards and get rich. That backfired as people bailed and they went into full "fake it til you make it mode" hoping crowd funded money would solve everything. OR given Sean's rep for this sort of thing, maybe the true end goal was to scam everyone by waiting a short time before claiming the system was an unsustainable bust and pocketing the remaining IGG/KS money.

I find it very difficult to believe Mike was involved with this guy since 2014!!! and didn't know what he was. They were in on some scheme together with at least Sean being the smarter one and maneuvering so that Mike would pay any expenses and take all the heat if things went south.


Well, looks this Sean person is real and he's a huge pathological liar and career scammer. y-bot's big post a few posts after Clay's gives a long list of Sean's known scams.


The full read is actually pretty crazy as I've personally never encountered a person like this. I wonder what influenced this guy to turn out such a huge asshole and what motivates him to continue behaving this way.

This begins to paint Mike as someone who indeed got suckered big time and, being too embarrassed or naive to admit, kept up a long charade that everything was going well. In that regard, I think he's still partially culpable for not doing research on this guy before getting involved in a big business venture, not being forthcoming to everyone about what was happening, and blindly continuing to financially support the scammer. He made his share of shitty decisions and can't place the full blame on this Sean character.

You really believe that someone with MK's experience was duped by a SNES Mini inside a Jaguar shell and chose to demo it at the toy show thinking it was legitimate? That having been scammed out of $4000 for that "proto" he gave that guy another $3000 up front with the promise of another $3000 two months later? The same MK who didn't stump up the cash to secure Kevtris' involvement (cancelling a Skype meeting just before it was supposed to happen) when he had a dozen console cores ready to go back when this was the Retro VGS? I suppose it was this Sean character who deleted all the Facebook posts pointing out the deception and made the notorious Retro VGS cardboard prototype too.

On second thought, I'm leaning on Mike being fully aware of Sean's reputation and being involved together on a sort of long con where they hoped to pull in talent like Clay, Kevtris, John Carlsen, Piko, Gamester and the Jag Bar video producer to do all the work and not pay them, reap all the rewards and get rich. That backfired as people bailed and they went into full "fake it til you make it mode" hoping crowd funded money would solve everything. OR given Sean's rep for this sort of thing, maybe the true end goal was to scam everyone by waiting a short time before claiming the system was an unsustainable bust and pocketing the remaining IGG/KS money.

I find it very difficult to believe Mike was involved with this guy since 2014!!! and didn't know what he was. They were in on some scheme together with at least Sean being the smarter one and maneuvering so that Mike would pay any expenses and take all the heat if things went south.

Okay, phew.

You've come around!
So, did you guys see what just happened?

Mike tried to prove that he did in fact pay Sean (and therefore Sean is real and supposedly ripped off Mike) by posting copies of what he claimed are the checks he sent as payment to Sean.


... but then someone noticed he was still paying Sean after 2/29/16, which is after the prototype was revealed to be fake and according to Mike's story, when he found out too.

So what's the appropriate and best form of damage control when you're Mike Kennedy and caught in another lie? Take down the check images, of course!!

I guess we'll have to wait and see what his explanation for this one is, huh?

I told you guys he was full of shit. He's a con-artist who can't even keep his lies together. If you can't see that, then you're beyond help. If you read that wall of text from last night and ate up every word of it, you need to get some sense before someone else comes along and really gets the best of you.


You really believe that someone with MK's experience was duped by a SNES Mini inside a Jaguar shell and chose to demo it at the toy show thinking it was legitimate? That having been scammed out of $4000 for that "proto" he gave that guy another $3000 up front with the promise of another $3000 two months later? The same MK who didn't stump up the cash to secure Kevtris' involvement (cancelling a Skype meeting just before it was supposed to happen) when he had a dozen console cores ready to go back when this was the Retro VGS? I suppose it was this Sean character who deleted all the Facebook posts pointing out the deception and made the notorious Retro VGS cardboard prototype too.

Okay, phew.

You've come around!

Don't worry I wasn't giving Mike a pass. I was initially under the impression he invented Sean "LEE" by digging up a random scammer from years ago and pinning the blamd on him... and maybe paying him to take the fall if anyone asked him questions.

I only started to believe Mike got suckered an hour ago when independent persons came forth to say Sean is a real person involved in RVGS/Chameleon and an actual con artist... but Mike's story still didn't make sense of his behavior these past months. It occurred to me that
1. Mike can't possibly be that incredibly gullible and stupid regardless if Sean is a real scammer.
2. Sean really did get involved to con people, but Mike wasn't one of the victims... They were in on it together the entire time.
2. Sean really did get involved to con people, but Mike wasn't one of the victims... They were in on it together the entire time.

I couldn't agree more!

This might be the only time we've ever seen a shady console company hire a shady guy for the purposes of making their shady fake prototype.

Seriously, WTF Mike? By this point wouldn't it be easier to just make the fucking thing for real?
I couldn't agree more!

This might be the only time we've ever seen a shady console company hire a shady guy for the purposes of making their shady fake prototype.

Seriously, WTF Mike? By this point wouldn't it be easier to just make the fucking thing for real?

Lol, yeah. When the attempted scam starts involving more time, work, and effort than it actually would to start making the real thing? You've lost the plot, bub, time to shut it down.


It just keeps going. As an uninterested (in the RetroVGS/Coleco Chameleon) outside observer this has been fascinating and entertaining.

I'm of the opinion that Mike is a scammer. To be interested in retro gaming to such a degree and yet completely taken in by a so-called scammer selling him a bag of goods in regards to retro gaming seems like a huge stretch.

This thing with the checks and his subsequent takedown of the images solidifies it, IMO. Honest people don't act like this.


This could be a great long form read. I would suggest whomever intends on that task should probably wait a yes after this ends because this guy never seems to quit his shenanigans.


So, did you guys see what just happened?

Mike tried to prove that he did in fact pay Sean (and therefore Sean is real and supposedly ripped off Mike) by posting copies of what he claimed are the checks he sent as payment to Sean.


... but then someone noticed he was still paying Sean after 2/29/16, which is after the prototype was revealed to be fake and according to Mike's story, when he found out too.

So what's the appropriate and best form of damage control when you're Mike Kennedy and caught in another lie? Take down the check images, of course!!

I guess we'll have to wait and see what his explanation for this one is, huh?

I told you guys he was full of shit. He's a con-artist who can't even keep his lies together. If you can't see that, then you're beyond help. If you read that wall of text from last night and ate up every word of it, you need to get some sense before someone else comes along and really gets the best of you.

Holy shit that's bad man. Damn.

Thanks for pointing this out NoFaceNico! Man, I feel like a twat for having been a cheerleader for the RetroVGS. :(


So, did you guys see what just happened?

Mike tried to prove that he did in fact pay Sean (and therefore Sean is real and supposedly ripped off Mike) by posting copies of what he claimed are the checks he sent as payment to Sean.


... but then someone noticed he was still paying Sean after 2/29/16, which is after the prototype was revealed to be fake and according to Mike's story, when he found out too.

So what's the appropriate and best form of damage control when you're Mike Kennedy and caught in another lie? Take down the check images, of course!!

I guess we'll have to wait and see what his explanation for this one is, huh?

I told you guys he was full of shit. He's a con-artist who can't even keep his lies together. If you can't see that, then you're beyond help. If you read that wall of text from last night and ate up every word of it, you need to get some sense before someone else comes along and really gets the best of you.
How can a person be so bad at proving they were scammed?


Unconfirmed Member
I knew the guy was a scammer by the time the RetroVGS failed. I don't know why anyone bought into the whole Coleco thing when it was going to fail just the same.


Oh, there are more follow up posts too. Notably this one, where he claims that Sean was also an admin on ReadRetro and that's why the pics of the check went down:

It's back. Believe it or not Sean weasled his way as an admin on ReadRetro.com. He also claimed to do website optimization and web design. At one point I was stupid enough to pay him to help make some backend changes. I just deleted his account and forgot he had anything to do with it as it was a couple years ago. I believe he came in and deleted the news story.


As indicated above, the clear fake proto photes went up Friday and then were discovered the evening of the 29th. I had written him out the check earlier in the day on the 29th. Sorry, for the mistake on the timing. I can tell you, I didn't pay him the $3K AFTER it was discovered.

That is Sean's thumbprint on the check. He met me at my bank to cash it because he didn't want to be charged the $7.50 check cashing fee if he took it in without me.

Images still don't seem to work though.

And this other one, with a bunch of Q&A: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/247145-coleco-chameleon-hardware-speculations/page-328#entry3485204


Neo Member
now I don't know too much 'bout no computer chipping, but wouldn't a SNES FPGA cost a bunch more than $7k? That would've been such a red flag to me.
Could you design any chip for that much?

edit: just wanna get across that I don't believe MK was scammed.
Why would ANYONE ever do business with this guy again? He's just going to throw you under the bus if things don't work out.

What a piece of work. I can't stand this type of person....it's always someone else's fault. Take some damn responsibility.


I don't know if it was from reading a good chunk of this thread earlier yesterday or what, but I went to sleep and had a dream that I was telling a group of dudes in a garage all about this fiasco. It was like reverse inception.


Dear Mike,

I read that post at first leaning toward forgiveness. This is my nature but as you know people will point out things that also make sense. To be conned sucks for sure. But who knows if you weren't in fact part of the con. Its your word vs everyone else who has a bone to pick with you. I am leaning on the side that you want to be forgiven but also don't want to take any of the blame.

This is probably all that needs to be said. "I screwed up, I thought my team could make this work and mistakes were made. I am done with the console business please understand."

Throwing people under the bus is one of my least favorite pastimes. Good luck with your life Mike, I am going to let my sub to Retro Magazine laps. I won't be doing business with you anymore and I wish you well.



I was just at Midwest Gaming Classic and one of the vendors set up a Coleco Chameleon, with a hand-written sign that said "Coleco Chameleon devkit*, only $12k! *parody". It was a clear Jaguar shell with the same PCI capture card, complete with oddly placed LED, basically a perfect replica... except they hid a Raspberry Pi under it, so it actually worked.

On a side note, that was a really good convention. They had the Nintendo Playstation there too, sadly I had to leave before they turned it on.
Yep, there's some pics of that floating around! It's an amazingly accurate replica. Then again- we already know all the parts needed to make one.

Thanks for that info! I didn't know it actually had a Pi underneath so it could work! In that sense it's even better than the original and I can't believe that with Mike being so deceptive he didn't think of doing that. He conceivably could have launched the Kickstarter as planned if he did it.

And as for the Nintendo Playstation, don't worry, you didn't miss out on anything. According to Jeremy Parish, who moderated the panel for it, it wouldn't read games when they turned it on.

Admittedly, the panel didn't go quite as well as planned; the PlayStation prototype powered up and clearly was sending a video signal to the television, but it wouldn't read the ROM cartridge, or any retail cartridges, for that matter. That came as a letdown to the sizable crowd that gathered in MGC's tiny presentation space

It's unclear if it was just acting up that day or if it's permanently busted, but I hope not.
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