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So I just went on my girlfriends ipad....

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The thing about not calling her out on her lies is that, if she left that room fully convinced that she got away with completely fabricated stories, she may continue to do it in the future. Her insane friend might try to convince her to start pushing her luck as much as possible and go after OP for something or another.

That's not to say OP should go full paranoid and start predicting her ex's schemes, because that's just a rabbit hole that has no bottom. But on the other hand, OP, when you're presented with a situation in which you find her telling blatant lies, calmly explain your side of the story to go on the record. While you're in the middle of a rough breakup you definitely don't want to come off as a doormat, because a bitter ex WILL use it to his/her advantage if they smell it.
I know one thing is for sure. OP DEFINITELY isn't Oscar Pistorius. He wouldn't let a locked bathroom door get in his way.

I'm sorry.

Bold One

Sorry guys, forgot her Essex friend:




Often it's people that most people think are nice that are the most insecure (I don't mean me), take someone like Kylie Jenner, she's big news now, millions literally follow her as a role model, try and copy her style etc, but she's insecure to me. She's hot now in my opinion but I just think she's really insecure, the changes etc that she's made.

I bet plenty think she doesn't even need to change, but she'll carry on insearch of happiness but never find it.

Yah. I think sometimes when people like you for your looks you can also be insecure because it might feel like all people see is you're appearance.


OP handled it well, but still too much of a pushover but guess he recognises that in the sense that it's something to work on.

Her sociopathic behaviour, especially the story in front of the parents, is designed to leave the door open to future attempts to crawl back.


It's amazing to me that GAF doesn't understand that even good looking people can have low self esteem.
well from the POV of a person, who in his puberty years doubled the weight because of after-"brain surgery" pills and and just couple years after that got into an accident that messed up the body even more, its really had to understand and feels kinda weird to be that a person that good-looking can have such low self-esteem as a person described above after years of psychology sessions. (it kinda kicks my self-esteem even lower .... the picture of supermodel telling to Hodor/book-Tyrion kind of person that he looks ugly)
But I guess the OCD might have its par in it judging by the post about tooth hygiene

Put that money toward therapy. Everybody is insensitive about their looks and gets insulted about it. Literally everyone, even good looking people get that shit. You look great, and apparently can't reconcile that. You don't need more cosmetic surgery, you need to get over that dangerous insecurity.
+1 it really helps and its much better and cheaper solution the plastic surgeries
This is actually kind of sad. I know how you feel OP, your ex and her current "best friend" remind me exactly of my brother. Borderline psychopathic, showing zero empathy, know exactly how to manipulate people to get what they want. Unfortunately, as I've learned time and time again since I was about 10 years old (I'm 31 now), the easiest way to deal with these types of people is to just cut absolutely everything loose that you possibly can, then make all possible efforts to ensure they don't get involved in your life again.

It's depressing because they can't be helped. If they're not doing it to you, they're doing it to someone else. If that someone else catches on to how horrible they are, they'll just be cut loose and then move on to some other poor sod.

But also, fuck them. Assholes. Pure assholes.


She left her key, So she can't come back.

I just want to emphasise that I didn't react more out of respect for my parents, they are a bit prim and proper and they don't like all that sort of stuff.

Wouldn't it be more respectful of you not to put your parents into the situation to subsidize a cheating girlfriend's rent? I wouldn't put my parents out thousands of dollars just because I didn't want to offend their sensibilities.

I've mentioned it before, but I had to deal with a lot of comments about my appearence not always positive.

I had cosmetic surgery which has helped reduce the comments but I'm still not happy.

I try and avoid looking in the mirror, and don't like when people stare at me. If I'm out and someone is looking at me I get uncomfortable and start thinking what they're looking at.

It's something I've dealt with for a long time, and there's a bit of surgery I'd like still but it's a question of funds.

Yeah I get some positive comments, like my mum will tell me I'm good looking but it's my mum lol, or she'll show a photo to someone and they'll be positive, but it's not as though they're gonna turn round and say he's ugly. It's like a mother showing their son, most people are tactful.

Put that money toward therapy. Everybody is insensitive about their looks and gets insulted about it. Literally everyone, even good looking people get that shit. You look great, and apparently can't reconcile that. You don't need more cosmetic surgery, you need to get over that dangerous insecurity.


I basically told them that I found a conversation she had been having with a guy behind my back, I didn't go into detail i.e the dick, and tone.

Some people were suggesting showing my parents the screenshots, but it wasn't necessary, and they're very prudish, they're just not the type of people that would want to see that.

They get uncomfortable seeing a love scene in a movie lol.

Thanks for the clarification, I understand better now. I'm not suggesting you show them the shots, for sure not. I think it's good you filled them in as you did, and if you decide you want to talk it out a bit more with them, just in terms of talking about your feelings with them without getting explicit about her convo, that I'm confident they'd be open to since they so clearly love you dearly and have your back. :) I know you went through a terrible ordeal here, but on the very bright side your parents get to be there for you and you get to feel their love for you all the more, and you also see a community here of people eager to support you, and not least of all you definitely dodged a very unpleasant bullet in the form of a continued relationship with your ex.


Holy shit this thread. I was just reading the first page and saw just how many pages are in this thing! Sorry for how things went down OP. Seems like you'll be able to bounce from this though. And yes I fucking loathe the types of people like the "essex" best friend who is all mama bear on her friend's ex'es. The kind of people who think that "loyalty no matter what or who is in the right".

Good luck and keep us updated!

Edit: The way the exgf is acting made me think she be like this inside her head:



First one to talk gets to stay on the aircraft!
I hate to pile on with what everyone else is saying, but seriously, you need to get ahead of this. If you don't this is just gonna end with you having the reputation of a cheater and abuser and it'll be too late for the screencaps to do anything.

Get the lease agreement signed and the locks changed ASAP. Within 24 hours if possible.


Been reading since page 1 OP and you've handled this like a true gent. Way better than I ever would.

Hope the humour from fellow Gaffers has raised your spirits somewhat and helped over the last couple of days.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Rank, eating it now (one handed) chips are soggy and cold, and the pitta is caked in grease.

Random but were you on pesfan??

I was mate, same username

Who were you?

Edit: Sorry about the kebab :( Kebabs are lush up in the North East where I live


I hope you made it crystal clear to your parents that she's a pathological liar and honestly, after seeing her straight up lie to tear you down, I'd ruin her credibility with those screenshots you took.


I was mate, same username

Who were you?

Edit: Sorry about the kebab :( Kebabs are lush up in the North East where I live

Username was "pretty" (don't ask lol). I didn't post there much.

I remember that "famous" pes player that was shamed, think it was Rob or something, not been on there in a while though, but as you were in the UK and I remember that name, think you were a mod on there no?

Oh and seriously can someone say if they went on that site to post that? I decided to google the thread title and that came up. Not sure why someone would do that.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Username was "pretty" (don't ask lol). I didn't post there much.

I remember that "famous" pes player that was shamed, think it was Rob or something, not been on there in a while though, but as you were in the UK and I remember that name, think you were a mod on there no?

Oh and seriously can someone say if they went on that site? I decided to google the thread title and that came up. Not sure why someone would do that.

Haha aye I remember that fiasco with Rob

I was never a mod but had too many posts on there (Shameful)

Stopped going on there though, not sure if it's still popular? Used to have a great community
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