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Hajime Tabata: "Currently no plans to reveal more info about Versus XIII"


Crystal Bearer
Why do all your dream projects involve shipwrecks?

Good question!

As Kagari stated, that leak is false. Stella has been a fleshed out character as long as the skeleton of the story has been around. She was changed when Tabata took over because she didn't fit the alternate story and script he had devised to get the game out.

Its not just about her, i'm sure many characters roles were changed or diminished with the changes made, whether or not the characters themselves are still in the game or not. Some may even be slightly expanded like Dragoon lady gaining a name and everything.

There's a couple Nomura interviews from 2013 where he talks about her as well. So yeah. Pray for a proper Ultimania rundown of all the old stuff at some point.
Kagari loves messes, she a Gohan fan after all.



Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
There's a couple Nomura interviews from 2013 where he talks about her as well. So yeah. Pray for a proper Ultimania rundown of all the old stuff at some point.

Do you even think that's actually likely kagari? Considering what really happend would probably not paint any of the internal organizers of SE at the time in a flattering light.

Making something like that public..well..

Kagari loves messes, she a Gohan fan after all.

Gohan was at one point a shining star, nobody can blame Kagari for being a fan of him. Cell games should have ended the series with him being the only "next level" Super Saiyan and hero, having been handed down the reigns from Goku.

But they just could not leave him in the top spot and had to destroy him, for whatever reason. Toriyama never was good at giving other people spotlight of course.


Crystal Bearer
Do you even think that's actually likely kagari? Considering what really happend would probably not paint any of the internal organizers of SE at the time in a flattering light.

Making something like that public..well..

I don't know... maybe? I can't remember how much of the FF12 development stuff was ever spoken of. I'll have to go back and look.
Weren't we supposed to get official translations of prior Ultimania's at one point? I hate how piece meal all that shit has been over the years.
I don't envy Tabata.

I don't get the impression that he and his team have much of a vision for XV outside of "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks, and try to be like other games that sell a lot!" but I'm sure being given the reigns to this project had a number of stipulations that are somewhat suffocating.

It's a lot of pressure coupled with less-than-ideal circumstances.


Crystal Bearer
I don't envy Tabata.

I don't get the impression that he and his team have much of a vision for XV outside of "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks, and try to be like other games that sell a lot!" but I'm sure being given the reigns to this project had a number of stipulations that are somewhat suffocating.

It's a lot of pressure coupled with less-than-ideal circumstances.

He wants to do a new IP for his next project. I think that will allow him to showcase his talents a bit more than picking up another director's baggage or working with a series with established expectations from the fans.
Kagari loves messes, she a Gohan fan after all.
It is a bit debatable but according to a lot of people towards the end of DBZ Ultimate/Mystic Gohan is the Strongest non fused warrior. He is just not as good and gets absorbed due to combat inexperience compared to Goku.I still love Gohan quite a bit.


He wants to do a new IP for his next project. I think that will allow him to showcase his talents a bit more than picking up another director's baggage or working with a series with established expectations from the fans.

I refuse to believe that S-E Japan will ever invest heavily in an AAA new IP when their main AAA franchises are already losing their lustre globally. I also refuse to believe that the head one of the largest production divisions in the company will be allowed to make a non-AAA game. So... good luck to him. :p


Game is good = he already had the foundation set by Nomura
Game is bad = Nomura's versus would've been better.

In all honesty he's in a lose lose situation.

I doubt people will say that he already had the foundation if the game turns out good.
But as much I hope for the game to be good, I really dislike some director decisions, the battle system(Holding buttons on that kind of game feels like a limitation), the stand by me song when you have Shinomura(At least the other 2 songs are good), and that day by day it seems more generic and targets to be likeable by everyone, IMO you can't achieve greatness by going safe.

Also considering the rumors/leaks Luna is really not a likeable character to me.

Ignoring the amv style of the video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aLYxRYXRIQ

I really can't get the same vibe from Luna...


Crystal Bearer
I refuse to believe that S-E Japan will ever invest heavily in an AAA new IP when their main AAA franchises are already losing their lustre globally. I also refuse to believe that the head one of the largest production divisions in the company will be allowed to make a non-AAA game. So... good luck to him. :p
Yeah I guess we'll have to wait and see. They greenlit a Nier sequel so anything is possible!


I refuse to believe that S-E Japan will ever invest heavily in an AAA new IP when their main AAA franchises are already losing their lustre globally. I also refuse to believe that the head one of the largest production divisions in the company will be allowed to make a non-AAA game. So... good luck to him. :p

have him direct a Tokyo RPG factory game then?


Tabata's track record doesn't have me excited for a potential new IP from him but I do love surprises.

Kagari loves messes, she a Gohan fan after all.

Gohan was at one point a shining star, nobody can blame Kagari for being a fan of him. Cell games should have ended the series with him being the only "next level" Super Saiyan and hero, having been handed down the reigns from Goku.

But they just could not leave him in the top spot and had to destroy him, for whatever reason. Toriyama never was good at giving other people spotlight of course.

He was the chosen one!


Someone update me on the difference between verses and FFXV and why the original was cooler

Everything we sort of knew about Versus XIII

- Main character: Noctis Lucis Caelum (Still in XV)
- Main female character: Stella Nox Fleuret (Sort of not in XV, sort of)
- 3 party members that were best friends with the main (Still in XV)
- King Regis (Still in XV, but now he doesn't wear a suit and has a derpy face)
- Game starts in Insomnia with a full blown invasion. Similar to the opening of FFVII. (Not in XV, but this was reworked into Kingsglaive)
- A fantasy based on Reality (Still in XV)
- Noctis's royal family was based off the Yakuza (not in XV)
- Insomnia worship death (not in XV)
- A Venice style city (Still in XV)
- Niflhiem are the main baddies (Still in XV)
- KH combat (not in XV, but still not turn based)
- Controllable party members (not In XV)
- Noctis can see someone's death or their soul expire or some shit like that (Still in XV)
- Noctis eyes turn red (Still in XV)
- Noctis and crew wearing Roen clothing (Still in XV)
- Engine blade (Still in XV)
- Warping (Still in XV)
- Dark tone (Not in XV as far as we know)
- Road trip theme (Still in XV)
- Awesome trailers (Not in XV)


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
He wants to do a new IP for his next project. I think that will allow him to showcase his talents a bit more than picking up another director's baggage or working with a series with established expectations from the fans.

I'm curious how his projects will be if SE gives him a new IP.

Frankly I think Tabata is an average director overall, heck FFXIII > Type-0
at least Toriyama's games are fun


I liked Type-0 too, but it's obvious its portable roots limited it severely. I actually liked the plot quite a bit.


It's probably that Yoko Shimomura music you're hearing in your head, coupled with the emotional dialogue.

Oh god...That 2013 reveal was utterly exhilirating.

Quite amazing stuff.

He wants to do a new IP for his next project. I think that will allow him to showcase his talents a bit more than picking up another director's baggage or working with a series with established expectations from the fans.

I dont think he has great ideas tbh.The "hold down" control scheme he insisted on for FFXV is awkward and controversial.

Similarly,in Crisis Core the DMW slot machine thing was mind numbingly grating and repetitive.

The best idea he ever had in his games was the body snatching from 3rd Birthday.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
How about 3rd Birthday? Tabata is the director of that game. :p

Or do we blame that on Toriyama? lol.


How about 3rd Birthday? Tabata is the director of that game. :p

Or do we blame that on Toriyama? lol.

Admittedly,its highly polished and ambitious for a PSP game.

But its repetitive,grindy and completely ignores the series tradition of exploration and suspense.

Its more like an arcade shooter interpretation of PE.


I just want the darn game, so we can figure out what lies beyond!

For all the people clamoring for Stella Nox Fleuret in some form, I'm not sure you really want Tabata and his team to have a go at her character

Is this real?


Junior Member
For all the people clamoring for Stella Nox Fleuret in some form, I'm not sure you really want Tabata and his team to have a go at her character

There's no Tabata and his team here, that is solely on Akio Ofuji as he was the one who said all that. He is not involved in the development of the game, because he solely works for the marketing team of the game.

Now on the other hand, Tabata IS one hell of a creep/perv, as duckroll shares some...insight into his past work in the posts above.


One of my biggest pet peeves as a gamer is developers unveiling their upcoming projects to the public way too early. FFvsXIII is like the most ridiculously overblown example. It was unveiled at E3 2006 purely to drum up hype for the PS3. Pure cynical marketing on behalf of Sony.

Developers should never show us anything that isn't going to make it into our hands on release day. They can take all the time they want and make all of the brutal butcher job changes they want, as long as it's done behind closed doors where I never get to see it. It's knowing what was cut that causes the static. Developers need to learn to keep their big mouths shut until they know for a fact that the game is within a year from release. I actually think 6 months is even more reasonable. Nobody needs more time than that to mount a marketing/hype campaign. Nobody.
no dont say this. i loved to read stuff, which might make it some day onto the shelves. in the 90s there were so many games announced and shown in magazines i drooled over. over the years some got cancelled or conpletely reworked. so this was basically what is being done these days behind closed doors and never shown to the public anymore. remember too human? seeing this game went from psx>gc>xbox360 was such a funny and interesting thing. same as duke nukem. on the other hand those examples show how bad it was managed by the devs.


There's no Tabata and his team here, that is solely on Akio Ofuji as he was the one who said all that. He is not involved in the development of the game, because he solely works for the marketing team of the game.

Is Tabata a mute? He's sitting right there smiling. If he didn't agree at all with that sentiment, what's stopping him from going "No, I understand where fans are coming from, we can do better, there is no contradiction. This particular story simply doesn't have room for a female party member." Nope, he sat there and smiled. Because you know, deep down, he's the sort of guy who's cool with having a set of secret videos you can unlock where you have a voyeur cam on a sexy female character in various states of undress, and it can be justified by "plot reasons". Cool dude.

Disclosure: I actually fucking love The 3rd Birthday, and Crisis Core. But I can also point out that the director is a perv! There is no contradiction!


Junior Member
Kagari should have been a fan of Berserk, so we could have the ship wrecked and moved the plot forward one way or another volumes ago.

Ray Down

Nomura came up with the clothing damage angle in 3rd birthday, can;t really speak on Type-0.

As previously detailed, Nomura first suggested the gameplay system that sees main character Aya's clothing tear off as she incurs damage from the Twisted. As Aya incurs damage, she shows more skin, but enemy hit rates also become higher. Nomura believes that players who want to see Aya show more of herself will be faced with a dilemma as they play. During the game's design phase, he told Tabata that they should make sure Aya got weaker as her clothing tore off precisely because some players might purposely make her take damage just to see more of her body.

So how far can you go with the clothing? Nomura wouldn't say for sure. However, he recalled that when the staff had asked him how far they should go, he'd responded that bikini level should be okay. This is one area that we're going to have to experiment with on our own.

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