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Seeing people with Neo-Nazi tattoos in real life

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An indie radio station launched here a few years ago. They won an intense competition for one of the last remaining spots on the FM dial: 88.1. Their name: Indie 88.

When they launched, some clueless graphic designer put a little lightning bolt in the negative space between the two 8s in their logo. The first time I saw it my reaction was "What were they thinking?" That bolt was removed very quickly.


I recognize the logo there, they call it "Eskimo" here.


That company is historically and culturally unaware, it seems. >.>[/QUOTE]
Yeah, though I think its out of ignorance rather than any actual hurtful intent. To be fair, the ice-cream is very old and I doubt the NeoNazi movement were the same back in 1964. I do wonder when they started using "88" as a symbol.

There was however the case of the ice cream Nogger. Now, to give some context, the name Nogger is supposed to be derived from nougat cause, well, its mostly that and some vanilla ice cream. And if they had wanted it to mean the word nigger in Swedish (neger), they probably would have just called it that straight out cause [URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chokladboll"]we really didn't bat much of an eyebrow at its use back in the day.[/URL] Then they released [URL="http://images.mmcloud.se/api/v1/images/0bad93a4-bc85-5134-9b6d-53cbe4d58daa/600.jpg"]this.[/URL] Shitstorm ensued quickly. It didn't last long on the shelves. :P


Yeah, though I think its out of ignorance rather than any actual hurtful intent. To be fair, the ice-cream is very old and I doubt the NeoNazi movement were the same back in 1964. I do wonder when they started using "88" as a symbol.

There was however the case of the ice cream Nogger. Now, to give some context, the name Nogger is supposed to be derived from nougat cause, well, its mostly that and some vanilla ice cream. And if they had wanted it to mean the word nigger in Swedish (neger), they probably would have just called it that straight out cause we really didn't bat much of an eyebrow at its use back in the day. Then they released this. Shitstorm ensued quickly. :p

is that supposed to be black licorice? nothing good comes form that stuff


Or OP, maybe he likes pairs of fat ladies.
Maybe a big Eric Lindros fan.

I've seen Neo Nazi's only here in Europe (never saw a single one while living in the US or Canada). The number is incredibly small too. Two that put in on display. It's always a "whoa" moment. Wouldn't want to accidentally bump into these guys cause I just assume they are utter nutters to begin with and I don't have a death wish.




Many seem to think it was excessive, as we all knew he was this man



is that supposed to be black licorice? nothing good comes form that stuff

Yup. "A core of sweet licorice covered in vanilla ice cream coated in salted licorice with crisp outside". We Swedes fuckin' love that licorice, I don't personally but its one of the more popular flavours here.


I always thought the whole "88" thing was kind of pathetic. It's like something a 6th grader would come up with.


Yeah, though I think its out of ignorance rather than any actual hurtful intent. To be fair, the ice-cream is very old and I doubt the NeoNazi movement were the same back in 1964. I do wonder when they started using "88" as a symbol.

There was however the case of the ice cream Nogger. Now, to give some context, the name Nogger is supposed to be derived from nougat cause, well, its mostly that and some vanilla ice cream. And if they had wanted it to mean the word nigger in Swedish (neger), they probably would have just called it that straight out cause we really didn't bat much of an eyebrow at its use back in the day. Then they released this. Shitstorm ensued quickly. It didn't last long. :p
I wonder why nobody caught that and said that it is a terrible idea before they sold that to the public, that's always my first thought with scandals like that. Also, the whole design of the plastic packaging is just plain bad.


I was at a metal concert way back and there were like 4 or 5 dudes in the pit with a bunch of Nazis tattoos(Swastikas, 88, Totenkopf and shit like that). The funny thing is that the headliner were Disturbed which frontman is Jewish.


Seeing an iron cross bumpersticker on this dumb white kid's jeep just two days ago

Yeah, let's pull over the black people instead


So, I know a guy who was in prison. And he looked for the first gang he could get into so he would be safe.

Ultimately, it was the Aryan Brotherhood he chose, and he has the word ARYAN tattooed in bold fucking letters across his chest.

His mother doesn't know.


Seen a guy around with a rat'a tail, dada or dada esque clothing, and a fucking swastika on his neck. Represented one of his mates at court, who was just about the dumbest person I've ever met. His eight year old kid was more on the ball.


An indie radio station launched here a few years ago. They won an intense competition for one of the last remaining spots on the FM dial: 88.1. Their name: Indie 88.

When they launched, some clueless graphic designer put a little lightning bolt in the negative space between the two 8s in their logo. The first time I saw it my reaction was "What were they thinking?" That bolt was removed very quickly.



The before logo looks better


I've only seen it once. It was earlier this year at Zion nation park of all places. Was sitting on a bench and this dude walked by with a giant swastika on his leg.


Unconfirmed Member
OP, there was a guy that rode the bus with me in high school that had a lot of nordic / neo nazi symbols on his arm. People avoided him and I ended up sitting next to him one day and having a conversation about his tattoos. He said it was a dumb mistake from when he was a teenager and he regretted it but didn't have the funds to get them removed.

That's what they all say.

Regret it, but not enough to remove it or attempt to cover it up.


Pic was taken in early December with temps in single digits

Maybe he wants to die by freezing to death like many soldiers under the Nazi command did in Stalingrad by going out like that in December. You can't get a realer Nazi experience than that. 😒

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
So, I know a guy who was in prison. And he looked for the first gang he could get into so he would be safe.

Ultimately, it was the Aryan Brotherhood he chose, and he has the word ARYAN tattooed in bold fucking letters across his chest.

His mother doesn't know.

I was gonna say that I'd be right there doing the same in prison if I ever had to go. American prison system is all kinds of fucked though.

I also seriously doubt that all these people got a bunch of tattoos for survival purposes in prison.

I'd also be getting tattoo laser removal ASAP.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
88 is for Neo Nazi try hards not brave enough to get real ass hate ink on them. Same with odin's cross. Where are the death head skulls and eagles bro? Hitler's face? Some anti semetic hate speech?


Japanese streetware uses a lot of odd logo / symbols. I forget which high end designer had the SS lightning bolts on the back of a flight jacket.

OP, there was a guy that rode the bus with me in high school that had a lot of nordic / neo nazi symbols on his arm. People avoided him and I ended up sitting next to him one day and having a conversation about his tattoos. He said it was a dumb mistake from when he was a teenager and he regretted it but didn't have the funds to get them removed.

My friend's best friend growing up was dumb like that. Had a swastika. When he wised up, he drew a circle slash over it in Sharpie every single day until he could get it removed.


A moron I work with gave his kid the initials KKK. Kid will have that for the rest of his life.

One of my best friends back in the day had the initials kkk. Dont think his family meant any harm though. His last name was kosal and he was cambodian.


Not about tattoos, but here's a FB post I made last week re: something that I saw:
Craziest thing that I saw this week?
So here I was, merging from 95 onto 17 towards Wilmington. As I merge, a nice black Volkswagen passes me. It was pretty new-looking and had some aftermarket mods, but I was unsure the model. I set the cruise control for 80 and just try to relax a bit and forget about the horrible rain I had just driven through and the fact that I had drank too much Monster and needed a Men's Room but still had an hour's worth of driving to do. I started edging closer to the Volkswagen and begin to pass and notice a ton of stickers all over the rear driver-side window. I assumed they were band stickers and looked intently at them. What were they?

Massive totenkopfs. Death's head stickers. Big ol' SS lightning bolts. Crossed hammers and huge "88" decals. Eagles. Iron crosses. I was in utter disbelief. I mean, I know these type of assholes exist, but to be that brazen? It isn't like you encounter these jerks everyday. The car moved to pass me a few moments later and I got a look at the rear passenger-side window only to see the same sort of regalia. Suddenly the car being a "Volkswagen" made more sense to me, that's for sure.

So later I am standing there in the back of the Throne Theater (formerly Ziggy's by the Sea), a very nice venue for small gigs, having a beer. I am looking at various people, waiting for Grave Digger to take the stage, and it hits me that the Nazi from the road might be there too. After all, they aren't antisemites but both bands are German. I started sizing people up, looking at hairstyles and logos on shirts. If whoever it was had been wearing a red swastika arm band or "Trump 2016" shirt, it would have been readily obvious who it was, but I guess they have a little bit more discretion when outside their car.

Anyway, that's my story. Just blew my mind though, passing that car and thinking 'Skulls on the window? They look kinda cool, wonder what band logo it is. Okay, getting closer, let me see. Oh wait, no: they're Death's Heads. Nope, he's a fucking Nazi.'

Some people, huh?


Fail out bailed
I have a cousin who fell in with a bad crowd as a teen and has some fucked up tattoos. He doesn't take his shirt off at the beach. It's actually really sad cuz he grew up to be a really sweet and open minded guy. He lives in horror that he'll have to tell his kids someday.


when i was a kid my email was ss_mike@yahoo.com because of dragon ball z (super saiyan)

one day my aunt asked my email and i told her

she ridiculed me for having ss in it, even after i explained why

shes weird sometimes
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