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Persona Community Thread |OT9| SPOILER TAGS OR DIE

Persona Central just posted this and I'm pretty sure it's new

Soejima artwork for Sae
Snip: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image

Holy. Fucking. Shit. I need this game like yesterday T_T

Look, I'm trying to throw the kid a bone.
Though yeah, pretty much everyone who isn't Aigis the Black Hole falls to the wayside by the end.

Re: spoiler (P3P spoilers!)

FeMC's Shinjiro route would disagree, but besides that yeah.

I feel like P3 has far stronger individual characters (I don't mean "likable" or "non-problematic", I mean in terms of being fleshed out), but P4G's incredible group dynamic puts it up a notch for me. P4's cast really strengthens itself by their interactions for me, and that makes it special- in P4, I feel like I'm having a hell of a time with close friends whereas in P3 I feel like hanging alongside a bunch of people who are all doing their own thing and there's this SEES thing we also happen to be doing together, due to circumstances. P4 feels like a far memorable experience to me.

Re: P4 events

I loved all of them since I felt like most -the camping scene went too overboard- of them was just a bunch of friends riling each other up for laughs or having a hell of a time: The beach, the concert, the omelettes, New Year's etc. I felt far closer to P4G's cast when I was done than I did to P3P's (the whole VN format thingamajig might have contributed to that though). I felt closer to them than any friend I've had in real life in probably years and the events were a crucial part of that, those events were just comfortable and fun and made me feel that I belong for the whole game, though I guess that says more about me than it says about P4, haha.


Yosuke is absolutely a good character who's a dumb teenager who does dumb teenager things. I think people (myself included) forget most of his genuinely great moments since they're muted by his dumb, obnoxious and hateful moments. I don't begrudge people who dislike him for that though, but I'd like to stress that it's a case of the developers being out of touch with Western sensibilities, and NOT an example of a teenager who's just being an asshole. Like it's really obvious that his jabs towards Kanji are intended to be "humorous friendly bullying" instead of legitimately awful bullying.

I know it's more the result of out-of-touch writing, but I gotta work with what I have. In my mind he's just going through a phase and will mature later on, as dumb teenagers tend to do. Besides, a few of the girls do call him out.

Also Ken being a terrible character is one of the biggest and most obnoxious memes in the Persona fandom. Ken is solid character marred by a terrible ENG voice and a plot contrivance.


I feel sick
Ken is an archetype I have a personal distaste for and his character arc is extremely predictable and average, not to mention undercooked. Had he gone full Ikari Shinji I'd actually like him a lot better. Alternatively, go full Simon

PK Gaming

I know it's more the result of out-of-touch writing, but I gotta work with what I have. In my mind he's just going through a phase and will mature later on, as dumb teenagers tend to do. Besides, a few of the girls do call him out.

I get you and I see things that way too. Keep in mind though, that Chie's the only one who calls him out on it, and it happens exactly one time. Yosuke goes in even harder later on and nobody really ever comments on it. It's important to the also keep the developers intention in mind as well.


I feel sick
Ken is an archetype I have a personal distaste for and his character arc is extremely predictable and average. Had he gone full Ikari Shinji I'd actually like him a lot better. Alternatively, go full Simon

It's fair to hate the archetype, but I don't think his arc being "predictable" precluded it from being great. Ken's character was a tragedy. His overall character was a strong exploration of of a broken kid who lost his way in his world and tied into the main theme well. That, and his JP VA's stellar performance absolutely made him one of the better P3 characters... And that's pretty much what it comes down to. His english VA direction was so bad, so awful it pretty much killed the character on arrival. All of the nuance, all of the emotion was basically lost because the VA direction was incredibly grating. Honestly, P3's English dub isn't particularly great. I'm a huge dub advocate but i'd recommend the original sub in a heartbeat.

Also full Shinji Ikari? Dude, he was voiced by Shinji Ikari in the Japanese version! He definitely had a bit of that going on in the original version, lol.

Is kinda sad to think Dancing All Night and Sho Minazuki are more "canon" than the P3 Female Protagonist

It's not though. Try and write FeMC into the P3 canon without it being completely terrible.

PK Gaming

Tsukiyomi being a DLC Persona in P5 is just about the best thing to come out of Sho Minazuki's character. A Persona that cool being stuck on a goober like him would have been suuuuuuuuuch a waste.

Is "she died in the car crash" so terrible?

0 points

Also a -10 for not paying attention

Is "she died in the car crash" so terrible?


...fuck...that works too well

(P3 spoilers)
...imagine a "Dead Sibling" S. Link where you go to the local graveyard and it levels up Death. You just sit there and ponder mortality and your memories with her. Your memories of your sister send you off during the finale.



...fuck...that works too well

(P3 spoilers)
...imagine a "Dead Sibling" S. Link where you go to the local graveyard and it levels up Death. You just sit there and ponder mortality and your memories with her. Your memories of your sister send you off during the finale.

This doesn't quite fit with the meaning of Death as an arcana on it's own, although it could be made to work that way. Death is about change within a person, not merely reflecting upon the past.

...fuck...that works too well

(P3 spoilers)
...imagine a "Dead Sibling" S. Link where you go to the local graveyard and it levels up Death. You just sit there and ponder mortality and your memories with her. Your memories of your sister send you off during the finale.

Hot damn, that's good.
Better than having another asshole watch you sleep.

This doesn't quite fit with the meaning of Death as an arcana on it's own, although it could be made to work that way. Death is about change within a person, not merely reflecting upon the past.

Ooooh, didn't consider that, sorry. Wikipedia defines Death card's meaning as "End of a relationship of interest that leads to greater self-awareness", though, so perhaps it could be established as a (story-dependent?) S. Link where you finally learn to let go of your dead sister?

That sounds too big and crucial to leave it to an ordinary S. Link, though. Heh


Ooooh, didn't consider that, sorry. Wikipedia defines Death card's meaning as "End of a relationship of interest that leads to greater self-awareness", though, so perhaps it could be established as a (story-dependent?) S. Link where you finally learn to let go of your dead sister?

That sounds too big and crucial to leave it to an ordinary S. Link, though. Heh

It's still possible to make it work tho. But yeah, Death is a card defined by change, and Persona 3 is a story all about death and how people handle it. Almost all major story events in the later parts of Persona 3 revolve around someone dying, and how the cast react to that.


Ooooh, didn't consider that, sorry. Wikipedia defines Death card's meaning as "End of a relationship of interest that leads to greater self-awareness", though, so perhaps it could be established as a (story-dependent?) S. Link where you finally learn to let go of your dead sister?

That sounds too big and crucial to leave it to an ordinary S. Link, though. Heh

It could deal with guilt from the death of an estranged sibling, where there was animosity between both parties and coming to reflect that you were perhaps not as fair to said sibling as you'd previously thought, leading to a self awareness that you're not always the person you think you are or should be.


That P5 PS4 theme, is that exclusive to the Anniversary edition? I'm wondering if I should get the full special edition of just buy the normal and buy some DLC stuff on the side.
I have good news, PersonaGAF! I had no console to play P5 on, but today when I was going to grab a PS3 from a used game store, a twist of fate had a dude who had just come in there to trade his in. They were already checking it on the TV when he heard what I was after and offered to just give it to me for what they would have given him without the mark-up. I set it up at home and it seems to work fine; it's running Dark Souls right now. So I got me a P5 machine for a mere $40 Cdn. 😊

Also this thing is so goddamn huge that I had to rearrange like half my TV stand shelves to make space, holy hell
I have good news, PersonaGAF! I had no console to play P5 on, but today when I was going to grab a PS3 from a used game store, a twist of fate had a dude who had just come in there to trade his in. They were already checking it on the TV when he heard what I was after and offered to just give it to me for what they would have given him without the mark-up. I set it up at home and it seems to work fine; it's running Dark Souls right now. So I got me a P5 machine for a mere $40 Cdn. 😊

Also this thing is so goddamn huge that I had to rearrange like half my TV stand shelves to make space, holy hell

Wait, did you get a fat one?
Fat ones are the older models, so it might fail go YLOD on ya or just straight up stop working.

Yeah, I knew there was a risk of something like that. Still, it was cheaper than I expected, so I thought I'd take a chance. If the guy who was going to trade it in is to be believed, he kinda regretted buying it because he barely ever used it. I can't verify that, but it looks like it's in nice shape, at least.


Yeah, I knew there was a risk of something like that. Still, it was cheaper than I expected, so I thought I'd take a chance. If the guy who was going to trade it in is to be believed, he kinda regretted buying it because he barely ever used it. I can't verify that, but it looks like it's in nice shape, at least.

Well yeah, for only 40 thats pretty cheap.

I wasn't even concerned about that.

You've got yourselves a fully backwards compatible PS3!

Not all fat PS3s are BC.

A question real quick for people who bought the 20th anniversary edition, how trustworthy is Nin-nin? because thats pretty cheap compared to everywhere else I looked.


We can all agree that Chie is the best character from P4 at least... right?????

And I'm kinda biased because I love P3 (overall) much more than P4 but I still like P4 alot. But was Ken a clown? Yessss... and no.

Still playing Persona 1 and this game is handling friendship very differently than P3 and P4. You're not really a leader so to speak. Then again... P1 might start doing that "you're our leader! We trust you!" thing.


I think my hate of all things Ken comes from couple of things. One (as above mentioned) is terrible VA work/direction. It was plain bad. Two was the terrible FMC and Ken S.link. I actually preferred FMC route slinks better vs OG and Ken ruined it. Meh.

That's why P4 and P4G were so great for me as there were no bad slinks and overall character interaction was simply better.

I still would have loved to have FMC route be canon somehow and have a P3 Platinum on whatever platform, but that won't ever happen.

Also, no, you never go full on Shinji Ikari. "You never go full retard". https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X6WHBO_Qc-Q (Tropic Thunder).
Edit: And no, Chie wasn't the best char, for my money it was either Dojima or Kanji. If you are talking out of female cast then probably Rise surprisingly enough.
It could deal with guilt from the death of an estranged sibling, where there was animosity between both parties and coming to reflect that you were perhaps not as fair to said sibling as you'd previously thought, leading to a self awareness that you're not always the person you think you are or should be.
Great idea! o_O

(also, deja vu...)
We can all agree that Chie is the best character from P4 at least... right?????

Kanji is a blessing upon this earth, my dude.

Edit: If you mean out of the females then either Rise or Margaret for me and yes I *am* 95% judging by the looks.


We can all agree that Chie is the best character from P4 at least... right?????.

She is a very a good character , even got her over some others characters like Naoto or Yosuke for example , but are those "Church of Chie Waifufags" kind of fans of her who "ruin" the character for me sometimes , basically you cant talk about other female character of P4 with some nigga be like "MUH Chie" , "But she not Chie tho" ....really annoying part of the fandom

PD : But no character wise the best is Kanji and from the female side Rise , Margaret and Yukiko are over the meat girl in my opinion


Yeah, I knew there was a risk of something like that. Still, it was cheaper than I expected, so I thought I'd take a chance. If the guy who was going to trade it in is to be believed, he kinda regretted buying it because he barely ever used it. I can't verify that, but it looks like it's in nice shape, at least.

It might even be a Ps1,and Ps2 machine as well. Did you check?


Kanji is a blessing upon this earth, my dude.

Edit: If you mean out of the females then either Rise or Margaret for me and yes I *am* 95% judging by the looks.

She is a very a good character , even got her over some others characters like Naoto or Yosuke for example , but are those "Church of Chie Waifufags" kind of fans of her who "ruin" the character for me sometimes , basically you cant talk about other female character of P4 with some nigga be like "MUH Chie" , "But she not Chie tho" ....really annoying part of the fandom

PD : But no character wise the best is Kanji and from the female side Rise , Margaret and Yukiko are over the meat girl in my opinion

It goes like this for me:

Margaret is my favorite design in the whole game and I really like her character.

Chie is the best female character.

DOJIMA is the best male character. Sorry but he destroys Kanji.


A question real quick for people who bought the 20th anniversary edition, how trustworthy is Nin-nin? because thats pretty cheap compared to everywhere else I looked.

I've ordered LEs from Nin-Nin twice in the past and had no issues, though I agree they seem a little less professional than most sites (and make you pay up front for preorders, which I frown at.)

try not to use 4chan talk in here even ironically, thanks.

this man speaks the truth


try not to use 4chan talk in here even ironically, thanks.


I like rise a bunch. I wish her identity quest wasn't so tied to being an idol though.
That P5 PS4 theme, is that exclusive to the Anniversary edition? I'm wondering if I should get the full special edition of just buy the normal and buy some DLC stuff on the side.

There's a number of P5 PS4 themes. One is exclusive to the anniversary edition, there were several exclusive to amazon preorders, and there's character specific themes which can be bought normally.


Akihiko is a little shallow and silly, which I feel is a problem with a lot of SEES members.

The spinoffs ruined him completely, too.



Dojima is the best-looking male character, I'll give you that. I do like his backstory and how his relationship with Nanako develops throughout the game, but Kanji's my boy.

Dojima is incredibly far more well written than Kanji. It's a shame Dojima didn't even get his own Persona.

Akihiko has always been my favourite male character

Akihiko is a little shallow and silly, which I feel is a problem with a lot of SEES members.

The spinoffs ruined him completely, too.

First impression (Persona 3) Aki is best Aki.

Persona Q Aki isn't Aki. Persona Q tried to make Aki into a brawler which he just isn't at all.

And I'm trying my best to refrain from going into speech mode of how awesome Persona 3 cast is. So if anyone is wondering: "Well, why isn't Mediking talking about Persona 3 cast more passionately since its his favorite game of all time?" There's your answer. Once I start... I can't stop. Lol.


Also, no, you never go full on Shinji Ikari. "You never go full retard". https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X6WHBO_Qc-Q (Tropic Thunder).
Edit: And no, Chie wasn't the best char, for my money it was either Dojima or Kanji. If you are talking out of female cast then probably Rise surprisingly enough.

Shinji's great because he's a realistic depiction of how a depressed person would act in such circumstances. His breakdown and subsequent decision to comply with (and then later undo) the instrumentality project felt like a very natural progression of his character. Even his "getting over depression" phase is done in a very slow, back and forth manner. Sometimes he starts doing better, but then he goes back into full "whiny" mode, which is pretty much how you deal with depression. You do what you can to get better, but you'll still have ups and most certainly downs along the way. I understand people dislike him because of that, but he's a very well done character.

Meanwhile you have Ken and Hope, which are both characters with a super clear cut arc "this is my depressed phase, I constantly whine and am sad here" - "this is me getting over depression" - "this is me all smiles after having recovered, I'm like a different character now!... Because I pretty much am! I also never have any sort of lows from now on, nope, my character already developed past that you see!". It's such a saccharine, shallow representation of the thing and it always rings hollow to me. It always feels like the characters are being dishonest to me when they go from one state to the other and start talking about friendship, constantly smiling and giving encoraging words and all that. It doesn't feel like a natural transition, specially with how quickly these things are usually dealt with, which are usually a single 5 minute scene with them having some "insightful" monologue or something.

Which is why if you're not going to commit then I'd at least like you to go the Simon route and amp it up to eleven with the manly tears, grand speeches and testosterone through the roof. Then you'll look cool as fuck. :p
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