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United States Election: Nov. 8, 2016 |OT| Hate Trumps Love

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Hate breeds hate. No need for racism against whites. Break the cycle, don't become part of it.

That's worked out well for minorities so far. You know the often stated "be empathetic, see from their persepctive. <summon mlk like a pokemon>".

At this point I can't even be mad at any minority who utters that kind of shit tbh. Because prior to this, minorities always took the higher ground. When their land was taken, communities burned down, them being hung and abused by both the people and government of this country. Minorities were always told "don't stoop to their level. Love and unity will drive out hate."

Yet here we are. If minorities taking the high ground got us to this point, why not say the shit white people say to them? The pretense for taking the high ground based on love overcoming hate was killed tonight.


President Donald Drumpf, enjoy it America you did this to yourselves. Can't wait to see how the next 4 years turn out.

What a disaster.


I'm not American, but GAF has been telling me for months there was "literally zero chance Trump would win", so what's happening?
Gaf is an echo chamber, it is what it is. I understand wanting to make people feel comfortable, but if you start spending too much time here and drink too much of the koolaid.. you'll get detached from reality. Look at the numbers, less blacks and latinos voted for Hillary than Obama. People straight up got complacent or flirted with 3rd parties. (edit: also women, wtf I can't believe so many voted for Trump.. guess I drank too much of that koolaid as well, goddamn after the whole puusygate thing to, wow)

The Right has their echo chambers as well, but they've been at this far longer and are far better at it. The Republicans fell in line, that is it.


Apathy. Especially people who saw the polls and decided to not vote because "it's going to be a blowout, I don't need to vote"

Just like the Brexit.

Pretty much.

The amount of GAF scoffing at those saying 'It could be a Brexit type shock' is there on record.

It feels exactly like that night.
In order to win, I think Hillary would have to win Arizona, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Maine. She's losing in Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
Here's something GAF might understand.

Tolerance and love means listening to and respecting someone who voted for Trump.

If you can't do that, you don't get it.

Tolerance and love is not equal to delivering shrill sermons at people.

P.S. I didn't vote for Trump. I'm not white. Thanks!


So many women voting for Turmp is a real shocker to me as well as the hispanic support. I guess some people like t


Well it's time to get 3 hours of sleep before work I guess.

I must say this is the most shocking political defeat I have ever witnessed. The democrats just got bodied on every possible level. I was not expecting that at all. Was expecting a slim but comfortable Clinton win, with a narrowing of the margin in congress.
So 4 years of not being able to blame whites for this, when the majority of whites voted for this?

Everyone knows that with demographics of the us being what they are you can't win just appealing to whites. You especially can't win appealing to only white men.

That only really happens if other groups simply don't show up or they also vote for that candidate.

So your anger belongs with trump voters and anti-trump citizens that didn't vote. That's all.

Fox Mulder

Dude this will have effects that go beyond 4 years. We're talking decades upon decades.

So much shit is about to be fucked that people aren't aware of

Social Welfare? Gone
Affirmative Action? Gone
Voter's Rights Act? Gone
Net Neutrality? Gone
Abortion Rights? Gone
Expanded War on Drugs
Marriage Equality? Gone
Minimum wage? In some states gone
Mass Deportation
Racial Profiling
Expanded corporate influence over the government
Even more tax breaks for the 1%

It goes on and on.

He's not a traditional republican and clashed with many in the party. He got in without really committing to many concrete stances on policies.

Assuming the worst is fine, but the world won't end. there's always ways to fight.
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