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United States Election: Nov. 8, 2016 |OT| Hate Trumps Love

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The arrogance and complacency in that thread really highlights how Dems sleep-walked to the Trump presidency.

I don't understand how you can look at the groundswell in this election and record voter turnouts and tell me Democrats were "complacent"

History rewriting itself almost instantly
Right. There is no battle. There is no war. They won. We lost. 2018 won't change anything Dems as always never get off their asses to go vote.

This is it. This is our reality. There's no fight left to have.

2018 was already looking grim for Senate gains for Democrats and the house won't flip back Democrat until 2020+ at earliest due to gerrymandering -- and that's assuming that the Democrats do well enough in 2020 to take advantage of the census year.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
No it fucking isn't

The average American voter doesn't experience a "liberal shaming" them, they hear about it on the news, or in attack ads. She lost because she's a woman, a "criminal" and "unlikeable".

She lost cause the DNC has been a cluster fuck this whole decade, and she ran a bad campaign that took the Midwest for granted while the party and her platform did nothing to try and reach out to blue collar workers in the rust belt.

If you take out Obama's immense popularity that many say he won a 2nd term with inspite of the DNC leadership the DNC has a whole has squandered and made zero strides this entire decade. Tim Kaine was a weak rising star. Donna Brazile was just sorts there. DWS is a certifiable train wreck. Oh and Donna Brazile part 2 is still just sorta there.

I think a large part plays into Obama winning at such as young age and being a rising senator that came to power so quick he didn't have a huge internal coalition to which they could take over DNC leadership. It's always been odd that despite being a 2 term president nobody this decade at the top of the DNC itself has been Obama's guy/gal.

Now that Obama is done, and Hillary is done. Plus the current DNC being in limbo the party definitely is at a crossroads so to speak.

I fully expect internally after the Holidays when next year rolls around for the DNC to have a come to Jesus moment on how bad this decade has been.


Republicans control all three branches and many upon many of them have spoken on record to include Trump about getting rid of or expanding what I stated.

"Battle" suggests there's an opposing force.

I dunno I suppose I still have some hope in social revolutions to act against these things but maybe that's just wishful thinking.
We're not even talking about bringing people who are minorities together with people who 'support' racism here, we've literally gotten to the point where people are typing 'fuck white people' in this thread. Fuck that. People who have been repressed should understand EXACTLY why it doesn't work to talk about others as subhuman. Just because white people are the majority doesn't mean that acting like they're garbage is a particularly viable path towards peace.

Yes, we are.

The whole argument about "invisible" Trump supporters is that "the establishment" hasn't been listening to them. And yet, these are people who have regularly been driven by wedge issues like being against gay marriage, trans rights, and civil rights before that. The Republican party has been giving them what they asked for the loudest.

If the "fuck white people" mindset is what got us where we are, where was it when Trump started his campaign? Oh right, it wasn't there because he wasn't winning yet.
Celebs who said they'd leave the US if Trump won. Let's see who's full of shit. I'm guessing nearly 100% of them.

Barbra Streisand
Bryan Cranston
Miley Cyrus
Lena Dunham
Amy Schumer
Jon Stewart
Chelsea Handler
Samuel L. Jackson
Whoopi Goldberg
Neve Campbell
Keegan-Michael Key
George Lopez
Rev. Al Sharpton
Eddie Griffin
Natasha Lyonne
Amber Rose
Chloë Sevigny
Rosie O'Donnell
Omari Hardwick
Spike Lee

Neve Campbell was born in Canada, so she is good to go. I will also give Bryan Cranston a wild card status.



You know what

Elon is right, this is a fucking alien simulation


Black people aren't the ones trying to pin white people down just for being white.

I'm not disagreeing with that but let's work together to make it better. Let's address the problem in those states/cities and fucking move on, together as Americans. All of us are getting fucked, some more than others and that's real shitty, but damn, dividing ourselves is exactly what they want.


I just don't understand, they weren't off by a little, but by insane margins. I went into this election incredibly confident... I can't believe this.
They have mentioned the "silent Trump vote" a number of times on TV. When you tell people they are racist/sexist/whatever for voting for Trump, they are probably reluctant to admit who they are voting for to people. In the voting booth though that doesn't matter.


This outcome really sucks, but that's not an avenue worth going down.

One up-side... Ever since Trump's "second amendment guys" comment, I've been vaguely stressed by Hillary winning, and then being gunned down by a White Nationalist terrorist.

Now at least we know that's not going to happen.
Her comment as a climate scientist is dead on though. By the end of the century, almost all of Florida will be underwater, and now, there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.

That's fine and all, but screaming at an entire state of diverse people with diverse beliefs "Fuck You" isn't ok. And the sad part is we are seeing this sort of thinking heavily on both sides.

But like I said before, I believe in humanity, and I believe we will get through this. We have to figure out how to talk to each other, and put damn ego to the side.


and I responded to it. Saying he's going to "bring back jobs" that you even admit aren't coming back doesn't really do much to answer the idea that he appealed to ignorance.

But he did what a politician does, which is appeal to what people want. Small percentage of what a candidate promises ever actually gets passed. That shit goes back to junior high politics. "Longer recesses, pizza day everyday!" Same shit, bigger scope.


All i can hope for is that Trump is in fact the ultimate bullshit artist we all think he is, and doesn't gleefully turn this country into a xenophobic, conservative hell hole who also shits all over the rights of minorities, and the issues they may have.

A bullshit artist goes with the flow. The flow is the tea party Congress. Not to mention you've got Pence in Office to suggest supreme court nominees. Let's not kid ourselves.


can someone confirm the accuracy of this for me

my dad keeps saying that this election is speaking about the values of my generation and where the country is going and that this is all our fault

and i dont want to try to show him up with this if this is a shop or something
After Brexit I felt ashamed of my country and that I just didn't belong here. I imagine a lot of you are feeling the same tonight. It's somewhat unsettling to know just how much of a collective stupid we are.
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