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Mom calls cops on stranger choking her 7yr son, gets arrested (Up: bodycam footage)

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This is ridiculous.

I'm assuming the cop didn't do anything arrest the man as it's the mothers word against the guy?


"Why didn't you teach your son not to litter".

There's a lot going on in this bullshit. First is the assumption of guilt towards a seven year old child. Who knows if he did litter or not. But once again the child is seven fucking years old. It's irrelevant to why the woman called the police. Can't choke a child.

This officers entire attitude is niggers should know their place. No rights the White man is bound to respect indeed.

She'd have gotten more justice just getting a few of her cousins and brothers to roll deep on dude. Sad.
Well there goes the police force proving to everyone they're misunderstood. That's real messed up. Not going to be pretty come the next 4 years since republicans love their perfect police force.
You just knew it was going to go 0 to 100 real quick. Watch very little, if anything will happen to the cop. Stay safe people.

I bet nothing will happen to that pig and the usual mob of degenerates will concentrate on the cop getting cussed at.


I'd like to see that spin here. It's all documented - the attitude and overreaction from the officer involved. I'm no spin doctor, though.

"The officer calmly questioned Ms. Craig regarding the circumstances of the incident. When she became agitated, he moved to restrain her to prevent things from escalating, but Ms. Hymond intervened to aid Craig as she resisted arrest. Trump won in a landslide."
Why did she call the cops when she was better off dealing with this herself? and will she ever call the cops after this again?

Edit: If it was me, I would handle this myself. But I'm a victim blamer so my opinion doesn't matter.... >_>


Reason #843493 black people can't call the police.

And people still have the nerve to ask why some dead black guy didn't just cooperate.


"The officer calmly questioned Ms. Craig regarding the circumstances of the incident. When she became agitated, he moved to restrain her to prevent things from escalating, but Ms. Hymond intervened to aid Craig as she resisted arrest. Trump won in a landslide."

It's a good effort, but it doesn't explain away the "why not?" comment.

JC Lately

It seems if you're a minority, calling the police to help you is actually a coin flip as to whether or not you'll get someone who will actually help you, or if you will get yourself killed/arrested.

This is why I leave all dealings with the police to my (white) wife.


never left the stone age
White cop victim blames black family then proceeds with police brutality.

Holy fuck. I have no words.

Add "Don't litter while black" to the list.

Was "Don't call the cops while black" already on it? Feel like it would be. Even though the list could probably be shorted to the all-inclusive "Don't be black"


Remember when video evidence through things like body cams and dashboard cams were suppose to be the answer to hold these cops accountable for their prejudice and discrimination?

All the video evidence for situations like this, Walter Scott, philando Castile, Eric garner, Alton sterling and countless others does nothing to promote justice or accountability

All it does is remind me that today is Thursday.

So got damn sad.
So she says the guy choked her 7 year old because he didn't like that the kid threw some paper, and the first thing out of the cop's mouth is "why didn't you teach your son not to litter?"

That cop was inclined to side with the other White man before he even pulled up to the scene. "Why didnt you teach your son not to litter", wow.


never left the stone age
Remember when video evidence through things like body cams and dashboard cams were suppose to be the answer to hold these cops accountable for their prejudice and discrimination?

All the video evidence for situations like this, Walter Scott, philando Castile, Eric garner, Alton sterling and countless others does nothing to promote justice or accountability

All it does is remind me that today is Thursday.

So got damn sad.
I can't even begin to understand how helpless you would feel as a minority with shit like this going on around you :/


Junior Member
Remember when video evidence through things like body cams and dashboard cams were suppose to be the answer to hold these cops accountable for their prejudice and discrimination?

All the video evidence for situations like this, Walter Scott, philando Castile, Eric garner, Alton sterling and countless others does nothing to promote justice or accountability

All it does is remind me that today is Thursday.

So got damn sad.
I think it will, you just have to give it time. Let's see what happens to this cop before we go saying it's useless


Black Canada Mafia
Remember when video evidence through things like body cams and dashboard cams were suppose to be the answer to hold these cops accountable for their prejudice and discrimination?

All the video evidence for situations like this, Walter Scott, philando Castile, Eric garner, Alton sterling and countless others does nothing to promote justice or accountability

All it does is remind me that today is Thursday.

So got damn sad.

It does help, it really does, it's just not always going to help unfortunately. And who knows... Maybe it will help here?... Maybe.


Like I said, this is why I'd never call the police unless I'm witnessing a gruesome crime being committed. Short of that, nope. They'd likely only make the situation worse with their implicit biases. The won't do shit for people like me.


Black Canada Mafia
And look what that solved.
I don't think the answer is 'never call the cops' - all the times people call the cops and it doesn't end up with them getting tased or shot aren't really talked about, but they exist. Don't take the law into your own hands, and if someone assaults your child, call the cops.


Trump's police?

NO. The problem with the way police interact with minorities is deeply entrenched and goes back decades... it has been at fever-pitch intensity well before his run for office. Don't trivialize it by tying it to the president elect because it's trendy shit. You're doing the severity of this situation a huge disservice with a typical knee-jerk "Trump!" response.


More and more I think the racial divisions in the USA are the actually causes of most if its internal problems. Half the country hates anyone who isn't a euro white. You cant fix that sort of inbred hate from 100 million people. The USA needs to split into two countries and let the racists create their own fascist fundamentalist christian country.
Who police the police? Nobody in America, so they can do shit like this and get away with it because the whole justice system protects their own.

Institutionalized racism is a huge problem here and it's not getting better.


As soon as I opened facebook and saw the cop I was like "he looks like a dick".

Hope he looses his job, no paid vacation please.

. The USA needs to split into two countries and let the racists create their own fascist fundamentalist christian country.


Two Words

I'm guessing this idiot cop didn't get what "you're on live" means. He probably thought he could just get rid of the evidence after arresting the camera girl. All police incidents recorded by citizens should be recorded the same way if possible. Police can't control the video once if is on the internet.

If they let this guy off easy, I don't know what to say. It basically seems like a game of "how far can we go?" By police officers.


Smell that?

Smells like lawsuit.

Someone should explain to that cop that "assault against a minor" is the "why not" part.


I'm guessing this idiot cop didn't get what "you're on live" means. He probably thought he could just get rid of the evidence after arresting the camera girl. All police incidents recorded by citizens should be recorded the same way if possible. Police can't control the video once if is on the internet.

If they let this guy off easy, I don't know what to say. It basically seems like a game of "how far can we go?" By police officers.

Or he did, and just fancied an extra paid vacation with zero repercussions.

Trojan X

My prediction - Police will issue a statement saying that they will investigate. 3 - 4 months later they will say that they saw no wrong-doing on part of the officer.

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting!!


As an outsider looking in, this seems too crazy to be reality. Like all of this has to be engineered by some hidden white string pulling elites. The way things have gone can't just be some sad coincidence and that this is just the way it is. It is too blatant and too obvious. No I don't think some shady figures go to talk to individual officers to do bad things to black people, but the systematic encouragement of it is too obvious to be an accident or stuff like that.


I can't even begin to understand how helpless you would feel as a minority with shit like this going on around you :/
It's absolutely deplorable. I have no doubt in my mind that that woman had no reason to believe that she'd end up on the ground arrested along with her daughter in a situation where she called the cops to provide some justice for her 7 year old child.

I think it will, you just have to give it time. Let's see what happens to this cop before we go saying it's useless

It does help, it really does, it's just not always going to help unfortunately. And who knows... Maybe it will help here?... Maybe.

You guys are certainly more optimistic than i am. All the video evidence in the world doesn't amount to anything when we have systemic and institutional practices that codify this type of behavior. At best, minorities are losing their freedoms and at worst we're losing our lives.

Just last week i watched Walter Scott's executioner get a reprieve due to a mistrial because at least one juror couldn't bring themselves to deliver a guilty verdict. Not even for the lesser charge of manslaughter. Anybody with two workings eyes and a brain half as good can tell you Walter Scott was executed. If somehow that in itself isn't enough, the planted stun gun should be the instant nail in the coffin. Yet here were are....
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