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How are you dealing with all this bullshit?

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Just awaiting the deportation squad, and hoping that it constitutes some form of human rights violations to get asylum in Canada. Seriously.
I don't know. My dad is a supporter so he makes me sick to my stomach and can barely converse about anything with him now.

Lots of alcohol and games to numb myself


I'm a white guy so I laugh so that I don't get angry or cry. Might be more difficult for minorities to do that.

Definitely worried for my children's future though if this keeps up.
By staying informed, and focused. It's kind of like an injury after a serious accident: you don't have to let it define you, but you have to tend to it and be mindful.

Some useful resources:

Daily Action Items for the Easily Overwhelmed

https://www.mycivicworkout.com/ : Emails you everyday with one thing to do
http://www.congress.org/congressorg/megavote/ : Emails you what your reps are about to vote on
https://thesixtyfive.org/home : Website with daily action items
http://keepamericagreat-thingaday.com/ : Website with daily action items

Other Solid Resources

https://www.callmycongress.com/ : A quick lookup to find out who your reps are
https://www.indivisibleguide.com/ : Good info about the most effective kinds of civic action
http://echothroughthefog.cordeliadi...o-call-your-reps-when-you-have-social-anxiety : It's hard, so here's a helpful, compassionate guide

News/Info Sources That Don't Suck

https://ballotpedia.org/Main_Page : The Wikipedia of American politics
http://www.politico.com/ : U.S. politics news (read sparingly if you get overwhelmed)
https://www.propublica.org/ : A nonprofit news outlet that does real investigative reporting
http://www.politifact.com/ : Kind of a Snopes.com for politics


I'm taking it badly but hopefully I'll try to get more involved in local politics and music to try and do something about it

Also I'm arguing with idiots who think this is good because it means we will have a more progressive government afterwards, basically a Bernie or buster
Not well.

I'm staying up to date on current events and trying to process everything. By the end of the day I'm drinking and playing JRPGs to take my mind off everything before bed. I'm eating nothing but comfort food and my hobbies aren't bringing me joy.

Unfortunately I think this is going to become much worse. Eventual military force used against US citizens and Democrats and Republicans killing each other with little sympathy on either side. I'm not saying full on civil war but there will be blood and I have no doubt. I just think that's how it's gonna go down unless Republicans stop it. The social progress on issues we've become familiar with will take a backseat to sheer violence.

Trump isn't my president and I doubt he ever steps foot in the West coast except maybe some BS Cali trip in the safest spots.


It's distracting my work, making me more frustrated with people, and I caught myself screaming at my TV for something that happened in a game of Street Fighter. I guess it's warm milk and relaxing games for me.

It's that helpless feeling, ya know? I'm Canadian, so I hear all this terrible news and I can't even do anything about it. Can't even write a letter. It's very frustrating.
Not too well. I was already suicidally depressed, and now I can't help but obsessively following all the Trump news and it just adds to my already life-ruining feelings of hopelessness that have alienated me from friends and family and almost cost me my job. I've considered several suicide methods but most of them seem either impractical, painful or messy. I also feel like that even though I know most of my self-destructive feelings come from a deep-seated mental illness if I killed myself even partially because of Trump that'd be like letting him kill me. At least I got referred to counseling, a requirement to keep my job after an altercation with a co-worker, so maybe that'll help.


First tragedy, then farce.
I was despondent. Now I'm mad as fuck and looking for Nazi's to punch.

I was one of those "well, he's probably too lazy to be bothered and he's so bad at details he'll fail to do all the horrible things"

5 days in and the fucker has done almost all of them.

Icing on the cake will be tariffs on China and putting my company out of business.
It makes me depressed and overwhelmed.

I feel like I have no control over my body. If he takes away birth control and cheaper access to it, I'm fucked. My periods will go back to being terrible and inconsistent.

The constant stream of him doing terrible shit over and over with no one being able to stop him is just...

I'm just really, really tired. And I'm not sure what to do.


I'm not handling it well. I have a lot of free flowing anxiety since the election and especially since the 20th.

I'm working on it with my shrink.


Gold Member
I'm staying very update on politics and every move he makes.

I rub my hands over my face and tug my hair while speaking to myself.

Plan to march on April 15th.

count down the days.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Decided 100% that I don't want to bring children into this world.

My wife and I were planning on one more and canceled the plan because of the election. We knew how bad it would get.


Work has kept me too busy to really focus on it. My creative work has come to a complete stand still. Most everyone I know is in some sort of destructive coping spiral, and I catch myself thinking about a lot of worst case scenarios. Coping isn't really the word. Survival is all I'm doing for now, but even that may not be a priority after much longer.
Oh, I donated to the NAACP and I have plans to donate to the ACLU, SPLC, Amnesty International, EFF and more. I wanted to go to the Women's March. They actually had one in my small Kentucky town but I didn't find out about it until it was over.


I stayed away from Off Topic and my Facebook wall for two months. I still only visit sparingly.

I reignited my video gaming hobby after years of neglecting it and started going back to Gaming side.

I think about how Obama will continue to be active after his vacation, and I hold out hope that he will be a vocal critic of Trump and a champion of sanity.

In the back of my mind I seriously consider buying a gun, a guard dog, and a supply of MREs so that my family can be more secure in case the unthinkable happens. The only thing that stops me is the cost, combined with my credit card debt.

honestly getting a dog helps. got mine back in november and taking her for an hour long walk every night is a good way to feel better about what's happening.


Decided 100% that I don't want to bring children into this world.

My wife and I were planning on one more and canceled the plan because of the election. We knew how bad it would get.

This does nothing but fuck the future.

The best thing you can do is have children and raise them to have a positive impact on society, otherwise there will be fewer and fewer fighting for it.


honestly getting a dog helps. got mine back in november and taking her for an hour long walk every night is a good way to feel better about what's happening.

Dogs are totally innocent, they have no understanding or care what is going on outside of their little world. They really do help get your mind off of things.
Decided 100% that I don't want to bring children into this world.

I've been staunchly childfree my entire life, and that stance wouldn't have changed no matter who was elected.

The system is insane, and no Democrat or Republican can fix that.

This does nothing but fuck the future.

The best thing you can do is have children and raise them to have a positive impact on society, otherwise there will be fewer and fewer fighting for it.



I was despondent. Now I'm mad as fuck and looking for Nazi's to punch.

I was one of those "well, he's probably too lazy to be bothered and he's so bad at details he'll fail to do all the horrible things"

5 days in and the fucker has done almost all of them.

Icing on the cake will be tariffs on China and putting my company out of business.

hell yeah

bash the fash


I am not doing well.

Basically, reading too much news and complaining to my sympathetic friends. Nothing that's actually helping.

I did play "Wolfenstein: The New Order" for the first time, start to finish over the weekend. Shooting pixelated Nazis was cathartic, but obviously, unproductive.


I bought an empty diary from a shop in the prole district. There is a corner of my flat where the screen can't see me, so every day I take it out of hiding and scribble notes to the future with my ink pencil.

please don't tell anyone.


what good is that? all those women marching a couple of days ago and has it done anything to phase him or his administration? fucking no

The march did affect him. He's an incredibly insecure man and it bothered him enough to keep bringing it up (and crowd attendance in general) over the course of the week.
Booze and Skyrim.

But seriously, I do try to stay abreast of all the horrible shit he's already done and we're not even a week in. I try to engage those around me but what is frustrating is that most people I try to speak with about it don't even know the terrible stuff he's done. A lot of people seem to be willfully blocking it out, I assume mainly out of hopelessness.
Not well, I work from home so I've been smoking an unhealthy amount of weed everyday while I work just to get into that detached state.

The articles I read everyday seem so unreal...

I've gotten involved by donating and joining groups and marches but I feel like I've lost hope for the future..the really demoralizing thing is seeing people praise Trump for what he's done so far...

It's all happening so fast it's just soul crushing.
I just keep hoping that Canada doesnt go down the same path. I feel so lucky right now but I feel like that is going to change. The world is going to shit and I am going to just try and survive and hopefully in my lifetime things will change in a big way for the better.


I'm not at the moment, and it is seriously hampering my ability to be productive and positive.

I'll find a way out, but I'm caught in the bullshit tornado right now.
Oh, I deactivated my Facebook because I was getting in fights with Trump supporters and getting very angry. I was defriending people I'd known for years anyway. I actually defriended my boss because he posted something anti-climate change and pro-Trump. And that was an alternative to just blasting him and calling him stupid.

And I started playing Marvel Future Fight again. If that isn't a cry for help ...


I voted for Tammy duckworth to beat mark kirk in the last election (one of the few senate seats repubs did lose), so now all of my elected representatives are democrats. Not too much I can do until 2018, when I'll be doing grassroots campaigning to oust our republican governor Rauner.
Edit: Apparently my vote also booted a republican from the house in the 2016 election. My district fucking rocks.


Gonna vote in 2018 like I would have anyways. Beyond that it's hard to care at this point(not about how bad it gets, but what anyone can actually do to stop it), the people don't have any power when it comes to the US government.


Democracies can be strange. It's surprising how hard it is to get rid of someone that the vast majority thinks is completely incompetent at best and at worst responsible for an extinction level event.

Hundreds of millions of people, and you can't just march in there and kick the guy out.
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