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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Sony Ad Leak


I just want to see gameplay. If heroes are tokens along with vehicles, and the maps are still that tug of war style, no thanks.
Roger Roger... reporting for duty
I just wish clone troopers had armour that an actual human being could wear. It doesn't work IRL and you can see that just by looking at cosplay.

It would be good if they reduce the bulkiness and made the fit closer to stormtrooper armour. Just keep the general clone design intact.


Life Debt is a legit good book, Empires end is ok, aftermath meh. Still better then Ashoka, that book disappointed on all levels. Was hoping for Dark Disciple Ashoka edition, instead we got that shitfest

Also nothing has come close to Lost Stars for me in the new canon

It gave us Mr. Bones and that is good enough!


Has anyone mentioned they want Cad Bane yet? Cos i want Cad Bane as a playable Charachter, after talking about him earlier today.



Id love seeing some clone wars characters as heroes for the prequel era. Like Fives. Damn that story arc hit me hard. :(


Enjoyed the last one a bit but a singleplayer + all eras aspect entices me.

... is Rey holding a dual-bladed lightsaber in the shot of her, the TIE pilot, and Maul?
I'm interested but cautious. The first game looked gorgeous and was incredibly authentic but once the Star Wars nostalgia wore off after the first two hours it all went down hill fast. The gameplay was ridiculously boring, casual, mediocre and generic and lacked any sense of depth or complexity to the mechanics. The flight controls were a joke and the menus, UI and 'progression' system were completely mediocre. I said before they would have to completely redesign the entire combat system for me to take it seriously, return to a class-based system like the original games. Scrap the star card nonsense and focus on making a coherent combat system with depth that isn't intentionally designed for 8 year olds.


Fantastic ad, hard not to get fooled again. But Battlefront 1 was a shell of a game and practically a ghost town on PC. Hope this shows up on Origins


It's hilarious how Obi-wan has no reaction whatsoever when Grevious twirls the sabers and goes into his attack stance. When the actor is playing off a bluescreen and not being directed to play off the CGI character being added in after the fact.....

he doesnt need to react..
Not intimidated obviously at Grievous showboating


This is going to be one FPS where I jump into the single player before even touching online. Just too good to wait on.
Hope this turns out good! I only played the first one during the open beta on PC, and it was ok, but a single player experience is what would do it for me.


I'm interested but cautious. The first game looked gorgeous and was incredibly authentic but once the Star Wars nostalgia wore off after the first two hours it all went down hill fast. The gameplay was ridiculously boring, casual, mediocre and generic and lacked any sense of depth or complexity to the mechanics. The flight controls were a joke and the menus, UI and 'progression' system were completely mediocre. I said before they would have to completely redesign the entire combat system for me to take it seriously, return to a class-based system like the original games. Scrap the star card nonsense and focus on making a coherent combat system with depth that isn't intentionally designed for 8 year olds.

This. If it's the same gameplay as the last game i'll pass.
I'm interested but cautious. The first game looked gorgeous and was incredibly authentic but once the Star Wars nostalgia wore off after the first two hours it all went down hill fast. The gameplay was ridiculously boring, casual, mediocre and generic and lacked any sense of depth or complexity to the mechanics. The flight controls were a joke and the menus, UI and 'progression' system were completely mediocre. I said before they would have to completely redesign the entire combat system for me to take it seriously, return to a class-based system like the original games. Scrap the star card nonsense and focus on making a coherent combat system with depth that isn't intentionally designed for 8 year olds.

Agreed. I feel the same way. Not getting too excited.


Why does a Stormtrooper need a personality?

Cause it makes them more interesting. Stormtroopers aren't scary and there moments of competence is far and few between. We're told Stormtroopers are great soldiers but we rarely ever are shown why. Clone Troopers on the hand actually proved on screen and on TV why they're badasses.

Them having personalities that make them fun to follow is just icing on the cake. Hell, some of the best Arcs in The Clone Wars tv show were ones that solely focused on Clones.

I think you missed the point here.

Not really. Stormtroopers are overrated as fuck.


I'm interested but cautious. The first game looked gorgeous and was incredibly authentic but once the Star Wars nostalgia wore off after the first two hours it all went down hill fast. The gameplay was ridiculously boring, casual, mediocre and generic and lacked any sense of depth or complexity to the mechanics. The flight controls were a joke and the menus, UI and 'progression' system were completely mediocre. I said before they would have to completely redesign the entire combat system for me to take it seriously, return to a class-based system like the original games. Scrap the star card nonsense and focus on making a coherent combat system with depth that isn't intentionally designed for 8 year olds.

Yes, I absolutely hate the cooldown-based card system.


I'm interested but cautious. The first game looked gorgeous and was incredibly authentic but once the Star Wars nostalgia wore off after the first two hours it all went down hill fast. The gameplay was ridiculously boring, casual, mediocre and generic and lacked any sense of depth or complexity to the mechanics. The flight controls were a joke and the menus, UI and 'progression' system were completely mediocre. I said before they would have to completely redesign the entire combat system for me to take it seriously, return to a class-based system like the original games. Scrap the star card nonsense and focus on making a coherent combat system with depth that isn't intentionally designed for 8 year olds.
Yeah...none of that is gonna happen

Better to just wait for a deep discount or buy used and have what fun you can with it lol


Why does a Stormtrooper need a personality?
Technically, it doesn't. But the clone wars tv series were one of the best things to ever come out of the prequel era. The clone troopers developing their own personality quirks are part of that.
I'm interested but cautious. The first game looked gorgeous and was incredibly authentic but once the Star Wars nostalgia wore off after the first two hours it all went down hill fast. The gameplay was ridiculously boring, casual, mediocre and generic and lacked any sense of depth or complexity to the mechanics. The flight controls were a joke and the menus, UI and 'progression' system were completely mediocre. I said before they would have to completely redesign the entire combat system for me to take it seriously, return to a class-based system like the original games. Scrap the star card nonsense and focus on making a coherent combat system with depth that isn't intentionally designed for 8 year olds.

Same here. If this is the same underlying game just with some more content stuck ontop, then i have no interest in it. The lack of content for Battlefront 2015 was only one of the problems it had, the new game needs to have a return to a class system to make it fell less like Star Wars CoD along with proper vehicle spawn mechanics and the removal of star cards/power ups. Basically, it needs to be a proper battlefront game and i really don't see that happening considering they said before they don't want to just make a Star Wars Battlefield or basically remake the original two games.

A campaign, space battles and All 3 eras is certainty a step in the right direction and a big improvement over what we got, but they should have been there in the first place. Watching the Battlefront 3 gameplay again, i really, really doubt it'll come anywhere close to what that was going to be - that looked to be how a Battlefront game should have been done.


Technically, it doesn't. But the clone wars tv series were one of the best things to ever come out of the prequel era. The clone troopers developing their own personality quirks are part of that.

Stormtroopers are people. People have personalities. Early on in the Empire days, soldiers were made up of people being given to the Empire, volunteering to get away, or people who believe in the cause. AKA lots of personality.
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