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Destiny 2 Reveal Livestream [Over]

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I don't know what people are expecting... it's more Destiny. They aren't going to turn it into a totally different game. If you don't like what Destiny is doing, it's just not for you.


The way they're talking about this is just infuriating. It seems like they're content to just iterate on Destiny, but Destiny was not good. There was a ton of downtime. "Grinding" was a huge part of the game. The moment-to-moment gameplay wasn't that good. There just wasn't enough content.

"A new raid"
"Updates to crucible"
"A 3-stage boss"

Incremental improvements aren't going to be enough for me :-\
4v4 is fine for competitive. It's Halo's sweetspot after all. Bigger isn't necessarily better.

The issue is if ALL modes are 4v4. Destiny already was a massive stepback from Halo in terms of features and flexibility...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
I played it a launch, had a blast. Then played the Collection löast year and that felt underwhelming to put it mildly. Destiny 2 seems too much the same to me.

I like Destiny and all but others reaaaaaaaaaaaaaly like Destiny. And Destiny 2 seems great for them. All's good.

It's like destiny is still stuck in the realm of vanilla diablo 3.


Wow, Destiny threads bring out an embarrassing number of trolls. People saying the graphics look identical (factually incorrect), complaining about FOV, pretending they know what the entire game is like based on the opening story mission.

What is it about it about this game that does that?

People probably remember the first game being light on content and continue to carry over those talking points to anything concerning it.

Like I said. It's night and day on twitter. People are hype.


1. Actual open worlds to explore, not linear "You went off the path! Go back before you randomly die!" crap.

2. More rpg'ness, sidequest's to find while you explore large worlds, npc's that you can actually talk to with dialogue options to pickfrom.

3. More players in a world, no "hub" cities and then limited players in a world, but actual 100's of players within a world as you explore, etc.

So two of three points, 1&3, haven't even been discussed yet. Also they said you'll have more interaction with NPCs.


Ergh. Whyyyy couldn't they make Crucible 60fps
it's not 60fps???


Lord Phol

Only 4v4 for all PvP modes? That's a big letdown, not sure I'm going to want to spend much time on that and I really enjoyed the crucible in Destiny.


This is the additional stuff that Destiny needed. Strikes, Crucible, Raids, they are staples to the series and already decent quality or better.

All of these things combined is going to make one hell of a game.


The presentation is not great but there are some pretty nice things being described.

It really sounds like a broader realization of the core ideas in D1, really fleshed out.
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