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Call of Duty: WWII - Multiplayer Trailer

For me, Call of Duty is weird to judge from watching videos. I thought IW looked pretty boring and kinda bad but when I played it I was pleasantly surprised over how good it was. This looks alright but I'm sure it will be great fun to play in November.

I wonder how the maps will be. That's probably the most crucial part for me. From the few times I've seen the maps from above they look a lot more old school and less three lanes, which is great. A bit small maybe.


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
Lookqs fantastic and fast and reminds me of how Cod WAW and 2 played online

Will be my first cod ourchase with my own money since MW3


if you don't want to Show Swastikas, why not avoid any German flags and Banners in general?
Instead of putting the Iron Cross everywhere, when it wasn't even used in WW2?

and are there black characters on both sides? Allies and Axis?
edit: women too?


The game's director just said on the twitch stream that the zombies mode in the game is very much inspired by Dead Space. I would love to see a more horror-infused take on zombies, so if that's what we're getting then I'm definitely on-board.
if you don't want to Show Swastikas, why not avoid any German flags and Banners in general?
Instead of putting the Iron Cross everywhere, when it wasn't even used in WW2?

and are there characters on both sides? Allies and Axis?

They've stated they're in single player but absent from MP. I can understand why they would go that route. Would I want to play as a Nazi? Not likely. Would I want to shoot Nazis? Sure.
War mode is giving me some serious Enemy Territory vibes. I love the emphasis on objective play, and how the objectives vary (unlike, say, Rush mode from Battlefield which is just the boring "plant a bomb" shit ad nauseum). This will be the first CoD game I've bought since Black Ops. It genuinely looks great.


They've stated they're in single player but absent from MP. I can understand why they would go that route. Would I want to play as a Nazi? Not likely. Would I want to shoot Nazis? Sure.

you are playing as Germans.
don't think you ever played as a member of an SS devision.
members of the Wehrmacht were "normal" soldiers, like everyone else.

but it isn't about Swastikas on uniforms anyways. but on Buildings.

and blacks and women in MP on all sides? allies, axis, Germans, americans, russians?
They've stated they're in single player but absent from MP. I can understand why they would go that route. Would I want to play as a Nazi? Not likely. Would I want to shoot Nazis? Sure.

Where did they state this, just curious?

Also, how I see it, the multiplayer is kind of like playing WWII when you were a kid; you're not gonna exclude a black kid or a girl because "it wouldn't be historically accurate." Also, who wants to play as on a team associated with such cruelty? It's a fps war game with an esports presence that is part of a franchise that have already made significant strides in this direction, let people participate how they want to; it's all just for fun in the end.

As for campaign, though, I hope they pay more respect to historical accuracy/authenticity.


Where did they state this, just curious?

Also, how I see it, the multiplayer is kind of like playing WWII when you were a kid; you're not gonna exclude a black kid or a girl because "it wouldn't be historically accurate." Also, who wants to play as on a team associated with such cruelty? It's a fps war game with an esports presence that is part of a franchise that have already made significant strides in this direction, let people participate how they want to; it's all just for fun in the end.

As for campaign, though, I hope they pay more respect to historical accuracy/authenticity.

so black Kids, or Girls were excluded from COD 1, 2, 3, 5, or BF 1942, or MoH?
and as if the Germans are the only "team associated with such cruelty".
we are playing as Wehrmacht Soldiers anyways. not SS devisions, that participated in the Holocaust.

Is there an emblem editor?

If so there'll be plenty of swastikas in multiplayer

which you can report and then they will get banned.
so black Kids, or Girls were excluded from COD 1, 2, 3, 5, or BF 1942, or MoH?
and as if the Germans are the only "team associated with such cruelty".
we are playing as Wehrmacht Soldiers anyways. not SS devisions, that participated in the Holocaust.

It was never something that was demanded or considered back then. It's been about a decade since and online gaming has changed in terms of both size and demographics, specifically so within the Call of Duty franchise. Ghosts was the first game to have customizable characters, which was all the way back in 2013, and with each succeeding title they have continued this trend in some way; it's pretty much a feature now, why scrap it? Historical accuracy clearly isn't a concern when any soldier can spawn with any weapon, when firearms can have fictional attachments equipped, and symbols are censored (due to international restrictions), and this is all done for the same reason customizable soldiers are included: so people can play a game how they want and so that it can keep up with its predecessor.

And if we're playing as the Wehrmacht, then why bother including the swastika, especially if they're so far removed from rest of the Nazi Party? Really no point in including it given all of the other features, too.

The campaign, which deals with actual history, apparently will remain accurate. So long as they aren't altering actual history - as represented with the campaign - then I don't see the problem with trying to have fun with the multiplayer.


Watching some MP and videos from Drift0r, here's a bullet-point list of some new or interesting things about the MP:

- Dolphin dive is back, though the dive itself isn't as big as in previous games.
- Firing range from AW is returning, so you'll be able to test out a class before going into matchmaking.
- You can invite friends into the firing range as well and have competitions to see who can clear the targets the fastest.
- "Divisions" replace create-a-class (though I believe this was known). Each division has its own unique perks.
- The Divisions are:
  • Airborne - Emphasis on speed, maneuvering and stealth, designed to be the "flanking" classes. You can add/remove silencers at will by pressing left on the d-pad.
  • Mountain - Focused on positioning and long-range sharpshooting. they get a perk that basically lets them focus better when aiming down the sights/scope of their weapons.
  • Infantry - More upfront type of gameplay. You can do a bayonet charge.
  • Armored - Carry the heaviest weapons (so, LMGs) . You get a bipod to set up your gun wherever.
  • Expeditionary - Uses shotguns with incendiary shells.
- You can pick up any weapon you want regardless of what Division you are, but you won't be able to take advantage of the Division-specific perks. An Airborne class could pick up an LMG for example, but wouldn't have the option to use the bipod since they're not an Armored class, nor would they be able to attach a silencer to it since it's an LMG and not an SMG.
- Sniper rifles are very powerful at the moment.
- You can equip a melee weapon in place of your pistol.
- You can use whatever weapons you want regardless of which faction you choose - so you're not just limited to Allied weapons if you choose the Allies, etc
- Matches end with an Overwatch-style "Play of the Game" instead of the traditional final killcam.
- In the new Tank-escort mode ("War Mode"), as the defending team you can build up defenses such as barbed wire, walls, and mounted machine guns - this seems loosely inspired by R6: Siege
- The flame-thrower will light foliage on fire (trees, bushes, etc).
Watching some MP and videos from Drift0r, here's a bullet-point list of some new or interesting things about the MP:
- Sniper rifles are very powerful at the moment.

Any specifics as to why? For example, in the IW beta snipers were godlike because they had a ton of aim assist, which was dialed back for the final release.


Any specifics as to why? For example, in the IW beta snipers were godlike because they had a ton of aim assist, which was dialed back for the final release.

He didn't specify, just said that he was getting destroyed by decent players who knew how to use them. Apparently they have a lot of recoil though.


Gold Member
so black Kids, or Girls were excluded from COD 1, 2, 3, 5, or BF 1942, or MoH?
and as if the Germans are the only "team associated with such cruelty".
we are playing as Wehrmacht Soldiers anyways. not SS devisions, that participated in the Holocaust.

which you can report and then they will get banned.
Gonna be hard pressed to ban someone from using a swastika in a game that is full of them...


Probably won't have time to play this as I'm into Battlefield and maybe Battlefront. It doesn't look great visually but I love the gunplay. CoD5 vibes.

It was never something that was demanded or considered back then. It's been about a decade since and online gaming has changed in terms of both size and demographics, specifically so within the Call of Duty franchise. Ghosts was the first game to have customizable characters, which was all the way back in 2013, and with each succeeding title they have continued this trend in some way; it's pretty much a feature now, why scrap it? Historical accuracy clearly isn't a concern when any soldier can spawn with any weapon, when firearms can have fictional attachments equipped, and symbols are censored (due to international restrictions), and this is all done for the same reason customizable soldiers are included: so people can play a game how they want and so that it can keep up with its predecessor.

And if we're playing as the Wehrmacht, then why bother including the swastika, especially if they're so far removed from rest of the Nazi Party? Really no point in including it given all of the other features, too.

The campaign, which deals with actual history, apparently will remain accurate. So long as they aren't altering actual history - as represented with the campaign - then I don't see the problem with trying to have fun with the multiplayer.

It's never been about "accuracy" it's about a valid representation. It always has been and controversies in the 20th century about the representation of history in the arts, especially WW2 and the Holocaust, always has been about having a valid representation, not "accuracy". Sames goes for video games.

Anyway they don't care about historical accuracy or having an interesting point of view about WW2, they only care about PR, marketing and press coverage. Hence the bad representation, glorification of violence through esthetization, Hollywood movie copycat sequences etc. Miles away from the good games that try to say something about the war and thousand of miles away from movies, books and other pieces of art.
The more realistic it starts to look, the more I feel some kind of uneasiness about a game portraying WOII, a conflict only less than 70 years ago which resulted in the death of 55 million people, a game that targets fun.

I mean, is this even ethical?


Neo Member
Any specifics as to why? For example, in the IW beta snipers were godlike because they had a ton of aim assist, which was dialed back for the final release.

Mainly because no jetpacks makes sniping way easier. Plus the beta maps might have been well-suited to snipers, and there were actually good quickscopers at the capture event.
It's never been about "accuracy" it's about a valid representation. It always has been and controversies in the 20th century about the representation of history in the arts, especially WW2 and the Holocaust, always has been about having a valid representation, not "accuracy". Sames goes for video games.

This is why I care about history being represented properly in the campaign much much more than the multiplayer, because when you're dealing with real events that involve real people, it demands a certain level of respect to those involved to not meddle with history (unless alternative history is the angle they're going for).

Anyway they don't care about historical accuracy or having an interesting point of view about WW2, they only care about PR, marketing and press coverage. Hence the bad representation, glorification of violence through esthetization, Hollywood movie copycat sequences etc. Miles away from the good games that try to say something about the war and thousand of miles away from movies, books and other pieces of art.

Well yes, it's Call of Duty after all. It's a franchise, and a franchise needs to be maintained. Seeing how certain standards have been established, this one must continue them to fulfill their business model, representation be damned.


Gold Member
That's inane. So I can boot up single player and experience everything 100% historically accurate; but if I switch to multiplayer I'll be fighting a fictional German force on actual WWII battlegrounds ... that is not historically accurate. That makes no sense. Hopefully the outcry will be enough that they will put in some kind of toggle so that everyone can experience multiplayer the way that they feel they would like to.

Multiplayer in these games, especially post CoD3, is already so divorced from any semblance of reality or authenticity that an insignia toggle, while it would be nice to have, is going to be at the bottom of any to-do list.


War mode is giving me some serious Enemy Territory vibes. I love the emphasis on objective play, and how the objectives vary (unlike, say, Rush mode from Battlefield which is just the boring "plant a bomb" shit ad nauseum). This will be the first CoD game I've bought since Black Ops. It genuinely looks great.

Exactly what I thought of. I hope it'll be a spiritual successor. It sure looks like it.
Wow this really does look like COD back at its roots. Good guns good attachments, not a lot of bullshit on screen with points and killstreaks and things. I'm gaining more hype.
I like what I'm seeing, it's nice to see a boots on ground CoD again. WaW is also my favourite CoD so I welcome the setting. As a history lover it's great to see both Battlefield and CoD go back to historical settings, despite some of the liberties they may take. From the few videos I've seen those that have played this seem really enthusiastic about it as well which is encouraging, Hutch in particular said that he was downbeat about the idea of another WW2 CoD but after playing it he thinks it's great. Only supply drop shenanigans make me anxious about this game.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I'm curious about how much Divisions are a replacement of Create-a-Class, and how much they're just a repackaging. Do you still choose perks? Equipment? Weapon attachments? Suppressors appear to be exclusive to the SMG class, but what about other attachments?

Right now divisions just sound like weapon classes with a small perk attached.
Thanks, that's good to hear.

Good for campaign - bad for multiplayer.

It's irritating me to hear the devs on all these livestream interviews about multiplayer saying things like "being faithful and respectful to the actual conflict and the men who fought in it" and of course, "historically accurate" - it's neither of those things if they are going to alter history in this aspect.

Just find a way to have a toggle/option for it, then everyone wins.


Neo Member
I'm curious about how much Divisions are a replacement of Create-a-Class, and how much they're just a repackaging. Do you still choose perks? Equipment? Weapon attachments? Suppressors appear to be exclusive to the SMG class, but what about other attachments?

Right now divisions just sound like weapon classes with a small perk attached.

The summary I have of Divisions:
  • Each weapon class is tied to a division with a unique weapon class perk
  • Each division has Division Training, which are traditional perks tied to a division
  • Division Training is tiered like Pro Perks from previous CoDs
  • Basic Training are perks that can be used across Divisions
Here's a list of the preset Divisions at E3.

There's a few concerns I have with Divisions. I'm concerned that one Division will be so much better than another that there's no point to playing other divisions, like Synaptic in IW. And it appears that you're limited to one Basic Training perk, which feels incredibly limiting for me given that I've used the "extra ammo/resupply" perk in nearly every CoD I've played.
Well that's just dumb. Also women in multiplayer too? Yikes.

Options can be cool but I would have preferred some accuracy.

The censoring of the German/Nazi iconography is kind of a deal-breaker for me. I love WWII and it's bizarre and slightly disrespectful to have actual WWII battlegrounds featured in multiplayer - but altering the symbols of the Axis combatants to spare feelings. This is very disturbing and it's been bugging me since I found out about it.

I'm glad that particular content is still present in single player, but after I finish the campaign, I'm going to be playing multiplayer and it's just going to be strange to see historically inaccurate symbols on banners and German uniforms.

This conflict actually happened around 70 years ago - history actually happened - why change anything?
I'm hoping they'll have an opt-in patch for those who are wanting the Nazi iconography in multiplayer/zombies. I haven't played any recent Call of Duty title since Black Ops 2. Once I heard about this game in particular, I really wanted to come back to the series.
I'm hoping they'll have an opt-in patch for those who are wanting the Nazi iconography in multiplayer/zombies. I haven't played any recent Call of Duty title since Black Ops 2. Once I heard about this game in particular, I really wanted to come back to the series.

I'm more excited about this Call of Duty than any of the previous ones including the original 3. To hear that they're going to censor the iconography of the Axis forces is very disturbing to me - especially in a game that's being touted as "historically accurate", "gritty" and "faithful and respectful to the conflict and those who fought in it".


I don't get why they can't just censor it for regions where it's not allowed?

I mean how hard is it to simply have the game look at the country you're in and tihen have a flag to turn it on/off depending on your location...
I'm more excited about this Call of Duty than any of the previous ones including the original 3. To hear that they're going to censor the iconography of the Axis forces is very disturbing to me - especially in a game that's being touted as "historically accurate", "gritty" and "faithful and respectful to the conflict and those who fought in it".

Well that clearly wasn't their goal for multiplayer given the customization options. I think the singleplayer will live up to those statements, though.
you are playing as Germans.
don't think you ever played as a member of an SS devision.
members of the Wehrmacht were "normal" soldiers, like everyone else.

but it isn't about Swastikas on uniforms anyways. but on Buildings.

and blacks and women in MP on all sides? allies, axis, Germans, americans, russians?

The Wehrmacht performed some atrocities and war crimes, especially on the Eastern front.


you are playing as Germans.
don't think you ever played as a member of an SS devision.
members of the Wehrmacht were "normal" soldiers, like everyone else.

but it isn't about Swastikas on uniforms anyways. but on Buildings.

and blacks and women in MP on all sides? allies, axis, Germans, americans, russians?
This myth that the wehrmact were the good ones is so mistaken.
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