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Female only gaming event cancelled following online harassment


You'll find people that believe if we just reasoned with them instead of banning them we could have saved them from the cesspool of reddit and 4Chan...


In a way, yes, talking can possibly solve the problem.

There was a TED video somewhere(I forgot what it was called, sorry), about a woman who was formerly a member of the Westboro Church, she received plenty of death threats and she sent plenty, but she said what changed her, what got her to leave that hateful cult was people who were willing to talk to her like a human, correcting her misinformed views. This was all done on Twitter, apparently.

So, I think, under the right circumstances, talking may be able to "save" them... Though, not that I don't trust GAF, but I don't feel a gaming forum is the right place? Or any forum for that matter, just too many people feeling the need to pile on without reading what others have already posted. Feeling threatened can turn a person defensive.

Also, being shallow and vindictive that I am, I enjoy the schedenfreude that comes from seeing those posters banned.

EDIT: Damn, new page first post! :(


As a person of color, I was still surprised at how many people were willing to step up and say, with a straight face, in front of the world, "yes, I am racist and I don't care what you think about it." I was taken aback. You expect people to use hushed tones or quiet whispers but...the response we got last year...the response we get now...

IMO, the game changed when white people got the ok to be THIS overtly racist with no repercussions.

They always had the OK, they just flexing it more


Saddening, but I think the worst part is that King gave up so easily. It's really hard to feel safe in this industry when it seems that companies will not stand their ground.


That's a very racist thing to say. See it a lot on Gaf.


You can laugh, but it is.

I can't adequately express how much I hate this

no it isn't


This is a very dumb argument we're having about this, but, again, from the LAST PAGE, this happened today.

These people are literally getting paid to be sexist for sexism's sake.

And how many of these cats are people of color?

Being white is not embellic of being racist or sexist. But there are lot of white people, especially a lot of white people with INFLUENCE, who delight in dragging people down and are spending a lot of time and getting a lot of money trying to keep gaming ON A WHOLE as a boys club.

Not all gamers though.

They always had the OK, they just flexing it more

I suppose that's the truth.


Remember folks, gamergate was born out of years of women unfairly subjugating men, telling them how they should feel and act, and dictating their life choices for them in society while physically and mentally abusing them in many cases.

The sad thing is, many of them actually believe that's the case.


Saddening, but I think the worst part is that King gave up so easily. It's really hard to feel safe in this industry when it seems that companies will not stand their ground.

I know what you mean and I kind of agree, that whole "don't do what terrorists say" thing, but if these pitiful men are really going to tape their dick in their arse just to get into a women-only convention, how can they ensure that these harassers won't make the experience worse? Is simply booting out every harasser they catch during the event the best way to go about it?

Personally, I don't know what to do in a situation like this, and I'm glad I'm not in any position to be organising event.


I know what you mean and I kind of agree, that whole "don't do what terrorists say" thing, but if these pitiful men are really going to tape their dick in their arse just to get into a women-only convention, how can they ensure that these harassers won't make the experience worse? Is simply booting out every harasser they catch during the event the best way to go about it?

Personally, I don't know what to do in a situation like this, and I'm glad I'm not in any position to be organising event.

Hey I mean, maybe if someone is willing to go in drag to gain entry then they're secretly pretty close to empathizing with the women there. There are a fair number of trans women in the game industry, why not encourage some more to come make games?


I choose to be here. Are you suggesting that if you don't like a comment then get out lol

I'm suggesting that your comment was totally pointless on a forum like this, where the notion of reverse racism is almost always a joke. White people are not oppressed, saying "that's racist!" when you feel generalized is very "Not ALL cops." imo.

When white males remain the dominant race group, you're gonna get joked on. Take it in jest, or wear the shoe. That's all.
So when they were fighting for equal rights in agreement, they were understanding of females trying to get into the boyscouts (etc) to be equal, but then seeing an event that's exclusive and not equal, well they began to step back and think "wait a minute."

See "equality" means just that. But when it becomes "we want to be treated equal, plus...," well then people take a step back and think.

What you are saying here is all kinds of fucked up, mate.

"Sure, you can have equality but only if men are the arbiters of how much equality you can have at any given time. Otherwise we'll withdraw our support."

Were I a women, or other minority, fighting for equality and someone said that to me, that the people who were oppressing me would be the final judges on how-much-exactly-constitutes-equality...

Well, you can take that awful gate-keeping mock-empathy and you know where you can put it. Because it's of absolutely 0 use to the people you say you are siding with.
I'm suggesting that your comment was totally pointless on a forum like this, where the notion of reverse racism is almost always a joke. White people are not oppressed, saying "that's racist!" when you feel generalized is very "Not ALL cops." imo.

When white males remain the dominant race group, you're gonna get joked on. Take it in jest, or wear the shoe. That's all.
Not white. But my race or gender, height or weight doesn't make any difference. A racist comment is a racist comment.

And the idea that it isn't cuz they got it so good is pathetic
In a way, yes, talking can possibly solve the problem.

There was a TED video somewhere(I forgot what it was called, sorry), about a woman who was formerly a member of the Westboro Church, she received plenty of death threats and she sent plenty, but she said what changed her, what got her to leave that hateful cult was people who were willing to talk to her like a human, correcting her misinformed views. This was all done on Twitter, apparently.

So, I think, under the right circumstances, talking may be able to "save" them... Though, not that I don't trust GAF, but I don't feel a gaming forum is the right place? Or any forum for that matter, just too many people feeling the need to pile on without reading what others have already posted. Feeling threatened can turn a person defensive.

Also, being shallow and vindictive that I am, I enjoy the schedenfreude that comes from seeing those posters banned.

EDIT: Damn, new page first post! :(

Frankly if someone can turn them it's fine but I like gaf because it's a space that doesn't allow sexism, racism and xenophobia. I don't wanna debate blatant discriminatory bullshit, I'd rather just see them ban frankly. They can go have that discussion somewhere else.


Not white. But my race or gender, height or weight doesn't make any difference. A racist comment is a racist comment.

And the idea that it isn't cuz they got it so good is pathetic

Jesus, please stop.

Do you know what the Civil Right Act was for? Because I'm finding it hard to believe that you do.


What you are saying here is all kinds of fucked up, mate.

"Sure, you can have equality but only if men are the arbiters of how much equality you can have at any given time. Otherwise we'll withdraw our support."

Were I a women, or other minority, fighting for equality and someone said that to me, that the people who were oppressing me would be the final judges on how-much-exactly-constitutes-equality...

Well, you can take that awful gate-keeping mock-empathy and you know where you can put it. Because it's of absolutely 0 use to the people you say you are siding with.

Naw, I'm calling it like it should be. What's wrong with that now?

What I get, you get. Equal is equal. Not equal plus. That implies one side has more. It's not hard to grasp. Is it equality, or is it retribution? Think about that, then pick what you'd want. Pro-tip though, retribution won't go over too well and that fight will drag on for eternity, or end up in blood in some cases.


This is a very dumb argument we're having about this, but, again, from the LAST PAGE, this happened today.

These people are literally getting paid to be sexist for sexism's sake.

And how many of these cats are people of color?

Being white is not embellic of being racist or sexist. But there are lot of white people, especially a lot of white people with INFLUENCE, who delight in dragging people down and are spending a lot of time and getting a lot of money trying to keep gaming ON A WHOLE as a boys club.

Not all gamers though.

I suppose that's the truth.
Switch out white dudes and gaming related stuff with another race and terror related stuff and repeat what he said then wonder why people laugh at this bullshit.
omg, as if we needed more evidence that Colin Moriarty is a douchelord xD I bet he thinks this makes him seem real smart too.
I like to imagine him going "Eureka! I got it! This argument will stump them for sure! They will have not choice but to admit they're being hypocritical! I'm a GENIUS."
Just put up with it. It's not that bad. /s

This image makes me feel so uncomfortable. Her body language said it all. This is but one of the illustration of being inconsiderate and invasive.

Reminds of creepy dudes at conventions who think it's OK to grope cosplayers... See, another reason to have a safe space events.
Naw, I'm calling it like it should be. What's wrong with that now?

What I get, you get. Equal is equal. Not equal plus. That implies one side has more. It's not hard to grasp. Is it equality, or is it retribution? Think about that, then pick what you'd want. Pro-tip though, retribution won't go over too well and that fight will drag on for eternity, or end up in blood in some cases.

Do me a favor. Read through this ENTIRE thread before commenting again.


Hey I mean, maybe if someone is willing to go in drag to gain entry then they're secretly pretty close to empathizing with the women there. There are a fair number of trans women in the game industry, why not encourage some more to come make games?

You might've misunderstood what I was saying, unless I'm missing some sarcasm, then I apologise. I was mostly referring to this from OP:

Several threads were opened against it, and one of them even suggested trolling the event by disguising themselves and claiming to be female transexuals so they could enter the event and then troll it from the inside.

How will they protect the participants from these people? I honestly have no idea how.

Frankly if someone can turn them it's fine but I like gaf because it's a space that doesn't allow sexism, racism and xenophobia. I don't wanna debate blatant discriminatory bullshit, I'd rather just see them ban frankly. They can go have that discussion somewhere else.

I don't disagree to be honest, I enjoy GAF because of that same reason.


Naw, I'm calling it like it should be. What's wrong with that now?

What I get, you get. Equal is equal. Not equal plus. That implies one side has more. It's not hard to grasp. Is it equality, or is it retribution? Think about that, then pick what you'd want. Pro-tip though, retribution won't go over too well and that fight will drag on for eternity, or end up in blood in some cases.

Oh my god....

I'm out. I don't have the STAMINA for threads like this these days.
Oh my god....

I'm out. I don't have the STAMINA for threads like this these days.

The worst part is, you talk to one person, think you're getting through to them and then another one will appear having read none of the comments and you have to do it all over again.

Don't have the stamina.


This industry is sick and I'm not sure there's ever going to be a cure for it.

It's nearly embarrassing to even to be associated with this hobby at times.

Fuck those pricks.
As someone who has fond memories of growing up playing tales of heroes who do the right thing and stand up for the little people, games that made me feel optimistic about the world even sometimes, I always imagined my peers in this nerdy hobby would be more empathetic people.

But nope, if theres anything Gamersgate showed, its that a bunch of them are immature sociopaths who have weird regressive issues with women and minorities.

It pisses me off so much.


Naw, I'm calling it like it should be. What's wrong with that now?

What I get, you get. Equal is equal. Not equal plus. That implies one side has more. It's not hard to grasp. Is it equality, or is it retribution? Think about that, then pick what you'd want. Pro-tip though, retribution won't go over too well and that fight will drag on for eternity, or end up in blood in some cases.

This post is strangely threatening.

Pro tip don't have anything where I can't be or it won't go well for you

*points at your icon*


Not white. But my race or gender, height or weight doesn't make any difference. A racist comment is a racist comment.

And the idea that it isn't cuz they got it so good is pathetic

It's clear you're not qualified for this conversation. So I'm just gonna let you rock. Enjoy yourself, homeboy.


Man, what a pile of garbage. I'm so used to this kind of news, but somehow it makes it more depressing when it happens in spanish-speaking countries as it hits home (not that I expected spanish speakers to be any better, but yeah).

I've stumbled upon forocoches many times in the past googling stuff and always assumed it was only a place to uuh... Discuss cars? But apparently is yet another cesspool of shitty masculinity, ew.

This news and this thread are further proof that fragile men can't stand the existence of anything that isn't about them.

It's always a sad irony that these very terrible acts and their reactions justify the need women have for organizing stuff like this in the first place... And yet they'll never see themselves in the mirror and realize they're the problem. It's so frustrating, and the fact that happens so often in GAF of all places is extremely discouraging to me, but not necessarily surprising.


Do me a favor. Read through this ENTIRE thread before commenting again.

I read. I'm talking on points to people on points I want to converse with. If you don't like my opinion or discussion with others, then don't read/reply? I already commented on the article (which is a shame), and opened discussion/opinion with others who want to discuss.

This post is strangely threatening.

Pro tip don't have anything where I can't be or it won't go well for you

*points at your icon*

Lol. ;)

I get a dollar, you get a dollar, all's good comrade. I get a dollar, you get two, welp that's not equal then is it? :)
I can't imagine what the threads on other forums covering this topic are like, if the Gaf thread is in this state.

GAF, I'd like to think, is generally more sensible about this kind of thing. That's what made me make an account when I was initially lurking and was like, oh wow ... these people are cool for the most part.

It wasn't until the Darkening Skin to Convey Evil Versions of Characters thread that I saw the other side of it.
Naw, I'm calling it like it should be. What's wrong with that now?

What I get, you get. Equal is equal. Not equal plus. That implies one side has more. It's not hard to grasp. Is it equality, or is it retribution? Think about that, then pick what you'd want. Pro-tip though, retribution won't go over too well and that fight will drag on for eternity, or end up in blood in some cases.

Yep, sounds like cop thinking
GAF, I'd like to think, is generally more sensible about this kind of thing. That's what made me make an account when I was initially lurking and was like, oh wow ... these people are cool for the most part.

It wasn't until the Darkening Skin to Convey Evil Versions of Characters thread that I saw the other side of it.

Lmao that thread. Haha I love this forum. Even when it devolves into fanboy wars its good fun but damn, a couple threads here and there. And the gamer gate shit. (Shudders)


I get a dollar, you get a dollar, all's good comrade. I get a dollar, you get two, welp that's not equal then is it? :)

I mean...the reverse is already happening? Not too many men that are complaining about the existence of a space for women being discrimination are going to go up to bat for women getting equal pay as them in the workplace....


You might've misunderstood what I was saying, unless I'm missing some sarcasm, then I apologise. I was mostly referring to this from OP:

How will they protect the participants from these people? I honestly have no idea how.

I don't disagree to be honest, I enjoy GAF because of that same reason.

I just think that if someone is willing to go in drag to a women's event, that's a whole lot of effort to not have some underlying identity to work out. Even if they originally intended to troll, that's a lot of effort.
I get a dollar, you get a dollar, all's good comrade. I get a dollar, you get two, welp that's not equal then is it? :)

If you already have $10 how do I catch up? Or is equality doing everything totally the same while ignoring all historical context that make current comparisons unfair?


In a way, yes, talking can possibly solve the problem.

There was a TED video somewhere(I forgot what it was called, sorry), about a woman who was formerly a member of the Westboro Church, she received plenty of death threats and she sent plenty, but she said what changed her, what got her to leave that hateful cult was people who were willing to talk to her like a human, correcting her misinformed views. This was all done on Twitter, apparently.

I am the most patient people on the planet. I talked to lots of people on twitter.

The amount that actually listen is equal to the amount of people who got left of the westboro church (just her) against those who are left.

You can notice in two answers if the person is worth the talking or not. But I still go on because what if someone else is watching ?

You know what this gave me ?
The achievement of the creator of "beat up anita sarkeesian" to send his mob against me on twitter =P

The amount of people who are changed is small. And that is when you ACTIVELY goes to them. A feminist gaming convention that allows shitty people would be the OPPOSITE of actively going to them.

What you want is closer to a stealth feminist invasion on an alt right convention

Why are they behind a fence?

Actualy people always post the incomplete version.

This is the complete version that adresses your point

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