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Nick Robinson (Polygon) answers to sexual harassment allegations, leaves Polygon

Even if the relationship was open (pretty sure it wasn't), him lying about being in it to begin with to his victims is pretty fucked.

EDIT: Also, tbh, what are you even going on about with "marriage" here?

Relationships are relationships.
Girlfriend and boyfriend is a social construct, he may not see it the same way you do. he's a pos that needs help but he's not one because of his supposed cheating that may have been open to begin with.
Then why release a statement In the first place? When you release a statement the whole point is to possibly say your side of the story and apologise for what you did. If you don't admit what you actually did then why should anyone believe his apology.

The Ernest is on him to say what he means. Not for us or his victims to decode the meaning of his statement like a puzzle.

That’s a new one.
I think people ITT are twisting what he's actually saying about replacing flirting with harassing. Obviously he's saying that he saw it as "flirting" at the time, and he didn't think about how other people might see it. He's obviously not going to flat out say "yeah I harassed these people" in a public statement.
"While my intentions were never malicious I can now see how my actions could be seen as harrassment and for that I sincerely apologise"

there i did it


Then why release a statement In the first place? When you release a statement the whole point is to possibly say your side of the story and apologise for what you did. If you don't admit what you actually did then why should anyone believe his apology.

The Ernest is on him to say what he means. Not for us or his victims to decode the meaning of his statement like a puzzle.

Because there are potentially serious legal repercussions. There's ways to say things without flat out saying a specific word. As mentioned by others, this was probably advised against by his lawyers in the first place let alone saying that.

Besides I don't see the problem with his wording. I'm not saying it's my place to forgive him but there's a lot of people who don't always understand the impact of their behavior on others, he admitted to that.

"Well my intentions were never malicious I can now see how my actions could be seen as harrassment and for that I sincerely apologise"

there i did it
Same response
Then why release a statement In the first place? When you release a statement the whole point is to possibly say your side of the story and apologise for what you did. If you don't admit what you actually did then why should anyone believe his apology.

The Ernest is on him to say what he means. Not for us or his victims to decode the meaning of his statement like a puzzle.

I believe the term you are looking for is anus.
Kind of lame Polygon is keeping his content up. If what he did is so horrible he needs to lose his job since you don't want to be associated with him, then take it down. This "We didn't know he sucked at the time" stance is dumb. And like with most editorial decisions at Polygon, it makes it clear those sweet sweet clicks are first priority no matter how much they talk about making people feel safe or included.


Sure, that's fair.

It's just when I hear this sentiment, it seems to come from an assumption that monogamous relationships are the normal or expected.
Monogamous relationships *are* the expectation, if only because the vast majority of American couples are (or at least claim to be) monogamous. I wasn't making a judgment on the acceptability of open relationships, I was merely playing the odds!
As that isn't the situation, I'm not even going to entertain it. Both the comment he was responding to and his was out of line and if that shit was said about my race, it'd be a different story all together. You can move right on and ignore me if you're gonna defend that trash.
As a Hispanic with pale skin I can tell you there are privileges that people of my skin tone need to keep check when we are in position of power. Whether you want to believe it or not it's always us that fucks it up for everyone.
Good apology, seems sincere. Hope he takes a step back and is able to better himself and reach out to those he harassed to try and make things right.


So he's always tried to sleazily chat up women in DMs but now he's "famous" its bad.

Not convinced he is understanding what he has being doing is wrong.

As is usual with these things he is sorry he got busted and it has ruined his career and reputation more than the act itself imo.


Girlfriend and boyfriend is a social construct, he may not see it the same way you do. he's a pos that needs help but he's not one because of his supposed cheating that may have been open to begin with.

Again: doesn't matter if it was open, though, also again: it wasn't.

Monogamy is the norm. That doesn't mean poly/open relationships are bad at all. But if you're openly deceiving someone you're getting involved with, fhat's manipulative. Even if his idea of what a boyfriend/girlfriend is differs from the norm, it's still shitty to purposefully not disclose that he's dating someone so that they can proceed, or not, with that in mind.

And that's not what the case was, so I'm not replying further.
From listening to those in the know about the specifics, Nick's actions would never be considered 'flirting' by any sane person.

This 'apology' is anything but.

Yeah. He knows that unless the specific victims come out with details, he can pass it off as details. But the thing is, if they come out they're open to harassment.

It doesn't matter if he was under legal obligation to include that. It's a really bad way to describe unwanted sexual advances.


Seems like a decent apology.

If this scandal got as big as it did on this forum, can you imagine what would have happened if the community could freely discuss what happened with a true scumbag like amirox?


From listening to those in the know about the specifics, Nick's actions would never be considered 'flirting' by any sane person.

This 'apology' is anything but.

Yeah, this apology reads like he's hedging his bets that nothing more ever comes out, and he can convince people they never saw the convos and it really was just flirting. I'm curious if Waypoint is going to publish the piece about it they had alluded to and said their lawyers had made them hold back. Seems like that could be the real dagger for him.
White male on a position of privilege uses it to ask underage girls for nudes, then, he doesn't apologizes for it, instead doing some expectable damage control to say he was just flirting. Even then, you people think this is a fucking good apology. I wish you never have kids being creeped out by some powerful white guy. You guys would LOVE whatever apology he makes, right?
White male on a position of privilege uses it to ask underage girls for nudes, then, he doesn't apologizes for it, instead doing some expectable damage control to say he was just flirting. Even then, you people think this is a fucking good apology. I wish you never have kids being creeped out by some powerful white guy. You guys would LOVE whatever apology he makes, right?

It's easier for them to sympathize with Nick (I wonder why) than the women he harassed.


The talk on Twitter is that it is more then the sliding in DM's and asking for nudes. Not surprised if there are people who don't trust this apology. I mean considering he passed in the socially conscious community for a while he could just as easily fake an apology no? I don't want it to be true, but trust is hard.
Having read the opinions of people more in the know, the general assumption seems to be that Robinson is still a piece of shit and this 'apology' is a white washing of the things he actually and knowingly did


In the first thread on all this, every other page or so a couple of people would come in and basically deny the existence of sexual harassment.

This statement basically apologized for what those people thought Nick had done.
White men don't give a fuck what others thing usually. They don't have to in American society. Him being genuinely (or if you want to be a cynic, pretending) being sorry for his actions is the opposite of news at 11.

How is it ok to be this racist? Jesus man, what the fuck?
Seems like a decent apology.

If this scandal got as big as it did on this forum, can you imagine what would have happened if the community could freely discuss what happened with a true scumbag like amirox?

What is there even to discuss about that?

Also there are about 5 other sites constantly trying to piece together some greater conspiracy involving him if you want to discuss there.


What is there even to discuss about that?

Also there are about 5 other sites constantly trying to piece together some greater conspiracy involving him if you want to discuss there.

How was a person like that allowed to stay on this forum for so long given his previous track record. Other people have been banned for the smallest shit ever, yet this guy didn't. You don't think that deserved discussion?
I would like to hope he is sincere. I personally want to see the good in people which usually leads to me being incredibly naive. However this apology reads like it was written with the help of a lawyer. If someone does take him to court they can't use this as a confession of guilt for the commiting of sexual harassment. All he confessed to was not understanding how his power changed the game when it came to flirting.


I think people ITT are twisting what he's actually saying about replacing flirting with harassing. Obviously he's saying that he saw it as "flirting" at the time, and he didn't think about how other people might see it. He's obviously not going to flat out say "yeah I harassed these people" in a public statement.

It's amazing how well you get it and don't get it at the exact same time.

Kind of lame Polygon is keeping his content up. If what he did is so horrible he needs to lose his job since you don't want to be associated with him, then take it down. This "We didn't know he sucked at the time" stance is dumb. And like with most editorial decisions at Polygon, it makes it clear those sweet sweet clicks are first priority no matter how much they talk about making people feel safe or included.

Vox' top priority is absolutely clicks, ergo revenue. Polygon is a web site staffed by real people that need to draw a salary to eat food, while also being entitled to their own social/political opinions and priorities.

You're not really dropping knowledge here. You are making a dumb conflation though.


white men != every white man

What they said was not racist lmao
You could refute it being racist if you want to characterize racism as having to be institutionally against marginalized groups, or something (not that I necessarily agree with that). But by your argument it wouldn't be racist to say, "Black men are lazy and don't work usually," even though it obviously is.
white men != every white man

What they said was not racist lmao

saying white != every white man doesn't change anything. Normal people know individuals should't be generalized by race. What he said was incredibly racist. Just because he said it about white people shouldn't make it ok. If anyone said the same thing but replaced white with black it would be an insta-ban.

You tried, bro.

Ah right, its totally cool to generalize when it comes to white people, just don't do it to anyone else, then you're a racist.
I don't know how he could've handled it any better than that.

I loved Nick's work, particularly with Griffin. Car Boys, Touch the Skyrim, and Cool Games Inc were hilarious series that always came off as two friends having fun teasing each other. When I heard the scuttlebutt rise, it started making me question everything he's done, and I was feeling really stressed out.

While an apology doesn't wipe the slate clean, it sounds like he's taking it to heart, and based on his outward appearance on social media and his projects, it gives me relief and hope that he'll learn from this.

I'm glad he owned up to it, and I'm happy that I can hold those products he worked on in the high regard I had them in. I'm just sad they're all over.

I wonder what the future of Nick Robinson will be.
Then why release a statement In the first place? When you release a statement the whole point is to possibly say your side of the story and apologise for what you did. If you don't admit what you actually did then why should anyone believe his apology.

The Ernest is on him to say what he means. Not for us or his victims to decode the meaning of his statement like a puzzle.

This is a very specific strategy. He's accepting blame for the absolute most minor of the accusations that have been lobbed his way and trying to act contrite over the most minor of his offenses. This way he can act like he's accepted blame and asked for forgiveness while also ignoring the fuck out of all the more serious allegations.

That apology is calculated as hell. It's a joke.
This is a very specific strategy. He's accepting blame for the absolute most minor of the accusations that have been lobbed his way and trying to act contrite over the most minor of his offenses. This way he can act like he's accepted blame and asked for forgiveness while also ignoring the fuck out of all the more serious allegations.

That apology is calculated as hell. It's a joke.


Asking for Blowjobs and nudes isn't flirting. With his response, he's basically deflecting blame and trying to make it seem more innocent than it really was.


Kind of lame Polygon is keeping his content up. If what he did is so horrible he needs to lose his job since you don't want to be associated with him, then take it down. This "We didn't know he sucked at the time" stance is dumb. And like with most editorial decisions at Polygon, it makes it clear those sweet sweet clicks are first priority no matter how much they talk about making people feel safe or included.

Why would his content be taken down? Is it offensive?
saying white != every white man doesn't change anything. Normal people know individuals should't be generalized by race. What he said was incredibly racist. Just because he said it about white people shouldn't make it ok. If anyone said the same thing but replaced white with black it would be an insta-ban.
this is incredibly off topic but holy shit

it was not racist and the identifier of his ethnicity was an important one because of the way POC can be painted as sexually aggressive

Ah right, its totally cool to generalize when it comes to white people, just don't do it to anyone else, then you're a racist.
hey do you also wonder why you can't hit a woman if she hits your first or


The stuff about listening when people say they were hurt instead of being overly defensive and not learning anything was good, but it does still come off as downplaying what he had done. Calling what he did "flirting" is disingenuous. It was outright sexual harassment, made a bit worse (& somewhat enabled) by his position but not being bad just because of that.

Comes off as a bit "I was just flirting, sorry if some found it uncomfortable". You knew exactly what you were doing.

So... Yeah, while better an apology than someone like PewdiePie's, still kind of didn't completely make it seem like he's quite admitting the full severity of what he did and as such still leaves a bit of a bad taste after reading it.


So while I can't speak for the people actually affected, I don't think this is a bad apology, per se, but it's probably not a great one, if that makes sense?


The stuff about listening when people say they were hurt instead of being overly defensive and not learning anything was good, but it does still come off as downplaying what he had done. Calling what he did "flirting" is disingenuous. It was outright sexual harassment, made a bit worse (& somewhat enabled) by his position but not being bad just because of that.

Comes off as a bit "I was just flirting, sorry if some found it uncomfortable". You knew exactly what you were doing.

So... Yeah, while better an apology than someone like PewdiePie's, still kind of didn't completely make it seem like he's quite admitting the full severity of what he did and as such still leaves a bit of a bad taste after reading it.
It's not only that he's downplaying it as "flirting", but also that he thinks it only became a problem once he got famous. This "apology" is transparent as fuck.
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