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Nick Robinson (Polygon) answers to sexual harassment allegations, leaves Polygon

As a Hispanic with pale skin I can tell you there are privileges that people of my skin tone need to keep check when we are in position of power. Whether you want to believe it or not it's always us that fucks it up for everyone.

Nothing that you're saying has anything to do with what was criticized though. If the comment was simply that some people are provided advantages based on the color of their skin, then yeah, you're right on the money. In this case, it wasn't and now you're on about something else entirely. You can go back and even see what was in bold.

In any case, you keep going off about other matters, so I'll just end this debate here as I don't want to derail the topic.
Kind of lame Polygon is keeping his content up. If what he did is so horrible he needs to lose his job since you don't want to be associated with him, then take it down. This "We didn't know he sucked at the time" stance is dumb. And like with most editorial decisions at Polygon, it makes it clear those sweet sweet clicks are first priority no matter how much they talk about making people feel safe or included.

I see where you're coming from, but I don't think Polygon is attempting to act like he never worked there or existed. Some people are/were fans, it's not a bad thing if his work remains on his site, would also be a waste to delete everything.
Another person isn't too pleased with his response


Ya know, I'd think the FIRST THING he would have done, upon supposedly "learning" that he made others *uncomfortable* (which he seems to indicate he wasn't aware he was doing), would be to REACH OUT to those people

The reactions from them to this seem like he really didn't do much but craft a well worded reply to save face publicly. At least, so far, that's the impression I'm getting.

Nose Master

Ya'll get derailed so easily. One rando uses the phrase "white men" and that'll dominate the next ten pages. There should legit be a thread in Community called "argue about nothing." Incoming lock.

A lot of work went into the videos featuring him, they're not going to scorched earth their best videos.
Patrick Klepek said he's working on a story about this on the latest Waypoint Radio but wants to wait to drop it until all parties have said what they're going to say first.


lmao, we're on 'white people crying about racism'. This thread has it all.
The first person to even complain about it wasn't white, and you don't even know anyone else's skin color or anything. Obviously these discussions never go anywhere so it's stupid to continue (and in such an unrelated topic of all places).
Not a great apology, takes a long time to get to "I'm sorry".

Glad to see Polygon have let him go.

Wonder who else (in the industry) might be preying on others similarly.


Another person isn't too pleased with his response


Ya know, I'd think the FIRST THING he would have done, upon supposedly "learning" that he made others *uncomfortable* (which he seems to indicate he wasn't aware he was doing), would be to REACH OUT to those people

The reactions from them to this seem like he really didn't do much but craft a well worded reply to save face publicly. At least, so far, that's the impression I'm getting.

Also, I'm pretty sure Danika has walked in pretty close social circles to Nick for a while, so I would definitely trust her analysis on this.


saying white != every white man doesn't change anything. Normal people know individuals should't be generalized by race. What he said was incredibly racist. Just because he said it about white people shouldn't make it ok. If anyone said the same thing but replaced white with black it would be an insta-ban.

Ah right, its totally cool to generalize when it comes to white people, just don't do it to anyone else, then you're a racist.

White people arent systematically oppressed and are also the ones oppressing lol

reverse racism does not exist
Another person isn't too pleased with his response

Ya know, I'd think the FIRST THING he would have done, upon supposedly "learning" that he made others *uncomfortable* (which he seems to indicate he wasn't aware he was doing), would be to REACH OUT to those people

The reactions from them to this seem like he really didn't do much but craft a well worded reply to save face publicly. At least, so far, that's the impression I'm getting.

I doubt they'd want to hear from him.
this is incredibly off topic but holy shit

it was not racist and the identifier of his ethnicity was an important one because of the way POC can be painted as sexually aggressive

what the actual fuck? All I was talking about is its not cool to say "White men don't give a fuck what others think usually." In fact its racist. If you think its not racist then you're obviously on a different level.

hey do you also wonder why you can't hit a woman if she hits your first or

what the fuck are you even talking about? How does my comment have anything to do with hitting a woman? Please stop responding to me now.


I'd be in the dick
Another person isn't too pleased with his response


Ya know, I'd think the FIRST THING he would have done, upon supposedly "learning" that he made others *uncomfortable* (which he seems to indicate he wasn't aware he was doing), would be to REACH OUT to those people

The reactions from them to this seem like he really didn't do much but craft a well worded reply to save face publicly. At least, so far, that's the impression I'm getting.
This is very upsetting. I take back what I said about this apology. I clearly do not know enough about the situation to properly weigh in on it. All I can say is I hope the women he harassed get some kind of peace and that he doesn't do this ever again.
He was predatory towards women in and out of the industry and sexually harassed them. No way he gets let off any hook because he's trying to cop to the least egregious of the allegations against him.


Also, I'm pretty sure Danika has walked in pretty close social circles to Nick for a while, so I would definitely trust her analysis on this.

if i recall, danika and nick's ex victoria (famously known as sailorbee over at crunchyroll) are really good friends, so i would trust danika on this


Classic crocodile tears. Dude only cares because him being a creep got found out not because he hurt anyone.


Okay it sounded like a good apology to me (sort of) and them I'm hearing "well not with what he did..."

What did he actually do beyond creepy messages in people's dm's? I know victims don't want to come forward but its a little hard to be outraged when I don't actually know what to be mad at him for.


Yeah - I didn't dispute that at all. Doesn't make it ok to say stupid racist shit though.

Typically, when im feeling angry at my oppressors, I'll generalize them like they generalize me.

Though im white so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

also this is mega offtopic, sorry lol
This was the right outcome if there was going to be one. Hopefully this leads to growth for Nick and allows their audience to learn about the issue.
Another person isn't too pleased with his response


Ya know, I'd think the FIRST THING he would have done, upon supposedly "learning" that he made others *uncomfortable* (which he seems to indicate he wasn't aware he was doing), would be to REACH OUT to those people

The reactions from them to this seem like he really didn't do much but craft a well worded reply to save face publicly. At least, so far, that's the impression I'm getting.
Most women that have worked closely with him are saying the same thing. He's most definitely trying to cover his image.


I've been following his work for a while, and will probably continue to. Can't deny that his whole thing has been shocking though.
Typically, when im feeling angry at my oppressors, I'll generalize them like they generalize me.

Though im white so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

also this is mega offtopic, sorry lol

When someone is doing something shitty I'll just do the same thing they are doing and say its not shitty for me to do it


The guy being white really has little relevance to the story at hand, it's a stupid point/dig at something that has no baring on the matter.


When someone is doing something shitty I'll just do the same thing they are doing and say its not shitty for me to do it

Yeah, lol? What, you think if someone punches me for being gay(which has happened) I'm not gonna punch back? lmao ignoring it and "being the better person" does nothing


Okay it sounded like a good apology to me (sort of) and them I'm hearing "well not with what he did..."

What did he actually do beyond creepy messages in people's dm's? I know victims don't want to come forward but its a little hard to be outraged when I don't actually know what to be mad at him for.
Asking for blowjobs and nudes, being very aggressive with it and using his position to try to silence the women go far beyond "uncomfortable flirting", which is all he is admitting to. He knew exactly what he was doing.


Most women that have worked closely with him are saying the same thing. He's most definitely trying to cover his image.
The frustrating thing is he's done a decent job of covering his image. People need to keep emphasising what he has done and not downplaying it to make people realise that all this is, is a well crafted apology to save face. Taking responsibility would have been to reach out and apologise to those he has wronged but as with most shit bags I'm guessing he feels no remorse he's just upset he got caught.
Yeah, lol? What, you think if someone punches me for being gay(which has happened) I'm not gonna punch back? lmao ignoring it and "being the better person" does nothing

yeah but if you just punched a person that looked like the guy that hit you it wouldn't be defending yourself, it would just be doing the same stupid thing the guy did to you.


I doubt they'd want to hear from him.
Yup, f it's been going on as long as it has been for, and people felt they couldn't bring it up to him... yeah, it's been too long for them to reach out to him and ask for apologies. The time to do it is as soon as the behavior that's making them feel uncomfortable begins, and if you don't do it right then, it's too late and the aggressor is forever painted in a different light to that person, having been through a similar experience where I was on the giving end of a situation like this, and I didn't even do anything as what was leveled at Nick. (My post about this and what it feels like being the person on the giving end is on the last page, you sure as shit don't feel like you're doing anything wrong until someone tells you to stop.)

It's probably too late for Nick to give an apology that actually means anything to other people affected if it's been going on as long as it seems to have. The best he can do is make sure he doesn't continue this behavior. (And this is just what we know publicly.)

He was predatory towards women in and out of the industry and sexually harassed them. No way he gets let off any hook because he's trying to cop to the least egregious of the allegations against him.

Isn't he accused of harassing and not flirting?


this apology sucks ass
To be fair, if anything is actually coming out of this (a court case involving Nick, which will involve Polygon, as he was working there at the time) he will probably not be able to address any of that publicly for quite some time, and is instead addressing what he can address publicly, as the leaked DMs were there for everyone to see and not just Polygon. This is just the beginning of the process, and not the end. If anything more is happening behind the scenes, it'll be ongoing for quite some time.


As for the apology, regardless of his intent, he at least went the way of apologizing and manning up (to an extent) to his sick fetish/problem. Actions speak louder than words so we'll see what is to come out of this but I don't think the guy should be completely blacklisted from this industry. Gary Glitter/Ian Watkins he is not. There's a special place in hell for the latter.
Typically, when im feeling angry at my oppressors, I'll generalize them like they generalize me.

Though im white so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

also this is mega offtopic, sorry lol
But no one was oppressing or generalizing that poster in this thread. Quite the contrary actually. They decided to make a racist post without provocation.


yeah but if you just punched a person that looked like the guy that hit you it wouldn't be defending yourself, it would just be doing the same stupid thing the guy did to you.

thats the thing, saying "white people" is more like drawing a stick figure and punching that

white people as a whole have oppressed pretty much everybody as hard as they can and as a race have responsibility to accept that and acknowledge their priviledge and realize, hey, maybe theyre justified in rightfully being pissed at the people that have in some cases physically hurt or killed people they love

But no one was oppressing or generalizing that poster in this thread. Quite the contrary actually. They decided to make a racist post without provocation.
reverse racism isnt a thing

and someone explained earlier, the white part is important because poc are constantly stereotyped as sexual predators
Yeah, I think I was blindsided by the idea we got an apology at all but this reads like "I'm sorry you were uncomfortable".

Austin was spot on with this soft boy image shit.


I hope now that this shithead is gone they can put out that article that they mentioned on last week's Waypoint Radio.
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