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EA shuts down Visceral, moves Star Wars game to EA Vancouver/others


I wouldn't be surprised if they just rebranded Anthem as Star Wars. What's the point in having two action adventure gaas games.


Don't ask for Dead Space back. It'll be awful and filled with lootboxes.

3 already started that

Old school Jim



Gods, EA are just utter, vapid cunts.

I mean fuck artistic expression, catering to a diverse audience or even thematic consistency with their licensed properties, just carry on running good studios into the ground then killing them in the pursuit of ever greater profits from an ever shrinking audience of gullible addicts.



With Visceral closing down, so now The Sims Studio and their mobile teams are the only active developers at EA’s headquarter/Redwood Shores campus?


Fuck. I'm so sick of the open world, seemless multiplayer whatever type games. I just dont have the time to play as much as I use to. I prefer my linear, story based games.. I miss the good old days.
AAA single players games are basically dead, right?

Was trying to think of major publishers and what single-player games are upcoming. There's only really Sony with Days Gone, TLOU2, Detroit, God of War and Spider Man that seem to be interested in making them these days. Very sad for people that want that kind of experience. Bethesda have released several this gen too but to varying degrees of success.


Damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it.

Starting to look like meaty SP experiences just aren't going to come from third party devs in large quantities anymore. Up to indies and first party studios to keep it going.



We're used to these sad stories by now, but for some reason this one really hurts and puzzles me.

So linear single player games are really dead hein?
Those games, the linear ones, the solid, mature and intriguing stories, the amazing graphics, the great and focused gameplay, those were the games that made me fell in love with this medium in the first place.
Every time I hear companies talk like this it feels as if I'm getting disconnected from the medium, as if my interests don't fit with the general audience's interests in today's gaming. And they're not wrong. Single player games aren't making money, we've known this for quite some time.
I'm glad I've kept with Sony, but one day they'll to move on (I suspect), seems inevitable at this point.
Maybe it's time to face the music.

It also hits hard because Visceral made one of my favorite games from last gen, and one that had a great share of new ideas. One that was killed exactly because things were added to expand its "mass appeal".
It also saddens me that Amy moved to Visceral to work on this game and now it's gone. Can't imagine how she's feeling and I hope we hear anything from her.

On another note, you asked for it, here it comes: STAR WARS BATTLE ROYALE


I can tell


The Star Wars game lives somewhat:

The Star Wars game in development at Visceral will be revamped and move to a different studio.

”Our Visceral studio has been developing an action-adventure title set in the Star Wars universe," EA's Patrick Söderlund said. ”In its current form, it was shaping up to be a story-based, linear adventure game. Throughout the development process, we have been testing the game concept with players, listening to the feedback about what and how they want to play, and closely tracking fundamental shifts in the marketplace. It has become clear that to deliver an experience that players will want to come back to and enjoy for a long time to come, we needed to pivot the design. We will maintain the stunning visuals, authenticity in the Star Wars universe, and focus on bringing a Star Wars story to life. Importantly, we are shifting the game to be a broader experience that allows for more variety and player agency, leaning into the capabilities of our Frostbite engine and reimagining central elements of the game to give players a Star Wars adventure of greater depth and breadth to explore."

Holy shit. I don't care what side of the fence you are on with loot boxes or GaaS vs single player or whatever... this is a fucking depressing paragraph to read. Wow.


Nice, my briefly favorite new developer gets shitcanned. They were dead to me anyway though after Dead Space 3.


Last gen didn't truly start for me until I played Dead Space. Thanks EA for doing what you do best.
I honestly forgot that their "game" existed, I guess this is part of the reason why. I just hope the finished product has the time it needs to morph into whatever game it is now. As much as I dislike this move, it'd be even worse if they short the new times on the time/talent they need to make a solid game.


Felium Defensor
Anthem will be their poster gaas lootbox game now. Suits already licking their chops as we type, thinking of all the exploitative possibilities.


Ugh, as lame as this sounds, that bolded part in the OP has me just as depressed as knowing folks lost their jobs. And what market research/testing? Nobody ever asked ME. :(


We still have Nintendo, it will take roughly 5-10 years until they catch up to Gaas.

Sad to hear about Visceral closing. Everything is being snuffed by online forever paying kind of games. And the AAA publishers are adding F2P features to $60 games, which is just insult to injury.

Even Nintendo's lastest two shiny ips are multiplayer based games-as-a-service wannabe, though.


Anyone else feels the star wars license is kinda being wasted by EA? We got battlefront 1 and soon battlefront 2, but that is kinda it, right? I would have expect there to be a lot more star wars games by now, but there is....almost nothing at all.


This sucks, though i wonder how much of the talent responsible for Dead Space 1/2 was still there.

I'm still waiting for Dead Space 2-2.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I guess not being able to fill a game with loot boxes is reason enough to close an entire studio down.

Patrick's words are fucking disgusting to read.

Was trying to think of major publishers and what single-player games are upcoming. There's only really Sony with Days Gone, TLOU2, Detroit, God of War and Spider Man that seem to be interested in making them these days. Very sad for people that want that kind of experience. Bethesda have released several this gen too but to varying degrees of success.

There's this one little company called Nintendo.


Junior Member
This is extremely depressing. I loved Visceral Games and they brought us one of the coolest franchises out of the last generation. Snatched up and thrown into the garbage by EA. Same old song and dance.

I hope the employees land on their feet quickly. This studio deserved better.


Honestly if this means that some of the Visceral team members can start a new studio and create a new IP that's a spiritual successor to Dead Space. Then I'm totally okay with it and would back it 100% as much as I could on any crowdfunding.

Dude, I would back that shit so fast.

They should totally do it.

Sou Da

Anyone else feels the star wars license is kinda being wasted by EA? We got battlefront 1 and soon battlefront 2, but that is kinda it, right? I would have expect there to be a lot more star wars games by now, but there is....almost nothing at all.

EA as whole isn't really putting out games aside from sports titles.


Now I'm worried about Bioware, Respawn and Criterion. Although one could argue Criterion has been dead for a long time now.


Damn. So I guess this means no Dead Space 4 anytime soon... That’s shitty.

Curious about the new direction they have planned for this game though...


Disney's approach to Marvel games seems way better, they're going to multiple partners and do bunch of different things. I don't know how it made sense for them to just give exclusive rights to EA and after like 4 years now, not much has come out of it. One BF game with mixed reception with a sequel just coming out. It's very poor output both in quality and quantity and waste of the license. We now have a vaporware title here and something Respawn is working on that's probably far off and might not come out at this point. That's it?


Think about this. Every large scale single player game you can think of is 1st party only or Bethesda (who after recent sales failures I can assure you are changing their model)

Sony and Nintendo will likely be the only players in town funding AAA budget single player focused titles. Any other ones will still be live service games with micro's or MTX ala Shadow of War

As long as they are still single player. I guess every single player game going forward will be open world though. They still seem to bring in enough cash.
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