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GI Biz - Xbox Series X gets its first great soundbite


Xbox Series X gets its first great soundbite | Opinion
Never mind the teraflops -- Microsoft's pledge that it won't make consumers re-buy their games on new hardware is a powerful differentiator for Xbox
Rob Fahey
Contributing Editor
Friday 28th February 2020


Sony Interactive Entertainment
While Sony is keeping its powder dry for what will presumably be a mammoth reveal of PlayStation 5 in a few months -- assuming, of course, that supply chain disruption doesn't derail its launch plans for the system -- Microsoft is taking quite the opposite tack with Xbox Series X. We know rather a lot about the new Microsoft system already, and the firm isn't being shy about info-dumping plenty of additional details about the console and its launch plans on a regular basis.

That strategy is absolutely sensible, because one of the bigger tasks facing Xbox Series X is a communications challenge. Microsoft is doing something very new with this console, committing fully at last to the paradigm shift it has hinted at since the very outset of the Xbox brand -- moving away from the notion of the console as a monolithic, static platform that lasts five to seven years and is then replaced, and embracing the concept of the console as a consistent, eternal platform running on a variety of steadily evolving hardware products.

It's a lot to take in, even for the games industry itself. For consumers, though, who have been used to the former model for decades, and will continue to be offered variations on that model by Sony and Nintendo... Well, it's more than reasonable for Microsoft to take a few months to communicate exactly what it's doing and why it's doing it.

The 12 teraflops figure -- and any other measurement of supposed technical prowess -- is going to do little to excite most consumers
The most recent info dump about Xbox Series X came just a few days ago and, with rather unfortunate timing, has mostly ended up being swamped in news about the coronavirus -- which may of course also end up derailing Microsoft's launch plans, along with those of every other hardware manufacturer in the industry. In keeping with the objective of easing consumers into this new paradigm, it was an interesting mixture of two very different aspects of the console; some stuff about technical specifications and features, which is bread and butter pre-launch communication for a console, and some stuff about software publishing policies, which is very much not.

If you follow the specialist press, you'd assume that the biggest takeaway from the announcement was that the console will have 12 teraflops of processing power -- which is indeed a number significantly larger than the last number which consumers nodded sagely at and acknowledged to be, indeed, a number, before going out and buying whatever console had the games they liked best.

We're going to be subjected to endless dick-measuring over that number for the next few years. You know what I mean; as soon as one is declared bigger, someone else is going to chime in to say it's being measured wrong, and another person will say that there are other measurements that should be taken into account too, and meanwhile anyone with the slightest cop-on is going to quietly note that the measurements are meaningless if you're not going to do anything interesting, exciting and innovative with all your teraflops -- it's the smutty adolescent metaphor that just keeps giving.

I suspect, if it's not clear from the above, that the 12 teraflops figure -- and any other measurement of supposed technical prowess -- is going to do little to excite most consumers. What might well excite consumers, though, is something that almost went overlooked in the instant rush to gibber about a tech bullet-point, and that's Microsoft's announcement, or perhaps confirmation, of a really key software policy.

This is a genuinely dramatic departure from the position Sony is most likely to end up in
The company isn't going to launch Xbox Series X versions of Xbox One titles for consumers to buy. No filling up the early launch schedule of the new console with updated reissues of the hits of the last generation. This is to some degree merely an affirmation of the company's previously stated software policies -- it already said it wasn't going to release Xbox Series X exclusives, implying that its new games for years to come would run across the Xbox family -- but it serves as concrete confirmation of one of the most impactful aspects of that policy.

Moreover, and most importantly, this is a genuinely dramatic departure from the position Sony is most likely to end up in. In the last generation, Sony made significant headway -- and significant bank -- from an approach of adding graphical enhancements to major late-generation PlayStation 3 titles and re-releasing them on PlayStation 4. This wasn't an approach limited to first-party titles by any means -- lots of publishers jumped on the bandwagon and did very nicely out of it, effectively giving some of their biggest previous-generation games a second bite at the cherry -- but it was Sony's first-party efforts like The Last of Us which blazed the trail.

Halo Infinite will be available on Xbox One and Xbox One X, and you'll only need to buy it once

Now, swamped up in the panic around COVID-19 as it may be, Microsoft has seemingly hit upon a way to make that strategy into a pain point for Sony. "You'll never have to buy the same game twice" is a pretty big, easy to understand and appealing selling point for a console strategy that, while clever, has often felt a bit abstract and long-term from the consumer point of view. Moreover, it could be a soundbite that Microsoft gets to roll out again, and again, and again over the coming year or so.

It's a great marketing strategy, one which puts Sony on the back foot and looking, perhaps, a little greedy and out of touch
There is every likelihood that Sony is planning for some of its major upcoming titles, including The Last of Us 2, to leap generations, launching a PS4 version for the huge installed base of the current hardware but also preparing a PS5 version to entice early adopters of the new console. If that's the case, Microsoft will get to twist the knife with a sharp, digestible soundbite every time Sony mentions one of these updated games.

Of course, the reality is a little more complex. This is a strategy that Microsoft can afford to roll out with minimal damage to itself or its publishing partners precisely because the Xbox One installed base isn't all that huge, and its console hasn't had much high-profile exclusive software in its twilight years anyway. If Sony follows suit -- which is possible, though arguably out of character -- it would be a vastly more costly enterprise, robbing the company of a potentially major source of revenue in the first year or so of PS5's time on the market.

Yet the fact that the actual impact of this strategy on Microsoft's bottom line and on the wallets of its consumers is minimal isn't the point; it's a great marketing strategy, one which puts Sony on the back foot and looking, perhaps, a little greedy and out of touch.

Sony, for its part, can't really protest all that much. If Microsoft effectively uses this attack line to differentiate its offering as being more consumer-friendly, it is taking a leaf from its rival's playbook more than anything else. Back when Xbox One was going through the tortuous, and ultimately somewhat disastrous, motions of its launch, the console sported a convoluted and fairly unappealing -- though it has its defenders to this day -- approach to used games or sharing games with friends. Sony released a brief, tongue-in-cheek "video guide" to sharing games on PS4, featuring Shuhei Yoshida simply handing a physical a copy of Killzone: Shadow Fall to Adam Boyes. The video has been watched 17 million times on YouTube, and while Microsoft quickly reversed its unpopular policy, the damage to consumer perception of Xbox took far, far longer to repair.

One could forgive some people on the Xbox team if they've been waiting seven long years to find a way to repay that particular favour. This is the kind of leverage that Microsoft would be wise to seize, too; other aspects of its next-gen offering might be much harder to sell, and the "Xbox Series X will have no exclusives" line already seems to have a decent amount of traction, which demands an equally snappy comeback. It's unfortunate, perhaps, that this kind of soundbite is what much of the next-gen battle will come down to -- but it's also more or less inevitable, at least in the early stages before the respective companies' first-party software stables really start to make their impact felt.

Both of the competing visions that Microsoft and Sony wish to sell to consumers have a positive story to tell. Much of how these platforms' launches shake out will come down to how well each firm can articulate their story, and as further details emerge in the coming months, each side will be watching closely to see where their soundbites, slogans and attack lines might emerge. In eschewing selling improved versions of old games on next-gen hardware, Microsoft may just have found the first of those.


So.... That's weird...

For example, the next-gen console will still accept physical media; it won’t be a download-only machine. Because it’s based in part on the PS4’s architecture, it will also be backward-compatible with games for that console. As in many other generational transitions, this will be a gentle one, with numerous new games being released for both PS4 and the next-gen console.

Also.... Sony already did cross buy....

PS3-PS4 and PS4-PS Vita

Heck, even games like Diablo 3 and Destiny were cross buy on Ps4 at release...

There is every likelihood that Sony is planning for some of its major upcoming titles, including The Last of Us 2, to leap generations, launching a PS4 version for the huge installed base of the current hardware but also preparing a PS5 version to entice early adopters of the new console. If that's the case, Microsoft will get to twist the knife with a sharp, digestible soundbite every time Sony mentions one of these updated games.

Also.... this guy never had a Wii, right? Or a Wii U.... not even a PS2? The disingenuity continues...

Incredible! I can't wait for the next thing that MS will "invent" that will "hurt" Sony or Nintendo.
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So.... That's weird...

Also.... Sony already did cross buy....

PS3-PS4 and PS4-PS Vita

Heck, even games like Diablo 3 and Destiny were cross buy on Ps4 at release...

Also.... this guy never had a Wii, right? Or a Wii U.... not even a PS2? The disingenuity continues...

Incredible! I can't wait for the next thing that MS will "invent" that will "hurt" Sony or Nintendo.


Rage Bait Youtuber
So.... That's weird...

Also.... Sony already did cross buy....

PS3-PS4 and PS4-PS Vita

Heck, even games like Diablo 3 and Destiny were cross buy on Ps4 at release...

Also.... this guy never had a Wii, right? Or a Wii U.... not even a PS2? The disingenuity continues...

Incredible! I can't wait for the next thing that MS will "invent" that will "hurt" Sony or Nintendo.

They didn’t really do cross buy for any AAA title though. Mostly indies and smaller games.
So.... That's weird...

Also.... Sony already did cross buy....

PS3-PS4 and PS4-PS Vita

Heck, even games like Diablo 3 and Destiny were cross buy on Ps4 at release...

Also.... this guy never had a Wii, right? Or a Wii U.... not even a PS2? The disingenuity continues...

Incredible! I can't wait for the next thing that MS will "invent" that will "hurt" Sony or Nintendo.

Yeah, but Sony's idea of backwards compatibility is based more on "only the games we say" rather than MS version of "if you own it, just plug and play"

You can put an OG xbox disk into an X1 and play your game, you cant even do that with PS2 disks on ps3 (unless youve the 60gb model) or ps4. You cant even play your disk based ps1 games on ps4.

There's nothing new about that, this is something that was enjoyed on Vita/PS3 for years...….As a matter of fact, when I bought my PS4 I could have downloaded......FLOW, FLower, Sound Shapes, Journey Fez and so much more....

MS isnt talking about forgettable indies.
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Yeah, but Sony's idea of backwards compatibility is based more on "only the games we say" rather than MS version of "if you own it, just plug and play"

You can put an OG xbox disk into an X1 and play your game, you cant even do that with PS2 disks on ps3 (unless youve the 60gb model) or ps4. You cant even play your disk based ps1 games on ps4.
Nah... We don't know.

Ps2 has full retro with PS1 and the first models of PS3 also has with the PS1 and PS2.

What you are saying is an assumption about a console that we know almost nothing. About the PS4, they never announced backwards compability, they just sell a few ps2 games on it. Imagining that it will be like the PS4..... well... that doesn't make sense, because they told us that it will backward-compatible .
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Yeah, but Sony's idea of backwards compatibility is based more on "only the games we say" rather than MS version of "if you own it, just plug and play"

You can put an OG xbox disk into an X1 and play your game, you cant even do that with PS2 disks on ps3 (unless youve the 60gb model) or ps4. You cant even play your disk based ps1 games on ps4.

MS isnt talking about forgettable indies.
Why are we talking as if Sony didn't already officially confirm backwards compatibility?

And why are we talking as if Sony doesn't already ave this feature to reveal soon?


Cross buy was hit and miss. Some titles used it, some titles didn’t, and there was little rhyme or reason.
And Sony certainly didn’t provide upgraded versions of their big games for free. God of War 3 and The Last of Us both got “remasters” that were sold separately, but really could’ve been patches. The article highlights this quite specifically. Sony also didn’t bring their established PS1 and PS2 emulation to the PS4, choosing instead to package PS2 emulation as “remasters with trophies”, and then basically abandon that anyway when it didn’t catch on.

Microsoft has committed to every first party title and full backwards compatibility and opened the door for others to follow suite. Rather than needing two different versions - two sets of packages, distribution, patches and updates, support, DLC, etc - the enticement here is that you can sell one version of the game, and leverage the scalability of the PC versions across the consoles to keep selling it long into the new generation. I’ll be curious if It’s something developers use.

Microsoft are, at the very least, making interesting moves. The Xbox 360 quite famously outsold the Xbone after launch, until Microsoft got backwards compatibility in place to stop the bleeding. I feel like this kind of policy is designed to proactively stop people holding off. When the series X launches, I’ve already got half a dozen games that will look and play better on it, because I have an S not an X. With backwards compatibility for virtually my entire Xbox library... that’s incredibly enticing, and I haven’t even seen their big Series X titles yet.

I’m keen to see Sony’s response to this. Their continual silence is only giving more space to Microsoft to make early PR wins.
Nah... We don't know.

Ps2 has full retro with PS1 and the first models of PS3 also has with the PS1 and PS2.

What you are saying is an assumption about a console that we know almost nothing. About the PS4, they never announced backwards compability, they just sell a few ps2 games on it. Imagining that it will be like the PS4..... well... that doesn't make sense, because they told us that it will backward-compatible .

The Xbox 1 comes standards with the feature that allows you to play 3 generations of games on the one console and with the disks you own, it even upscales them/patches them to todays standards of rez and framerate in some cases.

You said it yourself. The only way to play the games you own from their original format is if you have a ps2 or OG ps3. Or youre limited to whatever Sony has in the libirary of PS1/PS2/PS3 games on the PSN store for PS4.

Why is the only place I can play my PS3 games currently on PC or the console itself? PSNow is not available in my country and even if it were, then im still required to pay a monthly sub to play the games i already own.

Why are we talking as if Sony didn't already officially confirm backwards compatibility?

And why are we talking as if Sony doesn't already ave this feature to reveal soon?

Look, ive got no stock in this as I dont own an Xbox save for the OG console and i only use my ps4 for 3 games, Wipeout (even though the controls feel borked compared to a proper Studio Liverpool Wipeout), Death Stranding and MGSV.

They announced BC for the ps4 only, not ps1/ps2/ps3.

If they come out and announce that feature, then great, but its long overdue and at this point i dont consider it news, but rather something that shouldve been standard since the ps3.
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Yeah, but Sony's idea of backwards compatibility is based more on "only the games we say" rather than MS version of "if you own it, just plug and play"

You can put an OG xbox disk into an X1 and play your game, you cant even do that with PS2 disks on ps3 (unless youve the 60gb model) or ps4. You cant even play your disk based ps1 games on ps4.

MS isnt talking about forgettable indies.
Why are indies forgettable all of a sudden.....Heard none of that in the XBLA hey days......Anyway, these are some of the best indies ever, highly rated, more so than many AAA games on an MS console all gen long. Journey won GOTY at several publications, Flower got so many accolades, SoundShapes is a hell of a game....Why are you trying to diminish them? Doesn't change the fact that crossplay, cross saves were a thing for a long time.....You remember Motorstorm RC?

Anyways, it was not only indie games.....

Here are a bunch of AAA crossplay/save games from last gen.....

Why are indies forgettable all of a sudden.....Heard none of that in the XBLA hey days......Anyway, these are some of the best indies ever, highly rated, more so than many AAA games on an MS console all gen long. Journey won GOTY at several publications, Flower got so many accolades, SoundShapes is a hell of a game....Why are you trying to diminish them? Doesn't change the fact that crossplay, cross saves were a thing for a long time.....You remember Motorstorm RC?

Anyways, it was not only indie games.....

Here are a bunch of AAA crossplay/save games from last gen.....


Forgettable in the sense that we dont have to worry about the hardware to play them disappearing since those indies are available on nearly every platform from mobile to pc.

And no one cares about the vita. I still have my launch one and the only thing that took advatnage of that console was Killzone and Wipeout, the rest were simply overpriced mobile and indie ports. Furthermore, comparing Sonys console to handheld crossplay/backwards compatibility to Ms' multi gen console BC is ridiculous.

Then theres the fact that despite being a predominantly PS franchise, you need 2 generations of console hardware to play all of the Metal Gear Solid games on console

Look, I dont own an xbox and my ps4 is used for 3 games at the most - Wipeout collection, MGSV since the PC version is fecked and Death Stranding. The rest of the library is on pc or the other exclusives dont do it for me.
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These industry analyst always gets it wrong. PS5 will have something similar to Smart Delivery because they've seen it in action already on XB1x / XB1 and it's the only technical way to have same game on the same disk take advantage of next gen consoles.
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My last post in here to drive the point home, but as i pointed out in the "XSX Backward Compatibility thread"

The only place to play "METAL GEAR SOLID HD: 2 & 3" on a current gen console is the Xbox 1. That should be considered a point of embarrassment for sony. How many ps2s shipped because of that franchise alone?
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The Xbox 1 comes standards with the feature that allows you to play 3 generations of games on the one console and with the disks you own, it even upscales them/patches them to todays standards of rez and framerate in some cases.

You said it yourself. The only way to play the games you own from their original format is if you have a ps2 or OG ps3. Or youre limited to whatever Sony has in the libirary of PS1/PS2/PS3 games on the PSN store for PS4.

Why is the only place I can play my PS3 games currently on PC or the console itself? PSNow is not available in my country and even if it were, then im still required to pay a monthly sub to play the games i already own.

But that was not my point, my point is that: Sony said that the PS5 will be backward-compatible with the PS4... Contrary to what you said:

"only the games we say" rather than MS version of "if you own it, just plug and play"

Which is wrong, because the PS5 will also be "just plug and play" with PS4 games.... About PS1, PS2 and PS3 games....well, we just don't know yet.

Let's wait and see....

I honestly agree with you, that it will probably be only PS4 games.... but eeeeh.... we don't know yet... and, again, that was not my point.

Oh, and why did I have to rebuy the resident evil remakes/remaster going from PS3 to Ps4? The only thing I got was that the games run at 1080p instead of 720p, yet both are locked to 30fps.

Because Capcom wanted more money and the PS4 is not backwards compatible with the PS3.... If it was, Capcom couldn't do shit...

Or you really think that every third party is just so freaking nice? C'mon.... Cross-buy does not benefits third party developers.... If they can sell the same thing twice... they will do it.

My last post in here to drive the point home, but as i pointed out in the "XSX Backward Compatibility thread"

The only place to play "METAL GEAR SOLID HD: 2 & 3" on a current gen console is the Xbox 1. That should be considered a point of embarrassment for sony. How many ps2s shipped because of that franchise alone?

You do know that Metal Gear is Konami IP.... right? This is getting too weird.....
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But that was not my point, my point is that: Sony said that the PS5 will be backward-compatible with the PS4... Contrary to what you said:

Which is wrong, because the PS5 will also be "just plug and play" with PS4 games.... About PS1, PS2 and PS3 games....well, we just don't know yet.

Let's wait and see....

I honestly agree with you, that it will probably be only PS4 games.... but eeeeh.... we don't know yet... and, again, that was not my point.

Because Capcom wanted more money and the PS4 is not backwards compatible with the PS3.... If it was, Capcom couldn't do shit...

Or you really think that every third party is just so freaking nice? C'mon.... Cross-buy does not benefits third party developers.... If they can sell the same thing twice... they will do it.

You do know that Metal Gear is Konami IP.... right? This is getting too weird.....

Im aware that MG is a Konami IP, but its on X1 and not on PS bc list.


But that was not my point, my point is that: Sony said that the PS5 will be backward-compatible with the PS4...

Are you sure about that? I’ve seen a rumor were not ALL PS4 games will be playable on PS5.
Is it confirmed by Sony that ALL ps4 games are playable on PS5? If so, where?


Why are we talking as if Sony didn't already officially confirm backwards compatibility?

And why are we talking as if Sony doesn't already ave this feature to reveal soon?

Regarding the bold portion my friend, I do recall an earlier article, about them having issues with certain games with PS5 backwards compatibility with PS4, but I am expecting it to at least get sorted, but I have no clue what their plans are for PS1-PS2 because they didn’t even do that for the PS4, abd its yet to be seen if they can get PS3 compatibility out of the PS5 yet. I’m hoping it’s compatible with all past Sony consoles and it would be amazing if they added PSP/Vita compatibility, via PSN store.

but yeah smart delivery is nice and it’s a much needed feature that PS5 should hopefully have as well and it’s a good sign that Cyberpunk 2077’s devs are planning on using it for that game, so it will hopefully gain traction and get used a lot.
Regarding the bold portion my friend, I do recall an earlier article, about them having issues with certain games with PS5 backwards compatibility with PS4, but I am expecting it to at least get sorted, but I have no clue what their plans are for PS1-PS2 because they didn’t even do that for the PS4, abd its yet to be seen if they can get PS3 compatibility out of the PS5 yet. I’m hoping it’s compatible with all past Sony consoles and it would be amazing if they added PSP/Vita compatibility, via PSN store.

but yeah smart delivery is nice and it’s a much needed feature that PS5 should hopefully have as well and it’s a good sign that Cyberpunk 2077’s devs are planning on using it for that game, so it will hopefully gain traction and get used a lot.
I like the smart delivery feature if it exists on the PlayStation 5 but I'm.sure if it doesnt, then Sony will compensate it with something else!

Kagey K

So.... That's weird...

Also.... Sony already did cross buy....

PS3-PS4 and PS4-PS Vita

Heck, even games like Diablo 3 and Destiny were cross buy on Ps4 at release...
I think you are confusing cross save with cross buy. Diablo 3 was never cross buy and forced you to buy a seperate version.

Xbox 360-Xb1 also had cross buy games like CoD Ghosts. It’s not a either one did it first thing here.


I like the smart delivery feature if it exists on the PlayStation 5 but I'm.sure if it doesnt, then Sony will compensate it with something else!

how do you know? Sony made tons of money this gen with selling remasters. Look at the last of us.
Now we get the last of us 2. they could do the exact same thing. Why wouldn’t they?

Kagey K

how do you know? Sony made tons of money this gen with selling remasters. Look at the last of us.
Now we get the last of us 2. they could do the exact same thing. Why wouldn’t they?
Because they are put in a position where they pretty much have to, or hope the fanbase is rabid enough to rebuy games they just bought again, while upgrades are free or minimal cost on the other system.

Meanwhile you have Sony players saying they won’t buy Outer Worlds or 2 point Hospital because they are free on Gamepass and devs don’t care about them.


Yeah, but Sony's idea of backwards compatibility is based more on "only the games we say" rather than MS version of "if you own it, just plug and play"

You can put an OG xbox disk into an X1 and play your game, you cant even do that with PS2 disks on ps3 (unless youve the 60gb model) or ps4. You cant even play your disk based ps1 games on ps4.

MS isnt talking about forgettable indies.
Sony's idea of backwards compatibility prior to PS3 dropping RS+EE and PS4 was pretty much all games are backward compatible... there was no, "only games we say". PS4's solution was to remaster those titles which pretty much everyone followed suit. It was a good idea for revenue and you got a better game out of an already good game.

Microsoft's approach to backwards compatibility has always been, "only games we pick and choose". You can't just put any Xbox or Xbox 360 game into an Xbox One and it plays. It has to be something they worked on with their solution.

Regarding "forgettable indies"... like Journey? A game that won more GOTY awards than Halo 4? Yes, forgettable indeed. Journey is arguably one of the greatest games of all time.
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On topic, I think Microsoft's approach to this is great for the consumer, but like many have said this isn't a Microsoft thing only. Publishers have to agree to this method and if they don't they can simply opt out. I am confident Sony will have an identical solution using methods already in place from their previous initiatives like cross buy. You simply buy the game on PS4 and it works on PS5 or vice versa... depending on the platform will depend on which version you get (ie: "Smart Delivery").


Spinning terrible first-studio management which results in a total lack of brand new releases aimed specifically at a platform you're launching into a "consumer friendly tactics" could only be planned by a company like Microsoft because they are fully aware their die-hard fans will repeat every nonsense they hear as gospel. That's indeed "smart delivery".

Kagey K

Spinning terrible first-studio management which results in a total lack of brand new releases aimed specifically at a platform you're launching into a "consumer friendly tactics" could only be planned by a company like Microsoft because they are fully aware their die-hard fans will repeat every nonsense they hear as gospel. That's indeed "smart delivery".
You don’t really believe that right? Not a smart delivery from you.
Spinning terrible first-studio management which results in a total lack of brand new releases aimed specifically at a platform you're launching into a "consumer friendly tactics" could only be planned by a company like Microsoft because they are fully aware their die-hard fans will repeat every nonsense they hear as gospel. That's indeed "smart delivery".


Gold Member
So.... That's weird...

Also.... Sony already did cross buy....

PS3-PS4 and PS4-PS Vita

Heck, even games like Diablo 3 and Destiny were cross buy on Ps4 at release...

Also.... this guy never had a Wii, right? Or a Wii U.... not even a PS2? The disingenuity continues...

Incredible! I can't wait for the next thing that MS will "invent" that will "hurt" Sony or Nintendo.

Are you confusing character imports with cross buy in regards to Destiny and Diablo? I don’t remember either of them being cross buy.

But yeah, a collection of indie titles is not comparable to an entirety of first party output and apparently huge third party blockbusters like Cyberpunk. Plus the BC across three past generations of Xbox that are as simple as putting a disc into the console.

That list of cheap indie titles is nice and there are good games on there but you also had a lot of remasters from Sony that they charged for.


Gold Member
This is slightly different than cross buy right? This is a policy by Microsoft that abstracts the license from the version of the game.

"Owners of Cyberpunk 2077 will receive the Xbox Series X upgrade for free when it is available." The studio took a cue from Microsoft touting its "Smart Delivery" coming with the Series X. Smart Delivery is a feature that lets players play the best version of any game no matter what system they are using.

Having said that, there are things to bear in mind:

- Most cross gen titles are already committed to providing 'free' asset packs to bridge the gap rather than rereleasing the game completely - especially CDPR with Witcher 3 so they're not the best example
- Does it also factor into the equation 'goty' titles etc. For instance, if you do buy CP2077 on X1X and then a year later the definitive edition with DLC comes out, are you entitled to that?
- The big winners are those already in the Xbox ecosystem, unless they will allow cross platform license transfer which I doubt
- The value will also depend on whether publishers are obligated to provide high end assets for cross gen games rather than it being by choice

At least Microsoft are saying something though.

Kagey K

This is slightly different than cross buy right? This is a policy by Microsoft that abstracts the license from the version of the game.

Having said that, there are things to bear in mind:

- Most cross gen titles are already committed to providing 'free' asset packs to bridge the gap rather than rereleasing the game completely - especially CDPR with Witcher 3 so they're not the best example.

Did they? Can you show me another example of a game promising to transition generations?


Yeah, but Sony's idea of backwards compatibility is based more on "only the games we say" rather than MS version of "if you own it, just plug and play"
Because it’s based in part on the PS4’s architecture, it will also be backward-compatible with games for that console.
"Only the games we say" stop spreading speculation as if they were facts.


Gold Member
Did they? Can you show me another example of a game promising to transition generations?

Depends on how you read it, but Ubisoft have pretty much comitted:

The five titles, yes, they will be on this generation and the next generation, and they will take full advantage all the new features that are coming with the machines, which are actually going to be extremely interesting for players. You will be able to download new content a lot faster, players will experience better framerates there are lots of very good elements that will come with these new machines..."

In a recent interview with Windows Central, game director Leroy Athanassof talked about the release of the next-gen consoles and Ubisoft’s plans for the game going forward.

According to the game director, the team intends to make Rainbow Six Siege available on the next-gen consoles upon launch..

....Rainbow Six Siege will likely receive a PS5 and Xbox Series X patch later this year to support the next-gen consoles upon launch.

SQEnix games will be interesting, especially FFVII:RE as they have confirmed cross-gen but not smart delivery.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Yeah, but Sony's idea of backwards compatibility is based more on "only the games we say" rather than MS version of "if you own it, just plug and play"

You can put an OG xbox disk into an X1 and play your game, you cant even do that with PS2 disks on ps3 (unless youve the 60gb model) or ps4. You cant even play your disk based ps1 games on ps4.

MS isnt talking about forgettable indies.

Sony’s idea? Xbox One has BC and it works well and it even improves the rendering performance of games, but a limited selection it is still nowhere near to what you are claiming.

PS2 supported like 99% of PS1 titles (enhanced), PS3 supported ~99% of both PS1 and PS2 titles (unless you decided as a consumer to buy the cheaper PS3 Slim a year after launch), PSP was compatible (not with disc version of the games obviously) with most PSOne games, PSVita was compatible with most PSOne games and all PSP games, PS4 Pro is compatible with all PS4 titles, PS5 has already been announced to be compatible with almost every PS4 title and heavily rumoured to feature much wider BC too...

So, no... MS did not invent BC nor crossbuy.
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Oh, and why did I have to rebuy the resident evil remakes/remaster going from PS3 to Ps4? The only thing I got was that the games run at 1080p instead of 720p, yet both are locked to 30fps.
What!? Because they were remakes/remaster made by CAPCOM for the new systems _ both ps4 and Xbox One!
Of course that in Xbox, you had back compat to play the previous version, but if you wanted to enjoy the experience of the fully remastered/remake games, you 'had to buy' them too! _ simple as that, no one was forcing you, that's the objective of making remasters _ even if there is the option to play older versions on your newer system.
This time around, that we know that PS5 is going to be back compat with ps4, if Sony doesn't implement the same feature, and makes you rebuy the games... then yes _ everybody has the right to throw the first rock (and by everybody i mean their costumers, not the internets warriors of the competition always awaiting for that moment you slip to jump on the throat lol).

how do you know? Sony made tons of money this gen with selling remasters. Look at the last of us.
Now we get the last of us 2. they could do the exact same thing. Why wouldn’t they?
Yes they could: invest/spend money on a full next gen remaster and giving you the option to buy it... or just continue playing your forward compatible ps4 version on the PS5.
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Spinning terrible first-studio management which results in a total lack of brand new releases aimed specifically at a platform you're launching into a "consumer friendly tactics" could only be planned by a company like Microsoft because they are fully aware their die-hard fans will repeat every nonsense they hear as gospel. That's indeed "smart delivery".

thats exactly why Microsoft bought A LOT of studios. Lol
You got it, console warrior. You deserve a medal. 🥇


Yes they could: invest/spend money on a full next gen remaster and giving you the option to buy it... or just continue playing your forward compatible ps4 version on the PS5.

first, microsoft is exactly doing that with Xbox series X. they Will create and invest a lot of money in Xbox series X version of a game and you get THAT VERSION for FREE. if you bought the Xbox one version for free.
same with other devs, like you will get cyberpunk 2077 for FREE. And yes there has been a lot of money spend on cyberpunk 2077 series X version.
Now looking at Sony: they did not confirm they will do that and in fact I highly doubt that. Just look at current gen!
no, you do NOT have the option to play a PS3 title on PS4 if you bought the game. So Sony forced you to Buy the remaster.
They could easily say, oh you bought the PS3 version of last of us, then get the PS4 version for free.
That’s EXACTLY what MS is doing nextgen, you will get the series x version FOR FREE - even if the dev invested a lot of time and resource in this version.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
first, microsoft is exactly doing that with Xbox series X. they Will create and invest a lot of money in Xbox series X version of a game and you get THAT VERSION for FREE. if you bought the Xbox one version for free.
same with other devs, like you will get cyberpunk 2077 for FREE. And yes there has been a lot of money spend on cyberpunk 2077 series X version.
Now looking at Sony: they did not confirm they will do that and in fact I highly doubt that. Just look at current gen!
no, you do NOT have the option to play a PS3 title on PS4 if you bought the game. So Sony forced you to Buy the remaster.
They could easily say, oh you bought the PS3 version of last of us, then get the PS4 version for free.
That’s EXACTLY what MS is doing nextgen, you will get the series x version FOR FREE - even if the dev invested a lot of time and resource in this version.

Let’s base all your theory on the only successor console in their 25+ years history that did not feature BC with the previous generation (the jump between the two architectures being so complex and how little customers cared for PS3 BC feature removal with the Slim were possibly the reasons behind that) and let’s not even consider they already announced PS4 BC on PS5 for disc titles and digital ones (like on PS4 Pro for example).


I think you are confusing cross save with cross buy. Diablo 3 was never cross buy and forced you to buy a seperate version.

Xbox 360-Xb1 also had cross buy games like CoD Ghosts. It’s not a either one did it first thing here.

Oh yeah? I was pretty sure that I hadn't bought it on PS4.

Anyway, Destiny definitely was cross buy. And yes, it's not a new thing.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I'm still mystified as to why we're supposed to be more impressed by them not charging for SX versions than them not charging for One X upgrade patches. I mean, effectively what's the difference?

To be honest I'd suspect it'll have a more dampening effect on devs revisiting and properly enhancing older games when there's no money in it. Its not like the PC scene where older games get fixed and upgraded by the community in order to support more modern hardware, on console it falls solely on the dev or pub in the long-term.


Forgettable in the sense that we dont have to worry about the hardware to play them disappearing since those indies are available on nearly every platform from mobile to pc.
Are they on XBOX?

So, FLOWER is the same caliber of game as CYBERPUNK 2077? Seriously?
Besides AAA what is the caliber of Cyberpunk? Do you know......I'll put it out there now, Journey will have a higher Meta Score than Cyberpunk....
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