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Wii U Thread - Now in HD!

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Well lets break it down, there was a long boring CG-looking cut scene, then it turned to ingame footage of a dude looking around a corner a couple times then crawling. There was no indication of how it controls or how its going to play differently than any of the other stealth type games that have already been coming out for years. To me it looks exactly like a ton of other modern games, a gameplay turd encased in a graphical diamond.

There isn't any CG in that trailer. It's all real time. There's also additional footage added to the trailer where it shows Snake infiltrating the base.


Well lets break it down, there was a long boring CG-looking cut scene, then it turned to ingame footage of a dude looking around a corner a couple times then crawling. There was no indication of how it controls or how its going to play differently than any of the other stealth type games that have already been coming out for years. To me it looks exactly like a ton of other modern games, a gameplay turd encased in a graphical diamond.

you haven't played a mgs game have you

fix that now. go ahead and buy MGS on PSN, finish it and report back. then you can edit your post ^_^


It's Pax Prime and Nintendo's there, right ? So why haven't we received any media footage or anything ? The show is over tomorrow. Knowing Nintendo, it likely brought the same game demos as the ones from its invitation tours.

This is why I believe there is no way Nintendo is gonna show up Sept 13th with those same demos we have been seeing since E3.

The only WiiU Demo that I have seen anything new from since E3 is ZombiU, so I expect major improvements on games we know about and demos of new announced games like COD:BO 2 and others, place new announcement trailers.
Sorry you guys, im not impressed by shit like that. Its not even a game to me. I dont ask that you agree, or even respect my opinion. I just thank christ that i dont play these types of games because none of them are coming to Wii U anyways.

I dont own an xbox360, but my brother does, and i have sat and watched him play a shit ton of games. And 90 percent of the time the actual in game things you are doing are so mundane and stupid, but the graphics are ultra realistic etc. You basically are just controlling a little movie. To me, thats not a game. Im not saying this to dictate to you what you should or shouldnt like, its so you can understand that these games, TO ME, are nothing once you take away the graphics. Its either button mashing or QTE-ness. Ill pass on it.


I read the comment as someone expressing disappointment that a lot of big current gen titles are currently known only to be PCPS360 titles, presumably brought about by this discussion of Ground Zeroes.

We are talking about the successor to the Wii here. How may PS360-first titles have been brought to Wii in the last two years? Call of Duty, licensed games, and ... (Just Dance is a Wii-first game ported to PS360, for reference). 1) It's the launch, so you don't have 30 titles in a two month span released, 2) It's the successor to the Wii which was getting next-to-nothing from PS360 over the last couple of years, and 3) Activision hasn't even confirmed BlOps 2 for Wii U (presumably since it won't launch day-and-date with the others), while we've known about it thanks to SA since before Summer.

In short, anyone expecting full 100% PS360 portfolio in ports on Day 1 was out their ever-loving mind.

What Wii U is getting is a huge step up from almost the entire Wii lifetime in terms of top-tier games. If those sell, then Wii U should get more, and next-gen ports will probably be coming, too. However to come in and say that the Wii U isn't getting current gen ports and won't get next-gen ports, when the paltry known list of games already disproves the first part of that statement, is insane.

And then you defended it
(by reading something else into it :p )
Just popped THE LAST STORY out of my Wii hitting the eject button and put Xenoblade back in for ny NG+ run and I have to say I am going to miss this blue LED light for the slot wish they had it for Wii U too


Wait, it's gone!?

I think there may be a reason why the Wii U may not feature an illuminating lamp like the Wii did. According to Nintendo, with the Wii, it wanted to inform players of new updates/messages, but you couldn't tell what news it was right away, you just knew that you were receiving something new. In that way, the Wii was limited. With the Wii U, the player can use the GamePad to turn the tv on and access the Miiverse on the touchscreen before the tv even displays the picture on the screen. This also means you don't have to worry about someone else wanting to watch tv while you would like to check for updates/messages. Of course, since the GamePad also is semi- portable, you can take it with you to another part of the room or possibly even a different room (as long as it's in range of the wireless signal of the console) to check on updates/messages.
I think there may be a reason why the Wii U may not feature an illuminating lamp like the Wii did. According to Nintendo, with the Wii, it wanted to inform players of new updates/messages, but you couldn't tell tell what news right away. You just knew that you were receiving something new. In that way, the Wii was limited. With the Wii U, the player can use the GamePad to turn the tv on and access the Miiverse on the touchscreen before the tv even displays the picture on the screen. This also means you don't have to worry about someone else wanting to watch tv while you would like to check for updates/messages. Of course, since the GamePad also is semi- portable, you can take it with you to another part of the room or possibly even a different room (as long as it's in range of the wireless signal of the console) to check on updates/messages.
I remember reading about the slot light months before Wii released. It was probably just a random person's speculation, though. He said the slot light could be used so that a person to insert a disc in the dark. I think it would have been useful that way.

But useful or not, I thought it looked great aesthetically, and I'll surely miss it.
The system isn´t even out yet.

Wii U comes at a time where its a little late to be "shoved into the dev cycle" for the q1 2013 games. Even the huge AC3 dev team barely makes it to launch. And not every dev has such a huge team on one game (~600 IIRC).

So lets sip some coffe/tea/wine/sake and see what happenes.
The system isn´t even out yet.

Wii U comes at a time where its a little late to be "shoved into the dev cycle" for the q1 2013 games. Even the huge AC3 dev team barely makes it to launch. And not every dev has such a huge team on one game (~600 IIRC).

So lets sip some coffe/tea/wine/sake and see what happenes.
This is what Im doing lol..no but seriously its not out yet and I really cant post much in these threads anymore without reading what will happen and how its gonna be. I just want to see what happens. Even the back from the grave "nsmbu wont be at launch" thread is full of everyone just oh p100 and pikmin WILL come out in march and lol no way it makes launch type post. At least wait till the 13th, assuming makes you look like an ass.
This is what Im doing lol..no but seriously its not out yet and I really cant post much in these threads anymore without reading what will happen and how its gonna be. I just want to see what happens. Even the back from the grave "nsmbu wont be at launch" thread is full of everyone just oh p100 and pikmin WILL come out in march and lol no way it makes launch type post. At least wait till the 13th, assuming makes you look like an ass.

From E3 up to now has been a very "doomy" road for Nintendo. I even think theres way more DOOM than 2006 now.

Lets hope for a good September 13th conference.


So people are expecting publishers to put every multi-platform "current-gen" game on the WiiU and see it as a weakness when WiiU isn't getting certain games? Hmm. Yes, i'm sure that makes sense. "Let's put all our games on a system with ZERO sold units, no established userbase whatsoever, to compete against each other, let alone all other multiplats from other publishers, cannibalizing our own sales!"

Sounds like a plan! Wait; what? I'm not on Gamefaqs?


There was that Amazon France listing posted... that put it at 350 Euro... roughly 280 GBP...

I'm hoping that's a place holder too, as that wouldn't be a "pleasant surprise" either!

Amazon UK had those £199 preorders awhile back (which I had and which amazon quickly cancelled). My selective belief system has chosen that as the price to believe! :D
Already dismissed as a garbage mini-game collection by the Web.
Always in hyperbole mode arent we? :)

Maybe not garbage but what we have witnessed so far is not groundbraking stuff. So any conversation regarding the game grounded in reality has to part from that. The game is composed by tried out concepts (like Pac Man Vs) or some underwhelming stuff. Why is so hard to understand?

Kind of interesting to see that you are not as hostyle to Eatchildren, when in this case he and i share more or less the same point of view :) If i at least try to explain my considerations in a polite manner why not give me the benefit of the doubt also?
Yup, you are out of your mind...someone could bust out a list for comparisons sake between all three companies to rip your argument apart, you are even wrong about NSMB franchise and I've only really loved the Wii version...
The intention of my statement is not to compare Nintendo to other publishers, it's more about what always made Nintendo different. Im aware of the hypocresy that many people sport when giving Nintendo sh*t about sequelities yet giving free pass to stuff from the likes of EA, Activision or Ubisoft. But it seems to me recently they (NIntendo) are getting close to such practices because of necessity. Since overwhelmed by supporting 2 platforms and having to prepare for a launch, they seem to fall back more than ever in concepts withouth applying enough distintive qualities to them. Don't know why the comment got so vehement reactions since it seems to align with reality.
Then it gets announced for Wii U and becomes the Game of the Forever, amirite?
Pretty much, it's so easy to look through some people. Although what we have been show of Ground Zero is more or less a glorified cinematic, you have to be a real cynic not to be impressed by the amount of detail and finesse poured down into that real time cut scene. The camera work alone was amazing, not to speak of the character modeling. Guess honey is not for the mouth of the donkey :)
I'm hoping that's a place holder too, as that wouldn't be a "pleasant surprise" either!

Amazon UK had those £199 preorders awhile back (which I had and which amazon quickly cancelled). My selective belief system has chosen that as the price to believe! :D
Only bright spot (at this stage) for me would be a 250 U.S. price. It's the only way i could see some powerful reason to repeat the Wii strategy.


Sorry you guys, im not impressed by shit like that. Its not even a game to me. I dont ask that you agree, or even respect my opinion. I just thank christ that i dont play these types of games because none of them are coming to Wii U anyways.

I dont own an xbox360, but my brother does, and i have sat and watched him play a shit ton of games. And 90 percent of the time the actual in game things you are doing are so mundane and stupid, but the graphics are ultra realistic etc. You basically are just controlling a little movie. To me, thats not a game. Im not saying this to dictate to you what you should or shouldnt like, its so you can understand that these games, TO ME, are nothing once you take away the graphics. Its either button mashing or QTE-ness. Ill pass on it.


When I watched the MGS trailer I was thinking to myself 'I wonder what fun gameplay it has, since it's a game afterall'. Then the only gameplay they showed was crawling between rocks. Megaton.


Look, if history taught us anything, it will be a Nintendo box. Don't expect more or you will just get disappointed. It's not like consoles are all that expensive to have more than 1. Just buy the next Xbox and a Wii U and you still pay less than a budget PC.


They might see it as the hardcore audience being firmly entrenched on PS3, 360 and PC, and it's not increasing much. Therefore, a port to Wii U of a "hardcore game" would really only attract PCPS360 users who also have a Wii U. But then they could just save money and have it only on those platforms, and have basically the same audience. The hardcore Wii/U-only owners might not be big enough to pay attention to.


Look, if history taught us anything, it will be a Nintendo box. Don't expect more or you will just get disappointed. It's not like consoles are all that expensive to have more than 1. Just buy the next Xbox and a Wii U and you still pay less than a budget PC.
There's no reason to expect a Nintendo Box when Wii U is clearly not positioned that way.
This gen we've seen developers and some publishers die because of some wanna be AAA title on PS3/360/PC. But some of these same publishers won't shovel out a fraction of a development budget for a WiiU port of a title that runs on middleware that runs on the Wii U. Fox Engine with 1GB of ram, more effecient CPU and better GPU seems like more lucrative purchase than on a console with less than 1/2 the ram and lower spec'd/less efficient inards. SAme with Crysis. I get that dev kits came at a time so that some devs can't work in a WiiU version, but if you eta is summer or fall of 2013; c'mon son.


El Capitan Todd
MGS ground zero demo is outstanding, imho.
I think that it will not come to the Wii U, but this doesn't change the fact that it is so great, graphically, considering that it's running on a PC with similar PS3 specs, listening (and I trust them) KojiPro. It's another multiplatform title with PS360 that will not come to the Wii U, unfortunately.

I agree with users that said that it's not so easy for a brand new console to get all the multiplatform titles planned and developed for other systems that are able to guarantee a large install base and an active user base up to now, especially if dev kits were provided late in the development cycle for games aimed for end 2012 and early 2013. But I also think that being a Nintendo home console didn't help in getting the devs on board. And this is a pity, for the Wii U. I also agree that we are seeing few and weak but concrete step forward compared to the Wii, for 2012-13 at least. Than, with the introduction of new HD console probably a lot more powerful than the Wii U, we could see the Wii's struggle again.

I have also to admit that, due to the fact that I'll but a PS4 for sure (due to firts party games as God of War for example) if the Wii U will be able to get that support the Wii had for a couple of years, with small but interesting exclusive titles, I'd prefer this situation to the Wii U's multiplatform development. So I can buy Nintendo first party + minor but cool exclusives for the Wii U and Sony first party + AAA third party mlutiplatform titles on PS4.

About MGS Ground zero, the cool thing Wii U related is that the game shows incredible graphics that, up to now, we should believe to be possible on PS3. That measn that Wii U could offer this kind of graphics or even slightly better.
Obviously when (if?) the right teams with the right budgets will develop for it. And for this reason I really hope that Nintendo will surprise us, compared to the E3 show of last June, with projects dedicated to this kind of entertainment: I think that they have at least three first party teams (Retro, Monolith and EAD 2 (Zelda?) and a couple of second party teams that can work both on traditional IP (Zelda, Metroid and Star fox) or propose new IP (as they did with Xenoblade and Disaster) that can satisfy that target.


"It's the successor to the Wii. You know, the console that sold the most and that we could never capitalize on. We better not support it and sit back, what could possibly go wrong ? It's not like we lost a ton of money this gen. We should totally again put all our money on the MS/Sony consoles without any backup plan whatsoever."

The thing is we are not only getting no ports, we're also not getting any future announcements/promises. We already know of a few games that could fall into next gen (Watch Dogs, 1313) that explicitly got no Wii U announcement. Instead we've had several comments from the industry that made it clear that they have no interest whatsoever (Kojima, Crystal Dynamics), are very reluctant (Take-Two) or expect nothing from Wii U (EA).

If porting is cheap, is it really too much to expect some publishers to take the risk and support the successor to the most successful console this gen with a measly port ? You might draw in new customers, in worst case you only lose a bit of money (which shouldn't matter much to money-burning companies like Take-Two or EA), in best case you can work on establishing an audience for your games on a succeeding platform or even make some easy cash.

What we get instead are fucking embarassingly cheap cash-ins, such as Mass Effect 3 or Arkham City (if it really runs like shit). But even that is better than what we'll get from some other companies.

Space. Money. Principles. 3rd parties can go fuck themselves. It's such a dumb statement that's only used for Nintendo.



About MGS Ground zero, the cool thing Wii U related is that the game shows incredible graphics that, up to now, we should believe to be possible on PS3. That measn that Wii U could offer this kind of graphics or even slightly better.
MGS looks like this because it has huge production values and a big budget behind it. You shouldn't expect many (if any) Wii U games to look like this.


El Capitan Todd
MGS looks like this because it has huge production values and a big budget behind it. You shouldn't expect many (if any) Wii U games to look like this.

I thougth it was clear that I was hoping for big budgets/ top developers only games, to look like that.
I stated this in my post, calling Nintendo to use their best teams, best brand and new IP to cover this kind of production, in order to complete the offer aside their more casual/family/colorfull/fabolous products.


MGS looks like this because it has huge production values and a big budget behind it. You shouldn't expect many (if any) Wii U games to look like this.
I digress. Wii U is a new console with more powerful hardware. The games should will look better.
MGS looks like this because it has huge production values and a big budget behind it. You shouldn't expect many (if any) Wii U games to look like this.

MGS looks like this because its running on PC

And don´t give me the "but but but the pc was specced at ps3 level" crap. Theres nothing that compares to a cell on a desktop pc and the gpu used on the ps3 is EOL for years now (For PC graphics cards)

If it runs like that on a PS3 then show it on a goddamn PS3! Why did it run on a PC if it is *supposed* to look like this on PS3? Run it on a PS3 then that would be impressive. Running it on a pc... Thats not impressive.


As for the 13th, I don't think they really have a choice be for this to be a major hype blowout. Can they really just demo the same things they had going since E3 and all those little WiiU Experience weekends they had around?

Nintendo HAS to show something new and exciting on the 13th.

What they've shown before (Nintendo Land etc) has failed to build mainstream hype. Showing it again won't do any good.

The people who are hyped for WiiU (most of us) will be pretty deflated by seeing the same game demos yet again. Nintendo surely (hopefully?) knows this.

Therefore I'm expecting a Mario, or a Zelda, or a Retro-made title on the 13th... or a big new game of some description. If we don't get one I'll be cursing Nintendo's name with everyone else.


MGS looks like this because its running on PC

And don´t give me the "but but but the pc was specced at ps3 level" crap. Theres nothing that compares to a cell on a desktop pc and the gpu used on the ps3 is EOL for years now (For PC graphics cards)

If it runs like that on a PS3 then show it on a goddamn PS3! Why did it run on a PC if it is *supposed* to look like this on PS3? Run it on a PS3 then that would be impressive. Running it on a pc... Thats not impressive.

I think you'll be surprised.


Games like Zombi U and Pikmin seem to prove my point.
Both games are still in development and are being worked on incomplete hardware so no, not really.

In addition, there are better examples that use the hardware (P-100 and upcoming Aliens: CM).


Nope because ive never played an MGS game in my life and plan on doing so.

And you will be surprised aswell. If you find out how small the next gen jump will truly be!

It's your loss, I don't mind.

And I don't have massive expectations for nextgen, and care little for the size of the "leap".
You trying to downplay a massively anticipated and great-looking title on a competitor's console makes me believe you care an awful lot though.


*wakes up on Sunday morning*

*checks what the Wii U thread on GAF is up to

*sees "Wii U is doomed-meltdown" basically only because the new MGS game did not get a Wii U announcement*

*shakes head*
Games like Zombi U and Pikmin seem to prove my point.
Your point being that you're obtuse? A 3rd launch title that was basically completely revamped between one E3 and the next and a game that was aimed at the Wii throughout most of its development cycle. Brilliant examples to extrapolate the long term potential of a system from.
It's your loss, I don't mind.

And I don't have massive expectations for nextgen, and care little for the size of the "leap".
You trying to downplay a massively anticipated and great-looking title on a competitor's console makes me believe you care an awful lot though.

Im just sick off all the "LOLZ Wii U not power ful enough for current gen!"

The console isn´t even out yet.

Even if there would be a game looking clearly better than anything current gen this would be GAFs reaction:

"NO!!!!! HALO 4 looks tons better just look at the grass far away in the background over there!!!"

No matter whats under the hood of any Nintendo console. This crap will never end.


Im just sick off all the "LOLZ Wii U not power ful enough for current gen!"

The console isn´t even out yet.

Even if there would be a game looking clearly better than anything current gen this would be GAFs reaction:

"NO!!!!! HALO 4 looks tons better just look at the grass far away in the background over there!!!"

No matter whats under the hood of any Nintendo console. This crap will never end.

So you try and counter it by making the same kind of silly statements yourself?
You're not going to change anyone's mind with that.
So you try and counter it by making the same kind of silly statements yourself?

And i just told you why i think MGS looks unimpressive. Because it ran on a pc and not on a PS3. Why not show it on the PS3??

You're not going to change anyone's mind with that.

And heres the kicker:

You won´t either.

So why try arguing? Everyone is set on his/her opinion.

Im going Wii U/PC only next gen and am not intending on ever getting a xbox720/PS4


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
And you will be surprised aswell. If you find out how small the next gen jump will truly be!

Only for one company!
No matter whats under the hood of any Nintendo console. This crap will never end.
I find it a bit overblown as well, but if we're being honest Nintendo invited this perception when they didn't even bother to make the Wii HD compatible at a time when it was obvious a transition was imminent. It's laughable when people compare the current situation with a console that released a year later than the 360 and didn't even have true widescreen support though. Better lighting, geometry, shaders, textures etc. will all make a noticeable difference during in the coming generation, but nothing comparable to the jump from 480p anamorphic to 720p. With each passing generation I think production values will be a larger factor than sheer horsepower.
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