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SONY needs to change the controller for the PS4


I agree that the form factor is a little aged these days, but the analog sticks, d-pad and face buttons are just way superior to the competition. Shoulder buttons may need some work though. But judging from the Move and Vita(both incredible well designed) PS4 is gonna have the best controller ever. Dat trigger and center button on the Move.
I'd like a change. Been gaming with essentially the same thing for about 15 years now nearly.

Don't go Batarang crazy like Ken, but something updated.

def sim

It provides faster response than a trigger which has to be depressed more.

Oh, right, the competitive argument. I agree with you here since it's one of the reasons I'd say KBAM is better overall, but in terms of comfort and fun I'd go with triggers.

Though the slight edge might as well be irrelevant, let's be honest here.
It's the perfect controller for me. I hate that the 360 controller is not symmetrical and having analogue face buttons makes a difference. I only play racing games with the face buttons because of it and they feel better than the click buttons of the 360.

Don't you prefer triggers for the accel/brake? In GT I use the right stick to change gears, cos it's fun, face buttons don't get a look in.
I really hope that the DualShock 4 is just like the others. I love all the DualShocks so far, but I would like the shoulder buttons to become like the PS2 ones again.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
The triggers need to be actual triggers.
The stick placement could go to the superior xbox position. (not a huge deal though)
The sticks needs to be less floaty.
The sticks need a concave face.
What do people think the PS4 controller will be? Especially people who think the current one is perfect, do you think the PS4 one will be identical in form or function? The DS, DS2 and DS3 all added features, some more successfully than others. DS3 changed the ergonomics for the worse thanks to the trigger change, although longer range triggers was a good idea.


No they dont. I have big ass hands and its fine. These post are dumb.

Same here. I have giant man claws and it's a perfect controller. People are just biased/jaded it's the only explanation. 360/Wii/Move/DS3 controls all feel fine to me, the rest of you are just uncoordinated man-children.


I hope they add a Vita-esque d pad. That thing is godly. Other than that, a little bulk would be nice, but please, please don't move the analog sticks.
If anyone has time, listen to HyperCritical episodes 49 and 50 with John Siracusa for an excellent, point by point thorough detailing of the issues with the Playstation controllers.

Episode 49 (PS3 discussion starts about 1h58m into the episode)

Episode 50

Very long, but Siracusa is nothing if not thorough.


Junior Member
I think it could have change something but it have the same symmetrical dual sticks because it far more easy to prefect symmetrical control when it need.
Is it that hard to have a secondary jumbo line from Sony? Also, universally fix the triggers and INDENT THE PS BUTTON!

...who wants a new button?

def sim

Same here. I have giant man claws and it's a perfect controller. People are just biased/jaded it's the only explanation. 360/Wii/Move/DS3 controls all feel fine to me, the rest of you are just uncoordinated man-children.

You know people can say it's tad bit small without losing total control over the controller, right? I'm fine with the DS, really, but I'd be cool with them adding a bit more space on the handles. Not even as much as the PS1 Dual Analogs, just maybe half that.

Again, just because people seem to have trouble realizing opinions aren't always total extremes: I don't necessarily need that, but I would like it. I feel like it's a bit small for me; nothing serious. It's completely useable as it is now.

rdrr gnr

Concave sticks.
Concave triggers (better triggers overall).
Heftier/bigger build (extended handles).

Superior: stick placement, face buttons, shoulder buttons remain.


Unconfirmed Member
I've hated the Dual Shock ever since the PSX days. I agree OP, playing FPSs on it feels awful.
I was actually playing with original Playstation controllers the other day. The ones from before the dual shock days. I think that's a better controller than the dual shock.

The sticks need to change, so do the triggers.


I'd like a change. Been gaming with essentially the same thing for about 15 years now nearly.

Don't go Batarang crazy like Ken, but something updated.

The batarang's actually pretty good as far as cradle-or-grip goes; there were a bunch of early-00s off-brand PC controllers that shape.

Unfortunately, people then split just as evenly and violently about whether the sticks should be aligned with the controller or the player.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't get why more game companies don't offer an alternative controller. Like the Wavebird or the Xbox S. Make a big Sony controller and a small Sony controller. Make a big 360 controller and a small 360 controller.


Don't you prefer triggers for the accel/brake? In GT I use the right stick to change gears, cos it's fun, face buttons don't get a look in.

For racing I do like the 360 triggers but racing with the 360 analog sticks kinda blows.

The left thumb will cramp up on my after a long play through.

I use the 360 controller since most pc games with gamepad support use it natively, its a fair trade off, I'd rather the ds3 but don't want the third party apps to make it work.

current controller is perfect imo
360 one is too big and hurts my hands

Size wise I like the 360 controller, I hate the stick placement.

I'd remove the bumpers and/or add two more buttons to work as bumpers under the grips to press with my middle finger instead of having to reach up to use them.
Did a quick 'shop of what I'd like to see.


Obviously there is lots of unnecessary space around the left stick when you just swap them over like that, and is too close to the d-pad which probably doesn't have quite enough space around it, but that can be adjusted nicely.

Triggers shaped the correct way is a no-brainer.

Come on Sony, sort it out.


Everything is in prime state except for the triggers. I always misfire something when I try to just put the controller down on the table.

def sim

I really don't think the dualshock's frame should be designed with asymmetrical sticks. It looks awkward to me, but I recall there being third party controllers similar to that. Maybe I'm wrong.


I hate it, it's literally a first attempt design with sticks plastered where ever they'd fit. People have sadly become accustomed to it's aged form so they defend it, but Sony really has to get with the times next gen.


The D-Pad is loads better than the 360's but it still needs work too.

I'd argue that the Vita is the only Sony system with decent d-pads. Get the Vita d-pad, modify it a little for dualshock and we have ourselves a pretty good controller.
I use the 360 controller since most pc games with gamepad support use it natively, its a fair trade off, I'd rather the ds3 but don't want the third party apps to make it work.


Yeah I tried installing those, didn't last long as it messed up my wired mouse somehow.

I hate it, it's literally a first attempt design with sticks plastered where ever they'd fit. People have sadly become accustomed to it's aged form so they defend it, but Sony really has to get with the times next gen.

I really think it'll have a screen. I'm not sure they can sell a system based on a split controller any more than the Move already did.


This is one of my biggest "fears" with PS4, that they will change the controller too much. For me, the PS3 controller is pretty much perfect. It could be better with using Vita's d-pad, but other than that i dont want any changes.

boiled goose

good with gravy
The controller is so iconic at this point because theyve never changed it.
I just hope they dont just blatantly copy the wiiupad.
Did a quick 'shop of what I'd like to see.



I love that the d-pad is still symmetrical to the face buttons. I use it all the time for 2D games and all the menus (xmb and in-game).

I also play fps's on PS3 and don't see the problem with the position of the left stick as it is at all.

Don't change that thing, Sony. It's a work of beauty.

Edit: Them triggers would be welcome though.

Agent X

Gold Member
I like the layout of the Dual Shock 3 as it is now. The layout of the existing elements shouldn't change at all. However, I wouldn't mind some minor tweaks, such as tighter analog sticks, and possibly a digital pad similar to the one found on PS Vita.


Junior Member
Oh man, someone here did photoshop Dualshock on asymmetrical sticks.

That's pretty low, man! So ungamer.
I just don't get the necessity of asymmetrical sticks. It's not even something tailored for shooters since the aiming is still on a stick that's placed lower. If your thumb can handle that, why can't it handle the other? Either way the stick placement doesn't make a big difference for me, but I prefer the d-pad staying on top because ultimately that's where a d-pad's most comfortable for me regardless of the scarcity of use it has for some.


It is absolutely not time for a controller change. There is no time for a controller change for PlayStation home consoles. The DualShock design has stuck around for three generations because it works phenomenally well, and because there's no reason whatsoever to have a new controller every generation when the one you already have is perfect.

They can fix some things about the DS3, like the triggers, but the shape and size are perfect as-is, and the button placement itself is timeless.

Seriously, though -- any gamer who can't get comfortable with a DualShock 3 isn't really a gamer. Fifteen years is way more than enough time to acclimate to a controller design.

Salacious Crumb

Junior Member
I don't play my PS3 nearly as much as I'd like thanks to the DS3. I don't know how people can call it the "most perfect controller ever" when the analogue stick placement was pretty much an after thought.


I've always liked the layout of the Dualshock with regard to the stick placement (though I honestly don't have any issue with either the 360 or DS layout). I wouldn't mind the D-pad on the DS4 being the same as the one on the Vita though.
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