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TitanFall (EA/Respawn, PC/XB1/360, Spring 2014, Game Informer Leak, All Info In OP)


So much bullshit in that article.

  • couldn't do it on current gen consoles but are making it for 360.
  • impossible to do without cloud but are doing it on 360/PC/probably PS4.

Do they seriously expect people to fall for this stuff when they contradict themselves in the same article?

Cloud computing is platform agnostic. The statement about not being able make the game work on current consoles is weird though.


hopes dashed dreams shattered... Damn you GAF, Xbox loses again!!

its still a huge game and it comes out in 9-10 mos so yea. There will never by hype for this game. Ever.

Sarcasm? I can't tell. I'm still hyped for the game, and it probably won't matter in the grand scheme of things, but companies are so focused around these big reveals that to say that this isn't a big deal to them is foolish.
Sarcasm? I can't tell. I'm still hyped for the game, and it probably won't matter in the grand scheme of things, but companies are so focused around these big reveals that to say that this isn't a big deal to them is foolish.

It's Klocker. There was no sarcasm involved.


Google can remove content from devices right? Cause I don't have the issue anymore. I have it set up to auto download for offline use so I think that's what they did. Unless it didn't auto download and I was loading every page from the web which I kind of doubt.

I have the issue opened in Chrome and it still is able to scroll pages (and by the timing, it seems they are not cached and are loading each time). I'm sure they will find a way. While it does'nt bother me as I'm on the free trial, those here who bought the individual magazine issue through Google Play would have every right to cry foul if it gets yanked from their devices post-purchase.
But those four days are important because Microsoft wanted to make a big splash at E3. It was scheduled for Monday, after the conference, I believe.

This game has everything they want.

- Example of cloud gaming
- Exclusive
- Great studio
- Early generation game

They could make this game enormous if they wanted, and E3 was their big chance. Now, because of this, the reveal is "cool" instead of "HOLYSHIT DID YOU SEE THE MS CONFERENCE THAT GAME WAS AWESOME"

But the mag will release before MS event?so it just like GOW:J thing in 2012 E3


Looks like cloud computing is real huh.

Mario's been bouncing off clouds for decades now. MS just getting with the times.

very possible since now they have XBox Live service on Win8.
Nice way to push Win8 acceptance and start some meltdowns in PC community :)

If by meltdowns, you mean death by apathy. Okay. I doubt MS is that stupid. Especially Respawn. If Halo 2 couldn't break through, no way this game does. It'll be DoA.


I love this power of the cloud crap... I make a fortune off of the uneducated masses who believe they need this garbage. The "power of the cloud" is nothing but persistent online worlds (where gaming is concerned), and "resources" that can be tapped at all times.

Hence, the always online requirement. Which I provide ;) It is like listening to people talk about SDN - always entertaining.
I love this power of the cloud crap... I make a fortune off of the uneducated masses who believe they need this garbage. The "power of the cloud" is nothing but persistent online worlds (where gaming is concerned), and "resources" that can be tapped at all times.

Hence, the always online requirement. Which I provide ;) It is like listening to people talk about SDN - always entertaining.



<MS Employee but with no internal knowledge, so color me bias if you so desire>

I assume that the Xbox team has crafted APIs for the Xbox SDK that enables developers to quickly hook up azure access. Based on their claims that each game will have dedicated VMs, it appears that the devs don't have to do very much coordinated work to get up and running for compute tasks with azure. I assume they get an allotment of cycles, and devs can perform functions in the cloud and return computed tasks. Azure is a business that requires access around the globe, so the infrastructure is already there to be used. This promise (simplified, of course its actually much more work than this) merely means adding more physical machines and racks to their infrastructure around the globe.

From my own (app development) experience, Azure mobile stuff was really easy to work with. The azure team had very simple APIs that hooked into the windows phone APIs. I assume that either the xbox team or the azure team fused this into the Xbox SDK to enable similarly easy functionality. Devs could hook into the cloud computing infrastructure without the headache of manually crafting the backend (physical) infrastructure and instead could focus more on the code to do the tasks. Having this up and running can help shave off many weeks of 'waiting' during coding milestones. (This is of course assuming that it actually is very easy to get this up and running on azure--something I'm merely speculating based on Azure Mobile Services from my personal outside-of-work dev experience).
Thanks for insight

Downplay as much as you want but having the huge infrastructure in place, making it available to devs from day one and writing software to make it easy to implement for Every game, is what makes this a little bit more than pr bullshit
i can't imagine a game being too much of a megaton when it doesn't have a single player campaign component. I mean yeah the game could be big, but not as big as it could be with a nice SP.


This is one of the exclusive deals Microsoft made for the Xbox One. There is no way they actually believe that what they are doing cannot be done right away on the PS4. Microsoft payed them some money, got the exclusive, and now they are holding up their end by praising the Xbox One.


But those four days are important because Microsoft wanted to make a big splash at E3. It was scheduled for Monday, after the conference, I believe.

This game has everything they want.

- Example of cloud gaming
- Exclusive
- Great studio
- Early generation game

They could make this game enormous if they wanted, and E3 was their big chance. Now, because of this, the reveal is "cool" instead of "HOLYSHIT DID YOU SEE THE MS CONFERENCE THAT GAME WAS AWESOME"

Overdramatic am total.

This would have mattered if we didn't know what the game was about months ago. Or that it was a rumored MS exclusive.

Plus we've haven't even see this thing in motion yet. Pictures are all good but it's the demos or videos that sell us a game.


What are you talking about? Yesterday we had Xbox One eSRAM yield issues with a 70+ page thread - today we got a leak on Respawns new game...
I'm pretty excited for the days to come - I can't imagine that we won't see more leaks / insider informations...
I just mean it is going to go by slow because I am looking forward to E3. It is like a kid looking forward to Christmas.


i can't imagine a game being too much of a megaton when it doesn't have a single player campaign component. I mean yeah the game could be big, but not as big as it could be with a nice SP.
It could be huge. MOBAs don't have campaigns, and are the new hotness.
Couldn't they have just come out and say "we have a strategic partnership with Microsoft" versus contradicting themselves in one single article? I would've respected that. Now it's just PR poopspray.


I love this power of the cloud crap... I make a fortune off of the uneducated masses who believe they need this garbage. .

Always nice to hear from people who enjoy their work, respect their customers and value the service they provide to others.

Seems accurate to me.

You've gotta be kidding me. So this is where we're headed, huh?

It seems like a new strategy is emerging going into next gen. Publishers' business models are so broken and they think DRM will save them - so they have a strategy of getting gamers to accept online DRM gladly: weigh down games with tasks too difficult for the hardware itself and then offload things like physics and AI calculations to cloud servers. Then they can tell consumers how staying connected to the internet at all time enables all these amazing features. Its SimCity writ large.

Convince me I'm overreacting here.

This too.


i can't imagine a game being too much of a megaton when it doesn't have a single player campaign component. I mean yeah the game could be big, but not as big as it could be with a nice SP.

I think heavy online focus on gameplay will be the next "thing" next gen. I wouldn't be shocked if only a minor amount of games had pure sp campaign next gen.
Couldn't they have just come out and say "we have a strategic partnership with Microsoft" versus contradicting themselves in one single article? I would've respected that. Now it's just PR poopspray.

we wanted to make the best game possible, and we can't even use 8 gigs so we worked only on the Xbone version but also PC and someone else is making 360, oh also 5 gigs isn't really enough so we used CLOUD.

k thx bye.
Getting some Attack on Titan vibes from the way they describe the Pilots moving and interacting with the titans.

Respawn, Make em move like this and I'll buy 10 copies.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
GI: "What XBox One lacks in RAM, it potentially makes up for in cloud computing." Talks about how the game will have unlimited dedicated servers for the game, offloading "a few dozen AI" and physics, says the game would be impossible without the cloud and wouldn't have attempted it. Still dealing with unfinished hardware and software, so it's "still a little rough going at times."

You've gotta be kidding me. So this is where we're headed, huh?

It seems like a new strategy is emerging going into next gen. Publishers' business models are so broken and they think DRM will save them - so they have a strategy of getting gamers to accept online DRM gladly: weigh down games with tasks too difficult for the hardware itself and then offload things like physics and AI calculations to cloud servers. Then they can tell consumers how staying connected to the internet at all time enables all these amazing features. Its SimCity writ large.

Convince me I'm overreacting here.


Right now it's not on par yet. We know way too many PS4 games to even echo your sentiments.

One can't undermine this exclusive though so this is a good score for MSFT.

Uncertain but I think he's talking about software in terms of OS capabilities and obviously the cloud support. After all, MS is a software company.
Cloud computing is platform agnostic. The statement about not being able make the game work on current consoles is weird though.

Correct, and I think this is what makes the 'cloud power' statement so awkward. It seems the marketing speak isn't quite formulating the developer story of cloud computing into a proper consumer story.

(All speculation by me..) It's not so much that the cloud is exclusive to the xbox one, but more that they've integrated cloud computing capabilities into the development platform. Much like devs can count on there being a harddrive and a kinect, devs can also count on (speculation) easy access to onboarding cloud computing and online server infrastructure. Azure is based around the entire globe IIRC, and is a huge win for the developer. I don't know how the current Live infrastructure works, but it seems like having these dedicated machines around the globe lift a lot of the multiplayer burden from the developer and publisher. Ensuring that constant server uptime is no longer their issue. The code is.


Sounds like it could be cool, will play on PC if it's good. I'm sick of hearing this cloud PR BS though. Dedicated servers w/ AI is nothing new or revolutionary.


Does the game imformer issue have any more leaks in it than just this?

You've gotta be kidding me. So this is where we're headed, huh?

It seems like a new strategy is emerging going into next gen. Publishers' business models are so broken and they think DRM will save them - so they have a strategy of getting gamers to accept online DRM gladly: weigh down games with tasks too difficult for the hardware itself and then offload things like physics and AI calculations to cloud servers. Then they can tell consumers how staying connected to the internet at all time enables all these amazing features. Its SimCity writ large.

Convince me I'm overreacting here.

Seems accurate really.


Neo Member
I think this looks pretty damn cool. Not enough to tempt me into an XBone purchase - especially if it will come to PS4 eventually.

Have to say it would have had more impact as an exclusive if they hadn't mentioned coming to the other platforms.


With this whole cloud computing malarkey... isn't this just moving Xbox live from a P2P model to a server-client model, but given the server access to a cluster of computers, allowing it to do more computationally intensive stuff?
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