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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Ojamajo Doremi 37

Massive storm in the Magical Kingdom sends a bunch of magic frogs to the human world, and they want to have a fun time while they're there. Wasn't too huge on this episode, but that kinda has to suck, being stuck as a magic frog forever because the people who discovered you ran off scared. They seem to be pretty happy though. They say the village of the frogs is a good place, which I guess is good, but it seems odd to basically exile them to a specific part of the kingdom, but now I feel like I'm just speculating about things.


Danganronpa The Animation 08

Huh, that wasn't badly paced. Or something.

Question: As someone whose finished the Danganronpa game, is the Anime suitable enough for my tastes? I've been hearing people whove finished the game that the anime wont appeal to them.
Accel World 18 and 19 (engDub)

Dont even know what the girls from okinawa or whatever was saying the whole time, guess it was a interesting choice for their role in this two episodes story with Sulfur Pot. Megumi's portion was a bit emotional on that but still unexplained
about her burst linker past and how she could just show up, wish we could have had the history given there, though maybe its LN exclusive, whenever that gets released here next year to read?

-And also got more Karneval, Uta no Prince Sama Maji Love 2000%, and K stuff today with bonus stickers

Wolf's Rain 5

This trek through a decayed landscape (is it post-apocalyptic? I suppose) in search of a vague goal reminds me of Casshern Sins. Except that there's still a functioning human society. And this has a much better script.

Wolf's Rain is, I believe, set somewhere that's supposed to be like an alternate Russia. All the writing is in Cyrillic, as you've probably noticed.

I have noticed that, though the wolves' names are more Japanese than Russian. And I thought I saw some Japanese writing in this episode...

Unfortunately it seems Wolf's Rain wasn't one of the Bandai titles license rescued by Sentai or Funi earlier this month. I would have half expected Funi to get it - it doesn't really fit what I think of as the Sentai "ethos". Ah well.

What is the Sentai ethos beyond "we'll license anything we can"?


Wolf's Rain 5

This trek through a decayed landscape (is it post-apocalyptic? I suppose) in search of a vague goal reminds me of Casshern Sins. Except that there's still a functioning human society. And this has a much better script.

Wolf's Rain is described by the people who created it as a road movie with wolves. In that sense I think it has more in common with say Kino's Journey, than Casshern Sins. It's a story about a journey, and that journey is a window into the various aspects of the world.
Wolf's Rain is described by the people who created it as a road movie with wolves. In that sense I think it has more in common with say Kino's Journey, than Casshern Sins. It's a story about a journey, and that journey is a window into the various aspects of the world.

I like the journey narrative structure; it allows for a lot of variety in setting, characters, themes, etc. (I need to watch Kino's Journey sometime.) I do think the first half of Casshern Sins was also somewhat road movie like though.

"We'll license anything we can sell with breasts on the cover", normally (with a few notable exceptions) :)

I don't know; I don't think Sentai is that discriminate. Sure they have plenty of ecchi series, but looking at their license list they've got plenty of random choices, from the original Gatchaman and Di Gi Charat to Shinkai's movies and Flowers of Evil. I don't think you can identify a pattern.

If you could identify a trend towards fanservice shows, surely that would hold at least as true for Funimation. They've been getting into that market fairly heavily in recent years.


Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou/Day Break Illusion Episode 8: Ah yes, so in addition to want to wear the skin of Madoka Magica, it also wishes to eat the heart of Persona 4 as well. Indeed all of the obvious foreshadowing from last episode comes to ahead as we learn the existence of
Counterpart Cards, which are basically the Shadows from Persona 4 only with the twist of killing ends up getting you killed as well. Indeed, we have offically begun our descent into grimdark depression as Ginka dies, and I'll be honest, I really don't care since she had the least amount of character development. In fact, I think she even lampshaded that fact with he final talk with her Father.
The Flowers of Evil 1

I'm so late to the party on this, but I loved it so much, which basically almost never happens with first episodes. I got that tingly feeling in the pit of my heart when I know I'm watching something special, which doesn't happen all that often. One of the things I do appreciate about the anime industry as opposed to, say, most live-action television (from anywhere, but obviously I am most familiar with American TV) is that there's enough of an auteur culture buried in there to occasionally bear fruits of a cohesive, artistically focused & aesthetically unique nature much more akin to what you can find in film than the scattershot approach to most TV.

The unsettling realism of rotoscoping, the plainness of the character designs, the tender pacing, the drone music, the jarring OP and ED, and just enough of the rest that is off to let you know something is wrong, all in perfect concert with the mundane banality of high school life. Super, I hope the rest is this good!

If you love the first episode this much (I do too), I'm sure you'll love the series as a whole. It is without doubt the work of a strong directorial vision.


I wouldn't bother watching the original. God knows I haven't and I was engrossed with the new one last night.

Yeah this new season is legit, watched the first 6 episodes in one sitting, good shit. Much better than the first season (which I only saw 3 episodes of).


Ojamajo Doremi 38

I said after that episode with that kid and that stray dog that they really shouldn't be allowed to say "Anything's fine" or "Help him somehow" as their spell, and that it would probably come back to bite them if they did. Well this time they spawned a giant monster. But it (somehow) didn't seem to destroy anything, so...no harm, no foul I guess, but again, they really shouldn't be able to do that.

And they probably should have laid off anyway. That kid was clearly a monster otaku whose love of monsters was clearly starting to get to unhealthy levels. Playing monster instead of fulfilling his obligations to the soccer team, drawing monsters during math class (You mess with the bull, you get the horns), failing tests because you're too busy playing, making, and drawing monsters, etc.


An anime of this would be sweet. Has there ever been an anime and live action adaptation of something running simultaneously?

Well hopefully this doesn't end up like the mangaka's prior series Yankee-kun to Megane-chan and only receive a jdrama.... There's a couple more series in Magazine that have only been getting jdrama's instead of/and anime over the last few years IIRC.
Dog & Scissors - Episode 5

So before I state my disappointment in this episode, I think it'd be best to show my excitement from the last episode (which I posted 4 weeks ago).
Dog & Scissors - Episode 4

THIS! This is what I came to see! All of the bad stuff in this anime is fixed with this one character. This is now a must watch! Holy moly I thought I'd never see the day when a
character is introduced and it isn't forced. This character is totally worth it to watch the show, especially if she becomes a recurring character. Dog & Scissors... you got me hooked now. Just keep showing more of her, and I'll keep coming back.
That was me a month ago, and this is me now:
That was such a missed opportunity for this show. I was so hyped to see a
appear in the picture, and then they made it comedic and ruined it. You could say "the show IS comedy so it was expected," but they could have easily went the Oreimo route and had it be comedic with it still being exciting to see. I'm so disappointed that I think this is the first time I've ever said "I didn't want to see comedy happen right now," and if anyone knows the anime I watch. Then you know I don't get interested in an anime that doesn't have comedy, so me saying this is serious business.

At least the gray haired women redeemed the show for me at the end, because I was about to drop it from disappointment (yeah I'm one of those type of viewers). Sorry about my little rant here, but it was such a missed opportunity for something special ;_;


A Good Citizen
The Flowers of Evil 1

I'm so late to the party on this, but I loved it so much, which basically almost never happens with first episodes. I got that tingly feeling in the pit of my heart when I know I'm watching something special, which doesn't happen all that often either. One of the things I do appreciate about the anime industry as opposed to, say, most live-action television (from anywhere, but obviously I am most familiar with American TV) is that there's enough of an auteur culture buried in there to occasionally bear fruits of a cohesive, artistically focused & aesthetically unique nature much more akin to what you can find in film than the scattershot approach to most TV.

The unsettling realism of rotoscoping, the plainness of the character designs, the tender pacing, the drone music, the jarring OP and ED, and just enough of the rest that is off to let you know something is wrong, all in perfect concert with the mundane banality of high school life. Super, I hope the rest is this good!
small correction: middle school

still rather mundane though, if not worse than high school
Kiniro Mosiac 8

School Festival episode. This and Summer Festivals are practically the same when they play out for me, so I didn't pay much attention.

All I know is that Alice actually has a Shino Anniversary with her folks. If that's not true love, I don't know what is.


If your name is Nonoriri you have to go buy Nanami's tampons.
Has it actually been over a year? That seems around the same amount of time I stopped caring for animu junk.


Moretsu Pirates/Bodacious Space Pirates Episode 17: Well now, this episode was seemingly made to apologize for the lackluster to downright terrible episodes this show has been having since this new arc began. It is also a densely packed episode as well, filled with enough chracter depth and motivation to fill at least two dozen episodes of One Piece.
Holy shit, Jenny Dolittle apparently used her time away from the show to get a couple of steroid needles worth of interesting chracter growth and traits. She was one of the few Yacht Club members to stand out and indeed we had seen hints of the truth throughout the show and it has come to fruition.
Most of all, it is refreshing to see, even though they are substitution crew, the pirates acting like pirates instead of cruise line entertainment. We have gone from that to a major contract filled with peril against a powerful villain in order to make the dreams and ambitions of a couple of star-crossed lovers come true. Also strongly desiring to see Chiaki thrown out an airlock since she has moved on from being a mere boring tusundere to a down right stick in the mud who seriously lacks in communication skills.
She is possibly also homophobic (closet case?) as I believe I heard her show some subtle but still laudable detain for Jenny and Lynn kissing in front of everybody.


Ojamajo Doremi 39

Somebody. Please. Throw Doremi a bone.

I think Majo Ruka is starting to regret giving that bracelet to Onpu. She's pretty much gotten used to breaking the rules without consequence, and if Majo Ruka is accurate, that bracelet won't work forever. What's more, she doesn't feel any responsibility for her actions whatsoever. To her, the ends justify the means. Even when those ends are purely self-centered. Something bad is going to happen to her at some point.

I laughed at their plan to get that kid and Mika back on good terms with the fake exorcism. Glad she didn't buy it, cause then she just would've been stupid.
Elementary school was the worst for me. Oddly enough, I didn't get bullied by other kids, but rather teachers and parents. People my own age were totally cool with me and I had some awesome friends.

Middle school and high school were pretty alright.


7th grade wasn't that bad for me. 8th grade kinda was, though. I had friends in both, but 8th grade was just loaded with shitheaded pricks.
Welp, since were talking about school experiences anyway.

Elemetary School - Awesome
Middle School - 5th, 6th, 7th grade was awesome. 8th grade, terrible
High School - Worst time of my life

I mostly slept in class, but out of class in high school was boring. Also most of the conversations in high school was who can beat up who, so everyone was very uninteresting. Not to mention that if you didn't play a sport or wasn't an all A student, nobody really cared about you anyways. I'm so glad I graduated this year. I would never go back to that high school, even for a reunion.
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