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Welcome @Majornelson to NeoGAF

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That isn't "shilling". If you go to some of the larger PC sites like Anandtech, you will see nVidia, AMD, etc. employees posting there and answering questions. They aren't referred to as "shills", but instead are praised for their willingness to take time out and clarify things for their customer base.

In other words, infantile posts throwing around accusations are not appreciated by anybody.
AndyB from Nvidia posts here on GAF fairly regularly. He even participated in the PC Bullshot screenshot thread. :p
God - I hate this gif. No offense Major but this was lame as shit. It ended up being a pretty simple enough change in the end huh? :)

I'll bet it took a lot of man hours (going into the millions of dollars) of the expert development team to be able to make this change for consumers in such a short period of time. MS loves us so much to absorb this cost. How much more value can you get??


I like Major to be honest. Hes only doing his job folks.

I dont agree with what Microsoft has done with the Xbox One and will be getting a PS4 but Major is allright.


He (and M$) are full of sh!t man... open your eyes. They'll say whatever you want to hear after they f*ck up royally because all they care about is getting your $$$.

Want to buy in to M$'s crap? Hey, more power to you. Me? Cold day in h3ll when these douches get any of my money.

But alas, welcome Major Nelson!!! Buddy ol' pal!

Should've used more $$$$$$$
He (and M$) are full of sh!t man... open your eyes. They'll say whatever you want to hear after they f*ck up royally because all they care about is getting your $$$.

Want to buy in to M$'s crap? Hey, more power to you. Me? Cold day in h3ll when these douches get any of my money.

But alas, welcome Major Nelson!!! Buddy ol' pal!

Well, see you later. I welcome Major's input on this board.


Yes, I know..I've read that half a dozen times already. Let's move on...

Not to drag it on much further, but I'd say the people that dislike something seem to be the most vocal...no matter the subject. There are often thousands/millions who love or are ok with the way something is planned.

I have a good friend (since middle school...so 18 years) who absolutely despises Microsoft. I literally don't understand his dislike of them. He in return, doesn't understand how I can like Microsoft, Sony, and have an iPhone...lol. (he also hates Apple)


Not to drag it on much further, but I'd say the people that dislike something seem to be the most vocal...no matter the subject. There are often thousands/millions who love or are ok with the way something is planned.

I have a good friend (since middle school...so 18 years) who absolutely despises Microsoft. I literally don't understand his dislike of them. He in return, doesn't understand how I can like Microsoft, Sony, and have an iPhone...lol. (he also hates Apple)

Does he like Google by any chance?


Im really glad they're here (just as I would be if Sony/Nintendo people joined) I think it can be a good thing. But I am concerned that calling of shills, unnecessary criticism will make them think they shouldn't bother which would be a shame.

Exactly. It bothers me when people don't realize that the overall health of the industry is as precarious right now as it has ever been. Nintendo is having massive issues, so we all need both Sony and Microsoft to have extremely successful console launches. Anyone working for both companies would acknowledge this. Both iOS and Android are successful now by any measure; I feel as though we are in a very real danger of portable, bite sized games on those platforms overtaking the dedicated console paradigm we've been enjoying since the late 1970s. They are certainly killing Nintendo right now, and I'd rather not see the PS4 and Xbone succumb to the Wii U's fate.

It's a shame when some don't see it that way and think the only way "their" system is going to succeed is by the other one completely failing. If either the PS4 or Xbone fail, we are all pretty much screwed. If guys from either company want to come on the biggest gaming forum in the world and publicly rep their product, we should all be ecstatic.


Great idea! Why not take the initiative, go out there and find some?

I personally think it's fantastic that guys like Larry and Albert are willing to come on here and represent Xbox in a professional fashion and be willing to answer questions and participate.

That isn't "shilling". If you go to some of the larger PC sites like Anandtech, you will see nVidia, AMD, etc. employees posting there and answering questions. They aren't referred to as "shills", but instead are praised for their willingness to take time out and clarify things for their customer base.

In other words, infantile posts throwing around accusations are not appreciated by anybody.

I agree the juvenile mud slinging needs to stop, on both sides.


you are right about that...but it´s not like Albert or Larry are ever going to say something negative about the products (that the company they work for produces).. they are no Peter Molyneux..

Nor should you expect them to. Albert and Larry being here is a fantastic opportunity for direct access to Xbox information. Yet some here can't wait to show their allegiances to a competing brand just to stoke a ridiculous console war.

A question for Larry:

Is there any possibility that the ability to use the disc as a download will make a return? The concept was a great way to save some download time/bandwith. Or is that feature dead?


Its childish posters that come in here and post snippy bullshit just to be an internet tough guy. It doesn't further any positive discussion and serves no purpose other than "look! I hate MS too!"
I understand where you are coming from - but the original "Have you seen Titanfall" didn't do anything to further the interviews at that time either. There are numerous people who did neither forget the policies MS tried to force onto gamers and especially their fanbase (360 owners) nor the tone that was used in communicating these policies.
I think they are feeling now that MS is trying to push a more favorable style of communication is the right time to remind them of this.

Any opportunity to learn more info about these products is a good thing.
I wholeheartedly agree - I doubt a PR rep can deliver though. Everything he announces has to be cleared by his bosses.
I see this more as an opportunity to relay "our" (whoever that may be) concerns and questions to MS as a whole in the hope of getting them recognized.
As a contrary example see the whole Adam Orth fiasco...

Just wanted to pass along my thanks for the excellent parental controls in the 360. It's been great letting my son play online without worry. Hope you pass that along to the dev team!

Suggestion: I like your podcasts but find that they really shine when they are about 1 hour long. I think it'd be great to target that length except for special occasions or when content dictates otherwise.

Looking forward to day one!


Do you foresee retailers like Best Buy selling vouchers for game downloads and running their own sales? I like the idea of going all digital but worry about the cost.

Also, what do you think of the Oculus Rift?

Hey major, I think you had powered up your xbox one and were having fun when I posted this last night. Just thought I'd try again in case you missed it.
AndyB from Nvidia posts here on GAF fairly regularly. He even participated in the PC Bullshot screenshot thread. :p

Indeed. A shill is someone that tries to pass as a regular member while posting positive stuff about the company he works for, this is bad!.

Someone being open about who they work for and posting information about their products, no doubt in a good light, is most definitely NOT a shill and it's a good thing. Making that disclosure means you can evaluate what they post with that knowledge in mind.


Does he like Google by any chance?

I believe so. I also have no problem with Google, lol. I think I've reached a point where I just don't care about the rivalries. I'm going to buy things I enjoy with Zero brand loyalty.

I've learned that yes, I like certain things like games, phones, hardware, software more than what is on other devices. It has nothing to do with brand loyalty or if a company has certain policies. It has to do with whether or not I like the product itself.


I believe so. I also have no problem with Google, lol. I think I've reached a point where I just don't care about the rivalries. I'm going to buy things I enjoy with Zero brand loyalty.

I've learned that yes, I like certain things like games, phones, hardware, software more than what is on other devices. It has nothing to do with brand loyalty or if a company has certain policies. It has to do with whether or not I like the product itself.

Pretty much how I operate.
Nope. Just prepping for Xbox One launch. Reading their news now. Vita TV? ok then.

That and the VR headset are brilliant ideas that take gaming forward and make it more accessible. What are you guys doing? I think Microsoft should look at being able to extend gaming into other rooms for a fraction of the cost of a full console.


Thanks for the welcome all.

It's nice to finally have write (vs. read only) access over here now.

Now, let's return to our regularly scheduled programming.

Major I have a question to you!

The Xbox One voice control will work in germany but not in austria, why that? We are neighbor states und have the same language (german!!!).
Oh yeah, another question.. can I have Kinect 2 turn off with the Xbox One and simply power back up when I turn on the unit from a controller? I would like it to work when using the Xbox One but the wife doesn't like the idea of it "listening to her" even when the Xbox One is powered down. I told her it's probably not a big deal but this would be a nice option to make us both happy, I think.


Don't respond?

Oh, ok. I see what you mean. I saw "steer clear of the nonsense..." and thought to myself "how could you do that if the road was MADE out of nonsense?"

I said it before but if I was MN I probably wouldn't have bothered. The climate is super hostile right now. More power to him though, hope it works out.


Oh, ok. I see what you mean. I saw "steer clear of the nonsense..." and thought to myself "how could you do that if the road was MADE out of nonsense?"

I said it before but if I was MN I probably wouldn't have bothered. The climate is super hostile right now. More power to him though, hope it works out.

Yeah, he is going to have to preview his posts before sending them often lol


No problem
Steer clear of guys like that, Major. He adds nothing of value to the discussion. Even though I laid out my objections to current Xbox philosophies a few pages back I hope i did it in a non-combative way.

Don't feel the need to respond to posts which add no value or contain no merit. Despite disagreements I'm happy you are here as hopefully it will promote insightful commentary unlike the post you quoted. Happy posting, bud.
Welcome, Major.

Obligatory, btw:


Yeah, that's what has me stumped.

Does Major Nelson realize how arrogant he comes across in that interview?

Stuff like this makes me sad. :(

What also makes me sad is my support of the XBox 360 (and the brand) right at launch...only to see four RRoD's on four different consoles. I had no choice but to eat all those costs and go over to the PS3.

It's just a big combination of these things that has me squarely in Sony's camp from here on out.

Apologies Major...I just can't give you that bit of consumer faith you're looking for. I've been disappointed far too many times.

Oh, but you guys are rocking an awesome controller, that's for sure. :)


That and the VR headset are brilliant ideas that take gaming forward and make it more accessible. What are you guys doing? I think Microsoft should look at being able to extend gaming into other rooms for a fraction of the cost of a full console.

Microsoft's roadmap has them releasing some type of glasses in 2014, hope its more like VR then like the google glass.


Welcome to GAF Larry,

Personally I was a big 360 fan but the XB1 reveal kinda pissed me off, that said the recent moves you guys have made are helping the situation.

I'm annoyed that my lifestyle at present only affords me one opportunity to upgrade to next gen day one, had you guys revealed the XB1 in its current state I'd be there as I'be loved my time with XBL but I'm with the other team for "now".

Anyway here's my question,

If you had one more move/change/add to the XB1 to be more appealing to your customer base what would it be?



Microsoft's roadmap has them releasing some type of glasses in 2014, hope its more like VR then like the google glass.

If Sony really is doing OR style VR I'd hope for MS to avoid that and instead go the AR route. It's a selfish request, sure, but since I'm buying both I'd like to see them go in different directions rather than having to make redundant purchases. It's also the reason that I want Kinect in the box, just to differentiate a bit.


He (and M$) are full of sh!t man... open your eyes. They'll say whatever you want to hear after they f*ck up royally because all they care about is getting your $$$.

Want to buy in to M$'s crap? Hey, more power to you. Me? Cold day in h3ll when these douches get any of my money.

But alas, welcome Major Nelson!!! Buddy ol' pal!

I was not completely convinced but when you said "h3ll' i knew what you were talking about. Xbox pre-order cancelled!


We have many explicit PR reps on NeoGAF, so there's no issue. The rules are strict and straightforward: no self-promotional threads, no artificial bumping, no pasting PR materials. PR folks can participate by answering questions, clarifying positions, or by participating as normal, all in their own words. It's mutually beneficial but does not color the discussion, and anything said by a PR rep is taken with an appropriate bag of salt. "He lied to us!!!! Evil mean person!!" is not a position that makes any sense if you apply an iota of sense and critical thought to what a PR rep's job is.

More posters need to read this before they put their accounts in danger


We have many explicit PR reps on NeoGAF, so there's no issue. The rules are strict and straightforward: no self-promotional threads, no artificial bumping, no pasting PR materials. PR folks can participate by answering questions, clarifying positions, or by participating as normal, all in their own words. It's mutually beneficial but does not color the discussion, and anything said by a PR rep is taken with an appropriate bag of salt. "He lied to us!!!! Evil mean person!!" is not a position that makes any sense if you apply an iota of sense and critical thought to what a PR rep's job is.

lol. Takin' the high road.....

What because I have some manners and want to actually read what some one posts rather than post preconceived opinions and not give someone a chance.


Well Major, welcome to GAF!

I admire your courage coming on and stepping into this den of wolves.

I can't say I have agreed with what you may have said or the arrogance it seemed to be said with but I will solely judge you here on GAF by your performances here.

The very best of luck.
Microsoft's roadmap has them releasing some type of glasses in 2014, hope its more like VR then like the google glass.

I re-read that again the other day and it has been really close to what we've seen. Even hints of the name Xbox One in descriptions of Duango.

The glasses mock-up slides look more like AR ala Google glass than VR...might be interesting, but still more interested in Rift.


If Sony really is doing OR style VR I'd hope for MS to avoid that and instead go the AR route. It's a selfish request, sure, but since I'm buying both I'd like to see them go in different directions rather than having to make redundant purchases. It's also the reason that I want Kinect in the box, just to differentiate a bit.

I can agree with this, If Sony nails the VR I'll pick one up sooner then later.


Larry, can we expect a dashboard (UI) walkthrough or demonstration much like the X1 unpacking video? Something like that would be great.
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