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famousmortimer: Xbox One OS and Xbox Live issues bouncing about as we approach launch

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Hmm, no I didn't, did I?

I feel like I'm honestly in a real life version of House of Cards or something. What if that whole Sony review event thread yesterday was just FUD to draw us away from the fire? I trust CBOAT. He's Deepthroat. I trust Mort and Thuway, but what if they are just being used by someone? I don't trust Kuchera(sic?), his denials are all too convienient.

Oh God I'm turning into one of those tinfoil hat people, but even at the launch of last gen, none of this stuff happened. It's crazy. This is bigger than resolutions. There is no way there is this much smoke without fire. I just hope Mort knows what he's doing. Be fucking careful man. Know your sources. You are famous for a reason. You have a public face. Don't let them use you. Sorry, I've been watching too much House of Cards.

All I know is that I feel fucking awful for my friend who has day one edition of Xbox One pre-ordered. Jason. There's smoke here. There's a god damn forest fire. No video game journalist has ever won a Pulitzer. There's a story here that will make any of you in the business famous.

It's like industrial espionage or something. I don't want to read about this 15 years later. Any game journalist listening, you are smarter than what they are trying to pull. Go after this. This isn't about 720p or 1080p, this is about significant technical issues with a product that retails for $500 that is launching in less than a month. It's almost like fraud.
Seems very doubtful, and makes me skeptical of the entire rumour, but sometimes companies do dumb things.

Edit: Thinking about this more, how would it even work. If I'm watching a movie, and my friend is playing a game, are we using the Xbox Live VOIP or the games VOIP, or are the two somehow hooked together and talking to eachother. What if we're each playing different games? ... unless they removed the ability to talk across apps, which is clearly not the case. I think a little more explanation is in order.

Also, the rest of it just amounts to, sometimes "messages" are being lost. They say it'll take months to fix, but there's really no explanation of how severe the issue is, or why it would take that long to fix, or what's even causing it. There's not a lot of meat. I can believe a huge online launch could have some bugs, or even serious problems. Maybe MS missed the mark on this one. Not sure how much I can take that rumour as credible though. It's so vague they can easily claim they were right even if there are only minor issues. Dropped parties and lost messages isn't exactly a totally outrageous prediction.



I won't be surprised if both consoles have problems, but MS seems to have way more then Sony so far. I fully expect PSn to be fucked when the ps4 launches, but hopefully not to badly.


wonder how many posts he'd have if he was actually trying

damn it BOOM >_<

haha I beat ya by mere seconds I think

When you are being quoted a lot, you tend to reply a lot

Shocking news?

Hey man people are just having some fun at your expense because for a guy who doesn't care...you sure post a lot. You definitely care enough about what other people say because you respond to those people.

I mean it's fine if you care....nothing wrong with that. Just don't try to pretend otherwise

btw, when you are trying to prove your credibility, saying you work/ed for the company isn't going to do you any favors


-I'm not much of a fan of racing games so I'm not going to judge the gameplay because I have absolutely no frame of reference. The guy who played before me kept complaining that his car kept spinning out of control whenever he barely hit the breaks. The Xbox rep said *laughing* "I know! A lot of people said that."


For some reason this got me grinning more than anything else in this thread.


Me and my friends will randomly get dropped in the middle of parties, it happens not too often, but often enough that it's pretty mundane and whoever got dropped will come back and just say, "party glitch" and we all understand. I have also been in parties that just completely drop everyone at once.

Same here lol. Didn't happen too often.


Neo Member
Judging by insider comments over the last few days I get the feeling that the OS issues are worse than what has been stated.


As someone who works in product engineering, and has been on the inside of some fairly aggressive product launches, the issues mort reported are not surprising at all. I wholeheartedly believe that these things are happening because its *very* easy for these types of things to happen when dealing with the level of complexity that I perceive is necessary to pull off the functionality that MSFT is trying to hit.

Not saying that we should excuse MSFT in the event these issues are present on launch day. After all, they promised us a feature list and it is on them to deliver, especially for people who paid hard-earned money for their consoles. But people reacting like the mere presence of these issues is some hugely abnormal occurrence, or an indication of MS technical incompetence are lacking a bit of perspective. If anything the severity of the issues likely points to over-aggressive timelines, or suspect product management (the part about suits meddling in technical decisions is very believable) on the part of MSFT. It will be very interesting to see how they respond to their customer base if/when these issues start to bite users on day one.

The stuff in particular about difficulties in remediating issues due to having multiple API handshakes to jump is something that hits pretty close to home for me. It's actually a pretty difficult problem across all of IT. Especially as more and more apps are built using a SOA-based approach.

The sys engineer in me wants to send the Dev/Ops folk at Microsoft and Sony a case of beer and a good luck note as they're probably looking at a rough several months ahead, even though the gamer in me is going to be shouting expletives at my TV if I'm unable to jump into a BF4 game on launch weekend.
So I went to the Seattle Sounders game tonight, and the XBone Tour truck was parked out front. I was able to play Forza and watched some people play Killer Instinct and FIFA.

Forza was nice, did have some aliasing in the car shadows and some of the peripheral surroundings, but that's not what bugged me.

I finally got my hands on the controller and I knew it was smaller than the 360 controller.....but man, it felt really small in my hands, and the joysticks also felt a magnitude smaller too. The weight of the controller was nice, and the triggers were good.....but the bumpers seemed really awkward and had a strange clicky feel I can't really describe. Really for me though, I was very disappointed with the XBone controller.

Haven't held the DS4 yet to compare though.


I've PM'd Bish for the ok to create a new thread, but so far he hasn't responded. Probably because the PM contains a video montage of naked pics of myself set to SWV's "Weak".

You aint saving that vid for Kobe's return?

Or you want the tank i forgot lol

*lurks nba thread from time to time*


So I went to the Seattle Sounders game tonight, and the XBone Tour truck was parked out front. I was able to play Forza and watched some people play Killer Instinct and FIFA.

Forza was nice, did have some aliasing in the car shadows and some of the peripheral surroundings, but that's not what bugged me.

I finally got my hands on the controller and I knew it was smaller than the 360 controller.....but man, it felt really small in my hands, and the joysticks also felt a magnitude smaller too. The weight of the controller was nice, and the triggers were good.....but the bumpers seemed really awkward and had a strange clicky feel I can't really describe. Really for me though, I was very disappointed with the XBone controller.

Haven't held the DS4 yet to compare though.
I love the random impressions haha.
Seems very doubtful, and makes me skeptical of the entire rumour, but sometimes companies do dumb things.

Edit: Thinking about this more, how would it even work. If I'm watching a movie, and my friend is playing a game, are we using the Xbox Live VOIP or the games VOIP, or are the two somehow hooked together and talking to eachother. What if we're each playing different games? ... unless they removed the ability to talk across apps, which is clearly not the case. I think a little more explanation is in order.

Also, the rest of it just amounts to, sometimes "messages" are being lost. They say it'll take months to fix, but there's really no explanation of how severe the issue is, or why it would take that long to fix, or what's even causing it. There's not a lot of meat. I can believe a huge online launch could have some bugs, or even serious problems. Maybe MS missed the mark on this one. Not sure how much I can take that rumour as credible though. It's so vague they can easily claim they were right even if there are only minor issues. Dropped parties and lost messages isn't exactly a totally outrageous prediction.


You need to reread this thread.
Why the fuck would you try to re-invent something that already works really, really well, and has been for the past eight years?

It was a "not broke, don't fix it" situation, but then they decided everything was going to be powered by Skype. I'd guess migrating to a Skype framework is what is causing the problems in the first place.
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