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famousmortimer: Xbox One OS and Xbox Live issues bouncing about as we approach launch

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Shu's PS4 had to be in suspend mode, if you notice when he starts playing Shadow Fall he never chose a class. Unless it automatically chooses a class for you.

There are more clues that his game was just suspended during that live demo. His gun clip was already partially empty once he starts playing. Also, he only makes one kill (a melee) but gets a "Kill streak of 5" challenge notice. These things can be seen in the Gamersyde HD version.

However, the match itself was real as was the screenshot he took using the share button and shared on Twitter. I was able to find the exact frame in the Gamersyde video where he took the screenshot.

I was going to make a YouTube video about this but never got around to it.
According to most responses it's common knowledge that I'm stupid for still preferring Xbox one over PS4 even taking into account these rumors that may be true? Why is there so much hate on here ?

That time of the generation, bro.

Nothing wrong with your preference, just don't act like r/xboxone and throw vitriol at mort or disregard possible issues that may or may not be solved by launch.

It's not like this problem with brick or RROD your console, and you'll still be able to play games.

That's what matters.


Dude, its a 300 hundred MEGAbyte patch. That's barely enough for your average web application, let alone an entire OS. Cut this line of bullshit, its nothing more than a bunch of bug fixes to account for changes to the PSN between pre-release and launch. Zero day patches are the norm for large software/hardware launches, a broken UI weeks before launch is not.

I assume you are talking about windows as other OS's are not that big. For what is a media device OS that is a huge patch, XBMC as a comparison is something like 120MB and it has way more functionality and customization. Games consoles should be as streamlined as possible to me. Apps will add to the bloat, sure, but as standard that thing should be minimal.

There isn't a network connected device with embedded OS that doesn't do a day 1 check for OS/firmware updates, and more than a few actually do have day 1 updates to download and install. That's the world consoles live in now.

Those devices are generally all purpose though, smart phones and such are essentially just PC's like any home PC. The updates for them are still iterations with small changes, not rather huge features left out until you update. I know that is the world at the moment, I just think it is right. We are just more accepting of it as the people who 'would' bitch about it are the people who aren't able to get online to bitch about it. :D Also the worry I have in this context is where it leads, it was clear it would lead to an attempt at DRM and so it proved. Luckily they got hammered for it, but will everyone remain vigilant? Hopefully.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Well I will admit that GAF shit all over the xbox one controller and when I finally used it I couldn't get over how much nicer it felt than the 360 version. So let's not act like things get a little blown out of proportion here.

Thinking of GAF as one big Hivemind is a never a good thing to do. I understand that your new here so just for your future health I'd advise you to not continue doing this.

Red Mage

I'm observing this kind of behavior in the message board. I always ask myself why they aren't banned, yet? I wonder if NeoGAF tolerate this much of negativity and misinformation? Why and for whom?

He's already been Junior'd for making a thread that was... yeah.

But, if he's claiming everything is fine with the XBO, like he has some kind of insider info, isn't he asking to be banned should the issues still be there when it comes out?


I'd be in the dick
There are more clues that his game was just suspended during that live demo. His gun clip was already partially empty once he starts playing. Also, he only makes one kill (a melee) but gets a "Kill streak of 5" challenge notice. These things can be seen in the Gamersyde HD version.

However, the match itself was real as was the screenshot he took using the share button and shared on Twitter. I was able to find the exact frame in the Gamersyde video where he took the screenshot.

I was going to make a YouTube video about this but never got around to it.

I mentioned it before but he subbed in for a bot which is why he immediately spawned and it already had a score.


Krilekk has a history of fighting reality. Things sometimes get blown out of proportion here, true, but he refuses to acknowledge evidence that contradicts his hopes and is constantly trying to discredit legit insiders here. It's tiresome and stupid.

LOL Krilekk is on his own then :) carry on.


Well I will admit that GAF shit all over the xbox one controller and when I finally used it I couldn't get over how much nicer it felt than the 360 version. So let's not act like things get a little blown out of proportion here.

GAF is not a hive mind

And i do not remember many people shitting on the Xbox One controller, in fact that is the single thing that has not been criticized. Not only that but we had plenty of even debates regarding symmetrical vs. asymmetrical controllers, and the community was evenly split.

You are reaching here.


That time of the generation, bro.

Nothing wrong with your preference, just don't act like r/xboxone and throw vitriol at mort or disregard possible issues that may or may not be solved by launch.

It's not like this problem with brick or RROD your console, and you'll still be able to play games.

That's what matters.
I'm absolutely concerned with all these updates. I'm not one to look the other way and just assume it's false. But this hate for Xbox is extreme and has gone to far IMO.


Shu's PS4 had to be in suspend mode, if you notice when he starts playing Shadow Fall he never chose a class. Unless it automatically chooses a class for you.

When he visited KZ:SF page in the UI, button for "Start" a game was present. I dont think the game was active in the background, especially after this kind of news.


GAF is not a hive mind

And i do not remember many people shitting on the Xbox One controller, in fact that is the single thing that has not been criticized. Not only that but we had plenty of even debates regarding symmetrical vs. asymmetrical controllers, and the community was evenly split.

You are reaching here.

Some people don't like the Xbox One bumpers. Not just at GAF, but elsewhere.
Well I will admit that GAF shit all over the xbox one controller and when I finally used it I couldn't get over how much nicer it felt than the 360 version. So let's not act like things get a little blown out of proportion here.

This is fundamental logic. For "GAF" to shit all over the controller means either you must have done so, or that you are not, in fact, a member of GAF. The statement cannot be true if you are both a member of GAF and not shitting on the controller.

This is also the worst kind of thread to have logical failures in. The mods have a tendency to come in and help clear up these logical fallacies in a very Gordian knot sort of way.
re: PS4 demo kiosks

These demo units are running a locked down version of the OS whereby users can only access timed demos of a specific games. Once you've played a game for 3-5 minutes you are sent back to the top level menu where you can select other timed demos.

You cannot access the main menu using the controller.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
re: PS4 demo kiosks

These demo units are running a locked down version of the OS whereby users can only access timed demos of a specific games. Once you've played a game for 3-5 minutes you are sent back to the top level menu where you can select other timed demos.

You cannot access the main menu using the controller.




The fact that it was made into a thread when it was literally the most random, idiotic thing you could ever say was a bit sad to begin with.

here is the thing - when some bullshit gets posted about Sony, you have head honcho tell you on twitter right away that it is stupid... when somehting bad gets posted about MS and MS PR is quiet or answers questions nobody asked, then you know someone is onto something.

it has already happened with 720p/900p, with DRM and other things in past few months, so when MS PR is quiet or answers vaguely we kind of expect that it is then true.
I'm absolutely concerned with all these updates. I'm not one to look the other way and just assume it's false. But this hate for Xbox is extreme and has gone to far IMO.

It's not a hate towards the brand, but there's definitely a perception that suits have fucked up this brand, and thus hate is lunged towards it.

I think it bears mention that as a whole, there's really no likable or inspiring leadership at MS right now, and they've got a perception of being... weak, and potentially destructive.

And now the perception is that MS is destroying Xbox by trying to be this all-in-one thing.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
re: PS4 demo kiosks

These demo units are running a locked down version of the OS whereby users can only access timed demos of a specific games. Once you've played a game for 3-5 minutes you are sent back to the top level menu where you can select other timed demos.

You cannot access the main menu using the controller.

Thanks, you saved me a trip. That's disappointing. Still might go though as I do want to have a hands on with the DS4 and not buy an extra one to do so.


For all us xbox one preorderers that are wallowing in self pity at the moment, we need all the bad news now. The pms from CBOAT that caused Bish to retreat to his underground bunker. Might as well get it all now.
re: PS4 demo kiosks

These demo units are running a locked down version of the OS whereby users can only access timed demos of a specific games. Once you've played a game for 3-5 minutes you are sent back to the top level menu where you can select other timed demos.

You cannot access the main menu using the controller.

I was surprised MS didn't do this. You'd think they be able to make a demo mode which restricted the home button from going back to the dashboard to prevent 'leaks.'


If Microsoft can survive and come out on damn near the top if not in top despite having essentially a 100% failure rate on their consoles for well over a year, they will be fine with something as minor as this really is.

Yea it really was essentially a 100% failure rate wasn't it lol. My launch xbox would freeze all the time and it pissed me off so much I switched to ps3. Didn't get another 360 until the slim came out and fixed most of the hardware issues.


I'm absolutely concerned with all these updates. I'm not one to look the other way and just assume it's false. But this hate for Xbox is extreme and has gone to far IMO.

It has gone a bit far to be honest. I've seen people get pretty hostile towards anyone who says they want an Xbone.

quite frankly, I can see the issues mentioned in this latest rumors being fixed by launch for both consoles.


It's not a hate towards the brand, but there's definitely a perception that suits have fucked up this brand, and thus hate is lunged towards it.

I think it bears mention that as a whole, there's really no likable or inspiring leadership at MS right now, and they've got a perception of being... weak, and potentially destructive.

And now the perception is that MS is destroying Xbox by trying to be this all-in-one thing.

I really like the direction they've taken with X1 (all-in-one), so I hope they get their shit sorted out for day one.


If Microsoft can survive and come out on damn near the top if not in top despite having essentially a 100% failure rate on their consoles for well over a year, they will be fine with something as minor as this really is.

They had a 12-16 month head start and cost $200 less than the other HD console.

This time they enjoy neither of those two huge advantages.


I'm absolutely concerned with all these updates. I'm not one to look the other way and just assume it's false. But this hate for Xbox is extreme and has gone to far IMO.

The problem for MS is they attract hate from other parts of their business like windows etc that Sony does not from their tv bus etc. Plus atm their are a lot of people around here enjoying the change around from last generation which is perfectly fine. It's the shill we got to watch out for


For all us xbox one preorderers that are wallowing in self pity at the moment, we need all the bad news now. The pms from CBOAT that caused Bish to retreat to his underground bunker. Might as well get it all now.

Halo for Xbox One is actually Halo 4 Xbox One

Kidding...TBH I'd actually LOVE an Xbox One version of Halo 4 to tide over till Halo 5


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Does anybody really think it wouldn't have been in MS's best interests to wait a year any more? This thing is fucked. I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. Xbox will be dead or sold off before 2020. A textbook case of killing a brand; I wouldn't be surprised if it's taught as a case study in business degrees in the future.
Major and Penello tried to answer questions only to be thrown shit at. The best choice of action is just to let GAF be GAF (nobody will buy Kinect, Wii U is the greatest thing ever, nobody will buy Kinect again) and answer on launch day. The system will work flawless as advertised and slowly people will realize they've been played hard by the marketing shills they call insiders. GAF is so easy to manipulate, of course marketing on both sides uses that. Isn't it strangely convenient that for every good MS news there is a new bomb hanging over X1? I have never experienced such a campaign to desperately get people to not buy a console. I mean I'm getting an X1 but why should I care what you get?

And if you look closely you see the same BS in every one of the so called insiders posts. Things are incredibad for X1 ... But they might just work it out in time. Resolution is 720p but they are working on it. ESRAM has issues bzt they might make it work. There are yield issues but that could change come launch. The OS and Xbox Live are having huge issues but they have some time left. It's their insurance. To keep their account alive. It's moronic. You either have info and stand behind it with your credibility or you don't. The way it currently works here some can spread the most ridiculous BS and get away with it.

"I heard PS4 will be delayed to 2014 because the system runs too hot with release code and constantly shuts down. Sony is hard at work finding a solution, but they might still make it. Doesn't look good though."

See how that works? If you see the infamous but, be sceptical.

I think there is some truth in your post here, but you do have to remember that some of the things you're complaining about have already been given some credence.

For example, there were claims of yield issues with the XB1 chips, but the console is only launching in 13 countries. Also, you have to remember that the 720p rumors could be INSTANTLY thrown away if a single tweet from Infinity Ward were to show up, and yet they haven't done that. Silence when there is a big rumor about your game or console is just about verification these days. These companies know they can instantly disarm a rumor with a tweet.

So while I agree that some rumors are worded in annoying ways that give that person an out, I would say the vast majority of the bad news about the XB1 this year has been proven true.
I really like the direction they've taken with X1 (all-in-one), so I hope they get their shit sorted out for day one.

I don't mind the X1 direction ( nor do I care for it because Asia won't get half the features USA is getting ), but as a gamer, I definitely don't like the poor price/performance ratio of the console.


If Microsoft can survive and come out on damn near the top if not in top despite having essentially a 100% failure rate on their consoles for well over a year, they will be fine with something as minor as this really is.

They did not come out at the top, they are likely third WW now. Third =/= top

They werent fine with RROD either, it cost them more than billion dollars.

Microsoft Corp. said today it was taking a $1 billion-plus charge against earnings to extend the warranty of all Xbox 360 consoles because of an "unacceptable number of repairs" caused by design flaws in the video game machine.

The Xbox One has already had immense amount of negative news being posted and said about it, its why they did the 180 on so many things, their pre orders were in the toilet. The last thing they need is a 500 dollar console not fully function at launch

Microsoft will be fine, but i am not sure the Xbox will be.
As a X1 day one adaptor, is it concerning? Sure, I'd hope I can enjoy the system at launch. You'd be kidding yourself to just "eh whatever" it. Am I cancelling my pre-order though, extremely worried? No, I expect that the console will be released with a respectfully working OS, even if super buggy. As others have said, if you are a day one adaptor: expect hiccups and issues both ways. Whether the PS4 I get or the X1 has more issues is irrelevant to me. I wonder, do people sometimes forget why you are buying these consoles? You buy them to enjoy them, if you want what's on the X1 just get it. You want what's on the PS4? Just get it. Issues take care of themselves in the long run. And I find it hard to believe some think MS is dead in regards to the game industry with their recent issues, but that's another conversation.
I was surprised MS didn't do this. You'd think they be able to make a demo mode which restricted the home button from going back to the dashboard to prevent 'leaks.'

I'm pretty sure these are full blown production PS4 units running a special demo mode app, to which Sony store employees (or the manager) have the button combination and/or password to bypass. I too am surprised MS didn't do this, I mean they are a software company first.

Red Mage

It has gone a bit far to be honest. I've seen people get pretty hostile towards anyone who says they want an Xbone.

quite frankly, I can see the issues mentioned in this latest rumors being fixed by launch for both consoles.

The only time I see people get hostile is when some Joe-Blow starts bashing the heck out of CBOAT, Mortimar, etc. When someone says they're still getting one, the result is pity or incredulous disbelief. Not hostility, however.
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