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Infinity Ward confirms: CoD Ghost is 720p on Xbox One, 1080p on PS4

Read this one on the Xbox One IGN forums. LMAO

good lord..



1080p shows more than 2x pixels as 720p.

That is the basics really. If you have a big TV it's noticeable, if you sit close to the screen it's noticeable.

So the difference won't matter unless you shove your retinas up against a screen?

To those asking, I meant difference from native 1080p to upscaled 1080p from 720p.
And MS already promised 1080p and 60 fps for Halo 5....

gl 343

Pretty sure only 60fps was promised for Halo 5

Telling with what we know now

So the difference won't matter unless you shove your retinas up against a screen?

To those asking, I meant difference from native 1080p to upscaled 1080p from 720p.

Depends on how big your tv is but most people would notice it sitting 8 ft or closer (a lot of people farther then that). Really depends on how you value graphics

Dr. Light

Wow, what garbage.

Preferred to get this game on Xbone for a variety of reasons, but I'm not settling for this. Preorder switched to PS4. Now I have to play CoD on the Dual Shock and have two redundant FPSs at launch. I don't know, fuck this. I still don't want it on the PC because CoD (unlike Battlefield) just isn't a PC franchise.

This is pathetic, both for Microsoft and IW. I want to hear someone defend this, a current-gen up-port running at almost the same resolution and framerate is an embarrassment. Forza 5 is a legitimate next-gen game and it runs at 1080p, the Xbone may be weak but it ain't that weak.


Nope, not 30% difference...heh

To be ABSOLUTELY FAIR to Albert Penello (even though I definitely think the difference is 30%+ period), this news wouldn't necessarily suggest there was a 30%+ power advantage... because the culprit many are blaming is that the tools are still not as mature as PS4's and the added complexity of the ESRam set up is causing development time to be considerably longer. For tight launch deadlines, that would mean sacrifices. The tools are obviously going to improve, and devs are going to get used to the ESRam set up.

So, even though I am almost 100% sure the difference is 30%+, I would just wait until next Christmas to compare titles and make that final nail in the coffin, so-to-speak. :)
Game Informer have weighed in:

Game Informer said:
This kind of information stokes the flames of the console war between Microsoft and Sony fanboys, but the reality is most people won't be able to tell the difference between the two on a standard sized HDTV. The bigger point of differentiation that will motivated buyers this holiday will likely be the $100 difference between the platforms. For Call of Duty, the most important factor is that each version runs at a silky smooth 60 frames per second.

I think most gamers could tell the difference if you put the two versions side by side on a decent sized HDTV.
I, and in connection - all of you, received a boatload of shit about this. I got death threats. I got mouth frothing insults. Most of them included stuff like "you and your sonybuttfucking gaf".

So maybe I should die. Maybe we buttfuck Sony. But it turns out that I wasn't wrong. Thuway wasn't wrong. And those of you who believed us weren't wrong. We didn't just make it up because we love Sony and hate ms. We said it because it was true.

Feeling slightly vindicated. Been an intense week of hatred. Kinda scary, even.
oh man... deaththreats? wtf is wrong with people?


Gold Member
I just don't get how a new console is struggling to run a game at a higher resolution than their 8 year old console.
There is arguably more to image quality than resolution, so it'll still look better than previous gen, but obviously not as good as he PS4 version, by some definition of "good" on this ancient engine.

Maybe devs will overcome the issues with using the ESRAM as they did with the Cell CPU in the PS3.

Possibly, but the performance difference of the GPU won't change, they can't overcome that without making sacrifices, and we're seeing that now.


A guy at work literally thinks he will be gaming at 4k with Xbox One if he simply buys a 4k TV. I haven't bothered to explain upscaling and native resolutions to him. Of course, he also thinks everyone knows the Xbox One is more powerful by a mile becuase of balance. I should really be a friend and encourage him to go out and buy one at the first chance he gets.LOL

Just another poor lost soul... that's a sad story. :/
But who should we blame? Probably PrivateNelson and his 4k gaming statements. I mean that's just delusional.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The Wii U version is 720p but I'm not sure if it's upscaled to 1080p
Do you have a confirmation for that? Outside of CoD2, the series has always been sub-720p on consoles and I don't see that changing this year.
To be ABSOLUTELY FAIR to Albert Penello (even though I definitely think the difference is 30%+ period), this news wouldn't necessarily suggest there was a 30%+ power advantage... because the culprit many are blaming is that the tools are still not as mature as PS4's and the added complexity of the ESRam set up is causing development time to be considerably longer. For tight launch deadlines, that would mean sacrifices. The tools are obviously going to improve, and devs are going to get used to the ESRam set up.

So, even though I am almost 100% sure the difference is 30%+, I would just wait until next Christmas to compare titles and make that final nail in the coffin, so-to-speak. :)

"Wait til Naughty Dog", confirmed.


oh man... deaththreats? wtf is wrong with people?

When you wave the flag for long enough... I was browsing reddit to try to find how they reacted to GAF being right again, I saw many posters writing things like "our guys" and "our team" and "our camp."

it's like a competitive thing, they've made their choice and now they are incapable of admitting differences like this. So they lash out instead of thinking critically.


Junior Member
Argh... to cancel or keep. DR3, Forza, Ryse and KI look like so much fun, though. But man. $500 for mostly 720p games... hard to justify.

I'm sad.

Play the waiting game with me! I'm not gonna get a new system until holiday 2014 when the dust settles, all the launch kinks iron out, and i have an instant backlog.


Argh... to cancel or keep. DR3, Forza, Ryse and KI look like so much fun, though. But man. $500 for mostly 720p games... hard to justify.

I'm sad.

Harden the fuck up. Get the console you think you'll have the most fun with. 499 for a console you'll play games on is cheaper then 399 for a machine you'll count pixels on. Im more hyped for my WiiU then I am for my Ps4 preorder.

Lets hold hands, get off the graphixtrain and walk off into the sunset. Destination? Lollipop-Rome, where pixelcounting is forbidden and fun is 24/7.
When all the rumors about this started going around, I questioned my pre order too, but after seeing how little of a difference there was between BF4 on PS4 and XBO, I relaxed. If it really bothers you, switch. If all your friends are getting XBO then why switch? Go where you think you will be happy. I think most members of GAF are really over playing graphical quality in console games. For me, Microsoft has delivered on second party exclusives, and most of my friends will be on XBO.
I'd go so far as to argue that they're overdelivering on the second part exclusive front.


in PS4 yes, no one has seen Xbone

There will be another ass storm if (or probably "when") the truth about the 720p resolution in that game is released. Microsoft is probably trying to delay it for as long as possible. Same goes for NFS: Rivals.
For what it's worth, my suspicion is that the heavy emphasis they have put on tessellation (sub-d, bumpy rocks...) may be one of the big reasons for the resolution disparity.

My other suspicion is that it's a forward renderer, which will typically have heavier vertex processing load than a deferred renderer.

Add those together and you'd potentially get a huge chunk of your processing time going to vertex processing - which doesn't scale with a resolution change. So if, hypothetically, on the PS4 they were spending 30% of their gpu resources processing verts - then if you cut 1/3rd off the total, what you have left after vertex processing will be roughly halved.

Hence the drastic resolution drop.

With that said, I have other thoughts as to what problems might be contributing, and these sorts of platform differences are almost always a combination of a many large and small factors. Long story short, there are a number of engine design choices that could prove... difficult.. with such a limited fast memory pool.

It'll be interesting to see if the level of tessellation differs between the two platforms.
Thanks for the insight

If they dropped the res because they wasted the gpu power they needed for native res to round the scopes and add some tesselated rocks and bricks that is by far the most silly choice.

Don't suppose you want to elaborate on the esram
Also you said you assume it uses a forward renderer (it does, cod games always have proper MSAA support)


Gold Member
So the difference won't matter unless you shove your retinas up against a screen?

To those asking, I meant difference from native 1080p to upscaled 1080p from 720p.

You can notice from several feet away because this is a pretty big difference.

Upscaling just makes lower resolutions look less shit when stretched to higher resolution TV's (e.g. 720p to 1080p), but in the end it's still lower resolution and not as crisp.


Game Informer have weighed in:

I think most gamers could tell the difference if you put the two versions side by side on a decent sized HDTV.

Game informer is crazy. So what would happen if all in-store kiosks for the PS4 and Xbox One were set up RIGHT NEXT to each other, both displaying COD Ghosts. With a big $399 and $499 right above them.

People wouldn't be able to see a difference? Yeah right.


Playing this on the 720 will make your eyes feel like someone sliced them with a fine razor blade while salt is being dumped in the wound.
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