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Uncharted (PS4) announced, developed by protozoans and Druckmann's evil karma


I'm not going to lie, I was hoping for a new IP from Naughty Dog, and when they showed the teaser I had mixed emotions. Uncharted series is probably my top 5 favourite game series from this past generation but I was hoping they'd hand off the game to Bend studio so I could still have Uncharted in my life (even with Amy Hennig writing/co-writing/supervising the story) while they get to create something new like they did with the Last of Us.

All that said, I can't wait to see what this game looks like.
ND just needs to invite the GAF crew over when they have the MP up and running, we'll find every speck of unbalance and buggery and help them to get Uncharted MP back where it belongs -- pre-1.05 and no kickback, loadout, powerplay, Crutch Booster, Tbolt bullshit.
Then they'll patch out all of the GAF improvements four months into the MP. Saying "It was planned all along".


Not an asshole.
I hope the take the opportunity for a new direction / fresh gameplay.

If it's just a rehash of Uncharted 1 - 3 gameplay, count me out. Shit got old.
I've only read the first 3 pages, but has anyone guess if its francis drake's actual descendant? Someone nathan know from the orphanage that made him so obsessed with francis drake.
This is the one series(as seen with Uncharted 3) that offers the one experience I want the most from this entire medium. Why can't I just have one for me and others like me?

Uncharted 3 had the best puzzles of the series. The fact that you just chalk up the desert scene as "obnoxious " shows the context is lost on you. I'm analytical in nature, to look at things like T.S. Eliot and see how it fits here. I have a love for classic cinema, some of the dynamic camera angles are breathtaking, from watching a rat crawl on pipes to the desert. I love the melee combat, seeing Drake's animation and contextual sensitivity are a real treat.

At the end of the day, if you are looking for a shooter you can move on to the countless ones that exist, but this is why I spend $400. Experiences like Uncharted 3(and hopefully UC4) dont just sell me a Playstation, they keep me invested in this medium both financially and emotionally. It might sound melodramatic, but if these experiences didn't exist I would have no reason to still want to pick up a controller.

Well, first of all, you can have whatever you want. We're just discussing stuff. I'm not telling you what you can or cannot have.

Secondly, I enjoyed the desert scene. It was fine for what it was. However much of the first half of the game consisted of walking forward. I am sorry -- as a gamer I find it patronizing and obnoxious. (I found it obnoxious in everyone's darling The Walking Dead as well.) I want to play... that is the main thing I want to do. I want to be excited. And, yes, I want a break and a way to control the pacing too, which Uncharted 2 did amazingly well... because it was the exception, not a major part of the game. In Uncharted 3 there was too much emphasis on it.

Then, the 2nd half of the game way action-dominated. Some of those encounters, while not really that difficult, were a lot worse than others. I found the game finished strong... but it ended just as the actual gameplay got into the groove of things.

Now, your suggestion that if I just want a shooter to look elsewhere, that's a rather annoying suggestion, let me tell you. You see, great third-person shooters are not exactly a dime-a-dozen. Uncharted 2 was among the best at it; just about the only one to really combine platforming with combat well; AND it also added far more charm and character and visual/audio prowess than any other series has even come close to in this genre. So if your suggestion is that I go play Gears if I want a great shooter, then no thanks. I want Uncharted 2, because it was the best combination of all those things.

P.S. Absolutely, the puzzles in 3 were by a mile the best ones in the series, in that they were actual puzzles instead of "look at journal, do what it says." However, in no way did 3-4 reasonable puzzles make up for the blockbuster fun from the battles of Uncharted 2. That is no substitute.
Richmond deserves every bit of hate he gets because he was the U2 MP Director, which means he was in charge of the biggest pull-the-rug-out-from-under-you I've ever fucking seen. The shit of 1.05 completely changed the game, making the fundamental aspect of the game (i.e. traversing shit) practically worthless by essentially making everyone giant walking heads -- and this was done FOUR MONTHS into the life of the MP! How does that work?!

Then they'll patch out all of the GAF improvements four months into the MP. Saying "It was planned all along".

Come on, guys. Don't remind me, some wounds don't heal, and this is supposed to be a happy occasion. Although tbh when I heard Justin Richmond was the lead the first thing I thought of wasn't any of the cool things he's contributed, it was 1.05 - and yes, I know how petty that sounds.
Who knows. I know it's certainly not the first time.

But at the very least, Nolan North would definitely be voicing him. I'm fine with either. I think this new Uncharted will be a blend of the best of The Last of Us and previous Uncharted's but expanded upon.

What leads you to believe Nolan North would voice Francis Drake? (Especially since this game will still obviously star Nate.) What in Naughty Dog's history makes you think they'd so something so passé?
Uncharted 3's father/son story between Nate and Sully was really great. I loved it.

I hope this game lets us explore the lost colony/city/area more. That was my biggest disappointment with Shambala and Iram. We didn't get to see more of it before it's destruction. The ruins were beautiful. Ubar, in particular, looked amazing, bloody amazing.
I'm extremely disappointed. I was hoping Naughty Dog would create an all new IP for PS4 and not pump out another Uncharted. Has nobody learned from God of War Ascension and Gears of War Judgement that people get fatigued from one game after the other? I know its probably a prequel about Nathans ancestor but still c'mon Naughty Dog how about something new or a crazy platformed again in the vein of Crash and Jak & Daxter.
Then they'll patch out all of the GAF improvements four months into the MP. Saying "It was planned all along".

And then we'll get awesome dinosaur masks, flaming skeletons, and bird nest hats that "fit into the universe that was created" while neglecting things that don't matter, like characters from a canonical entry in the series' timeline...

In This Thread (at least the first few pages): People who think modern American accents existed in the 16th century.

I bet they did the teaser this way (old map, unknown character speaking, non-numbered or subtitled Uncharted) to misdirect people into thinking the game is a prequel/sidestory when it's actually not, so they can do a big reveal whenever.


Neo Member
Hey I've got a good idea let's all moan about a game we've seen nothing but a teaser of from the creators of arguably the game of the generation TLOU and a series held with just as much prestige known for extremely strong characterization and writing...yeah that sounds like fun.

Jesus wept...no wonder games aren't taken seriously in the media.


I'm extremely disappointed. I was hoping Naughty Dog would create an all new IP for PS4 and not pump out another Uncharted. Has nobody learned from God of War Ascension and Gears of War Judgement that people get fatigued from one game after the other? I know its probably a prequel about Nathans ancestor but still c'mon Naughty Dog how about something new or a crazy platformed again in the vein of Crash and Jak & Daxter.

Not even close.

Also, do you honestly believe this is all they will put out for PS4? There definitely will be a new IP from Naughty Dog from the second team.


Oh sweet Uncharted 4 this could be cool.........."UC3 DIrector"

Well so much for being hopeful. UC3 was the worst of the lost. GA was miles better.
I'll hold out a bit of hope that hopefully they learned from their mistakes with UC3.


Damn it, getting an X1 but this was my favorite series on the PS3. I was sure ND were going for a Last of Us sequel (game I don't care about). Now I know one day, maybe it'll be 5 years from now, I'll have to get a PS4 because I love Uncharted so much. I even bought the extravagant Uncharted 3 Collector's edition when it first came out.
Anyone could tell me what's said in the trailer?
Just couldn't hear it in the office...

"Some chains can never be broken. I lost 15 years. Buried alive. Erased. You left me rotting in that hell hole and never looked back. But you can’t outrun the past, and when it catches up, when all your lies collapse around you, I’ll be there sifting through the wreckage. You owe me."


Not even close.

Also, do you honestly believe this is all they will put out for PS4? There definitely will be a new IP from Naughty Dog from the second team.

I agree that the idea of it being a game about Francis Drake is probably wrong.

But to categorically say it isn't the case, whilst also saying that Naughty Dog's next game after Uncharted (from Team 2) will definitely be a new IP ... nope, you don't know that. Heck, it's perhaps more unlikely than you think, with the risk of The Last of Us being worth it. I don't know if 'Team 2' expect, or are expected, to have lightning strike twice.


Not an asshole.
From the Trailer... if you play as the dude talking, this could be some Count of Monte Cristo shit.

You play as Franics Drake, or maybe someone he wronged.

You go around the Carribean on your pirate ship, killing wealthy colonials and engaging in navel combat.

You parkour around an open world of islands and hidden treasure.

Gonna be great.


This is a next gen game we're talking about, they have the power to do plenty of new things and surprise us... thing uncharted 3 couldn't do, but this can

Oh, have you guys noticed how pixelated is ND's logo @ second 55? it looks like ND is trolling Xbox ONE :>

So what happened to the space related game teaser?
They have two teams...
If anything the voice in the trailer sounded like a pirate. It was a very villainous voice over. I think it will someone Nate and crew crossed pathswith in the past coming back as the lead villain. If they go back to the 1600s they would have to lose Nathan and the gunplay. That would be a pretty big departure.




ND just created a new IP with their last game relased, I see nothing wrong with some more Uncharted and see what ND can get out of an even better piece of hardware.

I really hope they don't time restrict themselves into a corner though. Honestly feel that played a big part in some of UC3's issues but this franchise has so much more potential to just let it go. I am really pumped for this.


What leads you to believe Nolan North would voice Francis Drake? (Especially since this game will still obviously star Nate.) What in Naughty Dog's history makes you think they'd so something so passé?

Only because of marketing. I don't believe we'll be playing Sir Francis. I think this is still a modern Drake game.
Not even close.

Also, do you honestly believe this is all they will put out for PS4? There definitely will be a new IP from Naughty Dog from the second team.
You seriously think druckmann team is not making tlou2 after the critical and commercial success of tlou?
ND just created a new IP with their last game relased, I see nothing wrong with some more Uncharted and see what ND can get out of an even better piece of hardware.

I really hope they don't time restrict themselves into a corner though. Honestly feel that played a big part in some of UC3's issues but this franchise has so much more potential to just let it go. I am really pumped for this.

The one piece of strong evidence for UC3 being rushed due to the deadline was the lack of the store/cheats system. That's something everyone enjoyed in Uncharted 2, and it just wasn't in 3 at all, even though the usual treasure hunt was. That was strange enough to wonder.

Well, that and the aiming fuckup. To this day I wonder what happened there.
Anyone else find "Today you will be with me in paradise" to be kinda creepy in the context of an Uncharted game? Feels like it's gonna turn out to be something sinister...


"Some chains can never be broken. I lost 15 years. Buried alive. Erased. You left me rotting in that hell hole and never looked back. But you can’t outrun the past, and when it catches up, when all your lies collapse around you, I’ll be there sifting through the wreckage. You owe me."

You know if I hadn't heard the voice I would have thought this could be Eddie raja...sigh would love to see that guy back

Robot Pants

I don't understand the love for Uncharted 2 and the hate for 3.
3 was shorter for sure, but they are largely the same. The shooting before the patch in 3 was pretty awful and I think that's where a lot of hate came from. I picked up the game right before the patch came out, which was weeks after launch.
I'm assuming a lot of complaints about 3 came from the bad taste left from launch and not a lot of people went back to play it after the patch. Because aside from that, 3 had some amazing locations that were better than 2 (not by a lot). 3, I will agree though, was more of an experience to watch and take in rather than play compared to 2.
Bottom line is that I find it odd that people like 2 and hate on 3, because the two games are extremely similar and each one does things better than the other.
Come on, guys. Don't remind me, some wounds don't heal, and this is supposed to be a happy occasion. Although tbh when I heard Justin Richmond was the lead the first thing I thought of wasn't any of the cool things he's contributed, it was 1.05

I am happy though! NEW UNCHARTED! I'm sure most of us will still play, but Uncharted GAF will never forget. >:[

And then we'll get awesome dinosaur masks, flaming skeletons, and bird nest hats that "fit into the universe that was created" while neglecting things that don't matter, like characters from a canonical entry in the series' timeline...


It's bad enough that they had to cater to the COD crowd in UC2. Now they're pushing hats down our throats like it's TF2.
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