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Wii U US November Sales Estimated at 149K by Pachter

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I've said it elsewhere, but my suspicion is that the November Wii U number will probably be pretty terrible, but I highly doubt it'll be this terrible.

Steve, if these numbers are even close to remotely true, what do you believe Nintendo's best course of action would be regarding the Wii U?
It needs to be $250. When the $250 bundles hit they sold out instantly. Some people are interested in the Wii U if the price is right. I'm waiting for the $250 bundle to hit again and then I'll jump on it.

Not at $300 though. Not now.
While many are saying Nintendo are doomed, to fire Iwata etc., treating the numbers as factual

Most people are aware that these numbers aren't facts. Most people are also aware that we're talking about a console that's been one of the biggest bombs in the industry so far.

Because IF these numbers are true, this console is on death row.
You're talking about a console that:
1- has virtually no 3rd party support
2- shipped 3.91 million units in 12 months, alone as the only "next generation" system in the market, worldwide
3- has seen several nintendo developed or published titles come and go, where they did nothing but bomb

Anything below 500k is a disaster for Nintendo. We're talking about the successor to the Wii, not the successor to the Gamecube or the N64, a console that just got one of the highest rated games of 2013 and recently had a price cut.
Nintendo will not reach 9 million units by March 2014. Since Nintendo has failed every single forecast for the 3DS so far, they're now going to start failing every WiiU forecast? Seems like it might be a trend.
Iwata needs to wake up and look at what's happening, the market has completely rejected the WiiU. And this isn't a 3DS (traditional handheld market domination) or PS3 situation (3rd party support), as some people kept pointing out. Thankfully, that argument died down a bit.
Nintendo as a company isn't doomed, but the WiiU certainly is.

I wish I could be an "optimistic" nintendo fan as you are, but at some point, I just need to face the facts that this console just doesn't have what it takes to compete, as of today, regardless of how much I like Nintendo.


I said months ago the 3DS would be a problem for the Wii U. The 3DS is the better machine if you want Nintendo games as well as third party. It offers more value and if you have one I think many people feel no need to buy the Wii U.
Yeah, not really.


Which goes against him being "always against it"

If this includes the entire operating profit for Sony Corporation / Microsoft Corporation, this graph is EXTREMELY flawed.

Nintendo only sells games and consoles. Microsoft and Sony do much, much more than that.
Obviously that matters and he's stated that he thought it was 18 months late, but the general idea of the console is not something he was always against.

The general idea that he was for an HD Wii concept at some point does not mean that he was ever on board with the Wii U specifically. You're not presenting a strong argument here in as much as it's clear that you're just being stubborn..
Unless we have a turnaround like 3DS did...What will Nintendo do?

Really. I want to know and please don't say "go 3rd party".

There's nothing they can do. There's no money in staying in home consoles, there's no money in being a third party publisher, there's no money going mobile, and there's going to quickly not be any money in handhelds.

There might be some money left in love hotels, though.
You are missing fiscal years 12 and 13 that were not so rosy anymore for Nintendo (they made operating loss during both). During FY11 they still had DS and Wii making money.

Actually, wasn't FY13 not bad thanks to the weakening yen? Sure, it wasn't by their own efforts, but it gave them some time to plan stuff.
Steve, if these numbers are even close to remotely true, what do you believe Nintendo's best course of action would be regarding the Wii U?

Well, again, I'm no analyst. But my suspicion is that you either:

A.) Hold out and come up with a last ditch effort to salvage the system with Mario Kart.

B.) Follow Sony's playbook with the Vita and just have it continue to just exist with no real plan. Hopefully just selling the hardware will be profitable by this point, and they can make modest profits on the hardware/first party software.

C.) Throw in the towel and discontinue it.

I'd lean more towards B myself, but let's see how the holiday actually pans out.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
I saw ZombiU for 10 euros so I bought it even though I don't own the console. Looks like it won't take too long for some nice deals to appear so I might actually get to play it.


The data in this post seems relevant:

In honor of this historic month, I've compiled a full list of November (Black Friday) performances throughout the decades to compare performances to.

Note: these numbers only represent the console in its prime (1996-present), and don't contain the November that the console launched in (because so many of these consoles have November launches).

November (Black Friday) month comparisons (post-launch year, 1996-present):


344K (PS1, November 1996)
860K (PS1, November 1997)
977K (PS1, November 1998)
827K (PS1, November 1999)

909K (PS2, November 2001)
1284K (PS2, November 2002)
837K (PS2, November 2003)
696K (PS2, November 2004)
531K (PS2, November 2005)

466K (PS3, November 2007)
378K (PS3, November 2008)
710K (PS3, November 2009)
530K (PS3, November 2010)
894K (PS3, November 2011)
762K (PS3, November 2012)

Lowest month: 344K (PS1, November 1996)
Highest month: 1284K (PS2, November 2002)


467K (Xbox, November 2002)
462K (Xbox, November 2003)
708K (Xbox, November 2004)

511K (360, November 2006)
770K (360, November 2007)
836K (360, November 2008)
820K (360, November 2009)
1374K (360, November 2010)
1688K (360, November 2011)
1259K (360, November 2012)

Lowest month: 462K (Xbox, November 2003)
Highest month: 1688K (360, November 2011)


96K (Saturn, November 1996)

245K (Dreamcast, November 1999)
192K (Dreamcast, November 2000)
259K (Dreamcast, November 2001)

Lowest month: 92K (Saturn, November 1996)
Highest month: 259K (Dreamcast, November 2001)


764K (N64, November 1997)
718K (N64, November 1998)
465K (N64, November 1999)
275K (N64, November 2000)

424K (GameCube, November 2002)
751K (GameCube, November 2003)
350K (GameCube, November 2004)
272K (GameCube, November 2005)

981K (Wii, November 2007)
2040K (Wii, November 2008)
1260K (Wii, November 2009)
1270K (Wii, November 2010)
863K (Wii, November 2011)
420K (Wii, November 2012)

Lowest month: 272K (GameCube, November 2005)
Highest month: 2040K (Wii, November 2008)
I think NINTY really missed a huge opportunity to lock up it's userbase

Think about it for a second, how the others hold their bases

MS brought you Live, offered you a service that made your online experience be as smooth as possible, gave you features other didn't offer, made you prefer paying for the right to play MP
Now with X1, it's using it again to push it's service + console forward and taking it's base with it to the next one

Sony went free route, but then used PS+ as their trojan horse
They have locked you into annual subscription which on it face value feels like and is a goddamn fucking steal of the century
You have access to 3 platforms that give you free games on a monthly basis
You get cookie crumbed into giving in, cause slowly but surely, you see it's not a ruse

NINTY on the other hand friend codes, online eshop all over the place, not one dedicated account system setup to make it easier for their base to move around in their eco-system (it might change now, but it took till Nov 2013 for NINTY to merge everything...)
The region locking, retailer squabbles, games being held hostage, etc.

Seriously how many missteps does a company need to take before they go, why on earth do we keep tripping?
You can't keep buying new shoes to hide those broken ankles, need surgery to fix them fuckers ASAP

thats a really good post dude..

Jack cw

It's becoming impossible for me to be optimistic. What will it take to make people notice this system?
Maybe people noticed and simply rejected it.
I am sorry for Nintendo if those numbers should be real. The thing is dead and soon there is no handheld market left.


If this includes the ENTIRE operating profit for Sony Corporation / Microsoft Corporation, this chart is heavily, HEAVILY flawed.

Nintendo only sells games and consoles. Microsoft / Sony do much, much more than that.
Isn't that what we were discussing? Someone made a statement that Sony was in better financial shape than Nintendo. I was comparing the companies, not game divisions (which Nintendo would likely still show favorably in regardless as Sony's cost to manufacture on PS3 was ridiculously high)

The general idea that he was for an HD Wii concept at some point does not mean that he was ever on board with the Wii U specifically. You're not presenting a strong argument here in as much as it's clear that you're just being stubborn..

I said the concept and as such we're really not disagreeing here. I agree that they are two different things but to say he was never on board with the idea of an HD Wii is a bit disingenuous. His statement that Wii U was simply 18 months too late proves that. It's the idea, not the execution.
Actually, wasn't FY13 not bad thanks to the weakening yen? Sure, it wasn't by their own efforts, but it gave them some time to plan stuff.

FY 2013 was still terrible. Revenue lower than 2012, down 65% from 2009, operating losses, small net profit due to exchange rates. This is not a position that Nintendo can stay in.

To be clear, I'll say it 1000 more times, Nintendo does not exist just to squeek by. That might work for an individual (one that never hopes to retire, at least), but it wouldn't work for an individual with investors. That indivual has to deliver returns that are growing at a level to at least match inflation, but preferably exceed it.
Well, again, I'm no analyst. But my suspicion is that you either:

A.) Hold out and come up with a last ditch effort to salvage the system with Mario Kart.

I think we're past the point where "wait until Game X" becomes a feasible strategy. This system is tracking for somewhere around 10M consoles lifetime- even if mario kart manages to bring back 10 million additional consumers that were on the fence, it's still failure tier. hell, triple it to 30 million. it's still abysmal.

B.) Follow Sony's playbook with the Vita and just have it continue to just exist with no real plan. Hopefully just selling the hardware will be profitable by this point, and they can make modest profits on the hardware/first party software.

Sony actually HAS a plan for the Vita, though it's obviously not what they intended at system launch. The Vita right now is clearly being positioned as a companion device for the PS4, and to a lesser extent an outlet for small indie games.

The WiiU doesn't really have an avenue as a companion device to piggyback on the success of the 3DS.

C.) Throw in the towel and discontinue it.

This is probably where I'd go with it.
Does this mean we are getting Smash Wii U before 3DS? They would be out of their damn minds to release them at the same time or with 3DS first.

3DS is nintendo's most important machine.

Delaying smash would be madness. Releasing on Wii U first wont make a big difference, would piss of 3DS gamers and and be a pointless and desperate exercise.
I frequently defend Nintendo, but I'm one person who loves Nintendo's IP's. They really need to draw in more third party support and get the ball rolling. The hardware specs aren't the problem (conjecture on my behalf, maybe it isn't the problem but a problem), but the selection. It has great things like Mario and Wonderful 101, which in my opinion are both worth owning the system for alone, but it isn't enough to sway people who want a more robust selection. I'm sure it will happen over time, but Nintendo really needs to start connecting more with the consumer.

I don't know if they need more mature games or if they just need more good games. I have friends that will only play mature games, which IMO is something of an oxymoron. They won't even look in the direction of Wonderful 101 despite me trying to explain that the "kiddy" look was merely a choice and that the gameplay is complex and exciting and is what should matter. And Mario, well, yeah I don't even want to get started there. I'm beginning to think that Mario is only for gamers who look for great gameplay, and critics. Which is sad but whatever.
That estimate is egregious. I do find it interesting how Pachter made his estimate to be 149K instead of a rounded 150K as if he deliberately wanted to make a sub 150 estimate for headline purposes. Either way, if the Wii U did sell close to that projection, Nintendo needs a HUGE december for the console otherwise, the remaining few 3rd parties still developing retail titles for the system may scrape their projects. It seems that grim to me.
What I can't understand is the attitude that Nintendo should stop making consoles, or go third party. There's no way a software only Nintendo would be able to maintain the quality they've lived up to thus far; that depends greatly on those extra revenue streams. Have gamers become so jaded they'd rather see Nintendo's quality games cease to exist than to buy their hardware? I'm constantly hearing "I want game X, but I won't buy a Wii U for it alone." If everyone that said this would actually jump on the hardware, the user base would increase, third parties would see a viable market, and more games these people want would appear on the platform. It's all a sad state of affairs and I honestly fear where Nintendo will go from here.

And I can't understand how anyone could make this statement with any kind of knowledge. Sure, any developer would have a more intimate knowledge of their own hardware, but developers are also perfectly capable of making games on other's hardware as well.

Nintendo's graphical strength is more in their artstyles anyways, and I fail to see how being on other systems would affect the gameplay in any way other than using a different controller.
They also weren't very rosy for Sony either who had to sell buildings last fiscal year.

Has nothing to do with their gaming side. So far this fiscal year (two quarters):
Sony gaming division: operating loss of 157 million (they are just launching new console).
Nintendo: operating loss of 234 million
Sony's gaming division will probably profit more than Nintendo this fiscal year. Next year is pretty much lock because they have no burden of launching new console.


And I can't understand how anyone could make this statement with any kind of knowledge. Sure, any developer would have a more intimate knowledge of their own hardware, but developers are also perfectly capable of making games on other's hardware as well.

Nintendo's graphical strength is more in their artstyles anyways, and I fail to see how being on other systems would affect the gameplay in any way other than using a different controller.

It's because Nintendo intend for their games to run as close to perfect as possible. To do that on multiple consoles would require a considerable amount of further work which would delay games and severely increase the cost of the games to develop.


Has nothing to do with their gaming side. So far this fiscal year (two quarters):
Sony gaming division: operating loss of 157 million (they are just launching new console).
Nintendo: operating loss of 234 million
Sony's gaming division will probably profit more than Nintendo this fiscal year.

Except Nintendo's operating loss comes after consecutive profit where as Sony's comes off of consecutive loss.
That estimate is egregious. I do find it interesting how Pachter made his estimate to be 149K instead of a rounded 150K as if he deliberately wanted to make a sub 150 estimate for headline purposes. Either way, if the Wii U did sell close to that projection, Nintendo needs a HUGE december for the console otherwise, the remaining few 3rd parties still developing retail titles for the system may scrape their projects. It seems that grim to me.

Here is a mostly complete list of Pachter's predictions for November 2013 (taken straight from his investor note):

Pachter's predictions:

[360] 700K
[3DS] 1000K
[PS3] 550K
[PS4] 1250K
[PSV] 100K
[WIU] 150K
[XB1] 750K

Notice how everything is rounded nicely?


Sony actually HAS a plan for the Vita, though it's obviously not what they intended at system launch. The Vita right now is clearly being positioned as a companion device for the PS4, and to a lesser extent an outlet for small indie games.

The WiiU doesn't really have an avenue as a companion device to piggyback on the success of the 3DS.
As an interesting case of history repeating itself, Nintendo tried to position the Gamecube as a GBA companion device by linking the systems and providing some "asymmetric gameplay" titles like Zelda: Four Swords which gave each player a screen.

It didn't really help at the time either, so it's a bit surprising that Nintendo would go back to that idea by building the Wii U around a similar feature.


Has nothing to do with their gaming side. So far this fiscal year (two quarters):
Sony gaming division: operating loss of 157 million (they are just launching new console).
Nintendo: operating loss of 234 million
Sony's gaming division will probably profit more than Nintendo this fiscal year. Next year is pretty much lock because they have no burden of launching new console.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Nintendo's operating loss includes the costs of their huge brand new R&D building which is almost finished...


That would be so catastrophic I think any thinking person would be forced to conclude the Wii u has no chance of being turned around. No price drop or Nintendo game can change such a course for the Wii U. That's just unprecedented for a major console.

I hope it's not true


People believe this stupid guy?
All hope is lost.

Before saying "OMG, all hope it's lost", wait for Smash Bros WiiU to get released before calling out for Doom.

Also, wait for official numbers. Not numbers from somebody's chocolate starfish.

Dude, if mario can't do it there's no bloody way smash will save it.
Didn't Iwata just assume the role of NoA CEO?

If US numbers really are this bad, he's made it very hard to divert blame. That's like the first rule of power Saturo: always have a scapegoat!
I would still love to hear your response, JoeM86

No, I'm not.

I'm just saying that people are saying that only ridiculously high figures would show it to be on the way to recovery.

1. My prediction is around 429k
2. The Wii U is close to it, but it still has potential

While many are saying Nintendo are doomed, to fire Iwata etc., treating the numbers as factual

Well, why are people wrong for saying that it needs to be north of 750k, during the busiest shopping time of the year, after the release of their highest profile game and a price cut and renewed marketing? At what point are people allowed to call it like they see it? It's been a year, with countless people saying to wait for Pikmin, price drop, Zelda, and lastly 3D Mario. If it's not turning around now, when do people stop saying to wait until calling it?

It comes across like "wait for the Vita's first Christmas!"

And what does "potential" even mean in concrete terms? How does it achieve this potential?
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