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GAF Games of the Year 2013 - Voting Thread - VOTING CLOSED

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1. Pokemon X/Y ; Truly the best Pokemon game yet. I put in over 200 hours in the first month the game came out, and it is now sitting pretty at the top of my most time played list on my 3DS activity chart. Breeding, creating the perfect team, and interacting with your Pokemon has never been this easy, and it's a complete blast to play.

2. Grand Theft Auto V ;

3. Batman: Arkham Origins ; This is actually my favorite Arkham game. Felt it did everything right, and I really enjoyed the story.

4. Pikmin 3 ;

5. Shin Megami Tensei IV ; Never beat this, but I put 30 hours in and had a lot of fun playing it.

6. Fire Emblem: Awakening ;


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
1. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag ; My biggest surprise and GOTY for this year. For some reason I was expecting this game to land with a dull thud, being yet another Assassin's Creed game, that while enjoyable, didn't inject any freshness into this franchise. I was very wrong. Assassin's Creed IV is the freshest and most enjoyable game since Assassin's Creed II. While it doesn't quite surpass ACII in all it tries to do, it is packed full of great ideas and an unmistakable polish. Every last scrap of duck on the wind! Set sail for grand adventure in this GOTY-worthy release!

2. Tales of Xillia ; Namco has Mothership Tales titles, and then they have their true Mothership titles. Easily as good as the best entries in the series like Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia. The dual protagonists worked fantastically, and despite not having the best battle system in the series, it was still one of the most fun JRPGs I've ever played. Namco is keeping the JRPG genre alive, and any fans of the genre should not miss out. Very excited for Xillia 2 next year.

3. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance ; RULES OF NATURE!! Platinum Games have proved again why they kick so much ass. They took a dead game, grabbed hold of the defib, and shot 15,000 volts of pure energy and awesome into Metal Gear Rising so hard and so quickly that it blew all of our pants off. It is unfathomable how this game is as good as it is, given its history.

4. BioShock Infinite ; While BioShock Infinite doesn't quite hit the mark that the original Bioshock did, it still managed to be one of the most fun and interesting shooters of this generation. I think it would have been better served if it more fully divorced itself from the original Bioshock, but it was fun, the story was fantastic, and Columbia was a joy to explore. Also, Troy Baker.

5. The Last of Us ; I was never really a fan of the Uncharted series, but I couldn't put this one down. While it seems obvious that both games are cut from the same cloth, TLOU knows the strengths and weaknesses of Naughty Dog and adjusts appropriately. The story is better. The gameplay is better. The dialog is better. Also, Troy Baker.

6. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm ; Blizzard knows how to create expansion packs. While they are still failing miserably with the direction that the story is going in this series, the single player campaign is still much improved from Wings of Liberty in terms of gameplay and mission variety. All of the new units are great. Will be very interested to see how this game will progress on its way into Legacy of the Void.

7. Fire Emblem Awakening ; I didn't consider myself a fan of SRPGs until I played this game. It opened my eyes to a whole new genre, with its addicting design and gameplay. Maybe I did myself a disservice starting off with such a high bar in this genre?

8. Killzone: Shadow Fall ; An incredible visual achievement, without a doubt. This proves why we needed a new generation of consoles. And as always, it has that distinctive Killzone style of gunplay you can't get anywhere else.

9. Guacamelee! ; A fun little Metroidvania, helped tremendously by a great combat system and great music. Is it the best not-Metroid Metroidvania ever? Definitely not, but still high quality stuff.

10. Killer Is Dead ; This game, and my mind, is full of fuck.

x. Anarchy Reigns ; Overlooked and underappreciated. The single player is hardly worth mentioning, but definitely a fun multiplayer experience. The football mode was almost worth the price of admission by itself. The arena 1-on-1 stuff was pretty good too. A terrible shame that Sega treated this game like they did.

x. Dragon's Crown ; It's like Diablo meets Guardian Heroes. What's not to love?

x. Resogun ; So many voxels! Explosions! Tons of fun!

2012. Hotline Miami ; A hard game that never manages to be frustrating. An incredible aesthetic. This game is just awesome.


1. The Last of Us ; Excellent storytelling with strong characters all supported by rock solid gameplay and top shelf visuals. The online portion is a game that stands all on it's own. A rare feat considering it could have been phoned in with the quality that is provided by the campaign. The combination makes this one of the best overall gaming packages ever. This one of the best games of any year let alone 2013.
2. Grand Theft Auto V ; I wasn't surprised that I ended up enjoying GTA V as much as I did. What did surprise me was how the game thoroughly continued to throw such amazing little details at me hour, after hour, over and over again. These are details that only Rock Star seem able to produce with their games and it shows. The changes to the typical GTA formula were immense in making this a unique and fresh experience. Even with the shaky start to the online game this is an impressive package and certainly quite the achievement in game development.
3. Guacamelee ; I played this from start to finish on the Vita and I found myself unable to put it down until the credits were rolling. Much like The Last of Us and GTA V, Guacamelee looks great, plays great and has charm to spare when it comes to the characters that makeup it's world. I thoroughly enjoyed everything about this game, particularly when the platforming drove me crazy. It was very rewarding to finish and unlock that platinum trophy.

1. The Last of Us ; Naughty Dog crafted a true masterpiece with the The Last of Us. I enjoyed every minute of the journey of Joel and Ellie, from the intriguing prologue that set the stage for the bleak state of the world, to the slow burn of the first few hours that established the character of Joel and Tess through the whirlwind of memorable locales, events and characters that culminated in an ending that initially I did not like, but ultimately respected. The game's stealth and combat mechanics were solid throughout, the art and visuals were incredible and the voice acting and the story were truly engaging. The Last of Us is as complete an action/adventure game that I have ever had the pleasure of playing.


2. Grand Theft Auto V ; GTAV delivered in a big way following the disappointment of GTAIV and returned the franchise to its former glory. The introduction of swapping between 3 main characters on the fly was just the shot in the arm that the franchise needed. The contrast between Michael's 1st world problems, Franklin's life in the ghetto and Trevor's batshit crazy antics kept the overarching story moving along nicely. The rebooted San Andreas oozed with the signature GTA personality. The gunplay was a little disappointing since the legacy default target-swapping aiming mechanic was unchanged, but the variety of interesting missions and heists more than made up for this keeping things interesting. I only dabbled a little with GTA Online, but it was pretty fun after the game breaking bugs were fixed. Kudos to Rockstar Games for taking their time with this and creating the greatest open world game of all time.


3. Beyond: Two Souls ; Count me as one of those who liked Heavy Rain so I was eagerly anticipating Beyond:Two Souls. Quantic Dream created an equally fascinating story this time around anchored by a standout performance by Ellen Page. The gameplay was a lot more basic compared to Heavy Rain as the QTE's were much less demanding and the story didn't deviate as much depending on the consequences of your choices. I thought the fragmented style of storytelling did work well to slowly develop the characters of Jodie and Aiden while still managing to keep my interest peaked. The dialogue and writing was significantly better then in Heavy Rain which was consistently cringeworthy. To cap it off, Lorne Balfe and Hans Zimmer provided a terrific soundtrack to serve as the backdrop to this tale. I love that this type of game exists, and I hope more developers follow Quantic Dream's lead in creating more unique experiences like this.


4. Guacamelee! ; Guacamelee is pure platforming bliss wrapped in a tasty taco shell filled with Metroidvania goodness. The art style, characters and Mexican setting are super fun and colorful. The humor that is on display everywhere and the hilarious dialogue from all the main characters and NPCs is all top notch stuff. If there is one word to describe this game it would have to be "clever". The melee combat, difficulty curve and different enemy encounters are all so well thought out. Never does the melee combat get boring despite its simplicity and it manages to walk a fine line and provide just the right amount of challenge. The platforming is god-tier in this game as you need to use all the abilities you unlock in tandem to traverse the brilliant platforming challenges that Drinkbox Studios thought up. Despite being pretty tricky, the placement of checkpoints and instant revive from falling in pits or dying during platforming kept me from ever being frustrated at all. Guacamelee is an outstanding game from start to finish.


5. Battlefield 4 ; Battlefield 4 when it works as intended is an incredible multiplayer FPS. I play on PS4 and have dealt with Conquest Mode not being available to play at all, frequent multiplayer match crashes, crippling lag and rubberbanding, visual and sound bugs, sporadic spotty netcode and complete loss of my singleplayer campaign progress, yet I still play this game regularly despite all of this. Thankfully most of the issues are no longer happening on PS4. I was a huge fan on BF2, BFBC2 and BF3 and I think BF4 is a terrific evolution of the series. DICE's map design is at an all-time high in BF4 as there isn't one map I dislike playing even after a couple months. Visually the game is a powerhouse on PS4 as the animations, character/environment design and lighting are all incredible. The campaign had its moments but the story was truly awful. Battlefield 4 with all its flaws has rounded into shape as a tremendous package that I will surely be playing even a year from now.


6. Sound Shapes ; Sound Shapes was the surprise of the year for me. I don't have a Vita, but have a PS3 and somehow missed out on this in 2012. When I got my PS4 at launch I decided to give the game a shot and was hooked almost instantly. Most of the platforming isn't very challenging, but how the music is weaved into the levels through your actions is brilliant and really elevates the experience. Each level's song is so good that I found myself simply idling on screens and enjoying the vibe of the music. I was pretty satisfied with my purchase after finishing the Campaign Mode and thought I had got my money's worth, and then I stumbled upon the 1000s of available user-created levels, wasted away hours having fun recreating beats and melody puzzles in Beat School Mode and conquered all of the crushingly difficult Death Mode challenges and this became one of my favorite Indie games of all-time.


7. FIFA 14 ; I play hundreds of hours of FIFA each year and for the past few years this series has evolved into my favorite sports game as I've become more of a fan of soccer/football. FIFA 14 on next gen continues to improve on the winning formula that EA Canada have created. The visuals are much improved, and really underrated by the masses because of how far the default camera is zoomed out to follow the action. I believe the game deserves the same kind of praise from the mainstream that next gen NBA2K14 has received. It looks very much like a live game when watching some of the new broadcast-style replays. Player models, lighting, crowds and stadiums are all on point and the sheer variety of animations and the logic of the game to choose the appropriate ones at the right time is quite an achievement...soccer/football fans will know what I mean if they've played the game. The gameplay has a decidedly different pace and feel than FIFA13 as it plays a slower game and the defense is harder to best in all levels of difficulty. Most of the other improvements aren't noteworthy, but there are a lot of small ones that add up to make this the best soccer/football game I've ever played.


8. NHL 14 ; NHL is my other go-to sports game and like FIFA it continues to be a quality product every year. In NHL 14 the biggest improvements were to the skating system rolled out last year so players no longer turn like tanks and to hitting which feels much more realistic after the physics were tweaked for collisions although there is still plenty of weird ragdoll stuff that goes on animation-wise. Goalies are also much improved as they save most of the shots you would expect them to now, aren't beaten by as many exploit goals and now can be screened properly. The devs did a nice job with revamping fighting, not only the controls and camera, but how and why fights happen. NHL 14 is a great game that I will end up dumping hundreds of hours into playing, but there is a lot of room for improvement for next gen.


9. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance ; This game is a testament to the greatness of Platinum Games. Despite the massive pressure of taking over development from Kojima, and the initial fan backlash to their vision, they've somehow managed to create a critically acclaimed, top-notch action game from a lackluster watermelon-slicing tech demo that is based around a polarizing character from a legendary game series that has a fanbase that is hard to please. The controls are near perfect with a very clever implementation for the slicing mechanic that allow you pull off the caliber of badassery that Raiden turned heads with in MGS4 cutscenes in real-time. To top it off they went ahead and threw in a batshit crazy story, with memorable characters and some of the best boss fights in recent memory, accompanied by an incredible soundtrack. It doesn't get much better than slaughtering 10 heavily armed soldiers in less than a minute with only a sword and then vaulting 40 feet in the air and slicing an attack chopper into 29 pieces without breaking a sweat.


10. Madden NFL 25 ; I had to reward Madden, the next-gen version specifically, with the last spot on my list. I am a huge fan of the NFL and back in the PS2 days I played Madden religiously and more than any other game and then the series took a nosedive on the 360/PS3 and has been a mess since 2006. I had no intention of even buying this game for my PS4 as EA and Tiburon acted really shady up until launch and didn’t show much of any gameplay footage. I took the plunge and was beyond shocked halfway through my first game when I realized the gameplay was better than ever. So many key areas were overhauled including defensive lineman that can now get pressure, offensive lineman that can form a pocket and pickup correct pass blocking assignments, much improved run blocking logic, responsive running animations that take momentum into account, intelligent catching animations from receivers, really impressive tackling animations, and much better coverage from defensive backs. The graphics look great, especially the stadiums and crowds which look amazing. Madden NFL 25 still has a ways to go to meet my lofty expectations, but the next-gen version is a nice foundation for them to build upon, and I now have some hope that in the next 2 or 3 years we may finally get to play an NFL game that finally rises above NFL2K5.


x. BattleBlock Theater ; I had a lot of fun with BattleBlock Theater playing co-operatively. The signature Behemoth humor and colorful art style is on full display here as you try to navigate dangerous platforming levels as entertainment for an army of malicious cats who have locked you up in a prison that just so happens to have a theater inside it. The platforming is really good and there is a lot of content, so much so that I kind of got burned out on it before I could reach the end due to the sheer number of levels in the game. The hybrid basketball/soccer multiplayer mode with 3 other buddies is good fun too.


x. Payday 2 ; I played Payday 2 on Xbox 360 so I didn’t get the benefit of all the post release balance tweaking and content, but it was still a pretty fun and unique multiplayer shooter that my friends and I sunk a lot of time into. There was a good bit of variety to the missions that had you not only knocking off banks, but doing stuff like cooking and transporting meth, stealing paintings from art galleries and infiltrating airfields to procure stolen arms. The multi day heists were all pretty cool with things playing out differently depending on your actions, but the game became too much of a grind after awhile as it took forever to unlock new weapons/gear and earn money. Payday is a great concept that I hope Overkill can improve on with another sequel


x. Remember Me ; Remember me was a game that I'm thankful I was patient with, as I almost gave up on it a few times. Visually the game has a really unique setting of Neo-Paris with some impressive environment design. The story was interesting enough to provide enough motivation to slog through some pretty monotonous sections, including some pretty awful platforming that felt shoehorned in. One of the highlights of the game are several really cool sequences where you can remix people's memories by playing through a cut scene-like scenario and making changes to things that happened during a key event in their lives which alters the character's memories. The other standout part of the game for me was the basic melee combat that has its own unique system that is different than anything I've ever played. For what looks like a simple button masher early on, there is a lot of depth to the mechanics and strategy required to survive almost all of the encounters after the first few hours. Kudos to Capcom for publishing something like this and to Dontnod for a fine first effort.


x. Tomb Raider ; I enjoyed Tomb Raider and thought it was a good game, but can't help to be disappointed as it started really strong and seemed like it might provide a different experience with the focus on survival, hunting for food, setting traps, and Lara being unable to go toe to toe with an army, but that went out the window after about the first hour and what I played instead was a very polished 3rd person shooter with an OK story that decided to focus a lot more on shooting then exploration and puzzles. Credit to Crystal Dynamics as the graphics were very impressive, the gameplay in all phases was tight, the enemy A.I. was good and they managed to make it nice and lengthy without it being tedious. I hope for the next Tomb Raider that they go with an approach a little closer to the feel of Underworld which is I thought was superb.


x. The Wolf Among Us ; The Walking Dead was my GOTY last year and this provided the same wonderful type of experience through Episode 1, but I couldn't let it crack the Top 10 off of just one episode. Looking forward to playing the rest and imagine this will be somewhere near the top of my 2014 GOTY list.


2012. Binary Domain ; I was way late on this. Solid cover-based shooter with a really engaging set of characters and story. While it didn't seem to make much difference in my playthrough, I liked the idea behind wanting you to maintain a relationship with each of your squadmates and that there could be immediate and long term consequences. I think some other game will try this and achieve a better result in the future.



1. Dota 2 ; I don't really think I have the words to describe how utterly impressive this game is to me, it's just brilliantly crafted in every single one of its aspects, from the painfully beautiful "pastel painting" visual style, the epically emotional soundtrack, the over a hundred unique and interesting heroes, the bar raising feature set and the classy User Interface to the sharp super satisfying gameplay that you could spend a lifetime learning tiny new things about and enjoying every second of it. It's admittedly difficult to get into because of the infinite learning curve that is punishing to new players, but those who brave that initial barrier are immensely rewarded with the thousands of hours of multiplayer with friends bliss that will follow. Might just be the best videogame of all time.


1. Ni no Kuni ; I absolutely adore JRPGs and Studio Ghibli like no one's business. This is basically the dream game I never knew I wanted. The world is so beautiful and fun to explore, the story is heart-warming, and the combat is fun and deep. I couldn't ask for anything more from a video game.

2. The Last of Us ; The most immersive gaming experience I've ever had. IMO, no game has ever paired story and gameplay like TLoU. Multi-player was also really good and had me hooked for months.

3. Fire Emblem Awakening ; Final Fantasy Tactics is one of my favorite games of all time, and when I saw FEA I knew i had to have it. This game has amazing depth, great characters, and beautiful animated cut scenes. I bought a 3DS just to play this game and to this day I've put more hours into it than any other 3DS game.

4. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag ; My first entry into the AC series and wow did this blow me away. The world is beautiful, characters are cool, and every side activity is really fun. Took me 50 hours to beat and I'm not done playing yet.

5. Rogue Legacy ; What a complete surprise. I love fluid, old-school side-scrollers, and this game scratches that itch. Tight gameplay married with an amazing feeling of progression had me coming back again and again.

6. Rayman Legends ; What else needs to be said? Beautiful art, tight platforming, and those freaking music levels. 1 trophy away from the platinum. SO. FUN.

7. Tomb Raider ; It's like a more open Uncharted without quite as amazing set piece moments. And that's okay with me. Exploring the island was fun and the combat satisfying.

8. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance ; This is just pure, dumb, video game fun. Slicing things into a million pieces is SO satisfying.

9. DmC: Devil May Cry ; Despite all the dumb controversy, the game is a blast. Combat has such variety and depth, and the game (on PC) is gorgeous to boot.

10. Puppeteer ; This game absolutely oozes charm from every orifice. The gameplay is quite simple, but the lovable characters, great music, and breath-taking environments elevate Puppeteer to gem of the year status.

x. Tales of Xillia ; I was kind of getting sick of the Tales games, but Xillia made a lot of needed changes to this series to make it feel fresh again.
x. Dragon's Crown ; What an amazing way to take one of the oldest genres and infuse it with new life. Grinding for better gear and completing quests is super addicting and I actually enjoyed the art style quite a bit.

2012. Far Cary 3 ; Picked this up during the latest Steam sale and loved it. Exploring and combat is fun and satisfying.


I have played 58 games so far this year and completed them, hopefully I hit 60 before the new year. Anyway, this list was hard to make after the top 3. (oh and I like pictures)

My Top 10:


1. Super Mario 3D World ; This game was pure fun incarnate. The level design rivals the Galaxy games, and the multiplayer really was a huge step forward for the series (in 3D). Each level was different from the next, with new ideas introduced in each. My favorites include Footlight Lane and Super Galaxy, and of course the post-game content was very substantial and added further difficulty. You owe it to yourselves to get a group of friends over and play this game. It will be the most fun you’ve had playing a game since probably SSB:B.


2. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds ; A sequel to LttP in every sense, but magically introduces new ideas not only from its predecessor but to the entire series. Though the renting/buying system seems a little jarring, at least some form of gameplay innovation is being introduced. This game, and I guess Super Mario 3D Land, proves that 3D can add to the gameplay and justifies the purchase of the 3DS system. This is the best handheld Zelda.


3. The Last of Us ; Finally a story that treats the player as a cohort rather than a spectator (I hope that makes sense lol). The ending was shocking, and I thought it was a clear reference to the title and fit the characters perfectly. My only problem with this game was the “fungal” zombies, though the gameplay in general was great. The Last of Us was a beautiful game with finely crafted details, superior story, and captivating characters.


4. Fire Emblem Awakening ; Traditional Fire Emblem, but with a decent story for once. The characters are great, the gameplay is refined to hell and back, and the post-game content just seems to never end.


5. Pikmin 3 ; This is the perfect blend of Pikmin 1 and 2. With the introduction of the new characters, the story was at points hilarious while also key plot points kept the game difficulty on track. The replay value of the initial game was adequate with many areas needing to be revisited with the acquisition of new Pikmin or captains, but overall the game length was decent just not great. However, the DLC for the game is worth the money, but I won’t count that for the original game and the rankings.


6. Rayman Legends ; Beautiful 2d art in the form of a videogame. Oh and the platforming was superb.


7. Tomb Raider ; This reboot made me care about Lara Croft and this franchise again. Though the story could have less human encounters and more “tomb raiding,” the overall game was great. Kind of fitting that Tomb Raider, one of the keystones of the action/adventure genre, through a reboot is now a contender against Uncharted, the current reigning champ. I fairly enjoyed this origin story.


8. Bioshock Infinite ; The opening was one of the greatest moments in gaming. Everything afterwards was a decline from that moment.


9. The Wonderful 101 ; An incredibly deep game, but fails to convey that point across smoothly. The characters, the combat, and the cheesy story should have made this game a hit, but sadly at this point it is regulated to cult status. More than any other game on this list, this game is skill driven, which takes gaming back to its’ roots.


10. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon ; It was either this or NSLU. Luigi had a good year, and this game was probably my surprise of the year.

Honorable Mentions (11-20)
x. New Super Luigi U ;
x. Tearaway ;
x. Grand Theft Auto V ;
x. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies ;
x. Beyond: Two Souls ;
x. Lego City Undercover ;
x. Animal Crossing: New Leaf ;
x. Shin Megami Tensei IV ;
x. Batman: Arkham Origins ;
x. DmC: Devil May Cry ;


1.The Last of Us ; My favorite studio since I was 7 just made my favorite game of all time.

2. Bioshock Infinite ; An outstanding game and one of the most imaginative things I've ever experienced. Elizabeth, Columbia, mecha washington, I loved it all.

3. DmC Devil may Cry ; I'm a huge fan of the original game, this was a game that was stylish from the music to the graphics and combat. I would gladly welcome more wubwubwub.

4. Super Mario 3D world ; This was the first 3D Mario game I ever completed, wow what an experience, no wonder Nintendo built a Dynasty off these games.

5. Naruto Ultimate ninja storm 3 ; Return of some of the most cinematic and jaw dropping boss battles in gaming. Simple and fun with loads of characters, my most played game of 2013.

6. Pokemon X ; A game that just makes me feel genuinely happy.

7. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance ; Platinum games can do no wrong.

8. Wonderful 101 ; Another stunner from Platinum.

9. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch ; I loved Drippy.

10.Beyond Two Souls ; An immersive and beautiful experience, I really hope these sorts of games can catch on one day.

2012. Persona 4 Golden ;My favorite JRPG of all time.
1. The Last of Us ; Despite not owning a PS3 (a fact that should be rectified come Christmas), this game was easily my favorite of this year. It blends great gameplay with one of the best stories I've witnessed in gaming, even if it uses some trite tropes and the like. It's just... so, so good.

2. Super Mario 3D World ; Can you say pure gaming bliss? This game blew me away, not the least because I was utterly underwhelmed by its predecessor. It somehow manages to keep itself constantly fresh and extremely fun both in single player and multiplayer. Also, playable
is a win in my book any day.

3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds ; Another fantastic Nintendo game released on the exact same day. Though I never liked A Link to the Past much, this game is fantastic. It takes the best elements of 2D Zelda and LttP and mixes them with actually fair challenge and the production values of more recent outings. After the disappointment that was Skyward Sword, A Link Between Worlds paints a much better picture of the possibility of future Zelda titles.

4. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies ; Speaking of games that blew away my expectations, here's another one. Dual Destinies was bound to be good - the Ace Attorney series is constantly high quality. But I never though it would be that good! With great characters, fun cases, and some of the pretties graphics on the 3DS, Dual Destinies blew me away and easily took the spot as my second favorite Ace Attorney game.

5. Pokemon X/Y ; Pokemon never disappoints, but XY went to a new level. They're truly a new step in the Pokemon formula, featuring aesthetic brilliance in the form of 3D battles and the like alongside streamlining of previously-awful tasks. I can finally EV train without even having to keep a notebook or use a computer app to keep track of things, and that's worthy enough of celebration!

6. The Stanley Parable ; The mod predecessor was a brilliant game, and the "hd remake" standalone version is no different. One of the hardest games to describe ever without giving away, well, everything, this game deserves to be played by anyone and everyone who plays video games.

7. Pikmin 3 ; An extremely worthy sequel to the stellar Pikmin series, Pikmin 3 brings the series to new heights in pure gameplay with a balance between 2's unlimited days and 1's strict 30-day limit. It's just a bit of a shame that it lacks some of the bells, whistles, and polish that 2 had...

8. Animal Crossing: New Leaf ; Easily the greatest of the Animal Crossing franchise, this game takes the formula and expands upon it in every direction. Town customization has never been so awesome, and neither has, well, everything!

9. Fire Emblem: Awakening ; The game that really put Fire Emblem on my radar. After unsuccessful attempts at putting up with permadeath shenanigans in FE8, Awakening was a breath of fresh air with it making the whole ordeal optional. As a result, I enjoyed the brilliant character writing and overall very fun gameplay of a well-established series!

10. Rayman Legends ; The delay was a terrible shame, but the amazing game we got definitely makes up for it. It's pure platforming goodness, with a ton of unique ideas and gameplay to its name. It easily trumps even its predecessor, Rayman Origins.

2012. Thomas Was Alone ; An amazingly insightful game that pushes all sorts of boundaries of what makes a typical gaming character. Just brilliant.


Too many folks in here worried about making sure their votes are eligible. Just write about whatever you want! Lord knows if I vote this year I'm gonna have a whole lotta nonsense in my post.The best part of this thread is when people show off, whether it's an incisive 140 character distillation or a 14000 character breakdown. If you wanna vote for something that's too weird to count or whatever just go ahead and do it, it makes the thread way better to read anyways.


1. Soul Sacrifice ; Deep lore, awesome story presentation, felt overall unique from battle system to bosses. Definitely a fun and interesting playstyle.
2. Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm ; Starcraft 2 is pretty damn awesome overall, and this addition just built on it.
3. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen ; Awesome gameplay, awesome setting, the only thing to hate about this game is when a character starts speaking.
4. Bioshock Infinite ; The gameplay was a downgrade from previous bioshocks, but the plot and story were very interesting and the characters were good.
5. Battlefield 4 ; Broken as it is, it's still the funnest shooter of the year
6. Killzone: Mercenary ; Fun single player, fun multiplayer(better than shadow fall in both imo) Mercenary is the second funnest shooter of the year, and the fact that it's portable makes it even better.
7. Tearaway ; Delightfully charming and unique. Definitely worth a mention.
8. Shin Megami Tensei IV ; Awesome story in which the aggregate of your choices actually matter, with plenty of difficulty to boot.
8. Dragon's Crown ; Charming artstyle, nostalgic and fun combat mechanics and overall a beautiful game.
9. Resogun ; Surprisingly fun game.
2012. Persona 4 golden ; Had already played Persona 4 on the PS2, but the additions in this remake and the fact I never got the absolute true ending on PS2 made this an awesome remake.

Will add more later if they occur to me.


1. Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen ; Absolutely top tier ARPG that is among my favorite RPG's of last gen.

2. Metro Last Light ; A worthy sequel to 2033. Every mechanic introduced in the previous game is refined and fine tuned. Of the first person shooters I played this year, this was the most fun to play.

3. Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles+ ; I never played the original versions of either game so coming to this was a revelation of sorts. I cannot believe how good this game is. Everything is pitch perfect: Difficulty is brutal but not insurmountable, surprisingly (but not bad) short length, combat is fast enough to never get dull, story is a light and breezy adventure, graphics look great, AND THE MUSIC. THE MUSIC IS AMAZING. Even if you don't like the gameplay, buy it for the incredible music.

4. Splinter Cell Blacklist
; The first splinter cell game since Chaos Theory worthy of the splinter cell name. When it was first revealed, I was outraged at how dumbed down and action focused it looked. I continued to write it off as a betrayal of Absolution proportions until it finally came out. I started hearing that it was actually GOOD. Not wanting to potentially waste money on a bad game, I rented it instead, and BOY was I surprised. This game is what Human Revolution was to the Deus Ex franchise: A smartly designed update to the core experience that fans know and love.

5. The Last Of Us
; Has been talked about to death, but the reason I like it is specifically the story and characters. Top notch stuff.

2012. Hotline Miami ; A glorious psychedelic pandemonium of brutal violence accompanied by an unrelentingly loud and strangely resonant neo-80's soundtrack.



1. The Last of Us ; No other game has, in my opinion, ever told a better story. From start to finish, I was hooked. The world Naughty Dog has crafted for The Last of Us is gorgeous and believable with characters who are loveable for their uniqueness. Gameplay was intense and a nice change of pace from the typical third person shooter, as well. At the end of the day, this was the most memorable experience I had all year.


2. Dota 2 ; Most addictive game I've played since Halo 2 hooked me back in 7th grade. Such a high learning curve, but it's worth the time and patience. Not much else to say, to be honest. It's free: go try it, die a lot, get hate comments, and repeat until you get better.


3. Fire Emblem Awakening ; First entry in the series for me. It's fantastic. Loveable characters who you'll be sad to see fall, but that's part of what makes the game so addictive. The battle system is complex, exciting and satisfying. The story is welcoming to anyone, even those who have never played the series. My highest recommendation to anyone with a 3ds.


4. Wonderful 101 ; Hideki Kamiya + Platinum Games = Wonderful 101. Like all platinum games, the learning curve is pretty high, but it's so rewarding once you get the hang of it. Like all Kamiya games, the gameplay is what shines through. The absurdity of the story is love or hate, I suppose, but I loved it. Japanese superhero power rangers are A-OK in my book!


5. DMC Devil May Cry ; Never played any of the earlier games in the series so my attachment to the original Dante was nonexistent. This is a damn fun game. Gameplay is so refined and challenging (with 5+ difficulty levels), it's a blast to go through the entirety of the crazy story.


6. Tomb Raider ; This game blew me away. I will be the first to admit that I wrote this game off prior to release. With so many delays, a random actress, and what appeared to be merely uncharted with a girl skin: this game had nothing going for it in my mind. I was so wrong. The story was awesome (voice acting included), gameplay was far superior to any uncharted, and was graphically beautiful.


7. Pokemon X ; Wow. This is the most revolutionary pokemon game since the first release. 3D graphics are finally here, people! On top of that, the game a great new roster, additional wifi features, and a ton of new added content. I will say that it's more pokemon, so if you love pokemon, you must own this game. If you don't like pokemon, this won't change your mind.


8. Animal Crossing ; the best time waster since porn.


9. Bioshock Infinite ; Bioshock was one hell of a story that I won't forget anytime soon. It's complexity is one that will keep you thinking for days and days. On top of that, the game had one of the most unique worlds (if not, the most unique) I've ever played.


10. Zelda Wind Waker HD ; This game hold up so well. It's a classic with a fresh coat of paint that makes it look like your memory believes it did 10 years ago. Nothing wrong to say about it, but I kept it lower on my list simply because it's an hd remaster.

Honorable Mentions:
x. Zelda A Link Between Worlds ; Personally haven't played it, but my friends have and they're raving about it. Picking it up for christmas.

2012. FEZ ; First bought this gem on 360 but never got around to playing it. Rectified that this summer and all I'll say is that I'm proud of how far I got without any help from the internet, but once I could go no further, seeing how the internet came together and deciphered everything was amazing.


1. Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds; This is my first 2D zelda. For some reason I was never interested in the 2D ones as a kid, but it has inspired me to play through all the 2d zeldas I've missed. Great dungeons, great use of items. Bosses were a bit too easy, but overall difficulty was close to perfect.
2. Bioshock Infinite; The atmosphere and story were among the best of this generation. There was a bit too much filler in the campaign. Would have been better if they cut it down to a 10 hour campaign I think.
3. Grand Theft Auto 5; Just a really fun game to jump in and play. Texture popping issues make it lose a few points as they can get really annoying when driving around fast or flying low. Really hoping for a PC port to experience the game in its full potential.
4. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon; Amazing concept and atmosphere. Great puzzles, the only thing holding it back from number 1 is the awkward controls. This might have ranked a lot lower if it didn't feel so unique because I never played the original.
5. Civilization 5: Brave New World; Amazing expansion. Added so many interesting aspects to the game. Replayability got even more endless. Sadly I can't risk playing it during the school year. Too often do multiple days to go by without me realizing it.
6. DOTA 2; My most played game this year by a ridiculous margin. But considering I've already played a ton of HoN and the original DOTA I can't rate this too high. It is just more of the same.
7. Animal Crossing: New Leaf; My second most played game of the year. Very, very addicting. Certainly a huge improvement over the DS game, but like DOTA 2 it just feels like more of the same when compared to the gamecube version.
8. Fire Emblem: Awakening; Great strategy game. I really didn't like the story, but I'm a sucker for stratagy games and this gets great once you stop having to rely on Frederick to do everything.
9. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon; Great atmosphere and love the setting. Over a bit too quick though.
10. Don't Starve; Great little survival game. Gets updated fairly frequently and fun to play in short bursts.


1. The Last of Us ; Not just the most impressive game for last gen consoles, but also the most profound game I may have ever played. Its a perfect formula with beautiful graphics, great gameplay and a philosophical story about humanity nature by Thomas Hobbes perspective.

2. Uncharted 2 ; Impressive graphics and the best of the Uncharted serie. A good variation of ambients, one of the best third person shooters gameplay, a simple but entertraining story, and one of the best set of characters on consoles I have ever seen.

3. Dark Souls ; An evolution of Demon's Souls. Impressive RPG with a challegening gameplay that is also very rewarding, with a spetacular atmosphere and great imersion. The best RPG of this gen.
1. The Last of Us ; No other game has, in my opinion, ever told a better story. From start to finish, I was hooked. The world Naughty Dog has crafted for The Last of Us is gorgeous and believable with characters who are loveable for their uniqueness. Gameplay was intense and a nice change of pace from the typical third person shooter, as well. At the end of the day, this was the most memorable experience I had all year.

Honorable Mentions:
1. Zelda A Link Between Worlds ; Personally haven't played it, but my friends have and they're raving about it. Picking it up for christmas.

That's one way to list a tie and disqualify your ballot.
ok, let's go

1. Fire Emblem Awakening; The newest Fire Emblem brought its fair share of changes from past installments, including more than enough support conversations and the unique pair-up mechanic, as well as some new classes (FINALLY mixed classes are viable!)
2. Pokemon X/Y; It's been quite a while since I've played a Pokemon game, the jump in visuals from previous gens is amazing and getting good Pokemon is not a pain in the ass anymore now I just need to build a team.
3. Super Mario 3D World; Easily the best game, both in graphics and gameplay, released on the Wii U so far, with nice level variety and fun multiplayer -2 spots for having a run button.
4. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds; After the boring slog that was Skyward Sword, the newest Zelda drops all the handholding, and the new item-renting mechanic allows for some interesting gameplay decisions (also great for speedruns). Oh, and Ravio is awesome.
5. Dota 2; The best MOBA out there.
6. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD; My favorite 3D Zelda after Majora's Mask gets a remake, what's not to like?
7. Divekick; So simple, yet so great (that's right kids, even in a game with controls this simple, you will still easily lose to better players!).

will add more later, but meanwhile:

2012. Xenoblade; The best JRPG of this generation and my favorite game on the Wii, maybe even the whole generation.


1. DOTA 2; This is the game that I will teach my kids how to play. In my eyes, DOTA 2 is the pinnacle of competitive games. I have never come close to the time I've put into this game with any other game. I'm 2000+ hours, and I feel like I'm still at the beginning of my journey with this game.

2. Gone Home; What an astoundingly beautiful game. Environmental storytelling at its finest.

3. Pokemon X; I have had a really hard time enjoying the past few generations of Pokemon games, but X really hooked me. It was only for a 2 day stretch, but that was enough to justify my 2DS that I had just bought.

4. The Last of Us; Its the last of the 4 games I played this year. A really engaging story with interesting characters and amazing visuals. Unfortunately, the gameplay wore out its welcome after a few hours in, so I never completed it. I do hope to go back and finish it, because I think it will be worth it. Edit: A post above reminded me that the opening for the game was incredible.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I've had a hard time choosing the winner this year, simply beacuse I feel I've played so mange great games. Honestly, I feel like every game until at least number seven on my list could've been my GOTY, depending on whether I'd vote with my brain, heart, spine, gut or some other part of me.


1. The Wonderful 101 (Wii U); This is the most varied form of fun I've had with video games for at least a year or maybe even two. The main gameplay is very fun, interesting and complex, and it is introduced to the player at perfect pace with little or non hand holding. It's quite easy to get the hang of the gesture system (analogue stick is the absolute best way), while you increasingly build up your arsenal of team members and level them up along the way.

The parallel/serial combo system works astonishingly well, and it's mindblowing that Kamiya came up with it so late in the process as it feels so integrated to the game. On top of that, there's the enormous amount of other gimmicky chapters and the EPIC boss fights, with throwbacks to great video game classics along the way. Even the QTEs are fun to execute and watch in this game. Even failing them is fun.

The game oozes of effort, original thought and hard work. The game is so very thorough, so very filled to the brim with creativity, craftmanship and Kamiyas sense of humor. There's tons of quirky little details and small twists to add to the experience. The game is admittantly a bit rough, probably because they did not restrict themselves at all and just put all the stuff they could think of in there. Performance wise it's not at all a stable 60fps, and I personally experienced a freeze or two and the occasional glitch along the way. But the roughness is also what makes it so lovable in other respects and one of the many reasons this game will stick with me as a great modern video game classic for a long time!

I warmly urge you to give this game a fair chance! :)


2. Super Mario 3D World (Wii U); EAD Tokyo delivers, once more. The announcement trailer made me kind of nervous for some reason, as it did with so many others here on this forum. Then the Nintendo Direct came, but even that was just a little hint of all the 3D-platforming purrfection that flows through the entirety (or almost all) of this game like honey or wine, or something.

Level design is top notch, as would be expected. The game looks stunning, it really sparkles from the countless hours of polish that the team must have put in the game. I never experienced a dip from a stable 60 fps in my playthrough. But most important of all, I had fun the entire time. And I'll have fun with it, be it for replays on my own or in multiplayer sessions for shits and giggles. The main game may be a bit on the short and easy side, but the real challenge in this game is of course the post game contents. And there's lots of it. The suits are also an important part of Mario games, and this game has some of the most creative and funny power-up suits of any Mario games yet. Cat suit, Double Cherry, great stuff. It was also good fun playing a 3D Mario with four characters to choose from, varying up the gameplay along the way. There is also a SUPER SECRET CHARACTER that no-one in the entire worlds knows who is in this game. Cute as a bunny.


3. Rogue Legacy (PC); A crazy take on the rogue-like genre, or not really a rogue-like, but some weird merging of randomly generated metroidvaniaish level design, with some evolutionary rpg-like family(!)-building, compelling visuals, and least but not last, some really challenging platforming action. More or less. This game easily becomes an obsession, right up there with Spelunky in that regard. It's a blast to play, my PC GOTY. In short: Absolutely everybody should play it!


4. Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS); From the very beginning I felt like I had re-entered some magical place. I don't know if it was the music (OST of the year!), or the joy of moving around in the familiar but still fresh environments that did it. Anyway, it was such a joy to play. The game was wonderfully paced, marvelously paced even for a modern Zelda game. That went so well together with the feeling of hurling Link around in 60fps, battling and puzzling in those flawless 3D impressive visuals.

Some of the dungeons were quite amazing, and some was generic and forgettable. I really liked the approach to an open-adventure experience, though the rental system wasn't perfectly executed in my opinion. I think the system would work even better for me if I had to buy them, and therefore actively having to choose where to go next. Such a big step in the right direction for the Zelda series for me, makes me quiver with excitement about the next installment on their home console!

Despite its minor flaws, the feeling of playing a game truly out of the ordinary stuck with me the whole time. I just never wanted to stop playing, dreaded the moment it would eventually end, feeling like a 14 year old, idiotically happy, little kid.


5. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PC); Another gem of a platinum title. Not as diverse and creative as W101, but platinum delievers action games as thight and good as they get. State of the art gameplay, incredible QTE and cutscenes, amazing bosses, but a big negative is the horrible camera in the game. What were they thinking? The game, unlike W101, is also a bit on the short side for my liking.


6. Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS); Having never played an Animal Crossing before, I have to admit I though this game looked like a boring time-sink from the moment it was announced until I actually played it. I usually hate sim-games. For the longest time I thought I'd never even bother to buy it at all. Then I noticed the crazy build-up thread before the game launched in the west. Someone in the community, I believe it was MasterBalls and quite possibly some other guys as well, convinced me I should give it a shot. And never before in my life I think I have been so rewarded for going outside of my own gaming comfort zone. I fell in love with it, and a big part of the reason for that is the AMAZING Animal Crossing community here on GAF. The friendliest bunch of people I've ever encountered on the internet.

It didn't take me long to realize that the trick with this game is quite the opposite of most other games. You shouldn't grind beetles on the island, you shouldn't frantically build everything as fast as you can, or collect all the stuff maniacally. The Animal Crossing experience for me was aimlessly strolling about, talking to my animal neighbors, listening to the wisdom of the Kapp'n, blowing dandelion puff at animals, going to the club lol with my fellow gaffers. This game is about not giving a fuck really, and it made me really appreciate a lot of my fellow gaffers in here. Thanks guys! :)


7. Papers Please (PC); Get your shit together, Jorji Costava!

I have a feeling this game is trying to tell me a story about how we're all shaped and limitied by the cultures we live in, how norms and values runs through our veins and shapes us in inconceivable ways and makes us pursue goals in life we may or may not have reflected much about, but that you're supposed to do to get ahead in life.

In this game you'll experience this in a compressed manner set in an autoritarian communist state, and you'll find yourself being a cynical prick because the rules of the game tells you this is the way to win. You will detain people you'd in other circumstances be highly symphatetical towards, because it's your fucking job, and the game mechanics don't leave you much time to relect morally. You also have a prone to be sick wife and kid to look after, and those pesky officers will give you hell if you resist to openly. Still there's some small room for resistance, some slight moral opportunities you can exploit, and pursuing those roads will interestingly enough often reward you in other ways than getting furthest ahead in the game (achievements and alternative endings are most often used to this end in the game).

The gameplay mechanics puts you under stress in a beatuifully though out way. The characters are among the most interesting I've had encountered in video games, despite not being presented in great braveur with cinematic effects. Such is the power of great writing, which the game has for the most part.


8. Tearaway (Vita); I bought a Vita for this (well mainly), and looking back I'm glad I did. This turned out to be the most charming game I've played since Fez. I think Fez is also perhaps the closest reference point to this game in quite a few ways. Like Fez, the platforming gameplay in itself is rather uninteresting and straight forward. Like Fez, the game introduces some unique and nicely implemented gameplay elements. Like Fez', the world of Tearaway oozes of charm and provides the player with a great feeling of adventure. And like Fez, the ending of the game will stick with me for some time.

Unlike Fez, however, there's much less focus on puzzles, and the puzzles are very straightforward. I personally feel another Tearaway entry should dive into that direction, the mechanics seems made for it, since they're rather too slow and unprecise for a 3D platformer. Overall the platforming elements of the game are the least satisfying part of the adventure, especially combatting enemies which can be really dull, simple and repetitive.

I also wish there was more of it, which is obviously a good thing, but at the same time not.


9. Guacamelee (PC); straight up the best metroidvania I've played this year. Fantastic humour, great gameplay, over the top power-ups and all you could possibly expect from the genre. Some real challenging boss fights too, towards the end.


10. Pimin 3 (Wii U); Yet another Myamoto master piece, perhaps the most beautiful game he has ever created in terms of visuals and presentation if you ask me. It oozes of charm, colors and gave me some of the same magical feelings of adventure that games like Tearaway and Fez did. You'll grow to love those little pikmins (if you have anything remotely ressembling a heart), and it'll pain you to no end each time any of them dies. As such the game is fucking brutal, because unless you're quite the expert pikmin player, your pikmins will die. So beautiful, so sad.

Gameplay wise the game is distilled fun and extremely innovative. There's not any games like the Pikmin series out there that I'm aware of. It's sort of casual in the sense that it is easy to complete the game if you're relaxed about not optimizing your pace and number of days. At the same time it is deeply complex, easily on par with some of the great RTS's if you're willing to immerse yourself in the multitasking possibilities and the unique gameplay mechanigs that the game offers.

It's a game that I loved every minute of, and when you've finished the story there's lot of great additional content and now also DLC to immerge yourself in.

The only downside I can think of (several months after finishing it) is that the camera can sometimes be a bit wonky, and the pikmin AIs can be infuriatingly frustrating at times. :p

Honorable Mentions:
X. Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS); A magical adventure, some damn good srpg gameplay and waifus and offspring and tons of content. Every 3DS owner should dig into this.
X. Gone Home; Wonderful little sad exploration adventure. Find out what happened to your sister while you were living the high life on a euro trip.
X. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons; Another sad and wonderfully directed adventure, with some interesting dual character gameplay,set in a beautifully presented fantasy world.
X. Bit.Trip Presents Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien; This game could've easily made the list, so a bit random that it's relegated down here really.
X. FEZ; Would be high on my goty llist, but it feels weird since it's first and foremost a 2012 game to me.
X. Wind Waker HD; Same reason as above.
X. Monster Hunter U; Same as above.
X. Persona 4 Golden; Same as above.
X. Bioshock: Infinite; Didn't quite connect with this one, it's a beautiful game no doubt, but I was kinda bored by it.
X. Ridiculous Fishing; Amazing stuff, though a bit monotone.
X. Gunpoint; A neat little puzzle game, loved it!
X. Pokemon Y; Played through the main game, had great fun with it too, but wasn't able to let it really sink in, and had no desire for breeding or doing post-game stuff for some reason.
X. Bravely Default; Just got this game, have only played 6 hours, so too early to tell. Maybe I'll switch it up later on.

2012. Hotline Miami


  1. The Last of Us ; The Naughty Gods deliver again. Uncharted was already great, but ND oudid themselves with TLOU. The gameplay, music, voice acting, the story, the chemistry between the characters.... hnnnnggggg. Would love a PS4 version running at 60fps and 1080p. The best game I played this year.
  2. Ninokuni: Wrath of the White Witch
  3. Grand Theft Auto V
  4. Beyond:Two Souls
  5. Tomb Raider
  6. Batman Arkham Origins
  7. Bioshock: Infinite
  8. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
  9. DmC
  10. Xcom The Bureau Declassified
1.The Last of Us ; This game just tugged at so many emotional heartstrings. The gameplay worked so well with the story, and the characters are all amazing. GOTG
2. Dota 2 ; Spent thousands of hours in this game. Very addicting and fun, always room for improvement. Valve has done a great job porting it from the WC3 engine.
3. Tearaway ; This game is just too damn cute.
4. Spelunkey (vita) ; this game on the vita hardware was just impossible to put down.
5. Guacamelee ; Mexican metroidvania / beatemup at its finest
6. Resogun ; Addicting gameplay and billions of voxels.
7. Super Mario 3D World ; Mario's still got it. Tight controls and fun and well designed levels
2012. Persona 4 Golden ; This game took many hours from my life. Such a deep story with interesting and relatable characters.

Chris R

1. The Last of Us ; What else needs to be said of this game? My game of the generation. Perfect blend of story, setting and gameplay. Can't wait to experience the DLC.

2. Dota 2 ; I've only played 150 games of Dota 2 so I'm no expert, but I do enjoy playing it. Don't know if it will ever sink it's f2p teeth into me outside of buying tournament tickets though.

3. Saints Row IV ; Silly and over the top, this was a blast to experience even if it was a bit more expansion packish than I would have liked.

4. Tales of Xillia ; I've only just started to play this (~10 hours in) but this is the best RPG I've had the chance to play this year.

5. BioShock Infinite ; A beautiful game with a great story, I just wish I wasn't so tired of the game play at the 3/4 point.

6. Grand Theft Auto V ; Haven't finished this yet, just hasn't grabbed me like San Andreas did, which is a bummer. A close second on my soundtrack of the year list though, behind SRIV.

7. Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm ; Loved the single player campaign, need to get back into the MP stuff when Dota 2 will allow.

8. The Stanley Parable ; A refreshing experience. Check this out if you are becoming jaded with gaming.

9. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds ; A fun game, with an interesting mechanic. I would have enjoyed a totally new world to play it in though, and a different art style.

10. Guacamelee! ; My most played Vita game this year, great fun with a nice dash of platforming challenge thrown in here and there.

x. Pokemon X/Y ; My first Pokemon game in some while. It's more Pokemon, for good and bad.

x. Kingdom Rush Frontiers ; Not enjoying this as much as the first, but I still like it enough to take my iPad with me when I'm out and about.


Disclaimer: I've barely played (let alone finished) any games this year due to a new job that's been taking up most of my time so my list is very limited.

1. The Last of Us ; Didn't think they could ever top the Uncharted IP (being a huge Indy fan) but they did, even though I'm not a huge fan of the survival/zombie genre. I'm pretty sure it's the only game I finished this year, let alone twice. Playing these games multiple times is a common occurrence with Naughty Dog games for me, especially this gen. (Uncharted - 3 times, Uncharted 2 - 5 times, Uncharted 3 - twice) Everything about this experience was top-notch. AMAZING characters, flawless controls, great story from start to finish, and a beautiful disaster of a setting. What more can you ask for? Bravo, Naughty Dog.

2. Super Mario 3D World ; I probably wouldn't have bought this game if it wasn't co-op. Last single player game I played a Nintendo console was probably Galaxy 2. It's sad but these days, Nintendo consoles is basically my Mario Kart/Smash/Mario Party box that I play with my friends and family. Thankfully, I decided to buy this game on a whim because it was 1-4 players and I've had a wonderful time playing it with all ages. Beautifully designed worlds, great powerups, and no motion controls! (wii u pro controller is probably my favorite controller this gen). Can't wait to dig into it much deeper this Christmas/New Year break.

3. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag ; Haven't finished it yet but I'm really enjoying it. Bought it along with my PS4 at launch and it's the only retail game that has kept my attention. (Also bought Killzone and Knack) After the stinkers that were Revelations and 3, Ass Creed is finally back and it's better than ever. Controlling a pirate and sailing the seas has never been done so wonderfully. As a kid, oh how I dreamed about a game like this. Only downside is the controls are still a little too wonky for me. I absolutely despise the automatic jumping and climbing that they still haven't fixed since the second game. Other than that, I'm lovin' it.

4. Resogun ; Platinumed it about a week after I bought my PS4 at launch. What a simple, yet amazingly addictive game. Housemarque did it again. Everything they touch is gold.

5. Spelunky ; What a bitch of a game. But I must be a masochist cause I keep coming back to it.

x. GTA 5 ; I really appreciate Rockstar's effort in putting this HUGE game together but the GTA world is just not for me. I absolutely adored Red Dead Redemption but I couldn't muster up enough care to see how the story played out. I think I was about at the halfway mark of powering through the game before I completely lost interest. While splitting the game into three characters seemed like a great idea at first, realizing that I hate one of the characters and just didn't care for the other two made me quit the game. But like I said above, I decided to give this game an honorable mention because I feel like Rockstar deserves recognition for years of hard work and sacrifice on a game that many people enjoyed.


I have a nice little break starting next week to the new year so hopefully I'll get to play some more 2013 games.
1. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag; easily the best game in the series, with a vast world to explore filled with colorful characters. Some legacy issues remain, such as the weird stealth mechanics, but overall it's the most polished entry in the series (at least on PS4). I'd be up for a "Black Flag" spinoff.
2. Lego Marvel Superheroes; since we're not getting another Ultimate Alliance, this game will have to do. The best roster in any Marvel game, period. I hope to see a legitimate Marvel game like this, and not a Lego one, sometime in the future. The writing is hilarious, too!
3. BioShock: Infinite; I actually never felt the shooting to be out of place.The shooting mechanics themselves were really solid, and I had a blast opening tears and combining vigors. The voice-work was amazing; Troy Baker is having a really good year.
5. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen; a great expansion to a great game. The changes they made to the core game were much appreciated as well.
6. Pokemon X/Y; the best Pokemon games yet, with lots of new features that make it way more accessible than the older games.
7. Batman: Arkham Origins; WB Montreal understand Batman's character better than Rocksteady/Paul Dini, as this rendition of Batman is the best out of the Arkham series (very reminiscent of the Nolan version). The game doesn't stray too far from Arkham City's blueprint, but that's not really a bad thing.
8. Injustice: Gods Among Us; I've got some issues with some of the mechanics, such as the clash system, but it's a very solid fighting game overall, with a lot of love shown towards the DC Universe characters. Story mode is decent fun, as expected from the Netherrealm crew.
9. Splinter Cell: Blacklist; a good balance between the Conviction style and the Chaos Theory style. A bit janky at times, and the graphics are quite dated, but overall a very good time. Probably my favorite in the series, if I had to pick.
10. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon; Ubisoft needs to make more mini AAA games like this. A smaller, condensed version of a big open world game that is self-aware. I'd like to see Assassin's Creed get a Blood Dragon style spinoff game.
1. Papers Please ; I find it incredible how engaging a burocracy simulator can be.
2. Killzone Shadow Fall ; Screw the haters, excelent entry in the series and the MP is a blast!
3. Resogun ; Fun arcade game.
4. Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time ; I have nothing.

This is really embarising, that is the sum total of 2013 games I have played.
A combination of backlog trawling, playstation + and lack of time have made this quite a disapointing gamers year...


1. Super Mario 3D World ; :3 :3 :3 :3 This game is just purrfect ;) it's full of clever ideas.

2. Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds ; The best zelda game since Wind Waker IMO

3. Fire Emblem Awakening ; My favorite Fire Emblem, such a great game with tons of great characters.

4. Wonderful 101 ;

5. Pikmin 3 ;

6. Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies ;

7. Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker HD ;

8.Papers, Please;

9. Batman Arkham Origins ;

10. Mass Effect 3: Citadel ;

2012. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward;
1. The Last of Us ; this game is amazing, worth and deserves all the hype, like the mechanics, great story, a bit too linear, but i don't care. sound track is amazing.
2. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag ; like the assassins and pirate stuff, i can't get bored with this game, plus all the meta and mini game, there are many things to do, there are some minor mechanics and level design problem. sound track is amazing.
3. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance ; over the top, but game play mechanics is top notch, and the sound track is not bad. a bit short, but highly re-playable.
4. Killzone Mercenary ; best vita game, multiplayer is fun, love the vanguard system, only downfall is the limitation of 4 vs 4.
5. Need For Speed Rivals ; mindless fun, i just keep driving events after events or just driving.
6. MLB 13 The show ; on the vita, you can pause and resume in the middle of a game and come back to that innings, very addicting, good sound track.
7. Battlefield 4 ; multiplayer is fun when it works.
8. Bioshock Infinite ; great and amazing looking world design, fun gun play, confusing story.
9. Tomb Raider ; another greatly executed TPS, didn't care for the story much, fun mechanically.
10. God of War Ascension ; this game was really hard, love the mechanic, but why so hard lol, beat it regardless.


1. The Last of Us ; A truly breathtaking game that mixed perfect storytelling and gameplay to create an experience that I will never forget. Thoroughly engrossed by the characters, narrative, emotions, and gameplay this sets a new bar for excellence that I would love to see challenged again. Kudos Naughty Dog

2. Grand Theft Auto V ; An immense world jam packed with content, memorable characters and missions wiping away any complaints from GTA IV as a long faded memory.

3. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag ; Yarr! Pirates finally get their due with this sprawling carribbean tale righting all the wrongs of AC3 and building upon my favorite part of that game, naval missions.

4. Battlefield 4 ; A shame this game has been hampered by a poor launch, when it works it is pure bliss. 64 player Conquest on consoles is a landmark moment, finally delivering on what PC gamers have expected from DICE since its inception.

5. Bioshock Infinite ; Ken Levine and crew built the most magical place in Columbia, easily rivaling Rapture and any other setting for games this decade. A few gameplay shortcomings and narrative inconsistencies bring it down a peg from the Top of my list.

6. Batman Arkham Origins ; An underappreciated gem by WB Games, beautiful character design, stellar voice acting (by Troy Baker in particular) a great prequel to the Arkham line.

7. Fire Emblem Awakening ; Nintendo delivered the first Strategy handheld game I have ever truly fallen in love with, I spent a gross amount of time restarting to avoid losing characters but enjoyed every second of my first Fire Emblem game.

8. Injustice Gods Among Us ; NetherRealm makes good on their second go around with the iconic DC universe, and built a spectacular game with deep mechanics and a very appreciated story mode which is sorely lacking in most fighting games. I've waited since the Justice League fighting game for SNES/Genesis for my dream of seeing these characters have their proper worthy fighting game finally realized.

9. Pokemon X/Y ; Another lifelong dream realized in 2013, a Pokemon game in full 3D. Beautiful battles, and character models finally make their way to this beloved franchise. A lack of content, disappointing story, and plain overworld hold it back from the top echelon of my favorite 2013 titles.

10. God of War Ascension ; An unnecessary Kratos romp, with a forgettable narrative still manages to break the top 10. Sony Santa Monica delivered the first next-gen game on the PS3. Stunning is the only world I can use, every part of this game is a sight to behold.

x. Saints Row IV ; A hilarious game riddled with problems, using the boring Stilwater, lame shooting sections where your powers are removed, cars/vehicles losing their usefulness, poor performance on PS360 and yet it still had me grinning from ear to ear. Volition know how to make me laugh and have fun, and that's enough for an honorable mention.

x. Naruto Shippuuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 ; CyberConnect 2 outdo the anime at every turn, a beautiful game that encapsulates everything I love about the manga and serves as a replacement to the disappointing anime by boasting incredible animation and visuals rivaling anything in the business. After the Naruto saga comes to a close in the near future I hope they tackle other fan favorite anime series with their own adaptions.

2012. FarCry 3 ; Coming out in December of 2012 I waited to pick this game up until this year. Some of the most fun I had all year, and would be way up in my 2012 GOTY list if I had the chance to redo it. Stealthily taking over bases, using drugs and rampaging in the jungle, plus Vaas add up to something great.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to play Zelda ALBW, although I have a feeling it would have made the list. Perhaps you will show up as my late to the party 2014 vote!


1. The Last of Us ; A game that's a triumph in every aspect yet feels fresh. Highly engrossing gameplay (Hard without Listen mode).
2. Warframe ; This PS4 game doesn't pretend to be anything it's not. A highly enjoyable grind with good shooter/action mechanics, crafting and more.
3. Resogun ; Superb arcade gameplay and mind-melting Voxel GPU compute graphics.
4. Tearaway ; A pleasure pure and simple.


1. The Last of Us; winter...
2. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons; Story through gameplay, no fluff, amazing imagery. Gross that Gone Home got so much more attention..
3. Spelunky ; Daily Challenge was a game changer. It gives consequence to your run. I haven't missed one since I bought it. And I haven't beat it either... d'oh
4. Tomb Raider; The next Uncharted will need to live up to the mechanics of Tomb Raider.
5. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch; Best art of the generation, a really beautiful game that made me happy to play.
6. Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall ; Great addition to a great game
7. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger ; pure shooting fun
8. State of Decay; My biggest surprise of the year
9. XCOM: Enemy Within ; Another step in restoring turn based strategy to mainstream gaming.
10. The Cave ; sadly over criticized for backtracking - overshadowed the great writing

2012: Journey; Wish I would have voted for it last year, but hadn't played it yet. Amazing integration of multiplayer - felt like I built a real relationship with some stranger (who turned out to be 3 people).

x. Battlefield 4; Definitely should have been top 5, if the MP hadn't been hosed, and I didn't hate all the microtransactions and DLC and premium, and subscriptions. But there is a great game underneath.
x. Europa Universalis IV ; kudos to Paradox - two years, two great games (EUIV and Crusader Kings 2)
x. Shadowrun Returns ; Kickstarter delivers.
1) The Last of Us ; The complete package. A nerve racking, pulse pounding thrill ride from beginning to end. What I love most about it was seeing the bond between Joel and Ellie get stronger as the game progressed. Joel goes from "who's this girl?" to "Ima gonna kill u hunters and fireflies for lookin at her the wrong way". The infected are quiet a terror to deal with both physically and psychologically. Truly the only right answer in this thread. Bravo to Naughty Dog!

2) Beyond: Two Souls ; Another riveting masterpiece from Mr. David Cage. Visually at times it made me question "how is this possible on 8 year old hardware?". though aside from pretty visuals I enjoyed the top quality acting from Mrs. Paige and Mr. Dafoe. With the ending plot twist I didn't see coming. An emotional experience that gives it the runner up award. Kudos Quantic Dreams!

3) Killzone: Mercenary ; Finally, proof that a great first person shooter can work on a handheld. Utilizing the KZ3 engine to pump out impressive visuals along with taking on contracts that require the user to tackle each mission in 3 different manners added plenty of depth to this game. Add along a fantastic multiplayer component and you have a winner in the palm of your hands. Kudos Guerrilla Cambridge!

Honorable Mentions:

Dead Space 3
Soul sacrifice
Bioshock Infinite
Oddworld: Strangers Wrath HD
God of War: Ascension


Cool. Look forward to the "games of the generation" vote. I'm so behind I haven't played many games released this year.


In addition to the Last of Us some of these lists remind me that I have Soul Sacrifice downloaded onto the Vita just waiting for me..

And travelling home for the holidays soon, away from my computer or consoles....do I no longer have an excuse?

Other than, you know, actually being social with the family and stuff.
1. The Last of Us; Masterful gameplay and story, awesome characters and visceral, addictive multiplayer.
2. Tearaway; MM did it again with a game overflowing with imagination.
3. Resogun; Best side scrolling shooter on any platform this year.
4. Killzone Shadow Fall; Best next gen first person shooter this year.


1. The Last of Us ; One of the few game which made me care about their characters and tied me to them on an emotional level. Really fun cat&mouse gameplay where situation can change in a blink of a second from being the hunter to running for your life. Also outstanding soundtrack.

2. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag ; An unexpected gem in almost ruined series. Best game about pirates since Sid Meyer's latest entry. Weak assassin and modern day plot distracts a bit, but still not enough to spoil a great experience and fun gameplay. May contain traces of booty.

x. Call of Duty: Ghosts ; A solid entry in tired series, yet my FPS of the year once everything is said and done. Captivating and adrenaline filled SP, aging but proven MP formula. It works. Dated engine robbed developers of more opportunities and this game from being in my GOTY list.

x. Grand Theft Auto V ; Its not you, Rockstar, its me. P.S. Fuck you for ruining the online part.
1. The Last of Us ; in terms of story and characterisation, it surpassed everything I've played previously. Combining that with the engaging, sometimes desperate, gameplay and it's one of my games of the generation. Just an amazing accomplishment that really pushes the medium forward in terms of balancing a great narrative with action.

2. Hotline Miami ; once I started playing this I couldn't stop. Heavily addictive ultraviolence with a great soundtrack to accompany the murder spree.

3. Guacamelee ; another surprising indie hit that drew me in. Sometimes delightful, sometimes soul crushingly punishing, never dull.

4. Grand Theft Auto 5 ; Rockstar created an incredibly detailed sandbox to explore in which to create one's own fun. Unfortunately it was let down by a terrible disjointed story, bad writing, contrived characters, restrictive scripted missions and laborious tasks with no pay off. Despite that still spent a ton of time with this game.

5. Bioshock Infinite ; Columbia was a unique world to play in and the combination of Vigors allowed for some really fun gameplay. Saying that the game got a bit repetitive and I was hoping it would finish. The story was convoluted and I never felt any empathy for two main characters. Good game but failed to have the same magic as the original Bioshock.


1. Bioshock Infinite ; Great story and interesting world both presented very well. Definitely a game I won't forget for a while.

2. The Last of Us ; This one really knew how to pull you in. I've never been much for survival horror but shit was this an excellent ride. So many great moments.


Hell yeah.

This might be the first year in a while without any eligible games that I'm playing in late December.

Let's get started.
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