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why did NOA made a deal with gamestop to exclusively sell xenoblade chronicles ?


i mean ,, what the point ?
that deal hurt the sales for that game too much

imagine if that game wasn't gamestop exclusive , would the game sell better ?
now there is exclusive DLC for some stores , and some region have exclusive games

what if make a game exclusive for a store ?


Probably because they were uncertain of its sales potential and GameStop agreed to buy a certain number of copies.

Why does everything Nintendo does need to be questioned lately? Obviously they're kinda stupid sometimes but eh we know this already.
Probably because they shopped it to other retailers to see if they would stock it and the answer from enough stores was "No" that they chose to cut off a few for a more focused target.
They love scalpers



The story that's being told goes something like this: NoA wasn't particularly interested in bringing Xenoblade to the US, but GameStop saw demand for the title and pushed NoA to release the game after all ("pushing" involves shouldering some of the costs in this case).


Because Gamestop helped fund the localization.

It quite possibly wouldn't have come out over here without Gamestop getting involved.


How well were JRPG's doing in NA around this time? Something that gets brought up a lot is saying how risky it would be to localize big JRPG's because JRPGs didn't seem to be doing well in this market around that time. If that was the case though, Nintendo probably did see it as a risk so they limited supplies and made an exclusive GameStop deal.
I never understood why when game publisher make exclusive deals to sell a game somewhere, it's always GameStop. With all the bitching they do about used game I would think they would choose anyone besides GameStop. After the shit they pulled with Xenoblade (making "used" copies) I hope they never get another exclusive.


The story that's being told goes something like this: NoA wasn't particularly interested in bringing Xenoblade to the US, but GameStop saw demand for the title and pushed NoA to release the game after all ("pushing" involves shouldering some of the costs in this case).

So I guess that 3ds port is their way of wriggling out of the exclusivity deal?


GameStop saw the people on the internets hype for the game, so they contacted NoA and made a deal with them.
They probably expected very poor sales (it was one of the most pirated wii games, or something like that which is likely why it wasn't localized right away)so they probably made a deal with GameStop to maximize revenue/minimize costs of publishing the game.
Probably because NOA is kind of dense, and doesn't realize that actually promoting the best JRPG of the entire last generation would cause it to sell. They likely also don't realize how much faith they lose with the hardcore gaming community by purposefully not releasing excellent games.


I may be mistaken, but I seem to recall reading that Gamestop actually made the deal with Nintendo, not the other way around, and may have even had a hand in it coming to America?

But regardless, when you consider that The Last Story and Pandora's Tower were both brought over by XSeed, and the Norse-based game (I forget the name) was never brought over, I think it's pretty obvious NOA had no interest in localizing these JRPG titles. The deal with Gamestop was more likely than not the only way the game would've came over.


Let's just remember that at the time, Xenoblade Chronicles pre-orders were pulling in big numbers on Amazon. Based Rainfall
I never understood why when game publisher make exclusive deals to sell a game somewhere, it's always GameStop. With all the bitching they do about used game I would think they would choose anyone besides GameStop. After the shit they pulled with Xenoblade (making "used" copies) I hope they never get another exclusive.

The selling power of GameStop is 2nd to none thats why.


I feel like people overestimate how many stores would want a Wii JRPG in 2012.

There was only one shipment, right? And it didn't have that many copies. Even still the game was readily available in stores for like ~5 months post-release. Demand for it only started to bubble after the availability eventually dried up.


Stock, as has been said. Same reason only Wal-Mart carried Chibi Robo for the DS. If t
retailers have no interest in ordering, they don't. Same as Phoenix Wright.

Stores don't have unlimited space to put every game.
Nintendo wanted to hedge their bets, and they did it before with Electroplankton, IIRC.

What else did they need to do, other than change region codes?

You're about to get hit with a lot of boring localization talk, prepare yourself.

but the tldr version; a lot


I am not sure 2011 would have made a dramatic difference, either.

Why was it released in Europe. It isn't like it is a vastly different market for JRPGs.

Plus the Wii was really hurting for (decent) software at that point.

If nothing else, store them in the US and distribute them in the US.
Unless you want to have each copy flown over from Europe.

That doesn't fall under the purview of what Localization means. Those are separate concerns.


They love scalpers

The game was available for a good while at the normal price of $50 before the price all of a sudden jumped up to $90. In fact, it worked so well jacking the price up to $90 that they held a sale to move stock at $60 and now the normal price has been $60 for awhile, so this picture isn't even relevant at this point.


I feel like people overestimate how many stores would want a Wii JRPG in 2012.

which is also NoA's fault for not releasing it when NoE released it in Europe.

I am not sure 2011 would have made a dramatic difference, either.

Seriously, while this was early 2012, I was working at Best Buy in 2012 when Tales of the Abyss was released for 3DS, and no stores in our entire district stocked it.

I had to walk over to Gamestop in my Best Buy outfit to buy it. Came back with it and was just like "Yeah, I would've loved to buy it here... If we actually carried it."


Reminds me of Metroid Prime Trilogy. The game practically bombed to the point it only got one shipment that didn't moved and even Sears sold it for under $10, because they had too many unsold copies a year later. It was after that, that people started asking for it, damning Nintendo for not making more...and then Gamestop when they restocked it with white cases.
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