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April 2015 NPD (U.S. Hardware) Predictions - Closes May 12th


I don't think you read that post which was nothing but possible scenarios, and you have provided a scenario which would be HORRIBLE to drop the price at October when the competition will surely drop before that.

Microsoft did that on Nov. 1st. Announcement was in the end of October last year ( 349$ )
As I said, this just isn't done. Announcing a price drop a month early means killing sales for an entire month.

Yeah, we saw that with Xbox1's 77K June last year... best to announce it the day it hits a roll out an ad for it the same day. Like September 1st with the Metal Gear accolades trailer or something like that.


Announcing a price drop for October at E3 is a good way to kill the sales of the upcoming months. Not to mention September is a very important month for Sony with the release of MGSV. Definitely not happening.


No most likely at E3 the price cuts will be announced, but probably won't take effect for a month, if they do it ASAP well, it's better than waiting till October or after Gamescom (they can still announce a price drop there conference or not they are there) so the Xbox One gets a ton of momentum for dropping to $299 first, and that will be building for weeks as people are aware of the price, then the Holidays will come and that $299 may come with free games.

The only problem with this logic is that announcing the drop and then waiting a month will tank sales for that entire month. No one is going to be buying PS4s when the price drop is on the horizon except for the impatient. I expect Microsoft to drop their price the same way they did last year, in November, right as the "post-season" starts. Sony dropping the price so early gives Microsoft plenty of time to react. IMO it would be smart for Sony to keep their cards close to their chest.

Drop it on Halo or something, who cares, but just make sure the time from announcement to actual drop is as short as possible.


Announcing a price drop for October at E3 is a good way to kill the sales of the upcoming months. Not to mention September is a very important month for Sony with the release of MGSV. Definitely not happening.

Except if Sony announce price cut for, a few days after E3, then it's all right. But announce price drop a month ( or months ) earlier. Nope.

My bet is Paris conference. I thought they will have announcement at Gamescom for that month, but there will be no conference @ GS.


Except if Sony announce price cut for, a few days after E3, then it's all right. But announce price drop a month ( or months ) earlier. Nope.

My bet is Paris conference. I thought they will have announcement at Gamescom for that month, but there will be no conference @ GS.
Yep, it would make sense if the price cut is for a few days after E3, but even then, I don't see it happening. It's still too early to do so IMO and doing it during the holiday season could increase sales even more.
Price drops will take place as soon as they are announced, of course.

October is certainly a possibility, for both consoles. You can bet the decision whether or not to have a price drop, and when, have already been made. It's extremely unlikely that one manufacturer will "react" to the other, the logistics of a price drop mean that they have to be planned well in advance.

No one will probably drop ASAP if another announces a drop by surprise.

Why would MS drop to $299 before Sony if they are already cheaper? MS have no reason to drop the price right now, especially with them bundling games right now.

If they know Sony will drop the price or announce it they'll drop it first if they can.

As I said, this just isn't done. Announcing a price drop a month early means killing sales for an entire month.

Yes and that has happened before. So I don't know why you think some form of it won't happen again. Most likely the latest for the price drops to take effect would be July any later and then it'll probably be bad.

Also a chance it's immediate as well, I haven't removed that possibility. Especially if one announces a drop, the other will follow unless there's some issue preventing that.

Microsoft did that on Nov. 1st. Announcement was in the end of October last year ( 349$ )

Microsoft also announced a price drop a month early last year.

Announcing a price drop for October at E3 is a good way to kill the sales of the upcoming months. Not to mention September is a very important month for Sony with the release of MGSV. Definitely not happening.

Nobody has said that anyone is announcing an October price drop at E3.
The only problem with this logic is that announcing the drop and then waiting a month will tank sales for that entire month. No one is going to be buying PS4s when the price drop is on the horizon except for the impatient. I expect Microsoft to drop their price the same way they did last year, in November, right as the "post-season" starts. Sony dropping the price so early gives Microsoft plenty of time to react. IMO it would be smart for Sony to keep their cards close to their chest.

Drop it on Halo or something, who cares, but just make sure the time from announcement to actual drop is as short as possible.

E3 is in the middle of the month, it won't to that much damage. This is why I said July at the "latest" because any further would cause issues.

Earliest is immediately, it all depends on who drops first, there will most likely be a drop at E3, People saying Sony will wait till october, makes no sense, MS will probably have the price dropped in September to prepare for Halo 5. Maybe even before then depending on what games they have planned. That's a big opening. If either drop at E3 the other will follow. No one is going to wait unless nobody drops at E3 or Gamescom.
That was my first question. we are in a loop.


I told you that it's usually immediately a month latest at most, depending on who drops first. If one drops first the other, especially during E3, can capitalize on the hype by dropping as fast as possible after. Too late and the other price drop has barely any impact.

Remember what The Don of mattrick said, $299 guarantees 10 million sales by the end of the year the war is over. I mean look at the $10 million shares at Zynga, the war is over (for Zynga lol.)


That was my first question. we are in a loop.

I think the answer to your question was given in fragments, but it's there :)

Basically, unless you don't give AF (like MS last year who wanted to give a big boost to its sales specifically in June alongside E3, and for this was willing to sacrifice their May sales), you never announce a price drop a month + ahead of time.

What we generally saw in the past is a price drop announced for either a few days/ a week at most away -OR- if tied to a redesign (like for the PS3 Slim @$299) the price drop is made effective on the current design as of the announcement.

So with logic and history in mind, it looks like if MS is going to go for a price drop they will either do it at E3 and effective immediately, or around Gamescom/ right before Halo 5.

As per Sony, it looks like unless sales dive or MS pulls a Wtf move, they might wait until the Paris Expo to get the most benefit from the announcement (close to Holidays, and around the same date as Halo 5 release).

What I do expect to be announced at E3 is bundles. Bundles as far as the eye can see: The Tomb Raider bundle for XB1, probably a Halo 5 one with bigger HDD too, and Battlefront and/ or MGS V for PS4.

The big unknown will be COD and AC Victory Syndicate this year... Wonder if everybody having found dance partners (Crystal Dynaic and their own biggest franchise for MS, EA and Konami for Sony) they won't be left out in the cold...
But I though Phil saved it or something? lol.

Serious question, why did people start giving Phil credit again? I'm not saying he's bad or anything but I noticed a few individuals placing him on a pedestal.



Crazy prediction: PS4 version of MKX will outsold XB1 version 2:1

And no, there's no hats involved this time :p
I am expecting a YoY growth and possibly a 7 million units in the US announcement. Maybe Netflix hours.

Polygon: "Xbox One announced 7 million in the USA today* Sony has yet to announced a number* This shows that Xbox One is catching up worldwide*"

*This fake because Xbox One can't announce sales by itself because inanimate object.

*Sony may announce a letter instead, like the letter Z.

*Only countries that are in the United Nations and also have blue somewhere in their flags.


Yeah I think they just figured it would be a platform advantage regardless and didn't bother to pump it up. A strange thing to do as they could have made another 100K gap.

Sales are usually so slow in April that a 100k gap won't happen unless you are either the Wii or your competitor is dead.

Just last year the gap between the PS4 and Xbox One was only 84k, and that was when the Xbox One was $499.


Or the PS2 ;)

Or that :p

The PS2 did really well in the slower months compared to, besides the Wii, everything else.

However, can the PS4 beat the PS2 this month? PS2 did 196k in its second April, and so far the PS2 has been beating the PS4 in aligned YTD.


Polygon: "Xbox One announced 7 million in the USA today* Sony has yet to announced a number* This shows that Xbox One is catching up worldwide*"

*This fake because Xbox One can't announce sales by itself because inanimate object.

*Sony may announce a letter instead, like the letter Z.

*Only countries that are in the United Nations and also have blue somewhere in their flags.

But I though Phil saved it or something? lol.

Serious question, why did people start giving Phil credit again? I'm not saying he's bad or anything but I noticed a few individuals placing him on a pedestal.

I imagine its a combination of people naively convincing themselves that he wasn't involved in the original planning and wanting to pin all the blame on mattrick so they can believe the "bad men" aren't there anymore. And also believing that he's "one of us" because he says a thousand platitudes on twitter everyday.


Was there a marketing deal? I hadn't heard about one for the game.

It was assumed there was one because of the reveal (in Sony's E3 2014 conference) and the usual "friendliness" between WB Games and Sony, but in effect it appears there has not been one: No PS4 exclusive commercials afaik, no PS4 exclusive DLC announced, nothing "unique" to the PS4 version either (characters/ skins/ costumes/ weapons).
Same thing for Mad Max the game, as it was revealed during a Sony presser, but so far there has been no word about any co-marketing afaik (but do feel free to prove me wrong).


As for TW3, I'm personally more interested in how it'll do console sales split wise. It's a strong PC series and that's where most of it's sales will be, probably more then half I would think. .

That would be very surprising since big games are usually have 85% or more of their sales on console, assuming I'm remembering EA/Ubi financial splits correctly.
I imagine its a combination of people naively convincing themselves that he wasn't involved in the original planning and wanting to pin all the blame on mattrick so they can believe the "bad men" aren't there anymore. And also believing that he's "one of us" because he says a thousand platitudes on twitter everyday.

Don't forget game t-shirts.


Polygon: "Xbox One announced 7 million in the USA today* Sony has yet to announced a number* This shows that Xbox One is catching up worldwide*"

*This fake because Xbox One can't announce sales by itself because inanimate object.

*Sony may announce a letter instead, like the letter Z.

*Only countries that are in the United Nations and also have blue somewhere in their flags.


I stopped visiting Polygon years ago, but it seems like they moved from "news" to comedy. I might have to go back and check it out again.


It was assumed there was one because of the reveal (in Sony's E3 2014 conference) and the usual "friendliness" between WB Games and Sony, but in effect it appears there has not been one: No PS4 exclusive commercials afaik, no PS4 exclusive DLC announced, nothing "unique" to the PS4 version either.
Same thing for Mad Max the game, as it was revealed during a Sony presser, but so far there has been no word about any co-marketing afaik (but do feel free to prove me wrong).

Okay. Herman Cain said there was a marketing deal. That's a bit different then an assumption. I asked for a source, I'm curious to see what he says.


Okay. Herman Cain said there was a marketing deal. That's a bit different then an assumption. I asked for a source, I'm curious to see what he says.

By just reading thru the last few days of comments from him, not much has appeared to be "factual", more of propaganda/opinion.

I would say it is safe to assume this is another of those comments.

Which is getting close to the area of being a bannable offense.
Where's your source for this?

Turns out this was what I was thinking of and it was unofficial:

It was assumed there was one because of the reveal (in Sony's E3 2014 conference) and the usual "friendliness" between WB Games and Sony, but in effect it appears there has not been one: No PS4 exclusive commercials afaik, no PS4 exclusive DLC announced, nothing "unique" to the PS4 version either (characters/ skins/ costumes/ weapons).
Same thing for Mad Max the game, as it was revealed during a Sony presser, but so far there has been no word about any co-marketing afaik (but do feel free to prove me wrong).
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