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Are we too easily offended these days?

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I've Trump talk about us being too politically correct. I've heard that comedians avoid college campuses because the stadents get way too offended. Internet outrage happens weekly. Are we just too thin skinned these days?
Sigh. Is already time for our monthly "we're too PC" thread?

To answer your question, no we are not too easily offended these days. People are just as offendable as they always have been. What you are witnessing OP is those people now having the ability to be more vocal about it.


No. Sometimes young people who are just becoming aware of left wing politics go a little overboard but more often than not the people complaining about how we're "too PC these days" are reactionaries who want to continue to say offensive things without consequences.


Depends, is it being said to justify being an ass? Even if something might not hurt you, doesn't mean it doesn't hurt someone else.
The connectedness of the internet makes it harder to avoid the people that are too sensitive. It's not that everyone is sensitive now, it's that there's always one person in the group that takes something too seriously, and when one of them goes off on something, they spread the word and rally their community in to pile on.


Banstick Emeritus
People used to be able to say froggy shit without being called out on it.
Now, people who say froggy shit get called out on it and don't know how to deal with it.
Sucks for them!


Yep, we're just a bunch of whiny babies now. You tell a broad to stay in her lane and keep focus on the housekeeping and all of a sudden she goes on a rain about "misogyny" or some shit. You tell the negroes that if they just don't do anything then the police won't hurt them, but then they pull some "police brutality" shit out of their ass.

I just miss the good old days where a man could say what was on his mind and everyone would just deal with it. But everything changed when the Outrage Nation attacked.
Really depends, but sometimes people are assholes, and there's no reason why we should put up with it. People accusing others of being too easily offended or "soft" are just upset not everyone is gonna put up with their bull shit.


( ≖‿≖)
There's a difference between people not being able to be hyper offensive anymore and schools cancelling speakers because vocal groups don't want them to speak.

Not sure if the latter problem is more common now than in the past, but people make it sound like it is, so if that's true then it's not a good thing.


It's probably not wholly indicative of American tertiary institutions but this piece done by the Atlantic does seem to suggest that yeah, in this particular context in some cases there is some harm done due to some people being 'too easily offended' as you put it. Although like ZiZ said, I think it may be more how people react and deal with it rather than just being offended.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Sigh. Is already time for our monthly "we're too PC" thread?

To answer your question, no we are not too easily offended these days. People are just as offendable as they always have been. What you are witnessing OP is those people now having the ability to be more vocal about it.

Hip Hop

Yes, people are more easily offended.

The internet and social media opened the door for such thing to grow.
I don't think think this generation is more offended than previous generations in the past (I mean, maybe, but that's hard to really confirm in any meaningful way), but before, because social connection wasn't as easy, if one felt offended about something, maybe they felt they wouldn't have had a group of support so they stayed more quiet, or were less assertive. Nowadays it's very easy to find at least a good chunk of like minded people that will agree with your stance, and because of social connectivity like the internet, people feel more confident voicing their opinion.

I feel like when someone thinks like you are OP, they are misinterpreting their/your feelings. I don't think it is necessarily a problem with having a person being offended. To me, the problem is more of the absolutist type attitudes about everything regarding strong opinions. Nobody wants to be wrong, and nobody wants to be convinced otherwise. Worst, if you disagree with a stance, or even just certain points of a stance, you are often labeled as the most extreme opposing side, even if you have a fairly moderate or neutral take. You can't remain neutral, or wait things out/be patient. You can't agree with the larger issue but disagree with the smaller points that swing way from the majority. That's the most insulting, biggest problem going on right now, in terms of discussion, in my opinion.
Sigh. Is already time for our monthly "we're too PC" thread?

To answer your question, no we are not too easily offended these days. People are just as offendable as they always have been. What you are witnessing OP is those people now having the ability to be more vocal about it.

Sure, that's true to a degree.

However that doesn't negate the continuing trend of people going out of their way to be offended for the sake of other people because three trigger words are in the same sentence.

See the Matt Damon thread where he made a comment about how hollywood reacts to people who come out of the closet and the OP saw like three words in a string and jumped to the conclusion Damon was saying gay people should keep it to themselves or something, even though he was clearly not saying or implying that.
I don't know what the basis is for comparison, I don't know how offended people were back in the day. There are always some people who get offended over the tiniest shit or misinterpret intentions or meaning.
absolutely 100% no doubt in my mind whatsoever. I honestly believe people just look for reasons to be "offended" sometimes too. People need thicker skin

However I now see mods have swarmed in so that is all I shall say, I'm watching you bish.
People used to be able to say froggy shit without being called out on it.
Now, people who say froggy shit get called out on it and don't know how to deal with it.
Sucks for them!

This. Casual racism isn't brushed aside like it used to be, neither are misogynistic attitudes and remarks as well as lots of other shit. Basically people didn't want to say anything but now they are realizing they don't have to be quiet anymore because it's OK to be vocal about being shown respect

I'll never understand how people can accuse others of being "easily offended " or tell them to "grow thicker skin". Who the fuck is anyone else to tell me if I should be offended or not?
ITT: we act as if all offense is reasonable, justifiable, and proportional.

If only we lived in such a black and white world.
People are all pent up because before the internet there was no way to call out racist news reports, sexist movies, homophobic song lyrics, etc. Shit was frustrating.


On the internet, you can't guarantee you're in a perfect little bubble of people that share your qualities and ideologies. This can spell bad times to diet bigots.

Having the things you say more frequently challenged is not necessarily a bad thing, but some "thin-skinned" people can't handle its increasing prevalence and claim the world's become too PC to handle their infallible wisdom.
Really depends, but sometimes people are assholes, and there's no reason why we should put up with it. People accusing others of being too easily offended or "soft" are just upset not everyone is gonna put up with their bull shit.
This is also true, while I do feel people have become too pc, there are some people that come across as straight up douches, normally I just don't talk to them though.

Nobody does this.

I was exaggerating.
kind of

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
There's a difference between people not being able to be hyper offensive anymore and schools cancelling speakers because vocal groups don't want them to speak.

Not sure if the latter problem is more common now than in the past, but people make it sound like it is, so if that's true then it's not a good thing.

In the last thread there were some stats posted showing that the protest rates against commencement speakers have skyrocketed. I'm of two minds about that, and I'd really like to see how the numbers compare to say, guest lecturers, because a commencement speaker isn't the same thing. A commencement speaker is sort of supposed to represent your graduating class and I can totally see how if you're, say, Muslim, you might really not want Richard Dawkins speaking for you
Essentially, people are way too sensitive on the internet. It's weird something about nonverbal communication through keyboards makes us quick to anger and spout all kinds of vitriol.

Well not everyone but an examination of social media platforms like twitter, tumblr and YouTube comments shows people get way too easily offeneded
Sure, that's true to a degree.

However that doesn't negate the continuing trend of people going out of their way to be offended for the sake of other people because three trigger words are in the same sentence.

See the Matt Damon thread where he made a comment about how hollywood reacts to people who come out of the closet and the OP saw like three words in a string and jumped to the conclusion Damon was saying gay people should keep it to themselves or something, even though he was clearly not saying or implying that.

I didn't go into that thread so link? As for the bolded basically what you're saying is that for example if I'm not gay I shouldn't care about gay rights or since i'm not a woman I shouldn't care about women's rights? Sorry I'm not a fan of that "fuck you I got mine" attitude.


Nuance and context are things that go above the heads of a sizable, % of the population, regardless of ideology.
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