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Are your personal tastes misunderstood or frowned upon?


I attend furry conventions, you tell me.

This. I don't have any proof but I'm convinced some of my friends have stopped talking to me because I have a furry avatar on Discord and Steam, despite the fact that they are super into anime and shouldn't throw stones. God knows how they'll react when they find out I'm trans.

I only recently had to tell my mother that I'd be going to a furry convention at the end of the month and my family members give me shit for it. My twin sister doesn't like the dog being near me. I think that says everything, tbh.

Also, depending on the person viewing me, being 'too left-wing'. I can't talk politics around my IRL friends and my internet friends call me their 'social justice friend'. I get bothered by 'triggered' jokes etc and even my super pro-LGBT+ mixed race sisters call me out on it.

I also hate a lot of modern pop music and people look down on me for that. But I also get teased for being super into Junior Senior. I can't win.


I never go to the theater to watch a comedy and they dont't make me laugh 99% of times. I have a lot of issues with social comedies because i feel they are made to let alot of people relate to them in one way or another, buti cannnortt relate to them no matter how hard i try.

I am ok with the idea people will not feel the same way, but what is harder to get used to is that it tends to piss some people off.

Another example of unpopular preferencei have is considering episode 3 as the best Star Wars movie ever made.

I don't get people getting upset at you for not liking comedies, unless you're totally condescending about it, but your opinion on Star Wars is clearly wrong.



Lol yeah I'm bummed that anime still gets a bad rap sometimes

Like, watch Jojo or Steins;Gate and tell me it's not a storytelling medium worth looking into

Also most any good anime annihilates stuff like Walking Dead or the other long-form shows that drag on and on and oooooon


Furry- Obvious

3D Sonic- Obvious

The idea that the critical consensus for film does have value- I feel like people who go "I don't listen to critics because I make up my OWN opinions" are A.) Lying on that last part, as no one makes opinions in a vacuum, and B.) Tend to like a lot of middle-of-the-road if not shit films and are compensating too hard for it. Not to say I don't diverge from critics myself (Y'all are lying about Blade Runner) or that I don't enjoy a good braindead blockbuster- emphasis on good- but at the same time, I'm more likely to take stock in someone's film opinions if they don't stan for the Transformers franchise (sorry duckroll).

Anime- Obvious, although in my personal case, I myself avoid most of it anyway because I either can't stand the fan service, or just that annoying-ass, light novel, big-eyed I'm so kawaii uguu desu ne!! "I'm a cute dancing idol!" bullshit that's popular now. I trend towards generic old-school Toonami staples sans Tenchi Muyo, action and sports shows like OPM or Hajime no Ippo, or in general anime that was made in the 80s-early 2000s when humans looked more like humans.


Lol yeah I'm bummed that anime still gets a bad rap sometimes

Like, watch Jojo or Steins;Gate and tell me it's not a storytelling medium worth looking into

It's totally understandable why anime gets a bad rap.

That said, I'm super careful about who I tell I like anime.
I enjoy watching disgusting Youtube videos. Feels like my girlfriend and I against the world. Also, if I ever mentioned YTP's like in my avatar people would probably look at me weird.


I can't stand this superhero movie craze. They just release the same shitty movie over and over and over again.

THIS! Pretty much every Marvel and DC movie released are just over-manufactured pieces of corporate culture.

They are pretty damn entertaining though.
I love watching cringe youtube videos way more than my friends. I die of laughter and cringing at shit like the guy going to order fast food with the shadow the hedgehog doll. How much of a man child can you be.

That shit is my life force.


Sonic Adventure 2 is still the 2nd-best game ever made in my eyes, so yeah.

Edit: the problem with superhero movies is that so many of them are stuck on being origin stories, and i feel like that comes from a need to establish verisimilitude by starting with a non-super world and making it comic book world. This comes, in my mind, from a deep-seated shame at the source material.

This is actually something i feel like the DC movies are doing right: they're not afraid to just throw bits and pieces of lore around willy-nilly, while in Marvel everything must be introduced and expounded upon procedurally, so the latter Marvel movies work because you have already established a meaty world, but the early solo movies all feel like painful retreads of each other.


I really like Batman v Superman the Ultimate Edition. I consider myself to be a big fan of Zack Snyder as well.
Yeah, same here.

There's also my love for anime and now i have a fascination with kpop and hip hop choreographies that most of my friends don't seem to understand. It kinda sucks since I really want to talk about it but I can't.

Idk. People are into different things and I try not to make people feel like shit about their opinions on entertainment.


Yeah, pineapple on pizza. Or better yet - pineapple and blue cheese
Or you could replace pineapple with apple

Other than that, I really, really like accounting. I do it for fun for few associations. It's not my profession, but my hobby.


I mean. I'm 25 and I like anime and manga, videogames and I post on GAF

My circle of friends and family don't mind but as a whole it's still kinda frowned upon by society. At least where I live.
I give oil massages = creepy pervert
I own horses = weird
I watch Twitch streams every day = y u watch videogames played by kids who don't have a 'real' job instead of playing them yourself?!


Bish loves my games!
U2 is my favourite band and i like country music, you tell me. :D

But i have such a varied taste in music so i like everything in between melodic death metal to house music while also pop music.

I think Joshua Tree is one of the greatest rock albums of all time. There I said it.
When it comes to GAF? Sure. I would consider myself to be an outlier on a lot of stuff here. But in terms of normal average American society, I'm typical as shit.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
People always make complicated nerd/geek assumptions about you when they find out you have more than 2 game consoles in the house. They're always wrong. I fuck on the reg and I'm cooler than your mom.
I dislike the act of watching TV and movies. I enjoy seeing good acting. I enjoy knowing what happened. I enjoy the memory of tv and movies. And yet, I just do not enjoy watching TV or movies; I'd much rather play a game or read a book.

It really bothers my wife at times because she has a real passion for quirky TV shows and wants me to take part in it.

This. I don't have any proof but I'm convinced some of my friends have stopped talking to me because I have a furry avatar on Discord and Steam, despite the fact that they are super into anime and shouldn't throw stones. God knows how they'll react when they find out I'm trans.

I only recently had to tell my mother that I'd be going to a furry convention at the end of the month and my family members give me shit for it. My twin sister doesn't like the dog being near me. I think that says everything, tbh.

Also, depending on the person viewing me, being 'too left-wing'. I can't talk politics around my IRL friends and my internet friends call me their 'social justice friend'. I get bothered by 'triggered' jokes etc and even my super pro-LGBT+ mixed race sisters call me out on it.

I also hate a lot of modern pop music and people look down on me for that. But I also get teased for being super into Junior Senior. I can't win.
That sounds really tough.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah. I've come to realise I have pretty terrible taste in stuff, especially music. When I tell people I can't stand Queen, they give me a look.
I guess I'm the same as you. I haven't really enjoyed a comedic movie in years. A bit here or there will make me laugh but as a whole, I just get bored. The writing in most comedic movies is just too lazy compared to a lot of TV shows.

And I can't watch most anime. Melodrama just kills my interest immediately and there's often so much exposition into every action and every emotion. They can't just leave something a little vague or subtle and they can't just let something happen. It has to be explained and it has to be emphasized.

It's weird because when we see western films or shows with the same level of over-acting, we say it's corny, but people dismiss it with anime. I don't know if it's because of the change in medium that makes people stop caring but it bothers me all the same.


I like burnt bread and dry chicken.

I'd refuse to eat chicken that most people would enjoy because I think anything but dry is undercooked.

Costa Kid

I had the same problem. I hate movies like deadpool. I don't hate all comedies but I certainly hate a lot of them. I'm not a dry person, I laugh at a lot of things but the comedy in some movies, I feel, is just trash. Some people think it's weird and others think you're trying to be pretentious in some way. That's what happens when you deviate from the norm.


I loved ketchup for the longest time. One day I had something that had mustard and relish on it and it dawned on me that I was doing it wrong my whole life. Now I refuse to put ketchup on anything.


I get it, I just don't enjoy the genre. I've consumed so much media that I know what I like and what I don't. I mentioned this recently on GAF, but t's kinda like how I never got the whole "zombie" craze, so against my better judgment, gave it a chance....and hated every minute of it, and it confirmed what I hate about it: the 'theme' of zombies is just boring to me. I watched I think 4 seasons TWD, I played CoD Zombies, hell I even played PvZ. Still some of the most yawn-inducing subject matter -to me-.

I always equate things like that to someone for instance adamantly telling you they don't like dogs. You wouldn't respond by shoving a dog in their face to show them how great dogs can be....you'd kinda just be like "alright, cool - to each his own" lol.
TWD is shit, CoD Zomvie Mode has little to do with Zombie genre and I'm not even gonna comment on PvZ as an example of "you tried". Maybe you should just try an actual good piece a chance.


Apart from the obvious one: anime/manga, Kpop, musical movies and Disney/animated movies.

That said, it's amazing when you do find someone who likes it. Surreal, actually.
I had the same problem. I hate movies like deadpool. I don't hate all comedies but I certainly hate a lot of them. I'm not a dry person, I laugh at a lot of things but the comedy in some movies, I feel, is just trash. Some people think it's weird and others think you're trying to be pretentious in some way. That's what happens when you deviate from the norm.

I mean yeah, most comedies are garbage. Most of anything produced in any medium is garbage.

Not enjoying comedy at all is what I find strange here.


Sometimes I get judged for liking videogames.

Hopefully no one finds out my porn preferences.

I mentioned furry conventions to my mom and she said that people only go to those things to have sex.That one CSI episode created quite a misunderstanding :/

DeviantArt hasn't helped y'all's public perception either.


Ive never been able to tell any woman ive been with how much I dislike dogs/cats/ pets in general. Its seen as a dealbreaker, especially early on.

My taste in music is also admittedly trash. I love Linkin Park, Avenged Sevenfold and Papa Roach unironically.

I have the best of Hoobastank and Puddle Of Mudd on my phone and listen to them often.
I like wrestling and some anime. Not much really.


Ive never been able to tell any woman ive been with how much I dislike dogs/cats/ pets in general. Its seen as a dealbreaker, especially early on.

My taste in music is also admittedly trash. I love Linkin Park, Avenged Sevenfold and Papa Roach unironically.

I have the best of Hoobastank and Puddle Of Mudd on my phone and listen to them often.

Jesus Christ. You are quite the package.
Ive never been able to tell any woman ive been with how much I dislike dogs/cats/ pets in general. Its seen as a dealbreaker, especially early on.

My taste in music is also admittedly trash. I love Linkin Park, Avenged Sevenfold and Papa Roach unironically.

I have the best of Hoobastank and Puddle Of Mudd on my phone and listen to them often.

I'm more shocked that Hoobastank and Puddle Of Mudd have "Best-Of" albums than anything else in this post.


Apart from the obvious one: anime/manga, Kpop, musical movies and Disney/animated movies.

That said, it's amazing when you do find someone who likes it. Surreal, actually.

What? How can anyone think liking Disney movies is weird? Everyone I know loves Disney movies.
When people bring up being into video games I play dumb until I determine just how nerdy they are. I feel I'm in way too deep even for the majority of gamers.

Ive never been able to tell any woman ive been with how much I dislike dogs/cats/ pets in general. Its seen as a dealbreaker, especially early on.

My taste in music is also admittedly trash. I love Linkin Park, Avenged Sevenfold and Papa Roach unironically.

I have the best of Hoobastank and Puddle Of Mudd on my phone and listen to them often.
While nothing will cure bad taste, just tell people you're deathly allergic to animal hair. Start coughing uncontrollably and gasping as soon as you get near an animal and people will shut up about it.
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