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Besty Devos splits Senate with 50/50 vote, VP Pence confirms nomation

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I'm always amazed at how much resistance there is to intellectualism in this country. So many people in this country really truly hate people who are well educated. Where does that even come from?

Some of the worst policies pushed through our nations government were dreamed up by Ivy League staffed thinktanks. Education isn't a guarantee of everything.

If you really think education is the key to defending democracy, you should be a dyed-in-the-wool socialist with a strong committment to a massive public education expansion, more radical than what Bernie proposed.

Hillary touted the support of "real billionaires" like Warren Buffet (a trailer park slumlord) and Mark Cuban (a reality gameshow star, much like our current President) instead of focusing on the disadvantaged.
People need to remember all of this during the midterms.

Frankly, even with midterms in mind, I can't shake the feeling that dems will drop the ball in 2018.

I want to remain hopeful but our losses are completely overshadowing our gains. Its all fucked up.


"Not that I'm defending Devos but hey public education sucks maybe we need a shake up"

Too much of my FB feed at the moment.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
We should just implement a caste system at this point.
Some of the worst policies pushed through our nations government were dreamed up by Ivy League staffed thinktanks. Education isn't a guarantee of everything.

If you really think education is the key to defending democracy, you should be a dyed-in-the-wool socialist with a strong committment to a massive public education expansion, more radical than what Bernie proposed.

And the vast majority of the best legislation was also pushed through by the same kind of people. What's your point exactly?


Some of the worst policies pushed through our nations government were dreamed up by Ivy League staffed thinktanks. Education isn't a guarantee of everything.

If you really think education is the key to defending democracy, you should be a dyed-in-the-wool socialist with a strong committment to a massive public education expansion, more radical than what Bernie proposed.

Hillary touted the support of "real billionaires" like Warren Buffet (a trailer park slumlord) and Mark Cuban (a reality gameshow star, much like our current President) instead of focusing on the disadvantaged.

Jeeves will spend the next 4 years defending his vote for Trump by blaming HRC.


I'm not well-versed in this subject, but it seems like charter schools are essentially a way for rich people to not have their kids go to school with low-income kids/minorities. Am I wrong in this assessment?


Some of the worst policies pushed through our nations government were dreamed up by Ivy League staffed thinktanks. Education isn't a guarantee of everything.

If you really think education is the key to defending democracy, you should be a dyed-in-the-wool socialist with a strong committment to a massive public education expansion, more radical than what Bernie proposed.

Hillary touted the support of "real billionaires" like Warren Buffet (a trailer park slumlord) and Mark Cuban (a reality gameshow star, much like our current President) instead of focusing on the disadvantaged.
Which had nothing to do with the vote today, at all.
I'll give props to whoever the two Republicans were, but I'm shocked not one other had the balls to do what is right.

They don't deserve any props, if they actually wanted to stop her they would have not passed the vote on to the full senate. They had the power to actually do something about it.

They only publically came out with their no votes in order to maintain their moderate appeal for re-election. If the confirmation was ever in any real danger they wouldn't have said anything about the vote and proceeded to confirm her.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Some of the worst policies pushed through our nations government were dreamed up by Ivy League staffed thinktanks. Education isn't a guarantee of everything.

If you really think education is the key to defending democracy, you should be a dyed-in-the-wool socialist with a strong committment to a massive public education expansion, more radical than what Bernie proposed.

Hillary touted the support of "real billionaires" like Warren Buffet (a trailer park slumlord) and Mark Cuban (a reality gameshow star, much like our current President) instead of focusing on the disadvantaged.

Yeah and so were the best policies and laws. What's your point?


I'm not well-versed in this subject, but it seems like charter schools are essentially a way for rich people to not have their kids go to school with low-income kids/minorities. Am I wrong in this assessment?

I think that's incorrect. Rich kids go to different private schools regardless. Charter schools are privately owned, but are intended to replace public schools entirely. It's basically like turning over public schools to be run by a private corporation.


I'm not well-versed in this subject, but it seems like charter schools are essentially a way for rich people to not have their kids go to school with low-income kids/minorities. Am I wrong in this assessment?

Its a good way to suck up money from the public school system, leave it in shambles while having world class education for their kids for free. I'm living it right now in NOLA. $900 a month for my kid to go to private school instead.


I think that's incorrect. Rich kids go to different private schools regardless. Charter schools are privately owned, but are intended to replace public schools entirely. It's basically like turning over public schools to be run by a private corporation.

Ohh I see. It's a way for Betsy and others to get richer.

I know I can google this, but what's this about vouchers?
If there's one things families with economic anxiety needs, it's a person who only cares about rich kids in charge of all education (THE thing that gives lower income families the chance to climb up the ladder).

GG guys

Have lots of fun with that..

It gets even better!


On the same day the Senate confirmed President Trump's secretary of Education pick by a historically narrow margin, a House Republican introduced legislation to abolish the entire department Betsy DeVos will lead.

Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie's bill is only a page long, after merely stating the Department of Education would terminate on Dec. 31, 2018.

Massie believes that policymakers at the state and local levels should be responsible for education policy, instead of a federal agency that's been in place since 1980.

Hey - maybe the silver lining we need? Betsy won't be around long anyway?

/nervous chuckle


Ohh I see. It's a way for Betsy and others to get richer.

I know I can google this, but what's this about vouchers?

Vouchers is the main thing Republicans talk about when talking about "school choice". Kids who can't aford private schools could get a voucher to atend one, or something like that. It sounds nice, and would probably help a few disadvantaged kids in bad school districts, but it's still a scheme to get public money into private hands. Though I think bypassing seperation of church in state is also a primary motivator. Lots of private religious schools out there.
Ohh I see. It's a way for Betsy and others to get richer.

I know I can google this, but what's this about vouchers?

Ends the Teachers Union, ends the teaching of evolution, ends the teaching of sex ed, get black kids out of white kids classrooms. Ad prayer.


Frankly, even with midterms in mind, I can't shake the feeling that dems will drop the ball in 2018.

I want to remain hopeful but our losses are completely overshadowing our gains. Its all fucked up.

They absolutely cannot drop the ball in 2018. We as people, fuck politics here, all of us, need Dems to control the Legislative branch. We need that protection before 2020 because i'm not putting it past Trump to start a war within the next few months, maybe two wars because he goes big league, and then try to pull a coup and suspend elections in 2020 to hold onto power. If people do not want to see how really nasty this can get then they better get their asses out in 2018 and moderates better wake the fuck up.


They didn't do enough to get the last vote. They didn't fight. Only Warren did. It's a fucking embarrassment.

The GOP was going to confirm Devos no matter what. The two GOP senators that voted no only did so because they got the clear once the other 50 votes were locked up. Literally nothing would have swung one single GOP senator to turn this.

This is what they want, and have wanted, and have been working toward. Nothing Dems do will stop it.



This gif is fantastic

Hari Seldon

What there is to be gained from closing DoE?

School districts with competent administrators don't have to put up with stupid one-size-fits-all standards. If you want your school district to be modeled after Finland and not be forced to teach reading to kindergartners, then you can.
Yup. An incompetent moron who wants public schools to burn is exactly what the GOP wants.

Look how much people spend on college educations. Imagine how much money there is to be made privatizing K-12! Fucking monsters.

There's money to be made squeezing upper middle class people, i.e. the top quintile, but no one else has spare money to spend on education. I guess they're the next target for the rich to beggar.


Wow, OK, we get it, you guys are mad the President was black

Sheesh loud and clear OK OK jesus

You're racist, cool, got it

White power before the country's best interests, right! OK! OK! OK! I hear ya

Right, I know he was black
The GOP was going to confirm Devos no matter what. The two GOP senators that voted no only did so because they got the clear once the other 50 votes were locked up. Literally nothing would have swung one single GOP senator to turn this.

This is what they want, and have wanted, and have been working toward. Nothing Dems do will stop it.


It was all a set up since 2 senators announced they were voting against. If it was a real 'breaking the line', they wouldn't announce it.


If I do have kids at all over the next decade I'm strongly considering moving to Canada or somewhere else. Just so they can live in a sane fucking environment.

Ehh, I dunno. Maybe California will push back hard. Not holding my breath.
Let's just get rid of the federal government and let state governments have full control. If Russia invades we can gather all the militias together with their hunting rifles and defend our country like our founders intended.
She is really inspirational to students. All you need to succeed in this country is to come from an extremely wealthy family that donates heavily to politicians for decades.


Wow, OK, we get it, you guys are mad the President was black

Sheesh loud and clear OK OK jesus

You're racist, cool, got it

White power before the country's best interests, right! OK! OK! OK! I hear ya

Right, I know he was black



She is really inspirational to students. All you need to succeed in this country is to come from an extremely wealthy family that donates heavily to politicians for decades.

money buys everything. something we should all strive for.


Wow, OK, we get it, you guys are mad the President was black

Sheesh loud and clear OK OK jesus

You're racist, cool, got it

White power before the country's best interests, right! OK! OK! OK! I hear ya

Right, I know he was black
He is still black!


School districts with competent administrators don't have to put up with stupid one-size-fits-all standards. If you want your school district to be modeled after Finland and not be forced to teach reading to kindergartners, then you can.

But would not-so-well-off districts end getting just worse without DoE having their back? I know some about how education system in US loves to do standardized testing which directly moves budgets of districts up and down, but unclear about overall role and tasks of DoE in it.

Also is Finnish education system something people want to use in US? o_O
This is exactly why I expect nothing from Republicans goong forward. They are all nazi pieces of shit in my eyes, couldn't even spare one more person. Fuck everything.

Pretty much, they're all fucking scum. Not a hint of decency, truth or empathy on their empty souless shells. Not a care for the truth, the world and the future.
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