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Bioware ends SP patches and content for ME Andromeda, multiplayer will continue


It is surreal how an AAA franchise got pissed away in such a fashion.

Sega couldn't have fucked it any better.
I honestly thought it'd be longer until I saw something with a worse approach in terms of what could've been and continuing post release efforts than even Might and Magic X. What a foolish and short sighted decision.

The thread has been lost, utterly and to an extreme that is unreal after just a few titles in the series.


And this was my most anticipated game of the year, while ignoring all the red flags, like the weird as fuck late marketing and no proper e3 presentation.

And I fucking buyed the digital deluxe edition.

Still love you BioWare, DA4 will be amazing, Anthem I'm not sure.


ME was always pretty generic sci-fi without Shepherd tying them all together. Can't be that surprised that the name's value didn't have much value post-ME3, and we're not losing much if "ME" is now dead


This was my most anticipated game this gen. I just don't get how a developer/publisher can knowingly butcher a game and then get all pissy when it doesn't sell, and essentially end the series because of their own bone-headed mistakes.
This is pretty much an admission that the game was a failure in every conceivable way.

Maybe they can open the book on Mass Effect again 5 or 10 years from now and pretend Andromeda never happened.


Nork unification denier
I feel like the only person who liked this game. And I played it before all of the patches that seem to have directly addressed a lot of the issues people had. Oh well.

I liked it too and I played before the patches. Really wanted to see more SP DLC and games in this series as well. Very sad this is the way EA chose to end it.
Andromeda have cliffhanger ending? Crap, I just bought it a few days ago because of that Andromeda is not that bad thread.

Is it the bad kind of cliffhanger where you have no conclusion at all, or is it more like ME1 where you have impendin threat coming but it still have its own satisfying conclusion?


They should have pushed Andromeda back a year or so and released a Remastered version of the original trilogy in it's place with a reworked ending included. That would have not only gave them more time to polish Andromeda and improve it, but it also would have opened doors for Post ME3 game's in the future that take place in the Milky Way galaxy.

EA's stuborness and Bioware's mismanagement lead to this and both parties deserve the blame for literally killing the best Science Fiction videogame IP since Halo.
Now the only way to fix and bring back the Mass Effect franchise is making the Indoctrination Theory true and bringing Sheppard back for Mass Effect 4. MEA was all a dream.
I hate the theory but it might be the only way to continue in the Milky Way after 3 where you can ignore the endings(specifically synthesis)


Andromeda have cliffhanger ending? Crap, I just bought it a few days ago because of that Andromeda is not that bad thread.

Is it the bad kind of cliffhanger where you have no conclusion at all, or is it more like ME1 where you have impendin threat coming but it still have its own satisfying conclusion?

It definitely does not have "a cliffhanger ending". It does leave a few hanging threads unresolved (probably intended for single player DLC), along with some big picture items representing groundwork for sequels (intended for sequels which will now never happen). But it's definitely not your classic cliffhanger.


Unreal to think that ME:A will not get any major SP DLC, especially considering that the series arguably had some of the best DLC last gen.
It's a real shame because despite the rough edges the game is still pretty damn solid in my opinion.

I'm sure the franchise will come back some day but it's obviously going to be a while.
Weird that they're still going to do N7 Day. I guess maybe it makes sense for this year, but there can't be much point continuing the tradition after this. "Hey, remember that franchise we killed?"


I'm...not really surprised. EA is holding the purse here. They know it didn't sell, so they're not going to invest dollars in a failure to fix the problems that helped make it a failure (even though that's not all of the problems).

Remaster 1, port 2 and polish up 3 to make it more like 2 and re-release them. That's really the only avenue the series has at this point to stay relevant, IMO.
I'm surprised people are upset. When it came out, people were making stupid memes and youtube videos about the various bugs. The game was still being ridiculed months after release even after several bugs were fixed. Now people mad that there'll be no single play DLC lol. Vote with your wallet and this is what you'll get.
So what am I waiting a decade for the next one, when the demand builds up and some new team "who played the games and always wanted to make yada yada" comes up?

Shit, give it to Obsidian they would make a damn good Mass Effect or if history is to be followed will make a damn good one but run out of time and be forced to give a rushed ending to an impatient publisher.

I really, really don't want to wait that damn long for a new installment but I'm not the market and it's beyond me so back to waiting forever.


The game has been on sale nearly constantly for $30 on PSN for the past few months. Trying to squeeze out those last few dollars.


If there was anything that could have saved MEA and the franchise that would be a good DLC like Trespasser or Lair of the Shadow Broker.

How MEA was presented was entirely modern Bioware's fault. Why we do not get a closure DLC is on EA.

Still, it does not hurt to say eff off EA/Bioware.


And this was my most anticipated game of the year, while ignoring all the red flags, like the weird as fuck late marketing and no proper e3 presentation.

And I fucking buyed the digital deluxe edition.

Still love you BioWare, DA4 will be amazing, Anthem I'm not sure.

I have a feeling that Anthem will be good, just not BioWare good. That is, the gameplay hook will probably be really solid, but it'll be stripped of anything else that makes it feel like a BioWare game - namely, conversation trees, interesting ally characters, or a story that people care about.

Andromeda was still, ok, just not what I or many others wanted from the series. At the very least they never should have left the Milky Way Galaxy. I realize that BioWare's whole ethos is in allowing player made stories that they won't step on the toes of, but they could have solved themselves a lot of grief by picking one ending from ME3 and going with it. Were it me, I'd have gone the destroy ending with the shot of Shepard breathing.

Pretend that other shit didn't happen, and that the relays weren't down for long, then move forward with the series, and Shepard, trying to rebuild the pieces of the Galaxy while a new threat they didn't anticipate emerged.

To make it even worse, if they do continue the franchise, they probably will go back to the Milky Way, but they'll separate it from Shepard's story as much as possible. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but there were a lot of genuine mysteries they raised within Andromeda's narrative that are now completely shut off. And that's a damn shame.

Whatever they do, I hope they learn from their mistakes and move forward with returning the series back to its rightful place. If they really want to generate some good, will, too... break through EA's lack of interest in remasters and remaster the trilogy with all of the DLC included. I'd love to play them again with slightly improved graphics.


How Is the multi-player for this?

Is it solid enough to make it worth the purchase on its own?

Yes, especially if you can get it for $20-30. It can get repetitive, but there are a lot of different power setups to tinker with. It's gotten decent post-launch support too.


^^ I loved Andromeda. I am one of the few. Though it did in arguably have it's issues, not being set in the Milky Way was the absolute LEAST if it's problems, and I can't fathom how/why this assertion continues to be made.


Bring back Vanderloo to model Shepard Prime looking boss as fuck.
For someone who has yet to purchase Andromeda but was a huge fan of the first game this news just confirms I should wait until this game is dirt cheap.

lol MP patches, who cares

How do you fuck up a franchise like Mass Effect to this degree? Oh wait it is Bioware. Remember Dragon Age? Same deal.

Seriously, try ME: Andromeda. You can pick it up for $20 now (according to GAF) and it is a good game. A lot of the hate for the game on GAF is extremely unfair and I think you may actually like the game if you give it a try. Here is what is good:

1) The story. They did a good job on the main story and it was fun. I liked the story a lot and it was better than ME 3's story. It was comparable to ME 1's story.
2) The conversations gameplay. This game has a lot more conversations that ME 3 and it may even have more than ME 2.
3) The FPS game play is fun.
4) Some of the side quests are good. Usually, the ones which have actual story tied to them are good.
5) The art style is good.

Here is what is pretty good:
A) The technical quality of the graphics is OK. They aren't great but they get the job done.
B) The level design. It's not bad but it could be better. Basically, the levels for the main quest and for the loyalty quests are pretty good. The level design for some of the other side content is mediocre.

Here is what should be avoided:
1) Almost all of the Tasks side quests. These are usually filler content and most of them should have been cut.
2) The "send out strike teams" mini-game. It's basically a timer game and it should have been cut.
3) Completely exploring each planet. Some planet exploration is fun and some of the planets are better than others. I would leave complete planet exploration to the end and I would focus on completing the main quest and major side quests first.
4) The game has some minor annoying bugs.

I would recommend you give ME: A a try. It's a fun RPG and there is a good chance you will enjoy it if you liked previous games.
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