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Bloodborne load times look to be a bit longer than hoped

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I'm answering the guy saying that calling complaining about 30 second loadings between 15~30 minute play sessions "first world problems" is pointless because it's a videogame forum.

Because complaining about nearly anything video game related would be a first world problem, that's why it's a pointless thing to point out and gives your stance no more substance.

And I hope that I don't die here as often as I did in Dark Souls, or else my death rate will be a lot more often than the time frame you're giving, until I start getting used to an area of course.
Was Destiny's like 10 lightyear long load times complained about like this? Those are awful especially when it's just to get ammo in the tower or something.


As if you're dying all the time. What?

Souls games are not played like unreal tournament. You creep through the world step by step tackling encounters one by one. The risks and consequences of dying are so great you try your damnedest to avoid it at all cost.
The only times I die frequently in souls games are in boss attempts, to be honest. and 30 seconds is hardly going to ruin my experience.

What about PVPing? What about warping around the world to gather up materials and items?

People are forgetting (or ignoring) how often loading pops up in these games after you've beaten the game and are doing all of the extra stuff.
Damn, Miyazaki knows what he's doing. The load times are just as much of a test. A solemn period for you to reflect on how you suck and fucked up.



Was Destiny's like 10 lightyear long load times complained about like this? Those are awful especially when it's just to get ammo in the tower or something.

There were so many more important things to complain about with Destiny, they got overshadowed when it came to forum chatter.
Kind of mind blowing that people would defend this. Yes, I want and expect BB to be awesome, but yes, it sucks if the load times are this long. The kneejerk reaction of circling the wagons is puerile.

I was considering upgrading my PS4 HDD to SSD, this might be the opportunity to do so.

I really hope they patch in some kind of lore. I loved piecing the lore together in DaS games and that would be a step back IMO.


It's the retail 1.00 version. Reviewers on the spoiler page of reddit have noted they could see items during loadtimes, they're on the 1.01 version.

I wouldn't worry about it ..

That's excellent news. If I have something entertaining me while I wait, then whatever. Sometimes those tips remind me of things I'm doing wrong.

Quoted you for the OP.


It's 30 seconds when you first load the game, whenever you go back and forth from the HUB and when you die. Provided you do each of those every 15~30 minutes I think this is the very definition of "first world problems"

I think this adds up. Yeah if you are only loading once every 15 to 30 minutes, minor annoyance. Every time you die and that could be bad when up against a difficult boss. It's not a dealbreaker, but i think it's worthy of complaint. Maybe it's not a big deal for you, but for those of us with very limited time to game, it adds up.

Like I said, not the end of the world, but definitely annoying if it's going to be that long every single death/load.


You're kidding right? Bloodborne is not even out yet and you somehow reached this conclusion already? Because of an apparent difference in load screen graphics?
He's probably comparing Demon's Souls' load screen to Souls titles that are available.


Watching a stream [email="http://www.twitch.tv/wingman3ntertainment" though be careful of spoilers as he is 5 bosses deep by now][/email] and just timed a post-death load time at 28 seconds.


'enry 'ollins
You think I'm saying this out of some blind love for the series? You think I care that you're comparing this "community" (it's a thread full of people arguing over nothing) to another part of the internet?
You obviously do care if you've been posting in this thread. You obviously do care if you're responding to me. I honestly care about the quality of discourse found on gaf. And I do care about Bloodborne being the best game it can be. The blank load screens are a clear step back from any other Souls game, but I'd think that's a pretty likely Day 1 patch thing.

You want to make this game the best it can be? Well, start learning some code and some Japanese and get on over to Japan. I'm sure it'll be a cinch.
I know you're being disingenuous here, but I can actually do both competently =). My current engineering career is much more lucrative than slaving away at crunch time at Japanese wages. So, the next best thing is to air out our concerns.

And for the record, Yoshichan is charming. He's like the GAF Souls mascot. What did he ever do to you to warrant such an outburst? Put him on Ignore if you need to. Put ME on Ignore if you need to. That way you can make this forum an echo chamber to suit your own needs.
I re-read my sentence. I'll take the blame for wording that poorly. I meant the people blindly following along and hyping up Yoshichan, not him personally. Let the record show that I have nothing against him. I even remember being concerned that he hurt his hand and couldn't play during Dark Souls's launch.

I'm not putting people on ignore, because that does create the echo chamber you're describing. Not sure why you would suggest that when I made it clear that's exactly what I didn't want.
Kind of mind blowing that people would defend this. Yes, I want and expect BB to be awesome, but yes, it sucks if the load times are this long. The kneejerk reaction of circling the wagons is puerile.

I was considering upgrading my PS4 HDD to SSD, this might be the opportunity to do so.

I really hope they patch in some kind of lore. I loved piecing the lore together in DaS games and that would be a step back IMO.

It's just not a big deal to some people. Plus these load times are on par with what we had with Demon's/Dark Souls so it really isn't that weird.


It's the retail 1.00 version. Reviewers on the spoiler page of reddit have noted they could see items during loadtimes, they're on the 1.01 version.

I wouldn't worry about it ..

then let the mods ban me, don't spam the thread with this boring, played-out whining that adds nothing to the conversation
Bloodborne PC port begging is also played-out. Don't know what a "everything should be on PC" post adds to the this thread, if you have a PS4 then what's to mourn about? Journey is getting a PS4 release soon so there's that.


Man, hopefully they add some item descriptions or something like dark souls 2 had if they cant improve the loading performance, just give me something to ingest while I wait. You will die over and over in these games as part of the learning process and I know I'll be seeing these screens a lot lol.
Loading is unfortunately something that only gets fixed by streaming assets and that has its own caveats and from has actually never done that if I recall.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
What does owning a ps4 add?

Port begging is port begging.

then let the mods ban me, don't spam the thread with this boring, played-out whining that adds nothing to the conversation

Ploid 3.0

Instead of getting something like this;


the loading screen its just the Bloodborne logo all the time?

I remember staring at these screens a lot, so many fond memories of Demon's Souls. I might just go ahead and get Blood Borne even though I don't have PS+ yet. After I get quite a few games that I must play online I will be able to justify subbing I guess (main PC). After MK 10 though which I'll get on PC because of PS+. Darnit Sony :( .
The load times range from to 10 to 40 seconds. Is the latter longer then I hoped? Sure. It's disappointing too and hopefully a patch down the line can address it.

But, to me, it's not really a big deal. And I've come off DkS1/2 on PC with next to minimal load times.


If this is all I have to worry about in regards to technical "issues" befalling Bloodborne I think I can rest easy until the 27th.


Watching a stream [email="http://www.twitch.tv/wingman3ntertainment" though be careful of spoilers as he is 5 bosses deep by now][/email] and just timed a post-death load time at 28 seconds.

I timed one last night (the live from PS4 streams have a timer on them, which makes this easier to do) that was 52 seconds. That's too long, imo.
30 second load times after death in a game whose existential purpose is to die over and over.

What kind of idiot made that design choice?


For a game where the first half you spend more time dying than playing it's a huge issue for some people.

My very first playthrough of Dark Souls, which took me 80 hours because I was really bad at it, I didn't die for the first two hours of the game.

(And then I fell off a ledge.)

Look, these load times are a disappointment. I'm waiting for launch day, going to judge for myself, and if it's genuinely a pain, then I'll buy an SSHD if Gaffers report back that it makes a difference.

But "you die more than you play" is only true in these games if you YOLO your way around. (Getting well and truly stuck on a hard boss *might* be the only other time but even then I doubt it.)
then let the mods ban me, don't spam the thread with this boring, played-out whining that adds nothing to the conversation

Ummm what. You started port begging in a completely irrelevant thread. port begging isnt relevant in any thread really.
30 second load times after death in a game whose existential purpose is to die over and over.

What kind of idiot made that design choice?

Yes, they designed the game to purposefully have long load times. You must've not have played any other Souls game because these load times are similar.

On Demand

Wow the OP sure is doing his work...


even the dreaded N4G picked it up and it's the hottest thing as of this time. The war is on.

I knew the concern itch is real.....

9 pages about a load time around 35+ seconds.

All about loading. Gaf is giving reviewers some ammo. lol.

Seriously though i'm sure a patch will improve it. I don't see the big deal. I'm surprised the thread is this long. Actually no.....

Nothing else to complain about
PS4 exclusive


Not even stealth port begging. Lol.

That isn't actually port begging, imho; it's a valid point about exclusive games in general, rather than a beg for a specific game. It's certainly the least obnoxious port beg in history if that's what it counts as.


Gold Member
Dude, seriously? What were my intentions? I've had nothing but good things to say about Bloodborne outside of this load time issue.

You are a really weird kind of troll.

QUOTE=DryvBy;156692275]I think this needs it's own topic now.[/QUOTE]


The pot calling the kettle black. You are so concerned about this game's loading times that starting a thread on gaf is enough for you, so you just have to let people more people know about your concern outside of Gaf. Congratulations your concern made it on N4G.
I think this adds up. Yeah if you are only loading once every 15 to 30 minutes, minor annoyance. Every time you die and that could be bad when up against a difficult boss. It's not a dealbreaker, but i think it's worthy of complaint. Maybe it's not a big deal for you, but for those of us with very limited time to game, it adds up.

Like I said, not the end of the world, but definitely annoying if it's going to be that long every single death/load.
But it's par for the course with the series. Demon's could take up to 30 seconds to load, Dark could take a while sometimes and Dark 2's loading times made Bloodborne's look like a fucking PC game's times.

It was never an issue until Dark 2 but that game took fucking forever and you were dying and warping everywhere.


Worships the porcelain goddess
10-50+ seconds is some wild variance in loading times. o_O

Man, I've been in such a PC game mode I've forgotten what load times were. Then I try FFXV demo and it takes forever for the damn game to load up. Then I remembered why I stopped playing Destiny: The damn load times when flying back and forth to places! (Did they ever fix those).

Lets hope these loading times get worked on or something. Dying a lot and waiting 30-40+ seconds each time will absolutely suck. It's not a total dealbreaker, but it will suck.
Load times are just going to be a reality of this generation. We are running off old mechanical hard drives and loading huge amounts of assets into a huge amount of ram.

There's only so much you can do if you aren't an open world game or a super linear one.
Yes, they designed the game to purposefully have long load times. You must've not have played any other Souls game because these load times are similar.

The severity depends on what you're comparing it to, but they're worse than any other Souls game to date. DS2 on consoles had some pretty long loading times but no way was it 30+ seconds, PC versions of DS and DS2 had miniscule loading times so I'm assuming you're not comparing it to those.

It's not too outrageous to expect short loading times for a Souls game on a new gen console.


The load times suck, albeit I don't care all that much. I would like different art or something.

You could use that time to reflect on your mistakes.


30 second load times after death in a game whose existential purpose is to die over and over.

What kind of idiot made that design choice?

Have you ever played a Souls game? Dying over and over?

Yes it's a punishing game and you will indeed die, but this rhetoric is ridiculous. I probably die less in Dark/Demon's souls games than I do in nearly every other action game.


Those load times are too long, and the load screen is crap. Seems most agree with that, but not on how important it is.

One the one hand, if this is the game's biggest issue, then fuck it, right? It can still be GOTY. Just need a bit more patience every so often.

On the other hand, if you come to a section where you're dying every 2-3 minutes then this could really affect your experience.

Hopefully they can reduce the time through patches and at least add something interesting to read to the load screen. It's disappointing, but doesn't really affect my anticipation of the game.
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