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Budget deal reached in Congress- No funding for border wall

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sparkle this bitch
Per Bloomberg:

Seems to be a all-around maintaining of budget course for the time being, with the GOP likely believing they will have the political capital to make cuts aligning to the White House's framework at the end of the fiscal year once this budget expires.

Sounds good then.


if he somehow coerced the republican controlled government to push and pass single payer health care and dubbed it trumpcare, i wouldn't give a flying fuck and i'd actually thank for him

that'll never happen though

So would I. But Trump showing up at my door and handing me a million seems just as likely with the way the Republican congress is behaving right now. And yes I would take that too even though I hate his guts.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Fortunately it seems that not even a demagogue like Trump can change the tendency of Congress to be mostly centrist/moderate.

Once 2018 comes and the Democrats hopefully take back the house, we're back to gridlock as usual in terms of legislation.


Per Bloomberg:

Seems to be a all-around maintaining of budget course for the time being, with the GOP likely believing they will have the political capital to make cuts aligning to the White House's framework at the end of the fiscal year once this budget expires.

I mean, if that's really the play, then that's bad news for the administration. Because I sincerely doubt the Trump government is going to have more political capital in a few months somehow. What are moderate Republican House members going to do after months more of the White House just fucking up?

Trump can do a lot of damage - errrr I mean, "fulfill some of his agenda" from within the executive branch, but his ability to help legislative lifts doesn't bode well for his party.


Any response from Trump on this deal? He got nothing out of this. Which is good all around and thankfully shows that republicans will ignore him to get things done properly. At least on some things.


Did I just transport to the Hillary Wins universe?!? Or maybe even the GORE UNIVERSE?!?!?


Oh... well .... I mean, this is good right?
Did I just transport to the Hillary Wins universe?!? Or maybe even the GORE UNIVERSE?!?!?


Oh... well .... I mean, this is good right?

This is basically a budget that would have been passed had the Democrats held the House, it is like looking into a weird bizarro timeline where stuff was different (GOP won the Senate and Presidency, Democrats took the House)

Likely a preview of the 2020 and 2021 budgets.
Any response from Trump on this deal? He got nothing really out of this. Which is good all around and thankfully shows that republicans will ignore him to get things done properly. At least on some things.

Silence. Probably working out how to spin it like a good thing for them somehow

Game Guru

They spent 8 years being the party that united under their hatred of the first Black President. It has left them a party of splintered factions where they can't get even their most basic promises met as they usually can't agree on how evil something needs to be. They're a fucking joke.

Basically, the only thing that kept the Republicans together was their hatred of the Clintons and of Obama... Now, Obama is out of office unable to run for president again, and Hillary Clinton has been denied the presidency. The Republicans' enemies are either powerless or defeated, but the hatred is still there and is now being turned inward towards the party itself. Now it's true that Democrats fight each other as well, especially between the centrists and the progressives, but they will unite in the end.


Basically, the only thing that kept the Republicans together was their hatred of the Clintons and of Obama... Now, Obama is out of office unable to run for president again, and Hillary Clinton has been denied the presidency. The Republicans' enemies are either powerless or defeated, but the hatred is still there and is now being turned inward towards the party itself. Now it's true that Democrats fight each other as well, especially between the centrists and the progressives, but they will unite in the end.

thats putting too much thought to it.

Its much easier to say no and be united as a minority where nothing is expected of you. Its much harder to say yes and have to do something.
Basically, the only thing that kept the Republicans together was their hatred of the Clintons and of Obama... Now, Obama is out of office unable to run for president again, and Hillary Clinton has been denied the presidency. The Republicans' enemies are either powerless or defeated, but the hatred is still there and is now being turned inward towards the party itself. Now it's true that Democrats fight each other as well, especially between the centrists and the progressives, but they will unite in the end.

I won't say that hatred has been turned inward as much as they've got so many people who want different degrees of things they just can't operate on a lot of key things like health care or tax reform.

Game Guru

thats putting too much thought to it.

Its much easier to say no and be united as a minority where nothing is expected of you. Its much harder to say yes and have to do something.

I won't say that hatred has been turned inward as much as they've got so many people who want different degrees of things they just can't operate on a lot of key things like health care or tax reform.

Fair enough.
This is a definitive loss on just about every front for Trump and the GOP. How they manage to spin this I have no idea, unless that 100 days propaganda campaign ad of theirs is the real response
This is a definitive loss on just about every front for Trump and the GOP. How they manage to spin this I have no idea, unless that 100 days propaganda campaign ad of theirs is the real response

Oh its easy to see how they'll spin it. The budget got additional funding for the military/security, that's all they need.
Man I keep jumping pages in this thread to try and see where the catch is but it seems fine?

Like I'm not one for increased defense spending but other than that it seems pretty reasonable and even good for the left?

Maybe all Mondays aren't the worst thing ever


Man I keep jumping pages in this thread to try and see where the catch is but it seems fine?

Like I'm not one for increased defense spending but other than that it seems pretty reasonable and even good for the left?

Maybe all Mondays aren't the worst thing ever

The GOP really really really did not want to shut down their own government.
This is a definitive loss on just about every front for Trump and the GOP. How they manage to spin this I have no idea, unless that 100 days propaganda campaign ad of theirs is the real response
Still waiting for the other shoe to drop. After the last few months, it almost seems too good to be true
The period that we're in now is typically the strongest that a newly elected president ever has during their tenure. If you look back on how much legislation the Bush 43 WH got passed in their first 100 days after a contested election and compare it to what Trump has checked off of his to-do list it paints a completely bleak picture for him going forward once this "honeymoon" period ends. He somehow seems to be more lame duck now than Obama was in his final year in office with the exception of actually getting a supreme court pick seated.
Oh its easy to see how they'll spin it. The budget got additional funding for the military/security, that's all they need.
Oh, but even there is the delicious part where the Trump admin has to present a concrete plan to congress to defeat ISIS, which should give the Democrats plenty of room to attack and criticise.
Did I just transport to the Hillary Wins universe?!? Or maybe even the GORE UNIVERSE?!?!?


Oh... well .... I mean, this is good right?

This is what happens when the GOP are faced with looking like fucking idiots of epic proportions a year before the midterms.


I wonder if Trump voters tired of all this winning. I just wish I could interview some on everything that he has done the past few weeks. His turn on China, strike on Syria, not getting anything he wanted passed etc.
hmmm... I wonder if Republicans are behind the scenes agreeing to not work with Trump on anything. Let things like Supreme Court nominations go through, but stop him on stupid stuff like the wall.
That wall will not do anything to stem immigration, and it's construction will be a constant reminder of Republican waste and inefficiency for decades to come. Hard to campaign as the protectors of small government and low waste when your opponent can simply point to the expensive, ineffective wall your party insisted on building.
This is what happens when you've got party leaders who are competent (Schumer, Pelosi) and party leaders who aren't (Ryan). Mitch knows his shit and gives no fucks about Trump or HFC people trying to kick him out; he'll be Senator McConnell long after there's a President Trump or any of the fuckhead Representatives in the HFC. The only thing that would lose him his seat is passing their dumb bills, which is why he never will.





How's Amtrak and transit in general?
Increased funding over 2016 levels.

The bill would provide $12.4 billion in funding for the Federal Transit Administration, $657 million above the FY 2016 enacted level. Transit formula grants total $9.7 million. About $2.4 billion would go toward "New Starts" funding, including $1.5 billion for current Full Funding Grant Agreement transit projects, according to an APTA legislative summary.

Amtrak would receive a $75 million increase to $1.495 billion in FY2017.

The omnibus spending bill, passed on Sunday, saves Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grants and increases funding for the Federal Transit Administration's Capital Investment program, despite the Trump administration's move to eliminate both initiatives in his preliminary 2018 budget proposal.
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