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Dragon Quest: Builders Review Thread


I'm also a "review in progress", and I'm hugely enjoying it. It definitely has smaller "I wish this or that was different" issues, but as a sort of Minecraft with purpose game, damn is it addictive.


Good reviews; i really enjoyed my time with the Demo. If this month wasn't so tight on money, i would get the game Day 1
I never got hooked on Minecraft because I never felt any real satisfaction from building a new mansion or creating a town with friends. Dragon Quest Builders delivered that feeling to me by making me care for villagers and setting me on some great RPG-like quests. It is easily my preferred title in the crafting game genre.

As someone who bought Minecraft way back when Mojang was still a small independent company and there was just one Java PC version and that's it, this quote speaks to me. I remember playing some of it and not really knowing what to do, but more importantly why I was doing anything at all. Dwarf Fortress is pretty sandboxy to me but for some reason there was a lot more form around "build a fortress and survive" than what I found in Minecraft.

I probably could've spent more time trying to get used to everything and reading up on what I'm supposed to do, but it was really easy at the time to bounce off the game. DQ Builders apparently being easy for newcomers to jump into as well as being more directed than Minecraft have both put this on my radar.


my daughter played the demo and loved it..(she's a minecraft player too)

and checking it out online, the game length is a nice 50 to 60 hours or 100 if you want to be a complete finish (side quests etc)

Those are some good reviews. The demo thread was super positive so I wouldn't say I'm surprise by them, but you never really know how it'll be received over here, especially with the fusion of genres. Some people in the demo thread had noted it was too long winded for them. Super psyched myself, and even though it's across different platforms it was a good play having DQVII and builders not too closer but in and around each other. I think I'll just be finishing up vii and this will be a nice game to move onto.


Looking good. Had to try really hard not to get too invested in the demo as the save doesn't carry over, had a lot of fun teasing that dragon though!
That's basically what the demo became for me: something to fuck around with the dragon. Full game I won't want to lose stuff on fools errands that would be more pragmatic later, while I don't really give a crap about what my character keeps in the demo.


I had a blast playing the demo and I can't wait to play the full version.

Way too high for a game severely lacking in multiplayer. It is fun though.

This post makes no sense as it means by your logic that other single player games shouldn't get high scores because...reasons.

Just because it doesn't have multiplayer doesn't mean that the game should automatically be given a low score especially when it's clear that a lot of work went into the game.
Very well recieved demo, good early reviews. SE is confident in this one

Could this be a DQ game that actually sells?
I think it will do okay but it would need that internet surge from word of mouth to really push some units. We'll see though. SE may update sales fr it worldwide down the line.


My 7 year old is having a blast with the demo, haven't tried it myself yet.
So bought though.

For the kids, only the kids ;)

This being said, I wish they had incorporated local co op like a lego game or Minecraft tbh.


i can't wait for this game to come out next week. I played 12 hours or so of the demo. Never was a fan of minecraft and this accomplished what I always wanted.

it is a shame that this is no co-op because my wife, who does not play video games, was actually impressed with it and actually wanted to try it out with me playing co-op.

I know this is asking too soon, but i really hope for a sequel that incorporates some extra stuff and co-op.

Tuesday can't come quick enough.
So a game is only good if it has multi-player?

It isn't, but some games benefit from having it. This was one that definitely could have and while I loved the demo, I'm in a weird place of kinda wanting it/kinda not because I can't play with my son. Dragon quest heroes was another one like that and they're adding it in the sequel. I'm sure co-op would be added in builders should it get a sequel as well. The game design would work perfectly for multiplayer.


I have a feeling Ill pick this up regardless, but Im curious to hear Gerstmanns impressions as he has been excited for it since messing with it at E3.


I played the demo on both the ps4 and vita, the vita version ran really well. You could get it for either system and be happy with it.


Hoping the reviews translate into sales, since everybody liked Heroes and it was visually gorgeous but it got no exposure and bombed.


Oh man, these review scores are getting me excited. I can't wait to see DQ7 3DS sales numbers.

Could 2016 be the year DQ is revived in the west?!

It isn't, but some games benefit from having it. This was one that definitely could have and while I loved the demo, I'm in a weird place of kinda wanting it/kinda not because I can't play with my son. Dragon quest heroes was another one like that and they're adding it in the sequel. I'm sure co-op would be added in builders should it get a sequel as well. The game design would work perfectly for multiplayer.

Yeah, DQH2 included multiplayer, so I would imagine if they make a DQB2 it would also iterate in the same fashion. You've gotta start somewhere.


Neo Member
Way too high for a game severely lacking in multiplayer. It is fun though.

Yeah, I don't understand why you would base a game off minecraft without including an integral part of what made it so popular. Online-play is a huge part of why minecraft is so successful. Excited regardless, won't be a day 1 buy for me, but will definitely be getting this eventually!


Neo Member
This is like one of the only demos I finished in it's entirety and then was dying for more. I cannot wait for next week.


I was impressed by what I saw of the demo on GameXplain. If I wasn't already swamped with other games, I'd probably give it a try.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Glad to see the reviews doing well. As really is a fantastic game for SQEXs first attempt at the genre mashed together with a well loved IP.


Any major difference between PS4 and PSVita versions aside from graphics?
Loved the demo, still undecided in which platform I'll grab it


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Any major difference between PS4 and PSVita versions aside from graphics?
Loved the demo, still undecided in which platform I'll grab it

Do you like going blind or not?

Jokes aside its more down to where do you plan on playing more? On the go or at home.

Since if its at home you might as well get the PS4 version.
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