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Dumbest, funniest, and most annoying things kids do while playing games?

Post annecdotes of stupid things you've seen kids do while playing games.

One time I was at Wal-Mart and I was playing the Zelda: WW demo, and some kid walks over to me, asks if he can play (this is RIGHT after I started), I told him he can when I beat the boss; not a minute later he starts trying to grab the controller, and I shoved him aside. He then went and told his mom. Luckily by this time I had beaten the boss, so I just left.


When little kids run up and starts yanking on the controllers and smashing the buttons and such, but there's no credits in the machine.

That annoys the hell out of me, for whatever reason.


I was playing Metroid Prime and this little kid just sat next to me asking he wants to play, it was my GC so I told him to wait. After 2-3 minutes, he asked again, I told him to wait. We repeated this pleasant routine about 4 more times until I yelled at him "Damn you annoying!! This is why your mom and dad divorced each other!!!" So my nephew left my side almost crying.(I kid, I kid!!!)

I just told him if he doesn't want to turn into my niece, he better shut up.


I'm sure everyone's seen the "raise the controller up to try and make Mario jump higher" motion. But that's not just kids, I've seen lots of people do that.

And the little punks in arcades can be annoying.


Yeah the whole swaying the controller erratically left, right, up or down when playing gets to me, as if that makes any difference.


I did a backflip (from a sitting position) after finally beating Event 51 in Super Smash Bros Melee without actually trying... but I was 20 at the time so I dont think that counts...

I hate kids who get mad at the controller when they can't play the games. Always end up breaking something.


Heh... when my dad is pitching in baseball videogames, he raises the controller up to his face so that he's peering over the op of the controller.

I asked him wtf that was all about, and he said that it's how Roger Clemens pitches, and he just picked it up somehow. Pretty funny to see.


Console Market Analyst
My nephew wants to quit whenever he meets even the most mildest of challenges. If there's a conflict of any kind, he gets frustrated and throws the controller down.

I told my brother to take a paternity test, because pussies don't run in the family.


I always find it humorous watching my little cousin moving his head to the direction he's moving the character/car on screen. Sent him crying to his mom once cuz we were all laughing right behind him....
I used to stick my tongue out while playing games. Actually lots of kids do this while doing anything requiring a fair amount of dexterity. I don't notice it but my friends have said they've seen me do it occasionally while playing Time Crisis or Dance Dance Revoltuion.

Also, I don't really consider it annoying, just silly.
When I was little and it wasn't my turn I'd sit there and mimic the onscreen movements with the p2 controller. My mom used to laugh cause she could never figure out if I was really playing or not. I used to stick my tongue out all over the place while playing too, still do sometimes.

Doth Togo

Synbios459 said:
Post annecdotes of stupid things you've seen kids do while playing games.

One time I was at Wal-Mart and I was playing the Zelda: WW demo, and some kid walks over to me, asks if he can play (this is RIGHT after I started), I told him he can when I beat the boss; not a minute later he starts trying to grab the controller, and I shoved him aside. He then went and told his mom. Luckily by this time I had beaten the boss, so I just left.

The kid deserved ownage.
Something I see kids do that I think is funny has been something I've seen since I first played videogames.

Basically, they move the controller where ever it is they're trying to go in the game. If they want to run left, they jam down the button or the stick and move their arms in that direction. It's like they're driving a car.
Once while I was at EB a little urchin was playing a Mario Party game on a kiosk there. He'd jump up and down and clap whenever he managed to do something right. This was, oh, every five seconds or so. Drove me nuts.

Justin Bailey

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Goreomedy said:
My nephew wants to quit whenever he meets even the most mildest of challenges. If there's a conflict of any kind, he gets frustrated and throws the controller down.

I told my brother to take a paternity test, because pussies don't run in the family.

Weird thing is, a LOT of kids are like that these days. I mean, fuck man, how many times did I play the same level Ninja Gaiden when I was a kid just to be able to get to the next one and do it all over again? Gosh durn whippersnappers *shakes cane in air*


Well, the stupidest thing they DON'T do while playing videogames, especially in my store, is to NOT go to the bathroom when they're bursting at the seams to do so. A week ago, there was a kid standing by the GC-demo, waiting for his mom to come (she was in another store). When he first arrived, he just stood there and watched someone else play. Then, he started moving his feet a little. Back and forth. Back and forth. Then, he started walking in circles. Fingers twitching. Arms shuddering. Legs moving faster. And he moved around inside a very little area on the floor, his head constantly switching between watching the GC and a tv up on the wall showing a video of lots of games. The demo was deserted, and he started playing, finally, his legs stomping furiously. After a little while of still-standing acrobatics, it was back out on the floor again, his routine of walking around in circles, swinging his arms and watching to and fro between the two tvs interspersed with a bit of back and forth-stepping speeded up considerably from last time. About seven minutes in, it all reaches a bit of a crisis. He jerks his body around, breaks into a jog which goes in a wide circle, and flaps his arms! As if flying would lessen the pressure! Then he runs out. And comes back in, and resumes his routine, only with more elaborate steps. It looks a lot like the aerobics-sessions at the gym. He runs in and out several times, too. Finally, after fifteen minutes, his mom comes and he runs to the bathroom. Which is directly outside.

It turned out that he didn't dare to go to the bathroom before because he was told to stay with us and wait until his mother arrived. Poor guy! He was almost exploding...

The best thing is that I have it all on a cd, copied from our surveillance-system. The flapping-part in the middle is absolutely hilarious! I'm planning to add music to it, and maybe putting it out on the net somewhere... but then again, I probably won't. Wouldn't look too good if I did. Maybe I'll make an avatar out of it.

Justin Bailey

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thomaser said:
The best thing is that I have it all on a cd, copied from our surveillance-system. The flapping-part in the middle is absolutely hilarious! I'm planning to add music to it, and maybe putting it out on the net somewhere...



For a Finer World
I'm all for kids playing videogames. It's a good form of entertainment... as long as their parents watch what they are doing.

Xbox Live + kids just doesnt add up to an enjoyable gaming experience. Enough said: singing, swearing, whining...
Once when I was at work this guy came in and started playing The Wind Waker. He goes into Orca's house and starts sword training. Now, I'm sure we all remember that Orca gives you VERY specific instructions on what to do here. And how he SCREAMS at you whenever you mess up.
So picture this guy hitting nothing but B for about 5 minutes, and Orca screaming at his dumbass every 3 seconds. He finally put the controller down and walked out, but not before telling us, "game sucks."


I'm sure everyone's seen the "raise the controller up to try and make Mario jump higher" motion. But that's not just kids, I've seen lots of people do that.

I was going to mention that. I find that amusing though, cute even. My sister does it. :p
i have a cousin who was like 6, and felt like it was his duty to collect EVERY SINGLE coin in every level whenever he played a Super Mario game. And he'd never make Mario run, always walking through the levels.
There was this kid in elementry that used to come over to my house to play Nintendo. He was a soccer player so whenever he played games he freaking KICKED HIS LEGS AND KICKED MY FUCKING NINTENDO!


Ninja Scooter said:
i have a cousin who was like 6, and felt like it was his duty to collect EVERY SINGLE coin in every level whenever he played a Super Mario game.


Drunky McMurder
My little brother's friend used to hold the controller upside down.

Until he was probably 13 years old, near the end of N64's life, he held controllers upside down. Never figured out how the hell he'd manage to play through games(and play through them well) like that. When the N64 came out, I thought he'd never be able to pull it off, but he did for at least two years.


I remember I was at a family friend's for dinner and these little kids were there. I brought some '64 game over, I think it was Mario Kart so they could play it on his '64. I noticed this one kid wasn't playing (they were all about 7-8). So I asked him if he wanted to try, and he said "oh no no!". Then I said that it's super fun, and he should give it a shot. Still, "no, that's ok!".

Sounded like he wanted to run away.

Then I asked why not, and he explained that he had never played before. I then further elaborated that he'll never play any game if that's his excuse not to play.

He looked confused.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
i was playing metal arms the other day - and i shit you not - i actually moved my head down to see if i could peer further under an archway that was blocking my view :|

well, at least i was immersed :p


Growing up, one of friends had a younger brother (10 or 11 years old at the time) that refused to sit down while playing games. He would stand for 30, 40 minutes playing whatever game and he wasn't a trim fellow either. He claimed he didn't play well sitting down.


One of my cousins used to throw his controller at your head if he wasn't winning. That annoyed me to no end, since my reaction was to beat the crap out of him, and then I to the blame.

And I've seen plenty of adults swaying around while they're playing. It's not that they think they're going to change things, it's just habit that they don't bother to think about.
Mumbles said:
And I've seen plenty of adults swaying around while they're playing. It's not that they think they're going to change things, it's just habit that they don't bother to think about.

Yeah, I do that all the time. It may look dumb, but so what? I'm not going to hold my entire body, let alone my hands, in a single stiff position just so I don't bug somebody else. It's just how I react to the game.


Console Market Analyst
MrAngryFace said:
There was this kid in elementry that used to come over to my house to play Nintendo. He was a soccer player so whenever he played games he freaking KICKED HIS LEGS AND KICKED MY FUCKING NINTENDO!

Um... your name isn't Travis, is it?


My girlfriend has the tendancy to go after every single coin in a Mario level, but if the time is running out, she hauls ass. One of her sisters tends to be a human joystick (the act of moving in the direction you want your character to move). For me, when I play, my mouth sometimes hangs open a little bit and I can't figure out why, but I have been trying to break that habit. The most annoying was when 7-11's used to have arcade cabinets and every now and then after school I'd take 3 leftover quarters I had from lunch and pump them into the Capcom Aliens Vs Predator machine and beat the game to its finish. One day, while on the last level, some asshole next to me on the NBA Jam machine wanted to make sure he had a perfect record with his initials and flipped off the surge protector for all the machines before it could be saved. The prick gave me my quarter back, but I was still upset because for me, at the time, that was three quarters of progress lost -- not just one.


julls said:
i was playing metal arms the other day - and i shit you not - i actually moved my head down to see if i could peer further under an archway that was blocking my view :|

well, at least i was immersed :p
<--- Guilty. I do that all the time in 3D games.


When they're playing a racing game on the kiosks at work, they physically lean like it's going to help them turn sharper.


bjork said:
When little kids run up and starts yanking on the controllers and smashing the buttons and such, but there's no credits in the machine.

That annoys the hell out of me, for whatever reason.

Same here. That's annoying beyond ... well ... a lot of things.


I remember when I was younger, I used to go to my local KB Toys (the one I work at now, ironically) and play Killer Instinct on their SNES. And like, the employees there would want to fight me to watch me whip out these disgusting 30 and 40+ hit combos. I thought I was the coolest kid ever, even if I was probably an inside joke to them. lol.


I was at a GameStop once and these two kids (probably 7 year olds) were playing a game against each other. I'd bet a million dollars that one of the kids shit in their pants. And the two seven year olds were capping on each other, too.

Kid One: You suck at this game!
Kid Two: YOU are no good!
Kid One: I know you aren't!
Kid Two: I'm better than you!
Kid One: I know you aren't.
Kid Two: You loser!
Kid One: I know you are.
Kid Two: You're cool. (obviously trying to trick Kid One)
Kid One: I know I am.

I wanted to kick Kid One a bit more since he started the arguement. And I think he's the one who shit in his pants too.
I hate it when you are playing multiplayer games with them and they ask you to let them win and they get satisfaction out of it!


Red Dolphin said:
I hate it when you are playing multiplayer games with them and they ask you to let them win and then get satisfaction out of it!

Heh... and the satisfaction is really... satisfying to them. I'd let a 4 year old win, but 7 year olds should get little slack.


some kid picked his nose and scratched his balls while playing at a GC kiosk, that was about 1 year and a half ago, but i still remember that.


My little brother brings his stupid friends come over to our house to play Perfect Dark and theres one chinese friend of his that always tilts and moves his head when approaching a corner, strafing or just moving around. It so damn annoying because to make things worse he is absolutely pathetic in multiplayer. He has a hard time killing meat sims and when he starts to move his head (as if that friggen game is so damn realistic, especially with the 8 locked rock solid frame rates) I get this surge of anger to just snap his neck for having one of the worlds most annoying FPS newb symptoms.

Thanks GAF for letting me vent.
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