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EA is planning ‘weeks’ of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor patches to fix bugs and performance issues


Gold Member

Electronic Arts has said it’s planning to address Star Wars Jedi: Survivor bugs and performance issues with a series of post-release patches.

Following a six-week delay designed to “achieve the level of polish our fans deserve”, the Respawn-developed sequel will be released on April 28. Shortly after reviews dropped on Wednesday, EA said the game’s first patch will arrive on launch day for all platforms.

And “in the weeks ahead”, it’s planning to release patches that will fix bugs, improve performance and introduce more accessibility features.



Why not just wait to release it til its finished? Fucking sick of greedy publishers forcing games out before they are finished, then promising to finish them later in patches. These games are early access games in everything but title. This trend of release it now finish it later just adds to the feeling that AAA gaming is permanatley fucked. I wont be spending a dime on this until its finished. I didnt buy halo infinite until they added online coop, and i wont buy redfall until the performance mode is in, because these are early access games, and greedy lazy publishers think they can pull wool over our eyes.
And people still defend preorders

This Industry is pathetic
I am 99% against preorders but I do sometimes preorder a game. I preordered Diablo 4/TOTK and have no regrets because I feel like the benefits are worth it and I feel confident the games will be good.

The rest of the time it's fucking stupid. You don't run out of digital copies, getting hold of a physical copy isn't an issue unless it's a niche game, most preorder bonuses are shit, and companies just want your money up front before releasing a shitty ass broken product.
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Gold Member
Definitely waiting to see how a few patches help. This upsets me because i really loved the original and i platinumed it on PS4.

It seems to me that the review scores didn't dock any points at all for all these technical issues, where they definitely should have. Seeing as this game is also next gen only, there really is no excuse for this.


as I said in another thread, this needs to happen:

I'm telling you, one of 2 things need to happen for this to ever have a chance to change.

option 1: every major launcher and console manufacturer needs to charge at least 5x to 10x as much money as consoles do now for patch verification.

or option 2: patches are not allowed from the day the gold master is delivered, to 5 to 6 weeks after launch.
meaning no day 1 patch, no day 0 patch, no patch 3 days after launch.
developers send in the Gold Master that gets pressed onto discs, and that's the state the game will be in for more than a month, hell I'd even extend it to 2 full months tbh.

option 1 would mean patches are expensive so publishers have an incentive to patch as little as possible.

while option 2 would mean a disastrous launch version would be stuck in the state it is in for 2 months, with the consumers knowing the game will not be patched "in the coming days", as many devs always say to get people to buy the game anyway in the hopes of a quick patch.
this would mean if a publisher pushes out a broken game, it would be a way bigger PR disaster than it currently is.
and also, reviewers can't do that whole "maybe it will be fixed with the day 1 patch" shit.

I'm for option 2 here,
not only because that would mean unfinished/unplayable disc releases would be a thing of the past, but also because should a broken game release, the developers would have a full 2 months to fix it, without the constant small and insignificant patches distracting them.


hide your water-based mammals
You really do hate to see when this kind of stuff happens and do not wish them any failure or anything like that. I'm sure the developers work very hard but this is a combination of that and management wanting to get it out the door.

You should not need to put out information like this or tweet out what is damage control or whatever you want to label it, especially prior to release.

I'm even debating on selling the deluxe edition that I got for free on Steam just because stuff like this I don't really feel like rewarding per se. Granted I did get the game by buying the CPU that I bought but even that feels somewhat dirty.

It seems like the game is being received well also, so it makes it more frustrating to see technical issues across the board. And that's not even getting started on the same issue we've had on PC with certain high budget releases which come out fairly unoptimized and that's putting it generously.


Gold Member
I guess I’ll wait a few weeks after release to consider it then…lol
The wise decision. Same.

I remember back in the day when reviewers would talk about technical/performance issues and games would get docked for it. But that was the generation that grew up more technically adept and not the new normie ones dumbed down by sMaRt pHoNeS practically unable to play games to boot.
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Not surprising, but at least they did acknowledge it. Release now, patch later is becoming way too common though. When people say this is definitely, unquestionably the best generation of gaming ever, it’s reasons like this why I have to laugh in their face.
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I got the GOTY of Fallen Order and it was Bubsy 3D level of incompetence as far as collision detection, animation, and controls. It did nave very nice graphics (at least in the first two areas) and sound. It almost held my interest for the entire game too but I stopped caring after fighting the evil jedi guy. I'll glady pick up this one when it goes on sale for $5 in a few years.


You should've got a code for buying a 7700X. Why haven't you got one? I'm more than happy to give you the code but not if you already have got one.
I bought my CPU off Amazon here in Australia a few months ago when I built my new PC, it never came with any code or redemption for a code, just the sealed CPU box. I definitely don't have a code. I wouldn't ask if I had one, that would be greedy! Lol
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Ah yes, release it now, fix all the problems later approach lol. Should have just slapped on the "early access" defense tag. Depressing that this is how studios have been releasing games.


Of course they are, they have to. The release window is their fault, not Respawns. So if anyone is to blame for anything, I'd blame the publisher before blaming the developer. Which, is all EA.


Gold Member
I'm fine with it. Release it now so I don't have to pay full price when the good version comes out.


Next time people whould pay games with these



Gold Member
Yet another game I'll wait 6 months before buying so it can be fixed. Add it to the list.
Ditto, and since it’s single player only there isn’t an element of FOMO to make me feel like I need it any sooner. I’ll give it 4-6 months for patches and, as an added bonus for waiting, the retail version will inevitably be half off of more.
I will be voting with my wallet then and waiting a good month or so before buying. Not only will I get it for less but will also get a more polished experience. Until more people start doing this publishers will not learn and keep releasing the same buggy games.
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